WindowsPhone not refresh/update listbox - listbox

i m writing an app where i has created an web service in local network.I m able to grab resources provided by service in android, wp7.1 and ios5.
But i faces a problem, in wp7.1 and ios5 in refreshing the list box and the uitableview controller respectively.
Actually the data source get update in both of this platform but it didn't refresh/update the view which is very important.
if any expertize knows about my problem in depth please help me out from this.if any body has sample code related to updating the view according to the web service kindly help.

i have a solution for this problem in wp7.
may be your web service call fetches the data from catch for the same service call.
try to add current time to show your web service request as new one.
like ".....?&currenttime=...."
try this.

You mention both view and controller so I'm guessing you are using some form of MVVM pattern.
For the controller to update the view a number of things must happen:
The controller must be the DataContext for the view. Most MVVM frameworks handle this plumbing for you.
The controller property that the listbox in the view is bound against must have NotifyPropertyChanged called or must be an ObservableCollection.


Keeping a WKWebView and it's UIViewController in the background running and accessible from multiple ViewControllers

Background: In order to make web requests to an API endpoint, I need to scrape a website and retrieve a token every 25-30 seconds. I'm doing this with a WKWebView and injecting some custom JavaScript using WKUserScript to retrieve AJAX response headers containing the token. Please focus on the question specifically and not on this background information - I'm attempting this entirely for my own educational purposes.
I will have different 'model' classes, or even just other UIViewControllers, that may need to call the shared UIViewController to retrieve this token to make an authenticated request.
Maybe I might abstract this into one "Sdk" class. Regardless, this 'model' SDK class could be instantiated and used by any other ViewController.
More info
I would like to be able to call the UIViewController of the WKWebView and retrieve some data. Unless I re-create it every 25 seconds, I need to run it in the background or share it. I would like to be able to run a UIViewController 'in the background' and receive some information from it once WKWebView has done it's thing.
I know there are multiple ways of communicating with another ViewController including delegation and segueing. However, I'm not sure that these help me keep the view containing the WKWebView existing in the background so I can call it's ViewController and have it re-perform the scrape. Delegation may work for normal code, but what about one that must have the view existing? Would I have to re-create this WKWebView dynamically each time a different model, or view controller, were to try and get this token?
One post suggests utilising ContainerViewControllers. From this, I gather that in the 'master' ViewController (the one containing the other ones), I could place the hidden WKWebView to do it's thing and communicate to the child view controllers that way via delegation.
Another post suggests using AppDelegate and making it a shared service. I'm completely against using a Singleton as it is widely considered an anti-pattern. There must be another way, even if a little more complex, that helps me do what I want without resorting to this 'cheat'.
This post talks about communicating between multiple ViewControllers, but I can't figure out how this would be useful when something needs to stay running and executing things.
How about any other ways to do this? Run something in a background thread with a strong pointer so it doesn't get discarded? I'm using Xcode 9.2, Swift 4, and iOS 11. As I'm very new to iOS programming, any small code examples on this would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, WKWebView must be in the view hierarchy to use it. You must have added it as a sub view of an on-screen view controller.
This was fine for me. I added this off-screen so it was not visible. Hidden attribute might have worked as well. Either way you must call addSubview with it to make it work.
There are some other questions and answers here which verify this.
Here is a way if you don't wish to use a singleton.
1- In the DidFinishlaunchingWithOptions, Make a timer that runs in the background and call a method inside the app delegate Called FetchNewToken.
2- In FetchNewToken, make the call needed and retrieve the new token (you can use alamofire or any 3rd library to make the call easier for you).
Up on successfully retrieving the token, save it in NSUserDefaults under the name upToDateToken
You can access this token anywhere from the application using NSUserDefaults and it will always be up to date.

GoogleAnalytics hit to wrong view

I have a problem. The sent data from the SDK mobile to analytics go to the wrong view. I'd like them to go to the type-view "APP" but they go to the website view instead. I've tried to set up the "APP" data source but it doesn't work. Screenviews are correctly send to the "APP" view but events are send to the wrong "website" view.
I use a basic POST call to send my events. My payload is similar to this:
How can I solve the problem?
First of all, the data is not stored in the views but in the properties.
Unless you have a very good reason not to, I suggest having separate properties for apps and websites. That means different tracking-IDs.
If you absolutely want to store both in a single property and don't want to see them in the same view, you'd have to look into Google Analytics Filters. Using filters, you can easily create separate views for app and web traffic.
This is how a filter that excludes all App traffic would look like:
More about filters on this link.

How to refresh all (OData) bindings of a given SAPUI5 page?

I have a bigger SAPUI5 application with multiple pages.
If user navigates through all these pages, they will reside in memory of course.
Now I have the problem that some of these pages have a complex context with several bindings to an ODataModel. That leads to the problem that a .refresh() call on the underlying ODataModel take some time.
Because: all known bindings will be reloaded (also from pages not currently shown)
Now I am searching for a better solution to refresh the ODataModel.
The refresh must be done because sometimes a client action triggers the server to updates multiple data (in different models!).
Further information (Edit)
I am using multiple ODataModels in my application and they are created in the Component.js (as suggested in the Best practice chapter of the SDK documentation).
Navigating through the pages will increase the cached data in the ODataModel.
Calling a .refresh() seems to reload all cached data (still used or not).
According to the first reply it is possible to refresh one binding but how to refresh all bindings of a given view/page with multiple models?
Would it be the right way to set multiple instances of the ODataModel for each view? And just call the .refresh() method there? But also on this scenario the locally cached data will increase over time?
Any ideas welcome :)
You can access the binding of a specific UI control and call refresh there. This should just process this specific binding.
My first hint would be to use the v2 OData Model (sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel), as it uses the Batch Mode by default.
Moreover, when it performs updates, it refreshes all bindings of entities that have been updated automatically so you should not need to refresh the whole model at all.
For me it worked to just re-bind that binding on a specific element in the view as I did earlier to create it at all.
We had an update-problem after another update call had side effects on the information in question, but a refresh on the binding of the elemnt itself did not solve that. I guess there were no local changes to that path in the model, so there was nothing to refresh. But on server-side there where updates the model/Cache didn't know about. Rebinding made my day, and also only the one necessary call to the servcie was made.

How to Change/update grails view (gsp) from service class

I have a Grails Application, which has a self implemented chat system. Now I am trying to refresh the sit ( or the box containing the messages in particular), as soon as a new Message arrived. So far I figured out three methods:
Poll from DB every second (every incoming message is saved to DB), which would be the easiest, but create a lot of unneccessary DB usage
Update the view from within the Messagelistener. I dunno how to do this though, what I am looking for is kind of the remoteFunction-tag as a function to call from within a service.
Update the view from domain class via beforeInsert-event. This is my least favourite option, plus I don't know how to do it for the same reasons as option 2.
If someone has a better option or a way to realize one of mine I would be very thankful :)
try out. It's easy to setup and should do just fine for asynch-messaging

Web Components in Dart

I've got a few questions considering web-components in Dart:
1.) How can we call a method of a component and foremost, how to get access to the component instance? I know we can supply properties to web components but not how to call methods on them and get their instance.
2.) How is it possible to manually instantiate an instance of a component? The reason is that I want i.e. to show a modal form containing my component and on each click want to have the web component to be re-created to show fresh content.
For 1.) Seems it is done via document.query('#my-component-id').xtag
For 2.) Seems that's possible by code but overly complex as of now
See also for more info
