Making A Back Link Going To Same Page Left(Ruby On Rails) - ruby-on-rails

I'm using Kaminari pagination on a site, and when the user leaves the page and clicks the back link it goes back to the first page.
What I want is for the back link to go to the same page left. I know I should use a session variable for this, but I'm pretty new to Ruby On Rails so I'm not 100% positive on the syntax here.
Would love some help.

<%= link_to_function "Back", "history.go(-1);return true;" %>
I should add that it's a good practice to code links to pages as <a> tags rather than creating a form in your HTML for that purpose.
If you need to style the link to look like a button, do that in the CSS.


Display selection of index in a partial

I've been trying to solve the following challenge all day without any luck.
When going through forum posts I came across jQuery and AJAX which are both new concepts to me and which I'd rather skip for now, if possible.
I've got a partial, "navbar-left", which shows a list of all bank accounts in my model Account.
When the user clicks on one of the items in the list, all transactions of that account should be shown in the same page at the right. The partial below links to a new page which is not how I'd like it.
The navbar-partial:
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
<% #accounts.each do |account| %>
<li role="presentation"><%= link_to account.account_holder, account_mutations_path( %></li>
<% end %>
Any tips on how to get this fixed is much appreciated!
The page with the navbar at the left
The mutations in a separate page instead of a partial
Either you're sending viewers to a new page, or dynamically loading content within their current page.
If the latter, then the only solution is AJAX.
Luckily, Ruby on Rails makes transitioning from one to the other very easy.
Here is a gist of how it works:
<%= link_to account.account_holder, account_mutations_path(, remote: true %>
This was pointing back to some page previously (e.g. action.html.erb).
Because of remote: true, it's going to be sending JS directly to the browser instead of a new HTML page (e.g. action.js.erb in the same view folder and same action name).
Here we can control the behavior we want by rendering a partial using ERB and using JS to change the HTML content of some part of the page:
// action.js.erb
$('#some_element').html('<%= j render "partial" %>')
Which will insert the HTML of the partial directly into the JQuery that changes the content dynamically.
Where j is a shorthand for escape_javascript.
Without escaping, the Ruby output is interpreted as file output and newlines would break your JS.
Example JS output without escaping:
// Bad
<span>More Content</span>')
Example with escaping:
// Good
$('#some_element').html('<span>Content</span>\n<span>More Content</span>')
There are more great examples online and even Railscasts.
Really AJAX is the best way to do this, and it's not as complicated as you might think. But if you really want to skip AJAX then your best approach is probably to load ALL transactions for all accounts, in different div's and then show or hide them based on which is clicked.
For a rudimentary introduction to this look at javascript tabs... you click on a tab, the appropriate information is shown.
You can do this very simply without ajax. The big difference would be - it's not the same page. One page would be the account#index (as you have now), the other page is the account#show page.
For the show page, use a very similar view as the index page, the left side would include the partial with one of the account li class="active" to highlight the account you are currently on. For the right side of the page, render the account mutations list items.

Button to an external link or styling a link tag to look like a button in Ruby on Rails

I'm a newbie to RoR, but I'm looking to create a button that takes users to an external URL.
I've had trouble using link_to, because I haven't been able to style the hyperlink look like a button.
Then, I am able to get the button to appear with the following code:
%a#about-join-our-team.button Current Open Positions
But I can't add a URL to it in this format. (Button text = "Current Open Positions")
I'm sure I'm making some silly RoR mistake, but I just can't find the right answer in previous threads.
Thanks for you help!
ROR actually has a built-in helper called button_to which does exactly what you need:
= button_to "Current Open Positions", your_url_path, class: "class"
This basically creates a small form, which Rails uses to send a request to. The user sees a standard HTML button
Following should work(HAML)
%a#about-join-our-team.button{href: your_url} Current Open Positions
<a class="button" href="<%= your_url %>" id="about-join-our-team">Current Open Positions</a>

In a Rails app, how can I make a link load in a div as opposed to refreshing the whole page?

I'm still a beginner at web development. It's not my profession. So go easy.
I started building a rails app today, and realized it would make my application so much better if I could get certain links to display in a separate div instead of a new page, or refreshing the entire page. I'm not quite sure how to search for this, and I keep chasing red herrings with google.
Basically, I have a list in a div on the left side of the page, and when one item from that list is clicked, it should appear in the right div. (Nothing else on the page need be changed)
That's really as simple as it is. Do I need to use Javascript for this? Can I get away with the rails js defaults, or should I be using JQuery?
Is there a way to do this without javascript? I really just need a push in the right direction here, I'm tired of not even knowing how to search for this, or what documentation I should be reading.
Like I said, go easy, and you should just go ahead and err to the side of caution, and assume I know nothing. Seriously. :)
Thanks in advance,
(By the way, I'm developing with Rails 3)
Create your views (along with controllers) to be shown inside the div for each item on the left menu. Lets say we have the following structure now:
Item1 (Clicking on it will fetch:
Item2 (Clicking on it will fetch:
and so on...
make sure you only render the html to be put inside your content div. Should not include <head> <body> etc. tags
In your main page you may have your markup like this >
<div id="leftMenu">
Item 1
Item 2
<div id="content">
Please click on an item on the left menu to load content here
Finally, add the following Javascript (you'll need jQuery; trust me it's a good decision).
$("#leftMenu a").click(function () {
$("#content").load($(this).attr("href")); //load html from the url and put it in the #content element
return false; //prevent the default href action
You will need JavaScript if you want to avoid reloading the page. You can use link_to for links in your lists, and you'll need to use :remote => true to make it send AJAX requests to the server. The server will need to respond appropriately and supply HTML for your div.
link_to documentation is here: (and admittedly it isn't very useful for AJAX functionality).
The last post in this thread shows one possible solution you could use.

links in comments in a rails application

I have a rails application where I allow users to enter comments. The comments are displayed back like so
<%= simple_format(sanitize(c.comment)) %>
If a user enters the following the in the comment link this link gets appended to the end of the rails root directory. So if someone clicked on the link the would go to
What can I do to correct this?
You will need to append "http://" in the href attribute of the anchor tags.
And if you aren't using it, may I suggest the auto_link helper method. It will automatically do what you are looking for.

can link_to lead to rendering sth?

i want to render a partial within a view. so that when button MORE is clicked everything stays the same just additional characters are shown. in my case the whole article.
<%= #article1.content[0..300] + "..." %>
<%= link_to "more", ....... %>
i dont know what the right methot would be. somehow i have to explain to rails that when button more is clicked it shows me the whole article. maybe i shouldn't use method link_to ..
thank you in advance for your replys
What you're looking for is link_to_remote or link_to_function.
link_to_remote will be fetching the rest of the article from your controller and replacing/appending to a DOM element with a partial via RJS. This allows you to minimize unnecessary data being sent, and facilitates handling users that have javascript disabled.
With link_to_function, the entire article will be served when the page is loaded, but the everything beyond the first 300 characters will be hidden by CSS. This is easier to set up but sends a lot more data, it also relies on the user having javascript enabled.
Without looking at the source the average user probably couldn't distinguish between the two methods.
Which choice you go with is up to you. Sorry, I haven't got time to provide code examples, but the internet is full of them.
try link_to_function, use truncate for part and insert hidden tag with full text, switch them using javascript in link_to_function
