Xcode NSdata Garbage - ios

I am Working on a Network application ... but before sending it over the network i am testing my packing and unpacking of data ... but i am getting a lot of garbage values
myfield in a ui text field .. my label is a uilabel ... mybutton method is called when a button is pressed
in the rec method the value(garbage) in x varies from -231231223432.... to +3423423423.....
also if i could like to pack a nsstring with this data how will i pack and unpack it
-(void)rec:(NSData *)data
const char *incomingPacket = (const char *)[data bytes];
char messageType = incomingPacket[0];
switch (messageType)
case gkMessageSent:
float x = *(float *)(incomingPacket + 1 );
// value of x are not correct here
NSString *resultString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%f",x];
mylabel.text= resultString;
case gkMessageNotsent:
float myvalue=[myfield.text floatValue];
// i check myvalue here and its fine
NSMutableData *data= [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:1+sizeof(float)];
int myrand=1+rand()%3;
char messageType = gkMessageSent;
[data appendBytes:&messageType length:1];
[data appendBytes:&myvalue length:sizeof(float)];
else {
char messageType = gkMessageNotsent;
[data appendBytes:&messageType length:1];
[data appendBytes:&myvalue length:sizeof(float) ];
[self rec:data];
After Some Research I found a way to pack an NSString into NSmutabledata but cant figure out the unpacking
-(IBAction)mybutton {
float myvalue=300;
NSString *resultString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%.2f",myvalue];
NSMutableData *data=nil;
data= [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:1+([resultString lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) ];
int myrand=1+rand()%3;
char messageType = gkMessageSent;
[data appendBytes:&messageType length:1];
[data appendBytes:[resultString UTF8String] length:[resultString lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
else {
char messageType = gkMessageNotsent;
[data appendBytes:&messageType length:1];
[data appendBytes:[resultString UTF8String] length:[resultString lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[self rec:data];
-(void)rec:(NSData *)data{
const char *incomingPacket = (const char *)[data bytes];
char messageType = incomingPacket[0];
switch (messageType)
case gkMessageSent:
// Have to get the String here
case gkMessageNotsent:

You should never send "raw" data of unknown size over the network. If you were using integers, you could send the data by not sending it raw, but "correcting" its byte order to "network order" then reversing the process on the other side:
uint32t foo = htonl(myLong);
and to reverse that:
uint32t myLong = ntohl(networkData4bytesLong);
Floats and doubles can be coerced into using the above, but (to my knowledge) there is no standard way to do this. For even the following hack to work, float must be 32bit IEEE format types on both sides (probably true now on most systems).
One way is to create a union with a long and a float in it:
struct foo {
uint32_t lng;
float flt;
You should probably add an assert(sizeof(foo) == 4); on both sides too, just to be sure.
You put the float into a union of this type, then use htonl(foo.lng); to convert, and reverse that on the other side.
Perhaps a more reliable (but more difficult way) is to turn the float into a string, send it, then convert back to a floating point type. That said, the above should work for you with the listed assumptions (IEEE, 32bit type);
EDIT: So if you want to use a string, you can do it by appending a null terminated string to the data you send, use a "pascal" type string where the first byte is the length and a NOT null terminated string follows, or you can allow a fixed amount of space that will at least have one terminating NULL. For brevity, I am going to use the 3rd way but the "pascal" way is probably the best to use when you code it.
So, to be 100% sure we have enought space, we'll allocate 20 bytes for the float (way too much):
char floatStr[20];
sprintf(floatStr, "%f", myFloat);
[myData appendBytes:floatStr length:20];
On the other side:
unsigned char *ptr = ...; // set to the start of the string
sscanf(ptr, "%f", &myFloat);
ptr += 20;


iOS a Very Amazing(malloc_error_break)

first this my code
#pragma pack (4)
typedef struct _Login{
char user[32];
char pwd[32];
int userID;
const unsigned long MSG_TAG_HEADER_YXHY = 0x59485859;
#pragma pack (2)
typedef struct tagTcpPacketHeader
int ulHtag;
char ucVersion;
char ucCmd;
int ulUserId;
short usPacketNum;
int ulDataLen;
#pragma pack ()
const unsigned int TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN = sizeof(TcpPacketHeader);
- (NSData*)sendDataFileWithUserId:(const int)nUserId nCmd:(const int)nCmd pData:(NSData*)data{
NSData* sendData;
void* sendObj = malloc(data.length);
[data getBytes:sendObj length:data.length];
static int nPacketNum = 0;
int nLen = (int)data.length + TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN;
char *pTmpBuf = malloc(nLen);
LPTcpPacketHeader tcpHeader = (LPTcpPacketHeader)pTmpBuf;
tcpHeader->ulHtag = MSG_TAG_HEADER_YXHY;
tcpHeader->ucVersion = 1;
tcpHeader->ucCmd = nCmd;
tcpHeader->ulUserId = nUserId;
tcpHeader->usPacketNum = nPacketNum;
tcpHeader->ulDataLen = nLen;
memcpy(tcpHeader + TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN,sendObj, data.length);
sendData = [NSData dataWithBytes:pTmpBuf length:nLen];
return sendData;
- (NSData*)get_File_Login:(NSString*)userID{
int length = sizeof(Login);
Login log_in = {"123","456",userID.intValue};
NSData* login_data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&log_in length:length];
NSData* ret = [self sendDataFileWithUserId:log_in.userID nCmd:5 pData:login_data];
return ret;
NSData* ms = [self get_File_Login:#"123"];
After frequent use can be a problem
This question makes me very headache why appear “ set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug ”
I have added the "malloc_error_break" the breakpoint,But it doesn't work......
Who can tell me the answer???
When you use the pointer in memcpy this way
memcpy(tcpHeader + TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN,sendObj, data.length);
this means that you want to copy into memory location pointed by tcpHeader plus TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN times the size of the data the pointer points to. It is the same as doing &tcpHeader[TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN].
Assuming you want to write to a location right after the header there are two ways to fix it:
1) use a pointer with a size of 1, meaning a char*. In your code you have a pointer pTmpBuf that is such so just change the code to:
memcpy(pTmpBuf + TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN, sendObj, data.length);
2) use the size 1 for this calculation. Since the size of the data it points to is the same as TCP_HEADER_PACKET_LEN then multiplying it by one gives the correct location:
memcpy(tcpHeader + 1, sendObj, data.length);
I would recommend the first since it's clear what you are calculating. In the second it is unclear why you would add one, as well as using a pointer to one type when copying data that isn't that type.

byteArray to Hex NSString - adds some wrong hex content

I am trying to convert the byteArray to a Hex NSString.
Here is the solution that I referred to convert it into hex NSString. But, I discovered It add's ffffffffffffff. How can I get correct hex NSString?
Best way to serialize an NSData into a hexadeximal string
const char myByteArray[] = {
0x56,0x67,0x78,0x89 };
NSData *myByteData=[NSData dataWithBytes:myByteArray length:sizeof(myByteArray)];
NSMutableString *myHexString= [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:myByteData.length*2];
for(int i=0;i<myByteData.length;i++){
NSString *resultString =[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%02lx",(unsigned long)myByteArray[i]];
[myHexString appendString:resultString];
The output String
Don't use unsigned long for each of your bytes. And what's the point of myByteData if you don't use it?
And since you are not really using char, use uint8_t.
Try this:
const uint8_t myByteArray[] = {
0x56,0x67,0x78,0x89 };
size_t len = sizeof(myByteArray) / sizeof(uint8_t);
NSMutableString *myHexString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:len * 2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
[myHexString appendFormat:#"%02x", (int)myByteArray[i]];
Your initial byte data is char rather than unsigned char. This means that any values >127 (0x7f) will be seen as a twos-complement negative number, giving ffffffffffffff89.
If you change your data to be unsigned char you will get the desired result.
const unsigned char myByteArray[] = {
0x56,0x67,0x78,0x89 };
NSData *myByteData=[NSData dataWithBytes:myByteArray length:sizeof(myByteArray)];
NSMutableString *myHexString= [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:myByteData.length*2];
for(int i=0;i<myByteData.length;i++){
NSString *resultString =[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%02lx",(unsigned long)myByteArray[i]];
[myHexString appendString:resultString];

Convert NSData to a NSString returns random characters

I am working on a bluetooth iOS project and have managed to get some data from the bluetooth device.
However, I am struggling to convert this data into something useful, such as an NSString. Whenever I try to NSLog the NSString that was converted from the NSData received, it is a bunch of gibberish. The output is:
The bluetooth device is a heart monitor from a manufacturer in Asia and they have provided the protocol reference on how to make calls to the device. This one thing they mention in the protocol reference:
The PC send 16-byte packets to the device, then the device sent back the 16-byte packets. Except for some special commands, all others can use this communication mode.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I have tried everything I know, including every single encoding in the apple docs as well as both initWithData and initWithBytes. Thanks!
-(void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic
error:(NSError *)error {
if (error)
NSLog(#"erorr in read is %#", error.description);
NSData *data= characteristic.value;
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:[data bytes] length:[data length] encoding:NSUTF16StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Value from device is %#", myString); //OUTPUT IS ēဥ၆䄀
What you have here is a string of raw data that can't be directly converted into a human readable string - unless you consider hex-representation to be human readable :)
To make sense of this data you need to either have a protocol specification at hand or prepare for hours (sometimes) days of reverse-engineering.
This byte-sequence can be composed of multiple values formatted in standard (float IEEE 754, uint8_t, uint16_t...) or even proprietary formats.
One important thing to consider when communicating with the outside world is also endianness (ie: does the 'biggest' byte in multi-byte format come first or last).
There are many ways to manipulate this data. To get the raw array of bytes you could do:
NSData *rxData = ...
uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t *)[rxData bytes];
And then if (for example) first byte tells you what type of payload the string holds you can switch like:
switch (bytes[0])
case 0x00:
//first byte 0x00: do the parsing
case 0x01:
//first byte 0x01: do the parsing
// ...
Here would be an example of parsing data that consists of:
byte 0: byte holding some bit-coded flags
bytes 1,2,3,4: 32-bit float
bytes 5,6: uint16_t
bool bitFlag0;
bool bitFlag1;
bool bitFlag2;
bool bitFlag3;
uint8_t firstByte;
float theFloat;
uint16_t theInteger;
NSData *rxData = ...
uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t *)[rxData bytes];
// getting the flags
firstByte = bytes[0];
bitFlag0 = firstByte & 0x01;
bitFlag1 = firstByte & 0x02;
bitFlag2 = firstByte & 0x04;
bitFlag3 = firstByte & 0x08;
//getting the float
[[rxData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, 4)] getBytes:&theFloat length:sizeof(float)];
NSLog (#"the float is &.2f",theFloat);
//getting the unsigned integer
[[data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(6, 2)] getBytes:&theInteger length:sizeof(uint16_t)];
NSLog (#"the integer is %u",theInteger);
One note: depending on the endianness you might need to reverse the 4-float or the 2-uint16_t bytes before converting them. Converting this byte arrays can also be done with unions.
union bytesToFloat
uint8_t b[4];
float f;
and then:
bytesToFloat conv;
//float would be written on bytes b1b2b3b4 in protocol
conv.b[0] = bytes[1]; //or bytes[4] .. endianness!
conv.b[1] = bytes[2]; //or bytes[3] .. endianness!
conv.b[2] = bytes[3]; //or bytes[2] .. endianness!
conv.b[3] = bytes[4]; //or bytes[1] .. endianness!
theFloat = conv.f,
If for example you know that byte6 and byte7 represent an uint16_t value you can calculate it from raw bytes:
value = uint16_t((bytes[6]<<8)+bytes[7]);
or (again - endianness):
value = uint16_t((bytes[7]<<8)+bytes[6]);
One more note: using simply sizeof(float) is a bit risky since float can be 32-bit on one platform and 64-bit on another.

ios 6 and 7 doesnt return same results

It seems that our apps which use getPropertyType(..) are failing under ios7. For whatever reason, getPropertyType(..) on for example a NSString property returns NSString$'\x19\x03\x86\x13 as the type, instead of just NSString, and also instead of NSNumber it returns NSNumber\xf0\x90\xae\x04\xff\xff\xff\xff. All of this is causing some tricky problems when i later on check against a specific type. I have changed this (legacy?) code to use isKindOfClass instead, but it bothers me that I don't understand whats going on here.
The code in question:
#import <objc/runtime.h>
static const char *getPropertyType(objc_property_t property) {
const char *attributes = property_getAttributes(property);
char buffer[1 + strlen(attributes)];
strcpy(buffer, attributes);
char *state = buffer, *attribute;
while ((attribute = strsep(&state, ",")) != NULL) {
if (attribute[0] == 'T') {
return (const char *)[[NSData dataWithBytes:(attribute + 3) length:strlen(attribute) - 4] bytes];
return "#";
What on earth is going on, why are the results different??
The buffer returned by getPropertyType isn't NULL terminated. I think it's only dumb luck that it ever worked. Also, returning the data pointed to by a newly created NSData is not guaranteed to work once that function returns.
I'd make this return an NSString.
NSString* getPropertyType(objc_property_t property) {
const char *attributes = property_getAttributes(property);
char buffer[1 + strlen(attributes)];
strcpy(buffer, attributes);
char *state = buffer, *attribute;
while ((attribute = strsep(&state, ",")) != NULL) {
if (attribute[0] == 'T') {
return [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:attribute + 3 length:strlen(attribute) - 4 encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
return #"#";
This assumes ARC.
The return value of your method need not be NULL-terminated, as it
points to the internal memory of an NSData object.
This would explain random bytes after your expected output.
Note also that the return value might not point to valid memory at all if the NSData object
is destroyed (which might be at any time after your function returns).

How to store CFBitVector (or any CFType) in Core Data using CFData/NSData?

I have limited experience working with the Core Foundation types & collections, so apologies if this is obvious.
I'm using the CFBitVector type to store some bit sequences, and I need to store it in a binary data format (so that it can be added to a Core Data store). The most sensible thing seems to be to store this in a CFData type, which can be toll-free bridged with an NSData and added to the store, but I am unsure of how to do this.
Can anybody help me out with a simple example of storing CFTypes in CF/NSData?
Is this even the right approach? Should I try converting the CFBitVector into a series of ints which can then be stored in the data model? Or perhaps a transformable attribute?
The way I ended up doing this was to roll my own attribute transformer in order to convert a CFBitVectorRef into an NSData instance. The benefit of this is that I can really cram the bit array tightly into a block of binary data, as in my case I really need to keep the storage size to a minimum.
Below is the implementation of my CFBitVectorTransformer class. It essentially reads each bit and packs them into unsigned chars ("segments" in the code below), which are then appended to a mutable NSData buffer. The code would work with types larger than unsigned chars, however I wanted the smallest chunks possible in order to really minimise the size of the resulting data.
#define kBitsPerByte 8
#implementation CFBitVectorTransformer
+ (Class)transformedValueClass
return [NSData class];
+ (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation
return YES;
/* CFBitVectorRef -> NSData */
- (id)transformedValue:(id)value
if (!value) return nil;
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) return value;
/* Prepare the bit vector. */
CFBitVectorRef bitVector = (__bridge CFBitVectorRef)value;
CFIndex bitVectorCount = CFBitVectorGetCount(bitVector);
/* Prepare the data buffer. */
NSMutableData *bitData = [NSMutableData data];
unsigned char bitVectorSegment = 0;
NSUInteger bytesPerSegment = sizeof(char);
NSUInteger bitsPerSegment = bytesPerSegment * kBitsPerByte;
for (CFIndex bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < bitVectorCount; bitIndex++) {
/* Shift the bit into the segment the appropriate number of places. */
CFBit bit = CFBitVectorGetBitAtIndex(bitVector, bitIndex);
int segmentShift = bitIndex % bitsPerSegment;
bitVectorSegment |= bit << segmentShift;
/* If this is the last bit we can squeeze into the segment, or it's the final bit, append the segment to the data buffer. */
if (segmentShift == bitsPerSegment - 1 || bitIndex == bitVectorCount - 1) {
[bitData appendBytes:&bitVectorSegment length:bytesPerSegment];
bitVectorSegment = 0;
return [NSData dataWithData:bitData];
/* NSData -> CFBitVectorRef */
- (id)reverseTransformedValue:(id)value
if (!value) return NULL;
if (![value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) return NULL;
/* Prepare the data buffer. */
NSData *bitData = (NSData *)value;
char *bitVectorSegments = (char *)[bitData bytes];
NSUInteger bitDataLength = [bitData length];
/* Prepare the bit vector. */
CFIndex bitVectorCapacity = bitDataLength * kBitsPerByte;
CFMutableBitVectorRef bitVector = CFBitVectorCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, bitVectorCapacity);
CFBitVectorSetCount(bitVector, bitVectorCapacity);
for (NSUInteger byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < bitDataLength; byteIndex++) {
unsigned char bitVectorSegment = bitVectorSegments[byteIndex];
/* Store each bit of this byte in the bit vector. */
for (NSUInteger bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < kBitsPerByte; bitIndex++) {
CFBit bit = bitVectorSegment & 1 << bitIndex;
CFIndex bitVectorBitIndex = (byteIndex * kBitsPerByte) + bitIndex;
CFBitVectorSetBitAtIndex(bitVector, bitVectorBitIndex, bit);
return (__bridge_transfer id)bitVector;
This nicely abstracts the conversion of data, allowing you to just set the CFBitVectorRef as an attribute in the data model, and should be plenty fast enough for most purposes.
I hope this helps somebody else in a similar situation.
