Formatting a form using rails app - ruby-on-rails

How can i format a form on a rails app?
I have my application.css file, no classes where gives or ids to the form tags inside of the form action page. but the form inherited the formatting in somehow but it is not what i wanted.
Also, how can i make every single page in my rails app have its own page and css file?
i don't want to make one master page and imbed the pages codes inside the body tag
like i want to have every single page its own application.html.erb and how to let rails know about this and not to load the default one?
I'm a php guy, so working with styling and templates very confusing to me.
when i want to format a form using css. i know how to do it, also i write the code like below:
<form id="FirstForm">
in my rails app tutorial i followed, there is no id tages or formatting inside the form tags and fields at all. don't know how this got formatted? is it allowed to write ids and classes inside of the rails form tag?

You can pass id and class as you desire.
<%= form_for #article, :url => { :action => "create" }, :html => {:id => "FirstForm", :class => "your_class"} do |f| %>
Check full doc.


Render html.erb (not partial) in other html.erb

I'm quite new to Rails and trying to make app with Foundation framework. The problem is with modal window.
I have an index.html.erb file in views/users folder, generated by scaffold.
Also there is a new.html.erb file in the same folder.
I want to open ../users/new link in modal window on index page.
I used examples in Reveal (Foundation Documentation), put new.html.erb file content in:
<div id="myModal" class="reveal-modal">
Also, add to New User link "href" attribute.
<%= link_to 'New User', new_user_path, 'data-reveal-id' => 'myModal' %>
as was described here.
Now I need to render new.html.erb in index.html.erb, cause I need this code just before /body tag, as described in Foundation Docs.
I've tried to render it as partial, but it doesn't work.
Is there any way to do it, without double new.html.erb as _new.html.erb and inserting it as partial in index.html.erb?
I don't think, that RoR with all there's "Write less code!" stuff, doesn't have the way for do it without code duplicating.
You cannot use the new action as it is, though you can put your form in one partial, use across new and your action to generate form in modal.
On Page load you can use _form partial.
You can use ajax to generate the form for the model if you want on fly, this can be use for edit as well as new.
Step1 :link_to "your action path", remote: true, id: "abc"
Step2: your action path should return html of the form using render to string
Step3: now using jquery ajax success of $("#abc") replace your model inner content with the form.
And use the create action for both ajax and postback.
Code is DRY.
Let me know if you need the code.

How to do user content from CMS in Rails

I'm trying to build a CMS in Rails from scratch, and for showing the user generated pages I'm having trouble deciding exactly how to do it.
The way I have it right now, I have a controller named 'content' with a single action called 'show'. In routes.rb I have a rule that passes any name after the name of the website to the content controller, show action with parameter name.
For example, would route to
:controller => 'content', :action => 'show', :page => 'about_us'
Inside the content controller, I do a find on the Pages model to locate the named page:
#markup = Page.find_by_name(params[:page])
And then in the show.html.erb view I use the raw helper to display the content:
<%= raw #markup.text %>
Does this method violate anything about the way I should do be doing things in Rails? Or is this an OK solution?
I ended up using the sanitize helper, by default it removes <script> tags which is essentially what you need to prevent XSS, as far as I understand. For those who have found this via a search, the only code that changes from what I described above is that in the view you change to:
<%= sanitize #markup.text %>

Ruby on Rails: form and radio button question

I have a form around a list of items. I would like to check a radio button on the list and then, after clicking 'Submit', go to the 'Edit' page of the selected item.
The problem is that if I am writing something like
<%= form_tag edit_item_path %>
but Rails complains that I didn't provided a proper id, which in turn is being set on my radio buttons as the following:
<%= radio_button 'item', 'id', %>
So - how would I send a form with a selected id to a given action?
Doing it the way you describe would not work, since edit_item_path by default RESTful path definitions is a GET request. You are trying to make it a POST request. If you would like to stick to the RESTful way of doing things I would recommend simply looping through your items and provide links to edit, since you are planning to edit them one at a time anyways. Otherwise, you would have to define a new route if you would prefer doing things within the form with radio buttons. If you are, than you would add something like this to your config/routes.rb: (assuming you are using rails 2.3.x)
map.resources :items, :member =>{:edit_radio_form => :post}
Than your form would look like this:
<%= form_tag edit_radio_form_item_path do |form| %>
And it should work, but it not the right way of doing things for several reasons, the most anoying one of which is that you won't get a full URL on your edit page because you got there with a POST request, so if you refresh the page, your item id param will be gone and will produce an error.

Sending changing params through periodically_call_remote

I'm using periodically_call_remote to update a portion of a page that contains a list of objects. I send along with the url a param containing the created_at date for the most recent object in the database. The action that is called then get all the objects that have been created since then and renders a partial which displays them at the top of the list.
The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to make it so that the next time periodically_call_remote triggers it sends along the created_at date for the new most recent object (if there is one). I tried putting the periodically_call_remote inside the partial that is being rendered but that caused all sorts of problems (This explains why you shouldn't do that).
Is there some way I can make periodically_call_remote send along a new param each time it's called? As it stands right now it just sends the same one over and over which means that new objects get rendered more than once.
Hackery you say? :)
Store the parameter in a hidden div. You can access the contents of that div via Javascript, which periodically_call_remote will accept as part of the :with option.
When the parameter changes, simply update the contents of the hidden div as part of your controller action.
So, for example..
<div id="date_to_check_from" style="display:none;"><%= #initial_created_at %></div>
<%= periodically_call_remote :url => path_to_controller(#normal_params), :with => "'date_to_check_from=' + $('#date_to_check_from').html()", :method => :get, :frequency => 10 %>
That will get you params[:date_to_check_from] in your controller. Then update however you want, e.g.,
render :update do |page|
page << "$('#date_to_check_from').html('#{#new_date_to_check_from}');
It's possible to do some hackery, but I recommend that you start looking into writing your own JavaScript code to perform AJAX requests. Rails' helpers like periodically_call_remote aren't meant to be used in such complex situations.

Posting a form through popup in Rails

I have a model called Details, and two controller methods new and create. New method displays a form to create Details (in new.html.erb), which gets posted to the Create method that saves it. (when it succesffully saves, it it renders the new.html.erb file with the details.) This works as expected.
Now i want a separate page with a link to fill in these details. I want the click to do the intended work through a popup, example redbox. When you click on that link, a popup should show the form, whose submit should post the form, and if it is successfully done, then refresh the original page. If the post is unsaved, then the same form should show the errors. What do i need to do to make it work in Ror? I guess i need some stuff to go in new.js.rjs and maybe create.js.rjs, but i can't really figure out what to put in those files.
Redbox updates the page's dom to add a div at the end of it. So your form is a part of the main page.
So if you add a form tag in this redbox, all your page will be reloaded as there's only one.
So you add anywhere in your page (preferably at the end) :
<div id="redbox" style="display: none;">
<%= form_for #details do %>
# Whatever form fields you want here
<% end -%>
You do a link that'll open the redbox :
<%= link_to_redbox 'Open The Details Form', 'redbox' %>
This will display your redbox with your form.
And as it is the same page, not a new windows, when you'll validate your form, it'll reload the all of it.
I used a link_to_remote_redbox for this, which on clicking, fetches the form rendered by the new method call in a popup widnow. it submits to the create function and it is now working. actually i had previously made it work without ajax and i was having difficulty in making it work with ajax. the problem was solved once i made separate partials for ajax calls, and doing:
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :template => 'detail/ajax_template'}
I provided different templates for both create and new method calls, used the :html => {:id => 'some-id'} in form and the :update => {:some-id} to replace the form with the message that it worked correctly.
So I didnt know that i needed separate templates for the different styles of forms, and that i needed to use the :update option to replace the form when i asked the above question.
