Why do string constants use wide characters even when formed entirely from 8 bit characters? - delphi

I just posted a question about Unicode character constants, where $HIGHCHARUNICODE appeared to be the reason.
Now with the default $HIGHCHARUNICODE OFF (Delphi XE2), why is this:
AllLowByteValues =#$00#$01#$02#$03#$04#$05#$06#$07#$08#$09#$0a#$0b#$0c#$0d#$0e#$0f;
==> Sizeof(AllLowByteValues[1]) = 2
==> Sizeof(AllHighByteValues[1]) = 2
If "All hexadecimal #$xx 2-digit literals are parsed as AnsiChar" for #$80 ... #$FF, then why is AllHighByteValues a unicode String and not an ANSIString?

That's because string constants are PChar and so made up of UTF-16 elements.
From the documentation:
String constants are assignment-compatible with the PChar and PWideChar types, which represent pointers to null-terminated arrays of Char and WideChar values.

You are not taking that into account that String and Character literals are context-sensitive in D2009+. If a literal is used in an Ansi context, it will be stored as Ansi. If a literal is used in a Unicode context, it will be stored as Unicode. HIGHCHARUNICODE only applies to 3-digit numeric Character literals between #128-#255 and 2-digit hex Character literals between #$80-#$FF. Those particular values are ambiquious between Ansi and Unicode, so HIGHCHARUNICODE is used to address the ambiquity. HIGHCHARUNICODE does not apply to other types of literals, including String literals. If you pass a String or Character literal to SizeOf(), there is no Ansi/Unicode context in the source code for the compiler to use, so it is going to use a Unicode context except in the specific case where HIGHCHARUNICODE applies, in which case an Ansi context is used if HICHCHARUNICODE is OFF. That is what you are seeing happen.


Getting char value in Delphi 7

I am making a program in Delphi 7, that is supposed to encode a unicode string into html entity string.
For example, "ABCģķī" would result in "ABCģķī"
Now 2 basic things:
Delphi 7 is non-Unicode, so I can't just write unicode chars directly in code to encode them.
Codepages consist of 255 entries, each holding a character, specific to that codepage, except first 127, that are same for all the codepages.
So - How do I get a value of a char, that is in 1-255 range?
I tried Ord(Integer), but it also returns values way past 255. Basically, everything is fine (A returns 65 an so on) until my string reaches non-Latin unicode.
Is there any other method for returning char value? Any help appreciated
I suggest you avoid codepages like the plague.
There are two approaches for Unicode that I'd consider: WideString, and UTF-8.
Widestrings have the advantage that it's 'native' to Windows, which helps if you need to use Windows API calls. Disadvantages are storage space, and that they (like UTF-8) can require multiple WideChars to encode the full Unicode space.
UTF-8 is generally preferable. Like WideStrings, this is a multi-byte encoding, so a particular unicode 'code point' may need several bytes in the string to encode it. This is only an issue if you're doing lots of character-by-character processing on your strings.
#DavidHeffernan comments (correctly) that WideStrings may be more compact in certain cases. However, I'd only recommend UTF-16 only if you are absolutely sure that your encoded text will really be more compact (don't forget markup!), and this compactness is highly important to you.
In HTML 4, numeric character references are relative to the charset used by the HTML. Whether that charset is specified in the HTML itself via a <meta> tag, or out-of-band via an HTTP/MIME Content-Type header or other means, it does not matter. As such, "ABCģķī" would be an accurate representation of "ABCģķī" only if the HTML were using UTF-16. If the HTML were using UTF-8, the correct representation would be either "ABCģķī" or "ABCģķī" instead. Most other charsets do no support those particular Unicode characters.
In HTML 5, numeric character references contain original Unicode codepoint values regardless of the charset used by the HTML. As such, "ABCģķī" would be represented as either "ABC#291;ķī" or "ABCģķī".
So, to answer your question, the first thing you have to do is decide whether you need to use HTML 4 or HTML 5 semantics for numeric character references. Then, you need to assign your Unicode data to a WideString (which is the only Unicode string type that Delphi 7 natively supports), which uses UTF-16, then:
if you need HTML 4:
A. if the HTML charset is not UTF-16, then use WideCharToMultiByte() (or equivalent) to convert the WideString to that charset, then loop through the resulting values outputting unreserved characters as-is and character references for reserved values, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
B. if the HTML charset is UTF-16, then simply loop through each WideChar in the WideString, outputting unreserved characters as-is and character references for reserved values, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
If you need HTML 5:
A. if the WideString does not contain any surrogate pairs, then simply loop through each WideChar in the WideString, outputting unreserved characters as-is and character references for reserved values, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
B. otherwise, convert the WideString to UTF-32 using WideStringToUCS4String(), then loop through the resulting values outputting unreserved codepoints as-is and character references for reserved codepoints, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
In case I understood the OP correctly, I'll just leave this here.
function Entitties(const S: WideString): string;
I: Integer;
Result := '';
for I := 1 to Length(S) do
if Word(S[I]) > Word(High(AnsiChar)) then
Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr(Word(S[I])) + ';'
Result := Result + S[I];

Showing wrong character for an unicode value in iOS

I am now working with an iOS app that handle unicode characters, but it seems there is some problem with translating unicode hex value (and int value too) to character.
For example, I want to get character 'đ' which has Unicode value of c491, but after this code:
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:"\uc491"];
The value of str is not 'đ' but '쓉' (a Korean word) instead.
I also used:
int c = 50321; // 50321 is int value of 'đ'
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithCharacters: (unichar *)&c length:1];
But the results of two above pieces of code are the same.
I can't understand what is problem here, please help!
The short answer
To specify đ, you can specify it in the following ways (untested):
[NSString stringWithUTF8String: "\u0111"]
[NSString stringWithUTF8String: "\xc4\x91"]
Note that the last 2 lines uses C string literal instead of Objective-C string object literal construct #"...".
As a short explanation, \u0111 is the Unicode escape sequence for đ, where U+0111 is the code point for the character đ.
The last example shows how you would specify the UTF-8 encoding of đ (which is c4 91) in a C string literal, then convert the bytes in UTF-8 encoding into proper characters.
The examples above are adapted from this answer and this blog post. The blog also covers the tricky situation with characters beyond Basic Multilingual Plane (Plane 0) in Unicode.
Unicode escape sequences (Universal character names in C99)
According to this blog1:
Unicode escape sequences were added to the C language in the TC2 amendment to C99, and to the Objective-C language (for NSString literals) with Mac OS X 10.5.
Page 65 of C99 TC2 draft shows that \unnnn or \Unnnnnnnn where nnnn or nnnnnnnn are "short-identifier as defined by ISO/IEC 10646 standard", it roughly means hexadecimal code point. Note that:
A universal character name shall not specify a character whose short identifier is less than 00A0 other than 0024 ($), 0040 (#), or 0060 (`), nor one in the range D800 through DFFF inclusive.
Character set vs. Character encoding
It seems that you are confused between code point U+0111 and UTF-8 encoding c4 91 (representation of the character as byte). UTF-8 encoding is one of the encoding for Unicode character set, and code point is a number assigned to a character in a character set. This Wikipedia article explains quite clearly the difference in meaning.
A coded character set (CCS) specifies how to represent a repertoire of characters using a number of (typically non-negative) integer values called code points. [...]
A character encoding form (CEF) specifies the conversion of a coded character set's integer codes into a set of limited-size integer code values that facilitate storage in a system that represents numbers in binary form using a fixed number of bits [...]
There are other encoding, such as UTF-16 and UTF-32, which may give different byte representation of the character on disk, but since UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 are all encoding for Unicode character set, the code point for the same character is the same between all 3 encoding.
1: I think the blog is correct, but if anyone can find official documentation from Apple on this point, it would be better.

Percent escaping special characters like é on iOS

I'm currently struggling with percent escaping special characters on iOS, for instance "é" when contained in a query parameter value.
I'm using AFNetworking, but the issue isn't specific to it.
The "é" character should be percent escaped to "%E9", yet the result is "%C3%A9". The reason is because "é" is represented as those 2 bytes in UTF8.
The actual percent escaping method is the well known one and I'm passing UTF8 as string encoding. The string itself is #"é".
static NSString * AFPercentEscapedQueryStringPairMemberFromStringWithEncoding(NSString *string, NSStringEncoding encoding)
static NSString * const kAFCharactersToBeEscaped = #":/?&=;+!##$()~";
static NSString * const kAFCharactersToLeaveUnescaped = #"[].";
return (__bridge_transfer NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef)string, (__bridge CFStringRef)kAFCharactersToLeaveUnescaped, (__bridge CFStringRef)kAFCharactersToBeEscaped, CFStringConvertNSStringEncodingToEncoding(encoding));
I had hoped passing in UTF16 string encoding would solve it, but it doesn't. The result is "%FF%FE%E9%00" in this case, it contains "%E9" but I must be missing something obvious.
Somehow I can't get my head around it.
Any pointers would be awesome.
RFC 3986 explains that, unless the characters you're encoding fall into the unreserved US-ASCII range, the convention is to convert the character to (in this case, A UTF8-encoded) byte value, and and use that value as the percent encoding base.
The behavior you're seeing is correct.
The disparity between the encoded values given for UTF-8 vs. UTF-16 is due to a couple of factors.
Encoding Differences
First, there's the difference in the way that the respective encodings are actually defined. UTF-16 will always use two bytes to represent its character, and essentially concatenates the higher order byte with the lower order byte to define the code. (The ordering of these bytes will depend on whether the code is encoded as Little Endian or Big Endian.) UTF-8, on the other hand, uses a dynamic number of bytes, depending on where in the Unicode code page the character exists. The way UTF-8 relates how many bytes it's going to use is by the bits that are set in the first byte itself.
So if we look at C3 A9, that translates into the following bits:
1100 0011 1010 1001
Looking at RFC 2279, we see that the beginning set of '1's with an terminating '0' denotes how many bytes will be used--in this case, 2. Stripping off the initial 110 metadata, we're left with 00011 from the first byte: that represents the leftmost bits of the actual value.
For the next byte (1010 1001), again from the RFC we see that, for every subsequent byte, 10 will be "prefix" metadata for the actual value. Stripping that off, we're left with 101001.
Concatenating the actual value bits, we end up with 00011 101001, which is 233 in base-10, or E9 in base-16.
Encoding Identification
The other thing to consider specifically from the UTF-16 value (%FF%FE%E9%00) is from the original RFC, which mentions that there's no explicit definition of the encoding used, in the encoded value itself. So in this case, iOS is "cheating", giving you an indication of what encoding is used. FF FE is a well-known byte-ordering mark used in UTF-16 encoded files, to denote that UTF-16 is the encoding used. As for E9 00, as mentioned, UTF-16 always uses two bytes. In this case, since all of its data can be represented in 1 byte, the other is simply null.

What is the CCHAR type equivalent in Delphi?

The ShortNameLength member of FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION structure is declared as follows:
CCHAR ShortNameLength;
From the explanation of CCHAR type, CCHAR is a 8-bit Windows (ANSI) character. So, it is equivalent to AnsiChar in Delphi, right? However, the description of ShortNameLength member of FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION structure says,
“ShortNameLength specifies the length, in bytes, of the short file name string.”
The statement makes me think that the CCHAR equivalent is Byte in Delphi. Another example is the NumberOfProcessors member of SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION which is declared in winternl.h as follows:
BYTE Reserved1[24];
PVOID Reserved2[4];
CCHAR NumberOfProcessors;
Once again, the CCHAR type seems to be used in a Byte context, rather than AnsiChar context.
Now, I confuse, whether to use AnsiChar or Byte as a CCHAR equivalent in Delphi.
JwaWinType.pas of JEDI Windows API declares CCHAR as AnsiChar.
It's a byte, or at least, it is used as a 1 byte integer. In C, chars can be used for this purpose. In Delphi, you couldn't do that without typecasting. So you could use Char, but then you would need to give it the value 'A' or Chr(65) to indicate a string of 65 characters. Now, that would be silly. :-)
To be able to pass it to the API it must have the same size. Apart from that, the callee will not even know how it is declared, so declaring it as a Delphi byte is the most logical solution. A choice backed up by the other declaration you found.
I believe the explanation of CCHAR is wrong. The C prefix indicates that this is a count of characters so this is probably a simple copy-paste error done by Microsoft when writing the explanation.
It is stored in a byte and it is used to count the number of bytes of a string of characters. These characters may be wide characters but the CCHAR value still counts the number of bytes used to store the characters.
The natural translation for this type is Byte. If you marshal it to a character type like AnsiChar you will have to convert the character to an integer value (e.g. a byte) before using it.

In Erlang how do I convert a String to a binary value?

In Erlang how do I convert a string to a binary value?
String = "Hello"
%% should be
Binary = <<"Hello">>
In Erlang strings are represented as a list of integers. You can therefore use the list_to_binary (built-in-function, aka BIF). Here is an example I ran in the Erlang console (started with erl):
1> list_to_binary("hello world").
<<"hello world">>
the unicode (utf-8/16/32) character set needs more number of bits to express characters that are greater than 1-byte in length:
this is why the above call failed for any byte value > 255 (the limit of information that a byte can hold, and which is sufficient for IS0-8859/ASCII/Latin1)
to correctly handle unicode characters you'd need to use
unicode:characters_to_binary() R1[(N>3)]
instead, which can handle both Latin1 AND unicode encoding.
HTH ...
