Resolving conflicts between automated updates and manual overrides - ruby-on-rails

This is a bit of a complex, abstract question, so forgive me if it's not specific enough.
I've encountered a specific type of problem numerous times: That on one hand, a data source is used to update a certain data structure in an automated fashion at regular intervals, but on the other hand, stakeholders want to be able to manually override the automated entries.
You have a list of products, which are kept up-to-date (title, description, etc.) by some automated script which uses external data sources (product databases, etc.).
Let's say that in your data source you have a toaster "Freshtoast XYZ 300" and if its name changes to "FreshToast! XYZ-300", you want to propagate that update into your own (differently structured) product model.
At the same time, if a co-worker doesn't like the name "Freshtoast XYZ 300" and wants to change it to "Toaster XYZ 300 by Freshtoast" (manually), you don't want to override that change automatically (he would get angry), but you also don't want to simply ignore the updated name, since if the co-worker knew about the change, he'd adjust the name to "Toaster XYZ-300 by FreshToast!".
What's the best method to "consider" updated data sources - even for overridden data - while still allowing manual override?
PS: I'm using mostly Ruby / Rails, but I guess the question is very general. Also, to be clear, automated updates are the rule, while manual overrides are the exception in this scenario. So let's say 200,000 products get updated every single day, only 20 of which have manually overridden titles. So, for example, having to approve every single update is not an option.

Here goes nothing...
Hands off approach: Add a string column to products table that contains a serialized list of user-touched columns. Anytime a user touches a column in the products table, put it in the serialized list. When the automatic updater hits that record it checks the list for columns it should ignore.
Hand-wringing micro-manager approach: Use a versioning library (e.g. vestal_versions gem) and add a user_id column to the products table. Anytime a user-touched record is automatically updated, send them a notification and allow them to view a before/after which they can approve or reject.


custom fields and post types for Ghost

Does an equivalent of Wordpress “post types” and the Advanced Custom Fields plugin exist for Ghost?
As one example, I built a travel site that has multiple Trips (a custom post type), and each trip has various serialized itinerary destinations, tour guides, etc. Another example would be designer portfolios, where they might have a Projects post type, which contains serialized images, each with its own description and perhaps a date stamp or client or whatever.
Not supported and probably never will be. Seems like this doesn't have high priority in their team.
See: and

IDOC file generation in ecommerce system

I want to generate an IDOC file to make shop orders availabe to the R/3 SAP System. My question is concerning BELNR in E2EDK01. As we dont have the possibility to use Webservices and BAPI, we only make the data available via files.
Actual questions are:
Do i yet need a [BELNR] in the IDOC file?
If yes, where to get this [BELNR] from?
E2EDK01-BELNR is the order number of the ordering party, normally it is not needed, but useful.
The customer sends an order and is unsure if the order received you. So he sends the order again. Now you have two similar orders. You can't know, if there are two similar orders or if you have two idocs for the same order.
If E2EDK01-BELNR is filled with the order number of the customer system, you can decide how to proceed (e.g. ignore the 2nd idoc).
If I understand your question correct, you create the order out of your shop system. You could offer an (optional) field like 'Your order number' and use this. If the same order number (per customer) is used again you can make a warning ("Order X is already ordered").
If you don't want this field you could use the session id to identify double postings.

Magmi on Magento 1.4.2CE visibility always catalog&search + error w/page_layout & options_container

I'm relatively new to Magmi but have had to mess with EDI and csv files on many different systems over the years... I have only been importing simple products with magmi for starters and have a couple of questions/problems
At first all of my imported new products were available in every store view (we have 5) and I now realize from the docs that's because it was set to "admin", however under visibility, everything shows up visible in both catalog and search, even if it is set only to "catalog" in the csv or as "not visible individually". This is problematic for certain semi-private category products and for configurable child-products. I'm sure there is a simple explanation but I can't find it.
Also, I messed up yesterday. I copied 20 lines from a products master export, made a new worksheet and edited most of the fields to reflect a case of that product - every field except sku itself. I imported it (set to create and update because create itself skipped all 20 sku's - of course) and it updated my original product. I made a fresh csv with the original 20 lines and reimported it, the products look fine - except...
Now when I export from a master export profile in magento it does it but I get errors for the 20 skus that I can't quite decipher (referencing options_container and page_layout)- it looks like this
Any insight would be great
You simply forgot to use "Generic Mapper" plugin in your import profile.
Generic Mapper is a plugin that allows recognizing "text values" for fields that are meant to store numeric values. And has to be used to handle standard magento export format which exposes localized textual values.
see plugin documentation
When selected, this plugin will handle all standard mappings used by magento ( visibility, page_layout, options_container , aso...)

Ruby on Rails: How to have multiple controllers for one table AND multiple models

I'm new to Ruby and to Rails. I have played a bit with Sinatra but I think that Rails is a more complete framework for my project. However, I am running into trouble with this.
I am working with an fairly substantial existing, and heavily used, mySQL database and I am trying to build an API for this that will report on certain features. The features that are needed are, for the most part, counts of records by certain groupings, then drilling down into details.
For example we have a table - tableA, that contains lots of information relating to documentation. One piece of information we want to report on from that is the number of items in a given language. The language code is stored against each item and based on a get request I would like to return JSON.
Request: /languages/:code/count/:tablename
There are two variables in that most specific URL - the code we are counting and the table we are counting from.
I understand that in routes.rb I can set up a mapping:
get '/languages/:code/count/:table', :controller=>'languages', :action=>'count'
I have a controller - languages_controller.rb with a count method in it. this then matches to a corresponding view file count.html.erb
In all the tutorials I have read and examples I have followed the main point seems that 'languages' would be a table in the database and would therefore be available under the 'magic' Rails approach.
My issue is that it is not a table, rather the results of the call should be a limited subset of the fields in tableA. Such as languagecode and count(id).
The description of the language needs to be looked up 'manually' as it is stored as an internal code that is not in a database anywhere (historic decision/madness).
The questions:
how do I have a model that is only a subset of fields, plus some that are manually populated - languagecode, isocode, description, count
Am I right in thinking that once I have the model defined as such as I could use ActiveRecord to get data from the database and then in the controller add the extra information in?
Can I change table in the model based on the parameter sent in the URL?
Essentially, I am at a loss at the moment on what to do with this. I have the routes defined, the view templates in place and the controller there and ready to go. The database component - getting some data from a pre-existing table seems mysterious to me.
Any help is greatly appreciated, it seems that the framework is currently getting in my way and I know that I can't be the only one trying this sort of thing so if you have any advice please share.
There's really no need for a model here, at all. This isn't what ORMs are for. What you should be doing is just running raw SQL against the database, and iterating over the results. Consider doing something like this:

How to create a changelog?

I'm building a site that shows changes in deals that we have in our db. For example, if a deals status changes from pending to win, I want to show it, and if the value goes up or down, I want to show it, that kind of thing. Also, if you open the overview page, I want it to show the history of changes. So I need some kind of change logging, to be able to look in the past. How do I do this?
It is a rails project, but I think that's irrelevant.
I doubt there is any generic solution to this problem.
You can roll out your own. Start by considering all objects that need change logging. How many types are there? How often do you expect changes to occur? This will help you estimate the potential number of changes throughput you'll need to be dealing with. If there aren't too many, just stick them into database. If you are generating a lot, try storing to comma-separated-value file.
I have implemented a similar system before. I had 3 types of changes: 1) property value change, 2) adding of a value to a list, 3) removing value from a list.
I used the following format, stored in a log file:
//For type 1)
1,2011/01/01 00:00:00,MyObject,myProperty,oldValue,newValue
//For type 2)
2,2011/01/01 00:00:00,MyObject,myListProperty,addedValue
//For type 3)
3,2011/01/01 00:00:00,MyObject,myListProperty,removedValue
This captured most information I needed. The value parts were just some user-readable summary of the changed/added/removed property value.
Paper Trail Gem
Since you're on Rails, take a look at the PaperTrail gem. It does exactly what you're looking for and is beautifully built. You'll just need to add in a callback so that your overview page knows that a change occurred. But for the history of a model, just use the built-in PaperTrail functionality.
