iPad you tube video - ipad

I am developing an ipad application which supports only portrait mode, but it has a feature to play you tube videos. I am playing them on webview.
How do I support landscape orientation for you tube videos when view controller supports only portrait mode?


iOS 8 landscape app playing embedded youtube video from a uiwebview an only portrait ios app

In my Landscape app you tube open a video from web view . I want handle of you tube player . after playing video app in portrait mode. Thanks in advance..

status bar issue while orientation changes in ios while playing video

I have an issue when play youtube video on iOS That is, after play vieo at full screen mode at landscape (my app just supports portrait mode), or if user press Done during playing video, the status bar will not rotate.
Approx same link is : iOS status bar orientation after play video fullscreen

how video recording only landscape in default camera in titanium in iPhone?

I am developing an iOS application in Titanium Appcelerator and using inbuilt camera to video recording for 1-2 minutes but video recording only in landscape not in portrait mode.How its possible,i have open the camera its always open in portrait mode.
How is possible video recording only in landscape mode and camera open only landscape mode.
So your suggestions are valuable , so kindly let me know what is the best way forward.
Thank you for your time

iOS video Orientation

iOS6 iPhone project orientation is forced to portrait mode only. I now added a video which plays as it should in portrait mode only. How do I change the orientation of only the video to landscape? Thanks.

UIWebView transitioning to Youtube video not staying in landscape orientation

I have an app I'm working on and I have a web view of the youtube channel in landscape but when a video comes up it plays in portrait. How can I force the video to play fullscreen in landscape?
