Calculating differences of subsequent elements of a sequence in F# - f#

I have a sequence of floats in F#, and I need to get a sequence defined of (Math.Log currentElement)/(Math.Log previousElement). Obviously it will be shorter than the original sequence by one element.
What is the most elegant way to achieve this in F#? I was thinking to use a seq{} expression with a for loop inside, but even then handling the first element in a reasonably nice way seems difficult...

items |> Seq.pairwise |> (fun (x, y) -> log y / log x)

Or if you prefer:
let f (x, y) = (log y) / (log x)
let ans = s |> Seq.pairwise |> f


F# pipe operator confusion

I am learning F# and the use cases of the |>, >>, and << operators confuse me. I get that everything if statements, functions, etc. act like variables but how do these work?
Usually we (community) say the Pipe Operator |> is just a way, to write the last argument of a function before the function call. For example
f x y
can be written
y |> f x
but for correctness, this is not true. It just pass the next argument to a function. So you could even write.
y |> (x |> f)
All of this, and all other kind of operators works, because in F# all functions are curried by default. This means, there exists only functions with one argument. Functions with many arguments, are implemented that a functions return another function.
You could also write
(f x) y
for example. The function f is a function that takes x as argument and returns another function. This then gets y passed as an argument.
This process is automatically done by the language. So if you write
let f x y z = x + y + z
it is the same as:
let f = fun x -> fun y -> fun z -> x + y + z
Currying is by the way the reason why parenthesis in a ML-like language are not enforced compared to a LISP like language. Otherwise you would have needded to write:
(((f 1) 2) 3)
to execute a function f with three arguments.
The pipe operator itself is just another function, it is defined as
let (|>) x f = f x
It takes a value x as its first argument. And a function f as its second argument. Because operators a written "infix" (this means between two operands) instead of "prefix" (before arguments, the normal way), this means its left argument to the operator is the first argument.
In my opinion, |> is used too much by most F# people. It makes sense to use piping if you have a chain of operations, one after another. Typically for example if you have multiple list operations.
Let's say, you want to square all numbers in a list and then filter only the even ones. Without piping you would write.
List.filter isEven ( square [1..10])
Here the second argument to List.filter is a list that is returned by You can also write it as square [1..10]
|> List.filter isEven
Piping is Function application, this means, you will execute/run a function, so it computes and returns a value as its result.
In the above example is first executed, and the result is passed to List.filter. That's true with piping and without piping. But sometimes, you want to create another function, instead of executing/running a function. Let's say you want to create a function, from the above. The two versions you could write are
let evenSquares xs = List.filter isEven ( square xs)
let evenSquares xs = square xs |> List.filter isEven
You could also write it as function composition.
let evenSquares = List.filter isEven << square
let evenSquares = square >> List.filter isEven
The << operator resembles function composition in the "normal" way, how you would write a function with parenthesis. And >> is the "backwards" compositon, how it would be written with |>.
The F# documentation writes it the other way, what is backward and forward. But i think the F# language creators are wrong.
The function composition operators are defined as:
let (<<) f g x = f (g x)
let (>>) f g x = g (f x)
As you see, the operator has technically three arguments. But remember currying. When you write f << g, then the result is another functions, that expects the last argument x. Passing less arguments then needed is also often called Partial Application.
Function composition is less often used in F#, because the compiler sometimes have problems with type inference if the function arguments are generic.
Theoretically you could write a program without ever defining a variable, just through function composition. This is also named Point-Free style.
I would not recommend it, it often makes code harder to read and/or understand. But it is sometimes used if you want to pass a function to another
Higher-Order function. This means, a functions that take another function as an argument. Like, List.filter and so on.
Pipes and composition operators have simple definition but are difficult to grasp. But once we have understand them, they are super useful and we miss them when we get back to C#.
Here some explanations but you get the best feedbacks from your own experiments. Have fun!
Pipe right operator |>
val |> fn ≡ fn val
Building a pipeline, to chain calls to functions: x |> f |> g ≡ g (f x).
Easier to read: just follow the data flow
No intermediary variables
Natural language in english: Subject Verb.
It's regular in object-oriented code :
In F#, the "subject" is usually the last parameter: f list. Using |>, we get back the natural "Subject Verb" order: list |> f
Final benefit but not the least: help type inference:
let items = ["a"; "bb"; "ccc"]
let longestKo = List.maxBy (fun x -> x.Length) items // ❌ Error FS0072
// ~~~~~~~~
let longest = items |> List.maxBy (fun x -> x.Length) // ✅ return "ccc"
Pipe left operator <|
fn <| expression ≡ fn (expression)
Less used than |>
✅ Small benefit: avoiding parentheses
❌ Major drawback: inverse of the english natural "left to right" reading order and inverse of execution order (because of left-associativity)
printf "%i" 1+2 // 💥 Error
printf "%i" (1+2) // With parentheses
printf "%i" <| 1+2 // With pipe left
What about this kind of expression: x |> fn <| y ❓
In theory, allow using fn in infix position, equivalent of fn x y
In practice, it can be very confusing for some readers not used to it.
👉 It's probably better to avoid using <|
Forward composition operator >>
Binary operator placed between 2 functions:
f >> g ≡ fun x -> g (f x) ≡ fun x -> x |> f |> g
Result of the 1st function is used as argument for the 2nd function
→ types must match: f: 'T -> 'U and g: 'U -> 'V → f >> g :'T -> 'V
let add1 x = x + 1
let times2 x = x * 2
let add1Times2 x = times2(add1 x) // 😕 Style explicit but heavy
let add1Times2' = add1 >> times2 // 👍 Style concise
Backward composition operator <<
f >> g ≡ g << f
Less used than >>, except to get terms in english order:
let even x = x % 2 = 0
// even not 😕
let odd x = x |> even |> not
// "not even" is easier to read 👍
let odd = not << even
☝ Note: << is the mathematical function composition ∘: g ∘ f ≡ fun x -> g (f x) ≡ g << f.
It's confusing in F# because it's >> that is usually called the "composition operator" ("forward" being usually omitted).
On the other hand, the symbols used for these operators are super useful to remember the order of execution of the functions: f >> g means apply f then apply g. Even if argument is implicit, we get the data flow direction:
>> : from left to right → f >> g ≡ fun x -> x |> f |> g
<< : from right to left → f << g ≡ fun x -> f <| (g <| x)
(Edited after good advices from David)

Does Function Composition rely on Partial Application?

Does Function Composition rely on Partial Application?
Here's my understanding:
Observe the following functions that have some duplication of function calls:
let updateCells (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
grid |> Map.toSeq
|> snd
|> Seq.fold (fun grid c -> grid |> setReaction (c.X, c.Y)) grid
let mutable _cells = ObservableCollection<Cell>( grid |> Map.toSeq
|> snd
|> Seq.toList )
let cycleHandler _ =
self.Cells <- ObservableCollection<Cell>( grid |> cycleThroughCells
|> Map.toSeq
|> snd
|> Seq.toList )
If you’ve noticed, the following code appears in all three functions:
grid |> Map.toSeq
|> snd
Function Composition
Within functional programming, we can fuse functions together so that they can become one function.
To do this, let’s create a new function from the duplicated sequence of functions:
let getCells = Map.toSeq >> snd >> Seq.toList
Now if you’re attentive, you will have noticed that we don’t use any arguments when using Function Composition. Hence, the grid value is not used. The reason behind this is because of Partial Application.
Partial Application
I’m still learning all these functional programming techniques. However, my understanding is that partial application is a technique within functional programming that postpones the need to accept a complete set of arguments for a given function. In other words, partial application is the act of deferring the acceptance of a complete set of arguments for a given function in which there is an expectation that the end-client will provide the rest of the arguments later. At least, that’s my understanding.
We can now take a function like:
let updateCells (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
grid |> Map.toSeq
|> snd
|> Seq.fold (fun grid c -> grid |> setReaction (c.X, c.Y)) grid
And refactor it to something like:
let updateCells (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
grid |> getCells
|> Seq.fold (fun grid c -> grid |> setReaction (c.X, c.Y)) grid
Are my thoughts regarding Function Composition being coupled with Partial Application accurate?
Actually, if you take the expression
let getCells = Map.toSeq >> snd >> Seq.toList
and attempt to compile it as a stand-alone expression, you'll get a compiler error:
error FS0030: Value restriction. The value 'getCells' has been inferred to have generic type
val getCells : (Map<'_a,'_b> -> '_b list) when '_a : comparison
Either make the arguments to 'getCells' explicit or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation.
The reason it works in your case is because you're using the getCells function with grid, which means that the compiler infers it to have a constrained type.
In order to keep it generic, you can rephrase it using an explicit argument:
let getCells xs = xs |> Map.toSeq |> snd |> Seq.toList
This expression is a valid stand-alone expression of the type Map<'a,'b> -> 'b list when 'a : comparison.
The style used with the >> function composition operator is called point-free. It works well with partial application, but isn't quite the same.
There is, however, an example of partial function application in this example:
let getCells xs = xs |> Map.toSeq |> snd |> Seq.toList
The function snd has the following type:
'a * 'b -> 'b
It's function that takes a single argument.
You could also write the above getCells function without partial application of the snd function:
let getCells xs = xs |> Map.toSeq |> (fun x -> snd x) |> Seq.toList
Notice that instead of a partially applied function passed to, you can pass a lambda expression. The getCells function is still a function composed from other functions, but it no longer relies on partial application of snd.
Thus, to partially (pun intended) answer your question: function composition doesn't have to rely on partial function composition.
In F#, functions are curried by default. This means that all functions take exactly one argument, and returns a value. Sometimes (often), the return value is another function.
Consider, as an example, the function. If you call it with one argument, the return value is another function: snd
This expression has the type seq<'a * 'b> -> seq<'b>, because the return value of snd is another function.
Eta reduction
This means that you can perform an Eta reduction on the above lambda expression fun x -> snd x, because x appears on both sides of the expression. The result is simply snd, and the entire expression becomes
let getCells xs = xs |> Map.toSeq |> snd |> Seq.toList
As you can see, partial application isn't necessary for function composition, but it does make it much easier.
The above composition using the pipe operator (|>) still relies on partial application of the functions Map.toSeq,, etcetera. In order to demonstrate that composition doesn't rely on partial application, here's an 'impartial' (the opposite of partial? (pun)) alternative:
let getCells xs =
|> (fun xs' -> Map.toSeq xs')
|> (fun xs' -> (fun x -> snd x) xs')
|> (fun xs' -> Seq.toList xs')
Notice that this version makes extensive use of lambda expressions instead of partial application.
I wouldn't compose functions in this way; I only included this alternative to demonstrate that it can be done.
Composition depends on first-class functions, not really on partial applications.
What is required to implement composition is that:
Functions must be able to be taken as arguments and returned as return values
Function signatures must be valid types (if you want the composition to be strongly-typed)
Partial application creates more opportunities for composition, but in principle you can easily define function composition without it.
For example, C# doesn't have partial application*, but you can still compose two functions together, as long as the signatures match:
Func<a, c> Compose<a, b, c>(this Func<a, b> f,
Func<b, c> g)
return x => g(f(x));
which is just >> with an uglier syntax: f.Compose(g).
However, there is one interesting connection between composition and partial application. The definition of the >> operator is:
let (>>) f g x = g(f(x))
and so, when you write foo >> bar, you are indeed partially applying the (>>) function, ie omitting the x argument to get the fun x = g(f(x)) partial result.
But, as I said above, this isn't strictly necessary. The Compose function above is equivalent to F#'s >> operator and doesn't involve any partial application; lambdas perform the same role in a slightly more verbose way.
* Unless you manually implement it, which nobody does. I.e. instead of writing
string foo(int a, int b)
return (a + b).ToString();
you'd have to write
Func<int, string> foo(int a)
return b => (a + b).ToString();
and then you'd be able to pass each argument separately just like in F#.

FSharp order of function parameters

Since functions in FSharp with multiple parameters get curried inherently into functions with only one parameter, should the signature of Seq.filter have to be
Seq.filter predicate source
How different will it be from
Seq.filter source predicate
The first order (predicate, sequence) is more appropriate for chaining sequence combinators via the |> operator. Typically, you have a single sequence to which you apply a number of operations/transformations, consider something like
xs |> ... |> Seq.filter ... |> Seq. ...
etc. Reversing the order of the parameters to (source, predicate) would prohibit that (or at least make it much more awkward to express). That (and maybe also partial application) is why for (almost) all the default Seq combinators the last parameter is the sequence the operation is applied to.
The reason it is
Seq.filter predicate source
instead of
Seq.filter soure predicate
is so that you can do this
|> Seq.filter predicate
Since you are more likely to build a new function using Seq.filter predicate
let isEven = Seq.filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)
you can now do
source |> isEven
There are functions in F# where the order of parameters are not done like this because of it's history of coming from OCaml. See: Different argument order for getting N-th element of Array, List or Seq
Yes Seq.filter takes the predicate followed by the sequence to filter. If you want to provide them in the other order you could write a function to reverse the arguments:
let flip f a b = f b a
then you could write
(flip Seq.filter) [1..10] (fun i -> i > 3)
The existing order is more convenient however since it makes partial application more useful e.g.
[1..3] |> ((*)2) |> Seq.filter (fun i -> i > 2)
and you have also ||> for piping functions accepting two arguments signature, or partially apply 2 arguments to a wider signature. : )

Functions vs methods

I'm very new to F#. One of the first things I noticed was that collection operations are defined as functions rather than as methods.
As an experiment, I defined a couple of methods on list:
type List<'a> with
member f = f this
member this.filter f = List.filter f this
Then, given these helpers:
let square x = x * x
let isEven n = n % 2 = 0
here's an example of using the methods:
[1 .. 10].filter(isEven).map(square)
And here's the traditional way:
[1 .. 10] |> List.filter isEven |> square
So concision clearly wasn't a reason to choose functions over methods. :-)
From a library design perspective, why were functions chosen over methods?
My guess is that it's because you can pass List.filter around, but can't really pass the filter method around unless it's "tied" to a list or wrapped in an anonymous function (i.e. (fun (ls : 'a list) -> ls.filter) effectively turns the filter method back into a function on list).
However, even with that reason, it seems the most common case of invoking an operation directly would give favor to methods since they are more concise. So I'm wondering if there's another reason.
My second guess is function specialization. I.e. it's straightforward to specialize List.filter (e.g. let evens List.filter isEven). It seems more verbose to have to define an evens method.
What functions have over methods is function specialization and the easy factoring it enables.
Here's the example expression involving functions:
let square x = x * x
let isEven n = n % 2 = 0
[1 .. 10] |> List.filter isEven |> square
Let's factor out a function called evens for filtering evens:
let evens = List.filter isEven
And now let's factor out a function which squares a list of ints:
let squarify = square
Our original expression is now:
[1 .. 10] |> evens |> squarify
Now let's go back to the original method based expression:
[1 .. 10].filter(isEven).map(square)
Factoring out a filter on evens isn't as trivial in this case.
I think your guess is correct. Concision aside, being able to treat List.filter as a first class thing that may be passed around (your first guess) and partially applied (your second guess) is key. It's a verb- rather than noun-oriented way of looking at the world. I think Steve Yegge said it best :)

F# treating operators as functions

In F#, is there a way to treat an operator as a function? In context, I'd like to partially apply operators (both infix and prefix), but the compiler only seems happy to partially apply functions.
Instead of being able to write (2 **) [0..7];; I have to define my own function pow x y (and then another function let swap f x y = f y x;; because the compiler won't let me partially apply |> either, as in (|> pow 2) [0..7];;.) In the end, my code needs to be (swap pow 2) [0..7];; to work.
I would just do:
[0..7] |> (fun n -> pown n 2)
Or, if 2 is the base:
[0..7] |> (pown 2)
This works too:
[0.0..7.0] |> (( ** ) 2.0)
There are no 'operator sections' a la Haskell; use a lambda to partially apply operators, e.g.
(fun x -> x - 10)
You can partially apply the first argument if you make an infix operator be prefix by surrounding it in parens, e.g.
(fun x -> 10.0 / x)
((/) 10.0)
mean the same thing.
