Access environment variable inside initializers Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

In my web application I want to access environment variables inside my initializers file.
My intiailizer file looks like(initializers/gcm_on_rails.rb)
configatron.gcm_on_rails.api_url = ''
#configatron.gcm_on_rails.api_key = 'abc'
configatron.gcm_on_rails.api_key == ENV['GCM_API_KEY']
Rails.logger.debug"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #{configatron.gcm_on_rails.api_key}"
configatron.gcm_on_rails.app_name = ''
configatron.gcm_on_rails.delivery_format = 'json'
and In my .bashrc file I added following key value
export GCM_API_KEY="abc"
but my logger not giving me any value. that means I am not able to access those environment variables. I want to access those variables. Need Help... Thank you.....

If you’ve set environment variables in your /etc/bashrc or /etc/profile, then these environment variables are made available in your shell. However, on most operating systems, Apache is not started from the shell and does not load environment variables defined in bashrc/profile, which is why setting environment variables in /etc/bashrc and /etc/profile usually has no effect on Apache (and by induction, on Passenger and Rails processes).


how to add environment variable in linux for rails app?

i need to set an environment variable for the rails app to use
the config settings for production is as shown below
# Do not keep production secrets in the repository,
# instead read values from the environment.
secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
how can i set the environment variable using the linux command
export VARNAME="my value"
I tried to set the variable but looks like it needs to be for the right user. Sorry i am not an expert in linux.
I appreciate any help! Thanks!
export VARNAME="my value"
Well the above works for your current terminal session. After this command, all the subsequent commands can access this variable. Try running this:
It will print the value my value in the console. If you want this behaviour to be persisted, you need to place the export command in your OS' config file (~/.bashrc in case of Ubuntu).
After editing this file, either restart your terminal, or run this:
source ~/.bashrc
This will reload the file in your current terminal session. Alternatively, you can try running your Rails server (or a rake command) as follows:
VARNAME="my value" rails s
For your local development I suggest you to use dotenv ( or figaro ( and follow the README you find in the gem itself. This gives you much more flexibility than using directly environment variables because you set them only for this specific project and each project can have different of them.
You need to have either a .env file or a application.yml file where you will define your environment variables.
Remember to not commit or push this file to your repository because it contains sensible information!
When you will deploy to production you can use real environment variables or use admin panel control (on Heroku for example)

Environmental variables in /etc/environment are not accessible by rails

I have been trying to deploy a rails project and it requires some environmental variables so I did some research and it turns out the best place to add them is inside /etc/environment which i did so and then sourced the file.
I now can get/access the environmental variables by running echo $variablename; however the rails application can still not see these environmental variables?
/etc/environment is not automatically sourced by all shells in all login contexts. To get the settings into the rails environment, there are a couple options. The easiest is probably to modify (or create) the .bashrc (assuming the rails user's shell is bash, which is the Ubuntu default shell) in the home directory of the user rails runs as and add the following line:
source /etc/environment
If you want the variables to be available to all users on the system, you can create a file called /etc/profile.d/ (or something similar) and add the above line to that.
For either solution, log in again as the rails user and verify the environment.
You might want to use this gem for env variables:

How to set up and use Rails environment variables in production server?

I need to set up an environment variable for my rails app. Both in my local machine and in the production server. I read some tutorials on the internet but NONE has given the complete instruction on how to set and use these variable in the actual production server. I use digital ocean and linux server to host my rails app.
I have spent days trying to figure this out, but still haven't found a clear and complete instruction from setting the variables on my local machine -> push it to git repo -> set and use the variables in production server. So, hope somebody can help me here, thanks!
This is how I currently setup the environment variables in my rails app by using figoro gem:
You can set system-wide environment variables in the /etc/rc.local file (which is executed when the system boots). If your Rails app is the sole user of the Linux system, that is a good place to store credentials such as API keys because there is no risk of including this file in a public Git repository, as it is outside the application directory. The secrets will only be vulnerable if the attacker gains shell access to your Linux server.
Set the environment variables within /etc/rc.local (do not include the <> characters):
export SOME_LOGIN=<username>
export SOME_PASS=<password>
To see the value of an environment variable, use one of the following commands in the Linux shell:
printenv MY_VAR
echo $MY_VAR
To access those environment variables within Rails, use the following syntax:
Inside .rb files or at the rails console
Inside .yml files:
<%= ENV['MY_VAR'] %>
For anyone still having this issue, figaro now has an easy method in setting the production variables in heroku. Just run:
$ figaro heroku:set -e production
For Unix
You can use LINUX ENV in rails application.
# .env
# in rails code
Create .env files for local machine and your production server. Export environment variables like this(on server with ssh):
Anyway, storing keys in config - bad idea. Just add .env.example, others keys configs add to .gitignore. Goodluck.
Example with Rails
For Windows
SET variable
SET variable=string
SET /A "variable=expression"
SET "variable="
SET /P variable=[promptString]
variable : A new or existing environment variable name e.g. _num
string : A text string to assign to the variable.
expression : Arithmetic expression
Windows CMD
I believe we should not push a secret file on git.
To ignore such file use gitignore file and push other code on the git.
On the server side just copy the secret file and create a symlink for that file.
You can find demo here
You can set your environment variables in production in the same way, you do it for local system. However, there are couple of gems, which make it easier to track and push to production. Have a look at figaro. This will help you in setting up and deployment of env vars.
You can do this with figaro gem
or in rails 4 there is a file named secret.yml in config folder where you can define your environment variables this file is by default in .gitignore file.For production you need to manually copy that file to server for security reason so that your sensitive information is not available to any one
First create your variable like:
MY_ENV_VAR="this is my var"
And then make it global:
export MY_ENV_VAR
You can check if the process succeeded with:

Ruby on Rails environment variable for development environment

Just a quick question to which I couldn't find an answer on stackoverflow.
If it is easy to have environment variable for staging and production (on heroku for example), how can I set environment variable for my localhost (development environment)? (I am on a mac)
As of today I hardcode my api credential for development environment and I don't feel comfortable with that.
Thanks !
Use dotenv is intended to be used in development:
Add your application configuration to your .env file in the root of your project.
You may also add export in front of each line so you can source the file in bash.
in .bashrc
Then access in rails app ENV['S3_BUCKET']
Environment variables are best placed in your .bash_profile file which lives in your home directory on the Mac: /Users/you/.bash_profile. Open that file and add something like this to the end of it:
export MY_ENV_VAR=my_env_value
export MY_ENV_VAR="a string with spaces in it"
export is a shell command that sets environment variables. Your .bash_profile is a bash script that runs every time you open a new shell session (open a terminal window) and therefore your export commands will run and set the env vars.
Then they will be available in the ENV constant when you're in Ruby.
Edit /Users/your_user_name/.bash_profile and add there:
export RAILS_ENV=development

Accessing environment variables

I am setting the below environment variable.
Is there any way of accessing this env variable other than ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"]?
I know rails env can be accesses like Rails.env. Can all the env variables be accesses like that or is it something special for rails_env?
Rails.env only gives you the value of ENV["RAILS_ENV"] or ENV["RACK_ENV"]. If none of them were set, it returns "development".
The ENV object is provided by Ruby.
For another way to access it, you might consider either implementing it by yourself, or using the figaro gem. Set environment variables in a YAML config. Then they can be accessed like this:
