How to get PAGE_NAME value in FitNesse test? - fitnesse

I see that there are *PAGE_NAME* and *PAGE_PATH* global variables but I can't find a way to get their value in neither Fit pages nor Fit SetUp / SuiteSetUp pages - I tried obvious ways, all came back as "undefined variable".
Is there any other way to get a current page's/test's name?
any help would be greatly appreciated

It's not completely clear from your question what you've tried, but based on the FitNesse user guide, variable names need to be escaped like so: ${name}.
Including ${PAGE_NAME} or ${PAGE_PATH} in a test or suite works OK in my local FitNesse.


Rails to_s Mechanics

Hey guys this has been tripping me up quite a bit. So here is the general problem:
I am writing an application that requires users to enter their Summoner Names from league of legends. I do a pretty simple data scrape of a match and enter the data into my database. Unfortunately I am having some errors registering users with "special characters".
For this example I will use one problem user: RIÇK
As you can see RICK != RIÇK. So when I do the data scrub from the site I get the correct value which I push onto an array for later use.
Once I need the player names I pull from the array as follows: (player_names is the array)
#temp_player = User.find_by_username(player_names[i].to_s)
The problem is the users with any special characters are not being pulled. Should I not be using find_by? Is to_s changing my original values? I am really quite lost on what to do and would greatly appreciate any help / advice.
Thanks in advance,
I would like to thank Brian Kung for the link to the following: It does a great job giving the bare minimum a programmer truly needs to understand.
For my particular issue I had used a HTML scraper to get the contents but which kept HTML entries throughout. When using these with my SQL lookups it was obvious that things were not being found. In order to fix this I used the HTMLEntities Gem to decode the text as follows (as soon as I put the into the array originally):
requires 'RubyGems' #without this cannot include htmlentries as a gem
requires 'HTMLEntries'
coder =
line = '<'
The Takeaway
When working with text and if running into errors I would strongly recommend tracing the strings you are working with to the origin and truly understanding what encoding is being used in each process. By doing this you can easily find where things are going wrong.

ViewModel in ZF2

I am working on a project and was wondering if anyone else has messed with the view model much. Im looking for some examples on how to inject other view models i.e header,footer content.
I already have the template and layout path switching Im just trying to figure out the best way to handle if I select layout1 and it has 3 footer content fields, and a slider so how would put a class in front of the render to gather and inject required data
Ok I guess I should clarify LOL .... slight ADHD where my mind wanders.
What should I listen for before injecting the viewmodels or can I do this in my onBootStrap() in my main module. I currently
$sites = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('Application\Model\Sites');
$sr = $sites->getSiteByDomain();
Since many domains and/or subdomains can point to this and puts info in a session. Maybe im over thinking it and should just extend actionController like I did in ZF1
LOL PHP so many ways to do something ......
Thx for any pointers
There's two helpful links i can give you. One is the playground of Rob Allen alias Akrabat, you can find his playground right over here at github. The other one would be the official documentation which is nicely documented on this part.
If those don't help you, you should specify your question and show us what you've tried so far.

How to fill tinymce-rails editor with capybara and selenium?

I have trouble with using capybara to test tinymce form. I'm using tinymce-rails and have 7 editors in my form. Also I'm using asciimath plugin with tinymce.
Everything works fine, but I'm unable to write tests to fill in tinymce editor.
Here is how my step definition code looks like, very similar to what is described here:
within_frame("content_ifr") do
editor = page.find_by_id('tinymce')
editor.native.send_keys 'test'
The problem is when I run the following:
editor.native.clear # works, clear the editor area, I'm testing this with pry
editor.native.send_keys :tab # works, moves focus to next input
editor.native.send_keys 'test' # returns "", nothing happens, nothing in editor
So clear and send_keys :tab work as expected. But I can't send any string. send_keys function is always returning empty string, and nothing happens when I do test using pry.
What is going wrong here? and how can I debug / investigate the problem?
I know that this is an old question but I just found it while trying to solve this issue as well.
Although the original question said that he has 7 tinymce's on the same page I think that my solution might work for him too but I do know it will work if there is one tinymce as was my case.
In my request spec I used this:
page.execute_script('$(tinymce.editors[0].setContent("my content here"))')
The page.execute_script with tell it to run the jQuery function. It then finds the first tincymce editor and sets the content.
Worked like a charm for me. I think if there are more than one tinymce it can be called by its position.
Switching to chrome as described here solved my problem.
Obviously the problem is related with a bug in firefox driver.
Still i think it is a valid question for firefox.
Try to switch to an iframe that contains tinymce textarea input, and than send_keys:
# +session+ is an instance of Capybara::Session class
browser = session.driver.browser
I had the same issue. After a day fighting, my tests finally passed.
The code that I am using is:
within_frame("producto_condiciones_ifr") do
editor = page.find_by_id('tinymce')
editor.native.send_keys 'filling text'
The first line is a method of capybara. The parameter passed is the ID of the iframe.
Line #2 is a must.
In line #3 goes the text that you wish to place inside TinyMCE
just came across this problem with RoR and rspec
I managed to solve by doing this:
within_frame { page.find_by_id("tinymce").set("new content here") }
the set method will replace any existing content by the new one
if you want to keep the current content and add things to it, use the send_keys method

Is there a best method to evaluate URL variables to determine the appropriate page?

I am using ColdFusion 9.0.1.
I have a new web site that uses Bikes.cfm and Makers.cfm as template pages. I need to be able to pass BikeID and MakerID to both of the these pages, along with other variables. I don't want to use the Actual page name in the URL, such as this:
I want my URL to look more like this:
I need to NOT specify the page name in the URL.
I want these two URLs to access different data: // goes to bike page // goes to maker page
So, if BikeID appears in the URL before MakerID, go to the Bikes.cfm page. If MakerID appears before BikeID, go the Makers.cfm page.
Is there an easy and existing method to arrange the URL keys in such a way to have them point to the appropriate page?
Should I just parse the the URL as a list and determine the first ID and go to the appropriate page? Is there a better way?
Any thoughts or hints or ideas would be appreciated.
UPDATE -- It certainly appears that using the order of parameters in a URL is a bad idea for the following reasons:
1) many programs append variables to the URL
2) some programs may reorder the variables
3) GoogleBot may not consider order relevant and will most likely not index the site correctly.
Thanks to everyone who provided advice in a positive manner that my approach was probably a bad idea and would not produce the results I wanted. Thanks to everyone who suggested alternate means to produce the results I wanted.
If anyone of you positive people would like to put your positive comment/advice as an answer, I'd be happy to accept it as the answer.
Despite my grave misgivings about the whole idea, here's how I would do it if I were forced to do so:
<cfswitch expression="#ListFirst(cgi.query_string, '=')#">
<cfcase value="BikeID">
<cfinclude template="Bikes.cfm">
<cfcase value="MakerID">
<cfinclude template="Makers.cfm">
<cfinclude template="Welcome.cfm">

MVC3 Razor and Javascript - lots of syntax errors in green

I am starting to notice problems when I try and code my javascript and use functions that are in my viewmodel. Things like this:
case 37:
#if (Model.GoLeft)
Here I get a syntax error and the words "expected constant" for Model. Is there some solution to this? Do I need to upgrade something so it works?
I checked around on stackoverflow. Someone else suggested that I should separate my js but that doesn't help me as for example in this case where I want the keypress to do something if on a certain type of page where the Model allows it. If the js is in another file I can't code this way.
your approach is just wrong. Dont generate JS code in views by ifs. You defintely should keep your JS separetly (so that browser can efectively cache and reuse it). If you need to change behaviour of client-side code according to model values, do that by generation only some king of "flags" (JS have multiple ways to do that, i am not expert in JS - for example global variable works always, but there are more elegant and recommended ways) and in your client-side method test for their presence and fork your code by that.
