desire2learn email functionality API - desire2learn

I am looking the email functionality api for desire2learn , i have read all the api documentation which i was not able to find those . The use case from web ui is Click Course -> classlist -> display list of users - > you can select the users and then click Email icon on the bottom , this will open a windows for entering email text .
i am planning to integrate this feature by calling rest api .
Please help to find api in the documentation or confirm those apis are not available?

There is currently now APIs directly for sending or dealing with email in Desire2Learn. One approach would be to use the User and Profile apis to access addresses and then use standard smtp relays to send email.


Give mailbox permissions from graph api

I am using the Graph API with app permission & with a certificate.
I know how to send emails with the sender which is different from the requestor's email.
I go to, select the user and add a mailbox delegation then add the user in "Send as".
My question is how to add user with "Send As" option via Graph API only.
I would like use this method microsoft permission: but from graph api
Thanks for your help
No this (and all the other Exchange Admin tasks) aren't currently in the Graph API, the only option for doing this programmatically is to use the Powershell cmdlets The good news is that the v2 Powershell module does now support the client_credentials flow

Send email using Graph API only from few user accounts in background process

I have a background application ( azure function ) which needs to send email from our service account to set of the users under same tenant . I am planning to use the GRAPH api to send the email and I can achieve it using below steps
a. Register an app in azure directory
b. Assign the application permission to send email as any user
c. Get the admin consent for that permission
d. write c# code to get the token and call graph api to send email
I do not see issue with the above approach except the fact that we will be getting the consent to send email as any user , which is quiet dangerous , this will enable me to send email as CEO or CFO of our company
could you please help or guide me if there is any way to send email on behalf of other user using graph api for demon applications ?
You can scope the Service principal permission just to the mailboxes you need to send as The other way is to have a service account and the grant it delegate access to mailboxes you want to send as but this is generally less secure and harder to maintain (eg you have username and password).

Is approval-based sign-ups possible with Slack?

Normally, I invite new members via. email, that I get from them individually.
Let's say I want to campaign publicly for volunteers to join our community, then what is the best approaches with various level of control?
It is not possible out-of-the-box, but you can develop a custom website, where people can apply for your Slack and enter the name and email address.
You can then forward their request for you to approve (e.g. a page with a table of all open requests where each can be approved or denied or an automatically generated email to you etc).
Finally you can auto-invite every approved user with his email address. The Slack API has an undocumented API function that allows that. Check here for my post about that method.
I have done a similar website for inviting people from a gaming community (Eve Online), where they have to first authenticate themselves with their game login before getting an invite to our Slack. It works pretty well. I made this website with PHP, but basically every server based script language will work.

Is there a way to get write access to twitter api without mobile authentication?

I am currently working out of india and am trying to get to make my app post on behalf of my Twitter user account. However, for me to be able to do this, I need to create write access to my app on twitter, which I tried to. Unfortunately, twitter gives me the following error:
You must add your mobile phone to your Twitter profile before granting your application write capabilities. Please read for more information
Now, I tried to add my mobile phone number following these instructions. Twitter, does not support any of the Indian mobile carriers in order to authenticate the same.
Is there a work around? Is there any way I can make write access work from here?
There are two ways to do this.
The official way to do this is to contact the Twitter API team directly using this form
The unofficial way is
Authenticate against (use your phone or computer).
Go to Settings
Go to Phone
Add your mobile
A "manage" link should be available
All being well, you'll get a confirmation SMS
I've not tried this method - but I have seen other people say it works.

RPXnow Facebook Connect - Use and Level of support?

I am using authentication solution for a rails app and am now at the point of wanting to develop Facebook integration features using Facebook Connect and the client api. What I am unclear on from RPXnow docs is the level of integration their solution provides. When a user connects via rpx using their FB creds, are they now using Facebook Connect? Can I make calls to the client api from my app? Do I need to use the RPX api to access the FB client APIs?
Anyone with experience using both who can shed light here, much appreciated.
Great question. Facebook Connect is simply a javascript layer built on top of the Facebook Platform APIs. RPX uses the platform APIs to authenticate the user, and after they have signed in, you may safely use the native Facebook Connect javascript to implement FB specific features on your site like posting activity back to the News Feed. You just need to set your connect URL on the facebook developer site and drop in the Facebook Connect javascript and then start implementing. After authenticating via RPX, the user will already have approved and "connected" to your website, and you'll have access to the breadth of Connect directly.
Also, if you have an RPX Plus/Pro account you can make simple RPX API calls to set a user's status and post activity on Facebook (and Twitter/MySpace).
Brian Ellin
RPX Product Manager
Once you've hooked up RPXNow (JanRain) single sign-on, you can follow the Facebook documentation. The Server-side Personalization example is in PHP but the idea is the same in any language.
// Fetch the user's friends
$friends = json_decode(file_get_contents(
'' .
$cookie['oauth_access_token']), true);
$friend_ids = array_keys($friends);
The key point to note is that the $cookie['oauth_access_token'] referenced in this example needs to be the string returned by the RPXNow sign-on API response in the JSON field
Hint: from your RPXNow dashboard, check out the Test Sign-In Widget page under Resources to see where that token is in the response.
Initially I thought this would be hampered by having your Base Domain set to in your Facebook Application settings, but this is not the case. It works fine.
