IOS block pointer copy issue. - ios

See the following animation execution block, how does the UI control pointer clickButton copy from stack to heap? By reference (retain) or just copy pointer value (not deep copy)?
Thanks in advance.
[UIView animateWithDuration:10.0 animations:^(void){
clickButton.alpha = 1.0; // clickButton is class variable.

When a block is copied (which it is in this case), any objective-c objects that are referenced by the block are retained (and then released when the block is dealloc'd).
In this case, if clickButton was a local variable outside the block, it would be retained inside the block. However, you said it was a "class variable", which I assume you mean it's an instance variable. Because of that, the block actually retains self, since the reference to the ivar is really an implicit lookup of the ivar within self.
In MRR (non-ARC) code, any obj-c objects which are marked with the __block storage qualifier are actually not retained by the capturing block. This is for technical reasons, but it has been taken advantage of by many people. However, in ARC code, __block-qualified variables do get retained (and released) by the block. If you need a non-retained object under ARC, you can use __unsafe_unretained instead. However, in ARC code, weak references typically solve the same problem that __unsafe_unretained variables do, but much more safely.
Since the block here has a temporary lifetime (it only lives for the duration of the animation), there's no problem with retaining self. However, for more permanent blocks whose lifetime are actually tied to that of self (e.g. they're stored in an ivar, or on an object that self owns), you should be careful not to introduce a retain cycle. If you're using ARC, weak references can help you here.


Does object need (a) `__block` modifier or (b) weak reference, when accessed from within a block in Objective-C?

In Objective-C (as of Xcode 7), the __block modifier for use with primitives is clearly explained in Stack Overflow such as here and by Apple here in the Blocks Programming Guide. Without the label, a copy of the primitive is captured and the original cannot be modified from within the block. With the label, no copy, and the original can be modified from within the block.
But for use with pointers to objects, the situation is not so well explained. Here Apple says either “a strong reference is made to self” or “a strong reference is made to the variable”. But then at the end of the page Apple says:
To override this behavior for a particular object variable, you can mark it with the __block storage type modifier.
What does “override this behavior” mean?
Further complicating things is that some posts on Stack Overflow talking about making a weak reference when calling an object from within a block.
I am not trying to establish an object. I just want to modify an existing object’s state from within a block. I believe the block is being called synchronously, within the same thread.
Clicker* myClicker = [[Clicker alloc] init] ;
// Declare a block.
void (^myBlock)( );
// Populate the block.
myBlock = ^ void ( ) {
[myClicker click] ; // Updating some state in that object, such as incrementing a counter number or adding an element to a collection.
// Call `myBlock` synchronously (same thread) from some other code.
… // … invokes `myBlock` repeatedly …
My questions:
How should that code be modified with __block modifier?
How should that code be modified with weak references?
What other issues apply to an object’s state modified from within a block?
First of all, the basic point of __block is the same for all types of variables (primitive variables, object-pointer variables, and all other variables) -- __block makes the variable shared between the outside scope and the scopes of the blocks that capture it, so that an assignment (=) to the variable in one scope is seen in all other scopes.
So if you don't use __block, if you assign to an object-pointer variable to point to another object outside the block after the block is created, the block won't see the assignment to the variable, and will still see it pointing to the object it was pointing to when the block was created. Conversely, inside the block you won't be able to assign to the variable. If you do use __block, then assignments to the variable to point to another object, either inside or outside the block, will be reflected in the other scopes.
Note that mutation of objects' state has nothing to do with assignment to variables. You mutate objects' state by calling a mutating method on a pointer to the object, or you can alter a field directly using a pointer to the object using the -> syntax. Neither of these involve assigning to a variable holding the pointer to the object. On the other hand, assigning to a variable holding a pointer to an object only makes the pointer point to another object; it does not mutate any objects.
The part you are reading about strong references and "override this behavior" has to do with the separate issue of memory management behavior of blocks under MRC only. Under MRC, there is no concept of variables being __strong or __weak like in ARC. When a variable of object-pointer type is captured by a block in MRC, it is by default captured as a strong reference (the block retains it, and releases it when the block is deallocated), because that is the desired behavior most of the time. If you wanted the block to not retain the captured variable, the only way to do that was to make it __block, which not only made the variable shared between the two scopes, but also made the block not retain the variable. So the two concepts were conflated in MRC.
In ARC, whether a block captures a variable strongly or weakly depends on the captured variable being __strong or __weak (or __unsafe_unretained), and is completely orthogonal with whether the variable is __block or not. You can have object-pointer variables that are __block without being weakly captured, or weakly captured without being __block, or both weakly captured and __block if you want.
You quote the somewhat dated Blocks Programming Topics, which says:
To override this behavior for a particular object variable, you can mark it with the __block storage type modifier.
That document dates back to the days of manual reference counting, back before ARC. In manual reference counting code you could use __block to avoid establishing a strong reference to objects referenced inside the block.
But this behavior has changed with ARC, as outlined in Transitioning to ARC Release Notes. We now use weak in those cases where we don't want to establish strong references to the objects referenced in the block. (You can use unsafe_unretained in special cases where you know the resulting dangling pointer isn't a problem.)
So, go ahead and use __block when dealing with fundamental types that you want to mutate inside the block. But when dealing with objects in blocks under ARC, the __block qualifier generally doesn't enter the discussion. The question is simply whether you want a strong reference or a weak one (or an unsafe, unretained one). And that's largely dictated by the object graph of your app, namely (a) whether you need weak/unretained reference to prevent strong reference cycle; or (b) you don't want want some asynchronously executing block to unnecessarily prolong the life of some object referenced in the block. Neither of those situations would appear to be the case here.

Do I need to use use Strongify and Weakify in blocks if the variable calling it is local [duplicate]

Using self. in blocks causes retain cycles, so I need to create a reference to weakSelf. I understand this
If from my block I call a method which uses self", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance, if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegate methods I call self., am I causing a retain cycle? Does that mean I have to pass around this weak reference everywhere? Seems hokey.
I might be misreading your question, but your wording:
If from my block I call a method which uses "self.", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegates I call "self.", I'm causing a retain cycle? That means I have to pass around this weakReference everywhere?
suggests you are misunderstanding what self is. Hopefully if so the following will help and not hinder your understanding...
What is self?
The identifier self is just the name of one of the parameters to your method, it is just passed implicitly rather then explicitly like the other parameters. For example if you have a class:
#implementation MyClass
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value
... self ... value
then the method is effectively (i.e. bending the facts just a little for clarity):
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value withObject:(MyClass *)self
... self ... value
When an instance method is called the value passed for the self parameter is a reference to the instance the method should operate on, e.g. the call
MyClass *someInstance = ...
[someInstance someMethod:42];
is effectively a call to:
someMethod:42 withObject:someInstance
Strong reference cycles
An object - which includes both instances of classes and blocks - is kept alive as long as there exists a strong reference to the object.
If an object A holds a strong references, e.g. in an instance variable or property, to an object B, then B will be kept alive at least (there could be other strong references to B) as long as A is alive.
If an object A holds a strong reference to B and B holds one to A then you have a strong reference cycle - each object is keeping the other alive and neither will ever be collected. This could lead to a memory leak - where unused memory is never collected - unless both A and B are meant to live from creation till the end of the program.
Further, you do not create a strong reference cycle simply by having references stored in the local variables and parameters of methods. By their nature such variables, and therefore their contents, are transient and are destroyed when the method returns.
Using self in blocks
using "self." in blocks causes retain cycles so I need to create a reference to weakSelf.
Not quite. When you use self in a block, either directly or indirectly by referencing an instance variable, then the compiler will warn you that you may create a reference cycle.
(Note: There are other ways to create reference cycles, both with and without using blocks, and the compiler will not warn you at all. Managing cycles is just something you need to be aware of.)
You will only actually create a cycle if you store a reference to the block in the object referenced by self. However this is not bad in itself, as long as at some point you break the cycle manually - say by storing nil in the variable referencing the block - the cycle need not be problematic at all.
You have nothing per se to worry about with your:
UITableView delegates I call "self."
as that self is just a local parameter to the delegate whose initial value, at some point going back up the call chain, came from you evaluating your weakSelf reference and determining that it was not nil and then calling methods on it.
First of all: self does NOT cause a retain cycle. This is an urban legend. The incorrectness is obvious: A single reference can never cause a cycle. The usage of self inside a block causes a retain cycle, if the block is directly or indirectly referred by self, too, for example via a property.
To your Q:
If you "call" a method inside the block, the message probably has the receiver self, so you have a usage of self inside the block. For this reason it is captured and retained.
If you really have no usage of self inside the block by neither using self nor using a property of self you do not have a usage of self and it is not captured, therefore not retained. But in this case you can have a dangling pointer or a nil'd reference.
You don't need to worry about references while the block is executing - eventually it finishes doing whatever it does, and all these references go away.
What you need to worry about are the references that are captured when the block is created. These references stay until the block goes away. So if your block has a reference to "self", that reference is there just because the block exists. And if you store that block in a property of self, you have a cycle.
So if you store a block as a property in self, then the block shouldn't capture self. That's easily done by letting it access and capture a weak copy of self. Remember that when the block is executing, the weak copy of self may be nil. Which means the self object has already left our world, and your block might not need to do anything.
Short answer: no, in this situation self is not retained.
Long answer
First of all, retaining self and a reference cycle are not the same thing. Reference cycle is a cycle of strong references between a number of objects: A->B->C->A is a retain cycle.
The general idea is, you want to always guarantee that if you are referencing self in a block, you don't reference this block strongly, and don't reference it through a chain of strong references. In reality, retain cycles can be used purposefully if you are making sure you're breaking the retain cycle under certain conditions. Not that I personally recommend this.
Take a look at documentation on Apple's website. It clearly states that values are captured in blocks, and capturing an object reference retains this object in block.
Basically what this means is that referencing an object in a block increments its retainCount by 1, and when this block gets deallocated, retainCount is decremented by 1.
However, when using a __weak pointer in a block, the retain count is untouched.
Here's an example:
- (void) doSomething {
NSLog(#"%#", self);
- (void) callBlock {
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
[weakSelf doSomething];
When you write [obj method:params] this actually translates into following call:
objc_msgSend(obj, #selector(method:), params). One of the features of Objective-C is that if you call a method on nil pointer, it returns nil. This is guaranteed by the fact that objc_msgSend(nil, #selector(anyselector), ...) always return nil. Note that SEL is just a const char[] under the covers, so it doesn't affect retain counts by any means.
Hence when the block will be executed, if your object was deallocated, the weak weakSelf variable will be nullified, and the block's body will translate into objc_msgSending to zero, which does nothing except of wasting few CPU cycles.
To sum it up, the Objective-C messaging system is implemented in such a way that calling a method does not retain this object or this method or this method's implementation, as it's a simple function call.

Do I need to use a weak self pointer if a method called from a Block uses self?

Using self. in blocks causes retain cycles, so I need to create a reference to weakSelf. I understand this
If from my block I call a method which uses self", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance, if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegate methods I call self., am I causing a retain cycle? Does that mean I have to pass around this weak reference everywhere? Seems hokey.
I might be misreading your question, but your wording:
If from my block I call a method which uses "self.", does this too cause a retain cycle? For instance if I reload a UITableView from a block and in some of my UITableView delegates I call "self.", I'm causing a retain cycle? That means I have to pass around this weakReference everywhere?
suggests you are misunderstanding what self is. Hopefully if so the following will help and not hinder your understanding...
What is self?
The identifier self is just the name of one of the parameters to your method, it is just passed implicitly rather then explicitly like the other parameters. For example if you have a class:
#implementation MyClass
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value
... self ... value
then the method is effectively (i.e. bending the facts just a little for clarity):
- (void) someMethod:(NSInteger)value withObject:(MyClass *)self
... self ... value
When an instance method is called the value passed for the self parameter is a reference to the instance the method should operate on, e.g. the call
MyClass *someInstance = ...
[someInstance someMethod:42];
is effectively a call to:
someMethod:42 withObject:someInstance
Strong reference cycles
An object - which includes both instances of classes and blocks - is kept alive as long as there exists a strong reference to the object.
If an object A holds a strong references, e.g. in an instance variable or property, to an object B, then B will be kept alive at least (there could be other strong references to B) as long as A is alive.
If an object A holds a strong reference to B and B holds one to A then you have a strong reference cycle - each object is keeping the other alive and neither will ever be collected. This could lead to a memory leak - where unused memory is never collected - unless both A and B are meant to live from creation till the end of the program.
Further, you do not create a strong reference cycle simply by having references stored in the local variables and parameters of methods. By their nature such variables, and therefore their contents, are transient and are destroyed when the method returns.
Using self in blocks
using "self." in blocks causes retain cycles so I need to create a reference to weakSelf.
Not quite. When you use self in a block, either directly or indirectly by referencing an instance variable, then the compiler will warn you that you may create a reference cycle.
(Note: There are other ways to create reference cycles, both with and without using blocks, and the compiler will not warn you at all. Managing cycles is just something you need to be aware of.)
You will only actually create a cycle if you store a reference to the block in the object referenced by self. However this is not bad in itself, as long as at some point you break the cycle manually - say by storing nil in the variable referencing the block - the cycle need not be problematic at all.
You have nothing per se to worry about with your:
UITableView delegates I call "self."
as that self is just a local parameter to the delegate whose initial value, at some point going back up the call chain, came from you evaluating your weakSelf reference and determining that it was not nil and then calling methods on it.
First of all: self does NOT cause a retain cycle. This is an urban legend. The incorrectness is obvious: A single reference can never cause a cycle. The usage of self inside a block causes a retain cycle, if the block is directly or indirectly referred by self, too, for example via a property.
To your Q:
If you "call" a method inside the block, the message probably has the receiver self, so you have a usage of self inside the block. For this reason it is captured and retained.
If you really have no usage of self inside the block by neither using self nor using a property of self you do not have a usage of self and it is not captured, therefore not retained. But in this case you can have a dangling pointer or a nil'd reference.
You don't need to worry about references while the block is executing - eventually it finishes doing whatever it does, and all these references go away.
What you need to worry about are the references that are captured when the block is created. These references stay until the block goes away. So if your block has a reference to "self", that reference is there just because the block exists. And if you store that block in a property of self, you have a cycle.
So if you store a block as a property in self, then the block shouldn't capture self. That's easily done by letting it access and capture a weak copy of self. Remember that when the block is executing, the weak copy of self may be nil. Which means the self object has already left our world, and your block might not need to do anything.
Short answer: no, in this situation self is not retained.
Long answer
First of all, retaining self and a reference cycle are not the same thing. Reference cycle is a cycle of strong references between a number of objects: A->B->C->A is a retain cycle.
The general idea is, you want to always guarantee that if you are referencing self in a block, you don't reference this block strongly, and don't reference it through a chain of strong references. In reality, retain cycles can be used purposefully if you are making sure you're breaking the retain cycle under certain conditions. Not that I personally recommend this.
Take a look at documentation on Apple's website. It clearly states that values are captured in blocks, and capturing an object reference retains this object in block.
Basically what this means is that referencing an object in a block increments its retainCount by 1, and when this block gets deallocated, retainCount is decremented by 1.
However, when using a __weak pointer in a block, the retain count is untouched.
Here's an example:
- (void) doSomething {
NSLog(#"%#", self);
- (void) callBlock {
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
[weakSelf doSomething];
When you write [obj method:params] this actually translates into following call:
objc_msgSend(obj, #selector(method:), params). One of the features of Objective-C is that if you call a method on nil pointer, it returns nil. This is guaranteed by the fact that objc_msgSend(nil, #selector(anyselector), ...) always return nil. Note that SEL is just a const char[] under the covers, so it doesn't affect retain counts by any means.
Hence when the block will be executed, if your object was deallocated, the weak weakSelf variable will be nullified, and the block's body will translate into objc_msgSending to zero, which does nothing except of wasting few CPU cycles.
To sum it up, the Objective-C messaging system is implemented in such a way that calling a method does not retain this object or this method or this method's implementation, as it's a simple function call.

Using self and self properties inside a block in non-arc environment

I have been using blocks and familiar with the memory management when using self inside blocks in
Non-ARC environment
But I have two specific questions:
1) I understand I can use __block to avoid the retain cycle a retained block which in turn using self can create, like below:
__block MyClass *blockSelf = self;
self.myBlock = ^{
blockSelf.someProperty = abc;
[blockSelf someMethod];
This will avoid the retain cycle for sure but I by doing this I have created a scope for self to be released and eventually deallocated by someone else. So when this happen self is gone and blockSelf is pointing to a garbage value. There can be conditions when the block is executed after the self is deallocated, then the block will crash as it is trying to use deallocated instance. How do we can avoid this condition? How do I check if blockSelf is valid when block executes or stop block from executing when self is deallocated.
2) On the similar lines suppose I use block like below:
__block MyClass *blockSelf = self;
self.myBlock = ^{
[blockSelf someMethod:blockSelf.someProperty];
// I am taking someProperty in an method argument
-(void) someMethod:(datatype*)myClassProperty
myClassProperty = abc;
Now there can be situations where self is not released but someProperty is released before someMethod's execution starts (This could happen when there are multiple threads). Even if I do self.someProperty = nil; when it is release, myClassProperty is not nil and pointing to some garbage, hence when someMethod is executed the first line will lead to crash. How do I avoid this?
This is the same issue as non-zeroing weak references everywhere else in non-ARC code, e.g. delegates etc. (MRC doesn't have zeroing weak references; so these are the only kind of weak reference in MRC. Yet people were still able to write safe code in the pre-ARC days.)
Basically, the solution is that you need a clear map of ownership. Either self is responsible for keeping the block alive; or some other object is responsible for keeping the block alive.
For example, with delegates, usually, a "parent" object is the delegate of a "child" object; in this case the "parent" object is responsible for keeping the "child" object alive, so the "parent" object will outlive the "child" object, thus the back reference can be weak and is safe (because the child object's methods could only possibly be called by the parent object while the parent object is alive).
On the other hand, if you have an asynchronous operation, and the block is given to the operation as a callback, then usually the operation is responsible for holding onto the block. In this case, self would not hold onto the block. And the block would hold a strong reference to self, so that when the operation is done, it can still safely do whatever it is that it needs to do on self. In fact, whatever object self is, it doesn't even need to be retained by whoever uses it, since it is indirectly retained by the asynchronous operation -- it can just be a create, fire, and forget kind of thing.
If you have something where the block is sometimes kept alive by self, and sometimes kept alive by something else, then you should re-think your design. You say "There can be conditions when the block is executed after the self is deallocated"; well, you should describe your whole design and how this can happen. Because usually, for something that is executed asynchronously, self need not hold onto the block.
Your code is really confusing and doesn't make sense. For example, why would you assign to a parameter (myClassProperty)? What's the point of passing an argument when the parameter is going to be overwritten anyway? Why would you name a local variable "myClassProperty"?
What I think you are asking about is accessing a property that can be changed on different threads, and how to deal with the memory management of that. (This question is unrelated to blocks or ARC/MRC. It is equally an issue in ARC.)
The answer is that you need an atomic property. You can make a synchronized property atomic, or implement an atomic property manually if you know how. What an atomic property of object pointer type needs to do is its getter needs to not just return the underlying variable, but also retain and autorelease it, and return the result of that. The retrieval and retaining in the getter occurs in a critical section that is synchronized with a critical section in the setter that includes the release of the old value and retaining of the new. Basically, this synchronization guarantees that the value will not be released in the setter in between retrieving the value and retaining it in the getter. And the value returned from the getter is retained and autoreleased, so it is guaranteed to be alive for the duration of the scope.
Solution for 2)
__block MyClass *blockSelf = self;
self.myBlock = ^{
datatype* p = [blockSelf.someProperty retain];
[blockSelf someMethod:p];
[p release];
// I am taking someProperty in an method argument
-(void) someMethod:(datatype*)myClassProperty
myClassProperty = abc;
For 1) don't know how you use myBlock. If it's used only by self, then all will be fine. And if it's used by some other object, then it's also should have retained reference at self and then there is also all will be fine.

Recapturing Strong References to Weakly Referenced Objects Inside Blocks

I am a Obj-C programmer who was born, and has only lived in a post ARC world. For my own efficacy though, I recently decided to go through Apple's Transitioning to ARC Release Notes. In the ARC Introduces New Lifetime Qualifiers section, there is a subsection titled Use Lifetime Qualifiers to Avoid Strong Reference Cycles that describes various ways to use qualifiers in potential in order to avoid potential retain cycles.
My question has to do with the last two examples. The first of the last two examples uses a pattern that I often utilize in order to avoid deallocating a UIKit object prematurely from a non-main thread:
MyViewController *myController = [[MyViewController alloc] init…];
// ...
MyViewController * __weak weakMyViewController = myController;
myController.completionHandler = ^(NSInteger result) {
[weakMyViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
In the above example, the weakMyViewController object is created with a weak reference to myController so that the block referencing weakMyViewController can use it, and upon return of the block, weakMyViewController can safely fall out of scope without decrementing the reference count of the underlying UIKit object being referenced.
In the next example though, Apple shows the following code for "non-trivial cycles":
MyViewController *myController = [[MyViewController alloc] init…];
// ...
MyViewController * __weak weakMyController = myController;
myController.completionHandler = ^(NSInteger result) {
MyViewController *strongMyController = weakMyController;
if (strongMyController) {
// ...
[strongMyController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
// ...
else {
// Probably nothing...
In the above "non-trivial" example offered, the same __weak qualifier is used to reference the UIKit object from within the block, but then the code creates an local implicit __strong reference to the same object. Then that local __strong reference is tested for a non-nil condition, and is then operated on.
My two questions are:
Under what considerations should an Obj-C programmer implement the second design pattern (as opposed the former)? I don't understand Apple's comment about "non-trivial cycles"
How does the __strong reference to weakMyController not increment the retain count of the original myController object? If weakMyController is only a pointer to the underlying object that myController points to, wouldn't a strong pointer (i.e. stringMyController) increment the retain count of the underlying object (the object that myController is pointing to)?
Regarding your first example, the motivation you ascribe to having the block literal only keep a weak reference to the instance pointed to by myController is not quite correct. weak references won't stop an object from deallocating, and the purpose of the weak reference is to prevent a strong reference cycle (also called a retain cycle). In this situation, the strong reference cycle would be manifested by myController maintaining a strong reference to the block stored in completionHandler, while the block maintains a strong reference back to myController - neither would ever be deallocated (without un-setting the completionHandler property at some future time). Thus, the motivation here is quite the opposite of keeping an object alive - it's to allow myController to deallocate normally when all other references to it cease to exist.
The second example is an extension of the first, but by assigning the captured weak reference to a strong reference local to the block, we can ensure that so long as the controller is still alive when block execution begins, it will remain alive until the end of block execution. Since the strong reference is scoped only to the block, it doesn't create a strong reference cycle. In other words, strongMyController is local only to the scope of the block's code, and is not retained by the block object itself.
Now, to address your specific questions:
You would take this approach when you want to ensure the block completes execution with a reference to a live, non-nil object from its enclosing scope, if that object was alive when the block begins execution. If there's a chance that all other strong references to an object may disappear during execution of the block, you should seriously consider using this.
The strong reference certainly does increment the reference count, and is the point - while the scope of the block's code is active, the controller will be kept alive. This does not form a strong reference cycle since, again, it's not the block object that maintains the reference, but the variable used in the block's code, which only exists when the block is executing. Assuming the block does not continue execution to infinity, then the cycle will be broken.
