How to prevent unauthorized HTTP requests? - ios

I have some code in my iOS app like this:
URL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
ASIFormDataRequest *createAccountRequest = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];
[createAccountRequest setPostValue:email forKey:#"email"];
[createAccountRequest setPostValue:password forKey:#"password"];
[createAccountRequest startAsynchronous];
In my server implementation, I simply take this information via self.request.get('email') and create an account, not doing any checks or anything. However, it seems that anyone can run the above piece of code easily (I mean all you'd need to do is copy the above code and put it into your own app, right?), all they'd need to know is the server address and they can attach any data they want to the request, and the server would go ahead and create an account for them.
How would I authorize requests to know that they are coming from my app and my app only? Is this a common concern? How do other products protect against this?

First, a disclaimer. I am certainly not not a web expert, nor am I a security expert. In fact, the only reason I'm answering at all is because of the discussion in stackmonster's reply.
However, I do know that intercepting an SSL connection is exceptionally easy, especially if the user is complicit.
In general, though, I think the following is of some benefit.
You have to determine who/what you are trying to protect. If you just want to protect the data in the communication between the app and the server, https will be just fine. External snooping will be as effective (or ineffective) as snooping other SSL traffic.
However, if you are trying to protect your API (which your question seems to suggest), it is trivial for a user to see what commands you are sending (as you, yourself found out by using Charles).
So, do you want to prevent anyone from knowing the details of your API? Do you want to just prevent DOS attacks, or only let valid users issue commands, or what?
You can then worry about authentication and authorizations (two different topics). Maybe validating that the request comes from a known entity is enough.
Anyway, it is extremely difficult to give guidance because you first have to decide what your networking privacy goals are.
Then, if they are lofty, you are in for a lot of reading.
At some point, though, you have to decide what is crucial to your app/business, and what is not. Just like any good software design, then create a set of requirements. Then, prioritize them in some order (e.g., mandatory, essential, nice to have, can live without).
That will tell you if you need additional security, and what kind.
Most, however, find that it's not worth the time and investment to even lock all the doors and bar the windows (not to mention protecting the chimney, adding concrete to the walls, floors, and ceilings, building a safe-room, and hiring armed guards).

use HTTPS and put a cert inside your app to verify the client is allowed to talk to your server.
But trust me, its really not worth all that. Using HTTPS is generally ok on its own.


Is secure save some sensitive data in Localizable.strings?

My question is very clear. I need save some sensitive static data. For example, the url of my service or a password of encrypt. Now I have the next doubt: Is secure save this data in Localizable.strings?
No. A malicious user can easily see this in the IPA of an iTunes backup. But the user can also see this in any file in your app bundle. You will need to encrypt the string somehow. The tricky part is to hide the key as well: it may be a good idea to calculate the key somehow (you can be creative here).
Also pay attention to secure your transmission: if you would be using plain HTTP anyone who can use Wireshark would be able to see your sensitive information. Make sure you've set up HTTPS correctly and that you are validating the certificate of the server on connect (search StackOverflow about that).
I totally agree with #DarkDust. Just to add more things:
A malicious user can see the data because he does the jailbreak on one of the devices. Then he installs the app and may get whole contents of the app. He may change some code and run it.
Whole process of getting the data is called reverse engineering. It's quite wide branch and it's good to know the basics if you care about data security.
You may read more about reverse engineering at e.g. this free book:
The best hacker always gets the data, it's just the matter of time. For you, as a developer, the task is to forbid getting the data for less experienced "hackers".
To make things more difficult, you can obfuscate the data.
If you need to save some credentials in app (eg login token), always use the keychain, never any other storage.

HTTPS POST Security level

I've searched for this a bit on Stack, but I cannot find a definitive answer for https, only for solutions that somehow include http or unencrypted parameters which are not present in my situation.
I have developed an iOS application that communicates with MySQL via Apache HTTPS POSTS and php.
Now, the server runs with a valid certificate, is only open for traffic on port 443 and all posts are done to
If someone knew the correct parameters to post, anyone from anywhere in the world could mess up the database completely, so the question is: Is this method secure? Let it be known nobody has access to the source code and none of the iPads that run this software are jailbreaked or otherwise compromised.
Edit in response to answers:
There are several php files which alone only support one specific operation and depend on very strict input formatting and correct license key (retreived by SQL on every query). They do not respond to input at all unless it's 100% correct and has a proper license (e.g. password) included. There is no actual website, only php files that respond to POSTs, given the correct input, as mentioned above. The webserver has been scanned by a third party security company and contains no known vulnerabilities.
Encryption is necessary but not sufficient for security. There are many other considerations beyond encrypting the connection. With server-side certificates, you can confirm the identity of the server, but you can't (as you are discovering) confirm the identity of the clients (at least not without client-side certficates which are very difficult to protect by virtue of them being on the client).
It sounds like you need to take additional measures to prevent abuse such as:
Only supporting a sane, limited, well-defined set of operations on the database (not passing arbitrary SQL input to your database but instead having a clear, small list of URL handlers that perform specific, reasonable operations on the database).
Validating that the inputs to your handler are reasonable and within allowable parameters.
Authenticating client applications to the best you are able (e.g. with client IDs or other tokens) to restrict the capabilities on a per-client basis and detect anomalous usage patterns for a given client.
Authenticating users to ensure that only authorized users can make the appropriate modifications.
You should also probably get a security expert to review your code and/or hire someone to perform penetration testing on your website to see what vulnerabilities they can uncover.
Sending POST requests is not a secure way of communicating with a server. Inspite of no access to code or valid devices, it still leaves an open way to easily access database and manipulating with it once the link is discovered.
I would not suggest using POST. You can try / use other communication ways if you want to send / fetch data from the server. Encrypting the parameters can also be helpful here though it would increase the code a bit due to encryption-decryption logic.
Its good that your app goes through HTTPS. Make sure the app checks for the certificates during its communication phase.
You can also make use of tokens(Not device tokens) during transactions. This might be a bit complex, but offers more safety.
The solutions and ways here for this are broad. Every possible solution cannot be covered. You might want to try out a few yourself to get an idea. Though I Suggest going for some encryption-decryption on a basic level.
Hope this helps.

Setting up third-party server to interact with Game Center

I'm thinking of adding a feature to my iOS game to allow players to create their own game levels, share them with other players, rate them, etc. There'd be a public repository of user-created levels, sortable by creation date, rating, difficulty, or other criteria.
This kind of functionality would necessitate a third-party server. I was thinking I'd create a RESTful API using Sinatra and run it on Heroku. My question is: what would be the best way to authenticate requests to this API? I would prefer not to require players to create a username and password. I'd like to just use Game Center's ID system.
Any suggestions? I've never done any server-side stuff before so any help is appreciated!
Yes, I'm aware that Apple doesn't provide its own system. But it does give developers access to unique Game Center identifiers (…) and I was hoping I could use that somehow to roll my own authentication system without requiring users to sign on via Facebook/Twitter/etc. If that's possible.
Looks like as of iOS 7, this is possible with Game Center using:
[localPlayer generateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler]
Once you have verified the identity of the player using the generateIdentity call,
Associate the player id with a user on your server's db
Use whatever access token / authentication pattern your REST framework provides for subsequent calls
Also for reference, here is the dictionary that we end up sending off to our server based on the response from generateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler
NSDictionary *paramsDict = #{
#"publicKeyUrl":[publicKeyUrl absoluteString],
#"timestamp":[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%llu", timestamp],
#"signature":[signature base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0],
#"salt":[salt base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0],
#"bundleID":[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]
edit: as if when I posted this there was no official solution from Apple, but there is now. See the other answers for that, or read on purely for historical / backwards-compatibility interest.
Apple doesn't provide any sort of system for using Apple ID authentication (which includes Game Center) with third-party services. You're on your own for authentication, though you could look into OAuth for allowing single-sign-on via Facebook/Twitter/etc. (Just beware that not everyone has a Facebook/Twitter/etc identity, or one that they want to use for your game.)
In theory, the playerID property on GKPlayer is unique, constant, and not known to anyone else. So, in theory, you could use it for "poor man's authentication": present it to your server, and that's all the server needs to look up and provide player-specific stuff. But this is like authentication by UDID, or by user name only -- the only security it provides is obscurity. And what happens when you have a user who's not signed into Game Center?
Andy's answer is on the right track, but to finish the story: in those docs that he links to, there's an explanation of how to actually authenticate against Apple services that the GameCenter user actually is who he is claiming to be. Link to that part of the docs is below. Basically, the call on the client to generateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler gives your some data including a URL. You give that data and the URL to your own server, and then from your server you can hit that URL to authenticate the user with the rest of the data that was provided by the call to generateIdentityVerificationSignatureWithCompletionHandler.
I had a heck of a time figuring this out. I finally used a few hints from this answer, a couple of other SO answers, the php docs and some lucky guessing to come up with this complete answer.
NOTE: This method seems very open to hacking, as anyone could sign whatever they want with their own certificate then pass the server the data, signature and URL to their certificate and get back a "that's a valid GameCenter login" answer so, while this code "works" in the sense that it implements the GC algorithm, the algorithm itself seems flawed. Ideally, we would also check that the certificate came from a trusted source. Extra-paranoia to check that it is Apple's Game Center certificate would be good, too.

Security between app and server?

I know that there are a ton of threads about this. But I'm still confused.
I've got an app that making request to my server(nodeJS) to get JSON-data.
For the moment everyone can get everything at: http://myserver/allUpdates/ with no password. They just have to know the URL.
So I thought I would do it little more secure.
I been looking at Basic Auth, that seems to work by sending username and password in the header for every request.
Is that enough?
Some guys say that it doesn't do much if youre not using SSL. But it must be better than nothing, right?
I've never used SSL and it seems there is a lot to learn.
So my question is, should I bother with auth when I'm not using SSL?
Or are there other alternatives?
Some guys say that it doesn't do much if youre not using SSL. But it must be better than nothing, right?
Unfortunately, those guys are right. Basic Auth is, when sent plaintext, probably worse than nothing as it gives you the vague feeling of some security without any actual security.
This is because it is trivial to intercept network requests through a proxy or similar. If you're not used SSL then every parameter you're sending is easily and readily visible, including your basic authentication credentials.
In answer to your question "should I bother with auth when I'm not using SSL?" - that depends. If you want to ensure your data is only accessed by authenticated users, then it's really SSL or nothing. But if all you're trying to do is reduce the burden on your servers (i.e, rate limiting), then maybe not. I'm going to assume you're looking to do the former, in which case I'd recommend taking the time to get to grips with SSL. There are lots of resources out there about using Node with SSL, depending upon what additional frameworks you might be using (Express, etc).
SSL encrypts your requests, which means that anyone that sniffs your network traffic can't read the payload of the request.
You have two ways to auth the client to the server:
send credentials or an API key with every request OR
login in the client once with credentials or API key and reuse it's session
In both ways, you should use SSL and send the credentials with your POST data.

Embedding Flash Media Services (Red5) and Authorization

An architectural question.
My site needs to allow the user to record video and upload it to the "site". I've been poking around a fair bit and it seems I have to use some kind of media server to achieve this aim. As I'm introducing this secondary server into the system (I seek to embed the flash app residing on this server into the HTML delivered by the site) it occurs to me that this broadens the scope of security a lot. What scares me is attackers trying to embed the flash app themselves or attempting to impersonate clients (or anything else I haven't thought of yet!).
I was therefore wondering how people secure their applications with such an architecture. Sure I can do what is suggested here, a decent band-aid for now but afaik the domain information can technically be falsified by the client.
I could separate out the auth of the site giving me a WebServer, an AuthServer and a MediaServer enabling the MediaServer to separately auth. Getting the user to log into both sites is obviously onerous and passing around the user's login creds and securing all connections sounds ugly and averse to best practice.
As far as I can see my best bet is some kind of temporary token that the auth server creates. So the website kicks the auth server after logging in to generate the token which the site can then pass to the media server (as part of the flash vars) and the MediaServer itself can use to double check against the auth server.
I'm relatively new to Red5, Flash and web security so I was wondering if the following sounds sane, secure and/or necessary. Also if anyone knows of decent tools to use for such an auth system and whether there is something already kicking about in ASP.NET auth for such a purpose.
the solution provided in your link ... you should read my second comment.
The first about virtual hosts is wrong! My comment does actually tell you (at least one) solution to secure your app.
You could for example pass a SESSION_ID in the connect method to Red5. The user would get the SESSION_ID from another webservice call before he invokes the record or playback method.
The SESSION_ID might be even some kind of temporary token, that is only valid for 15 minutes and only usable a single time for exactly that video. How far you implement that is a matter of how secure your mechanism needs to be.
