Webrick will not stop or restart - ruby-on-rails

I was running Linux Mint 13 prior to now, and just switched to Fedora 17. Since I have made the switch, I can no longer stop Webrick. I use Jetbrains Rubymine, and starting the server works fine, but as soon as I hit stop, or restart, it somehow detatches from the processes and I cannot use that port again until I reboot my computer. My first thoughts were that it was a problem with Rubymine, but when I start the server in a console, it does the exact same thing. I hit ctrl-c to stop it (and it appears to do so), but as soon as I go to start the server again on that port, it fails because of duplicate address in use.

I have this error on Mint (opposite to you, as I see) - Ubuntu machine always exits fine by CTRL+C. Solution without restarting your machine: kill Webrick process. Search for a PID of detached server process via ps aux | grep rails command and then kill it via kill -9 <PID>
In one line you can run this in your project dir:
kill -9 `cat tmp/pids/server.pid`
(You can also set this command as an alias in your .bash_profile, to use more easily)
Or is there no Webrick process to kill, whatsoever?


How to stop Docker (and Kubernetes) using Docker desktop?

I'm running Docker Desktop for MacOS and I don't know how to stop the Docker service. It runs all the time using up the MacBook battery.
On a simple search, there are docs showing how to stop the containers but not the docker service itself.
I might be missing something obvious, but is there a way to stop both Kubernetes and Docker service without having to kill the desktop app?
The docker desktop app starts a qemu vm, so the desktop app has no control over the PIDs.
To oversome the "situation" do the following:
open the Terminal app
edit the file ~/.bash_profile
add the following lines
#macro to kill the docker desktop app and the VM (excluding vmnetd -> it's a service)
function kdo() {
ps ax|grep -i docker|egrep -iv 'grep|com.docker.vmnetd'|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill
save the file
Quit the terminal app and open it again.
Type kdo to kill all the dependend apps (hypervisor, docker daemon etc.)
You can open the Activy Monitor, select Docker and then use the Quit button.
Maybe you will need to use the Force Quit option.
I had been searching around for an answer to this too, as I noticed com.docker.hyperkit was taking >3GB memory and a lot of CPU, when the desktop app wasn't even opened on Mac OS X Catalina, Docker Desktop 3.0.4
Just as I was about kill -9, I noticed that quitting the docker app again actually did kill off every process except com.docker.vmnetd for whatever reason.
So I guess the solution here was... reopen and re-quit? I also made sure, of course, there were no running containers. I removed an old image too, unsure if that was related to it finally being able to fully quit.
com.docker.hyperkit taked > 8GB Memory . just run in terminal kill -9 PID
ex my process kill -9 71397

How to fix erlang application restarting with upstart?

I have an erlang application (OTP 21) that runs as an upstart service. When I try to restart application with sudo initctl restart my_service I got an error:
Protocol 'inet_tcp': the name my_service#localhost seems to be in use by another Erlang node
and application don't started again.
Based on dates in logs I decided that upstart try to start application a few milliseconds before it actually stopped. How can I fix this?

Stop neo4j from command line on Linux

I am trying to shutdown a neo4j database which is run from an Appimage on my desktop. The official docs specify using: systemctl stop neo4j https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/3.4/installation/linux/systemd/
This results in the following error:
Failed to stop neo4j.service: Unit neo4j.service not loaded.
How do I shutdown neo4j running from an Appimage from the command line?
pkill -TERM neo4j-desktop
Using the system to exit neo4j is less elegant than I had hoped (but appears to work without issue).
Linux: close a program with command line (not kill it)

Start Rails server automatically on Ubuntu startup

I need to run my Rails server upon system startup. I am running my ROR code in my Ubuntu server. Here i need to see my rails server always in start condition. Suppose the Ubuntu server has shut down for some problem when it will start again my Rails server should start automatically. For this i made a script which is given below:
cd /home/subhrajyoti/spa
rails server -p 8888 -b -d
In windows I am putting this file in the Windows Startup folder and it's running automatically each time Windows starts. Now I need the same behaviour in Ubuntu.
Check this out might help with your issue

Proper way to start nginx/passenger (non-standalone) on Ubuntu with Rails 3?

I configured my Rails 3 production app about 6 months ago on Ubuntu running nginx/passenger, using git and Capistrano for deployment.
Fast forward to last week - The data center I was using (DigitalOcean NYC) actually had a complete power failure (and the battery backup didn't work) - resulting in my server shutting completely down.
I did not set passenger or mysql to start on reboot, so when the hardware server restarted, my app was still down.
I really did not know much about what I was doing at the time when I launched it (since it was my first production server that I have worked with), and I followed a guide to get it up and running.
When I attempted to get the app running again, I managed to start mysqld no problem - but for the life of me couldn't remember how to get nginx/passenger running again.
Since time was of the essence (my client needed the app up and running ASAP), I ended up getting the app back up and running by navigating to my app directory (/current) and using the command:
passenger start -p 80 -e production
This did the trick but actually started Passenger Standalone. It seems to work fine (it is not a big or complicated app at all, maybe a few users at a time). I can navigate back to my directory and start and stop it using the above command (and passenger stop -p 80).
However, now my capistrano deploy (cap deploy) no longer restarts the server on a deploy (it is trying to run touch tmp/restart.txt) - which even if I try to run manually, does nothing since the server is running Passenger Standalone.
I can't remember how I got the server up and running in the first place because it was so long ago. I'm not using RVM - just the version of Ruby running directly on the server.
Does anyone know the correct command to start nginx/passenger (not standalone) on Ubuntu?
And even a step further - how I can get mysqld and nginx/passenger to automatically load on a hard server restart?
Capistrano does not restart the server because it actually creates a new app directory (/u/apps/.../releases/xxx), while Passenger Standalone is still running in the old app directory (/u/apps/.../releases/yyy). Therefore touching restart.txt doesn't work. Instead, you have to restart Passenger Standalone like this:
cd /path-to-previous-release && passenger stop -p 80
cd /path-to-current-release && passenger start -p 80 -e production
You mentioned you want to start nginx/passsenger. I assume that you mean the Nginx mode. Here's what you need to do:
Install Phusion Passenger using the official Passenger APT repository.
There is no step 2. If you did step 1, then the Ubuntu package will automatically configure Nginx to start at system boot, which will automatically start Passenger as well.
I don't understand why you ask how you can get mysqld to automatically start on a hard server restart. Mysqld is always started during system boot. You don't have to do anything.
