Optimizing JOINs : comparison with indexed tables - join

Let's say we have a time consuming query described below :
Let's suppose that
Returns many rows (let's say 10 M). Every single row has to be joined with data in BAR.
Now let's say we insert the result of
In a table, and add the ad hoc index(es) to it.
My question :
How would the performance of the "JOIN" with a live query differ from the performance of the "JOIN" to a table containing the result of the previous live query, to which ad hoc indexes would have been added ?
Another way to put it :
If a JOIN is slow, would there be any gain in actually storing and indexing the table to which we JOIN to ?

The answer is 'Maybe'.
It depends on the statistics of the data in question. The only way you'll find out for sure is to actually load the first query into a temp table, stick a relevant index on it, then run the second part of the query.
I can tell you if speed is what you want, if it's possible for you load the results of your first query permanently into a table then of course your query is going to be quicker.
If you want it to be even faster, depending on which DBMS you are using you could consider creating an index which crosses both tables - if you're using SQL Server they're called 'Indexed Views' or you can also look up 'Reified indexes' for other systems.
Finally, if you want the ultimate in speed, consider denormalising your data and eliminating the join that is occurring on the fly - basically you move the pre-processing (the join) offline at the cost of storage space and data consistency (your live table will be a little behind depending on how frequently you run your updates).
I hope this helps.


Merging without rewriting one table

I'm wondering about something that doesn't seem efficient to me.
I have 2 tables, one very large table DATA (millions of rows and hundreds of cols), with an id as primary key.
I then have another table, NEW_COL, with variable rows (1 to millions) but alwas 2 cols : id, and new_col_name.
I want to update the first table, adding the new_data to it.
Of course, i know how to do it with a proc sql/left join, or a data step/merge.
Yet, it seems inefficient, as far as I see with time executing, (which may be wrong), these 2 ways of doing rewrite the huge table completly, even when NEW_DATA is only 1 row (almost 1 min).
I tried doing 2 sql, with alter table add column then update, but it's waaaaaaaay too slow as update with joining doesn't seem efficient at all.
So, is there an efficient way to "add a column" to an existing table WITHOUT rewriting this huge table ?
SAS datasets are row stores and not columnar stores like tables in other databases. As such, adding rows is far easier and efficient than adding columns. A key joined view could be argued as the most 'efficient' way to add a column to a data rectangle.
If you are adding columns so often that the 1 min resource incursion is a problem you may need to upgrade hardware with faster drives, less contentious operating environment, or more memory and SASFILE if the new columns are often yet temporary in nature.
#Richard answer is perfect. If you are adding columns on regular basis then there is problem with your design. You either need to give more details on what you are doing and someone can suggest you.
I would try hash join. you can find code for simple hash join. This is efficient way of joining because in your case you have one large table and one small table if it fit into memory, it much better than a left join. I have done various joins using and query run times was considerably less( to order of 10)
By Altering table approach you are rewriting the table and also it causes lock on your table and nobody can use the table.
You should perform this joins when workload is less, which means during not during office and you may need to schedule the jobs in night, when more SAS resources are available
Thanks for your answers guys.
To add information, i don't have any constraint about table locking, balance load or anything as it's a "projet tool" script I use.
The goal is, in data prep step 'starting point data generator', to recompute an already existing data, or add a new one (less often but still quite regularly). Thus, i just don't want to "lose" time to wait for the whole table to rewrite while i only need to update one data for specific rows.
When i monitor the servor, the computation of the data and the joining step are very fast. But when I want tu update only 1 row, i see the whole table rewriting. Seems a waste of ressource to me.
But it seems it's a mandatory step, so can't do much about it.
Too bad.

Internal working of Pentaho Mondrian for query generation

I am trying to analyse how sql queries are generated by Pentaho mondrian. Let us assume there are no aggregate tables as of now. I have noticed two types of behaviour when I try to fetch data from data warehouse (star schema) using Pentaho.
Case 1: I apply various filters and try to get fact count corresponding to it which is the default measure in my case.
Case 2: I apply the same filters as mentioned in case 1 and try to get some other measure by explicitly putting it into the measures selection box.
Observation: In both the cases, sql queries generated in the back-end include joins of fact table with multiple dimension tables as per the filters applied and columns and rows selected in Pentaho.
However, the join order is different in both the cases. In case 1, the fact table is placed at the left-most position of join whereas it is placed somewhere between the dimension tables in case 2.
I have connected Pentaho with AWS Athena at the back-end to execute queries on data stored on s3 with the help of jdbc connection. Since Athena has Presto at the back-end and Presto does not do automatic JOIN re-ordering, queries in case 2 are getting failed.
I noticed that hash joins are being performed by Presto here. For hash joins to be effective, the largest table should be placed on the left side of join so that the smaller table is cached in memory while performing join. This is not happening in second case and it is trying to hash the fact table which consists of a large amount of data as compared to any of the dimension tables. This causes the query to fail whenever I add measure explicitly (other than default measure) and the data range is large (across an year for example).
Can someone please give an insight into the logic behind query formation of Mondrian in both the cases. Also, is there a way we can make the fact table to always remain on the left-most position of joins in the sql queries generated by Mondrian. Or is there any property of Presto which could be set through Athena to change the join type from hash join to some other type of join in which could solve this problem.
Pentaho version - 6.1.0
Saiku version - 3.10

How to efficiently fetch n most recent rows with GROUP BY in sqlite?

I have a table of event results, and I need to fetch the most recent n events per player for a given list of players.
This is on iOS so it needs to be fast. I've looked at a lot of top-n-per-group solutions that use subqueries or joins, but these run slow for my 100k row dataset even on a macbook pro. So far my dumb solution, since I will only run this with a maximum of 6 players, is to do 6 separate queries. It isn't terribly slow, but there has to be a better way, right? Here's the gist of what I'm doing now:
results_by_pid = {}
player_ids = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
n_results = 6
for pid in player_ids:
results_by_pid[pid] = exec_sql("SELECT *
FROM results
WHERE player_id = #{pid}
ORDER BY event_date DESC
LIMIT n_events")
And then I go on my merry way. But how can I turn this into a single fast query?
There is no better way.
SQL window functions, which might help, are not implemented in SQLite.
SQLite is designed as an embedded database where most of the logic stays in the application.
In contrast to client/server databases where network communication should be avoided, there is no performance disadvantage to mixing SQL commands and program logic.
A less dumb solution requires you to do some SELECT player_id FROM somewhere beforehand, which should be no trouble.
To make the individual queries efficient, ensure you have one index on the two columns player_id and event_date.
This won't be much of an answer, but here goes...
I have found that making things really quick can involve ideas from the nature of the data and schema themselves. For example, searching an ordered list is faster than searching an unordered list, but you have to pay a cost up front - both in design and execution.
So ask yourself if there are any natural partitions on your data that may reduce the number of records SQLite must search. You might ask whether the latest n events fall within a particular time period. Will they all be from the last seven days? The last month? If so then you can construct the query to rule out whole chunks of data before performing more complex searches.
Also, if you just can't get the thing to work quickly, you can consider UX trickery! Soooooo many engineers don't get clever with their UX. Will your query be run as the result of a view controller push? Then set the thing going in a background thread from the PREVIOUS view controller, and let it work while iOS animates. How long does a push animation take? .2 seconds? At what point does your user indicate to the app (via some UX control) which playerids are going to be queried? As soon as he touches that button or TVCell, you can prefetch some data. So if the total work you have to do is O(n log n), that means you can probably break it up into O(n) and O(log n) pieces.
Just some thoughts while I avoid doing my own hard work.
More thoughts
How about a separate table that contains the ids of the previous n inserts? You could add a trigger to delete old ids if the size of the table grows above n. Say..
(result_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, event_date DATE);
// is DATE a type? I don't know. you get the point
AFTER INSERT ON recent_results
WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recent_results) > N
DELETE FROM recent_results
WHERE result_id = (SELECT result_id
FROM recent_results
WHERE event_date = MIN(event_date));
// or something like that. I have no idea if this will work,
// I just threw it together.
Or you could just create a temporary memory-based table that you populate at app load and keep up to date as you perform transactions during app execution. That way you only pay the steep price once!
Just a few more thoughts for you. Be creative, and remember that you can usually define what you want as a data structure as well as an algorithm. Good luck!

Performance of generated T-SQL from Entity Framework

I recently used Entity Framework for a project, despite my DBA's strong disapproval. So one day he came to my office complaining about generated T-SQL that reaches his database.
For instance, when I want to select a product based on the id, I write something like this:
Which translates to
So he is shouting, "Why on earth would you write a SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP 1)"
So I changed my code to
and this produces a much cleaner T-SQL:
The inner query and the TOP 1 dissappeared. Enough mambling, my question is this: Does the first query really put an overhead for SQL Server? Is it harder to parse than the second method? The Id column has a Clustered index on. I want a good answer so I can rub it on his face (or mine)
Have you tried running the queries manually and comparing the executions plans?
The biggest problem here isn't that the SQL isn't perfectly formed to your DBA's standards (although I'm fairly certain that the query engine will optimize out the extra select). The second query actually returns the entire contents of the Products table which you then analyse in memory and this is definitely a task that should be performed by the DB and not the application layer.
In short, he's being a pedant; leave it the way it was.

Fetch data from multiple tables and sort all by their time

I'm creating a page where I want to make a history page. So I was wondering if there is any way to fetch all rows from multiple tables and then sort by their time? Every table has a field called "created_at".
So is there any way to fetch from all tables and sort without having Rails sorting them form me?
You may get a better answer, but I would presume you would need to
Create a History table with a Created date column, an autogenerated Id column, and any other contents you would like to expose [eg Name, Description]
Modify all tables that generate a "history" item to consume this new table via Foreign Key relationship on History.Id
"Mashing up" tables [ie merging different result sets into a single result set] is a very difficult problem, but you would effectively be doing the above anyway - just in the application layer, so why not do it correctly and more efficiently in the data layer.
Hope this helps :)
You would need to perform the sql like:
Select * from table order by created_at incr
: Store this into an array. Do this for each of the data sources, and then perform a merge sort on all the arrays in Ruby. Of course this will work well for small data sets, but once you get a data set that is large (ie: greater than will fit into memory) then you will have to use a different collect/merge algorithm.
So I guess the answer is that you do need to perform some sort of Ruby, unless you resort to the Union method described in another answer.
Depending on whether these databases are all on the same machine or not:
On same machine: Use OrderBy and UNION statements in your sql to return your result set
On different machines: You'll want to test this for performance, but you could use Linked Servers and UNION, ORDER BY. Alternatively, you could have ruby get the results from each db, and then combine them and sort
EDIT: From your last comment about different tables and not DB's; use something like this:
SELECT Created FROM table1
SELECT Created FROM table2
ORDER BY created
