Haskell Parsec - error messages are less helpful while using custom tokens - parsing

I'm working on seperating lexing and parsing stages of a parser. After some tests, I realized error messages are less helpful when I'm using some tokens other than Parsec's Char tokens.
Here are some examples of Parsec's error messages while using Char tokens:
ghci> P.parseTest (string "asdf" >> spaces >> string "ok") "asdf wrong"
parse error at (line 1, column 7):
unexpected "w"
expecting space or "ok"
ghci> P.parseTest (choice [string "ok", string "nop"]) "wrong"
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected "w"
expecting "ok" or "nop"
So, string parser shows what string is expected when found an unexpected string, and choice parser shows what are alternatives.
But when I use same combinators with my tokens:
ghci> Parser.parseTest ((tok $ Ide "asdf") >> (tok $ Ide "ok")) "asdf "
parse error at "test" (line 1, column 1):
unexpected end of input
In this case, it doesn't print what was expected.
ghci> Parser.parseTest (choice [tok $ Ide "ok", tok $ Ide "nop"]) "asdf "
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected (Ide "asdf","test" (line 1, column 1))
And when I use choice, it doesn't print alternatives.
I expect this behavior to be related with combinator functions, and not with tokens, but seems like I'm wrong. How can I fix this?
Here's the full lexer + parser code:
module Lexer
( Token(..)
, TokenPos(..)
, tokenize
) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (token, tokens)
import Control.Applicative ((<*), (*>), (<$>), (<*>))
data Token = Ide String
| Number String
| Bool String
| LBrack
| RBrack
| LBrace
| RBrace
| Keyword String
deriving (Show, Eq)
type TokenPos = (Token, SourcePos)
ide :: Parser TokenPos
ide = do
pos <- getPosition
fc <- oneOf firstChar
r <- optionMaybe (many $ oneOf rest)
return $ flip (,) pos $ case r of
Nothing -> Ide [fc]
Just s -> Ide $ [fc] ++ s
where firstChar = ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ "_"
rest = firstChar ++ ['0'..'9']
parsePos p = (,) <$> p <*> getPosition
lbrack = parsePos $ char '[' >> return LBrack
rbrack = parsePos $ char ']' >> return RBrack
lbrace = parsePos $ char '{' >> return LBrace
rbrace = parsePos $ char '}' >> return RBrace
token = choice
[ ide
, lbrack
, rbrack
, lbrace
, rbrace
tokens = spaces *> many (token <* spaces)
tokenize :: SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError [TokenPos]
tokenize = runParser tokens ()
module Parser where
import Text.Parsec as P
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Lexer
parseTest :: Show a => Parsec [TokenPos] () a -> String -> IO ()
parseTest p s =
case tokenize "test" s of
Left e -> putStrLn $ show e
Right ts' -> P.parseTest p ts'
tok :: Token -> ParsecT [TokenPos] () Identity Token
tok t = token show snd test
where test (t', _) = case t == t' of
False -> Nothing
True -> Just t
Ok, after fp4me's answer and reading Parsec's Char source more carefully, I ended up with this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Parser where
import Text.Parsec as P
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Lexer
parseTest :: Show a => Parsec [TokenPos] () a -> String -> IO ()
parseTest p s =
case tokenize "test" s of
Left e -> putStrLn $ show e
Right ts' -> P.parseTest p ts'
type Parser a = Parsec [TokenPos] () a
advance :: SourcePos -> t -> [TokenPos] -> SourcePos
advance _ _ ((_, pos) : _) = pos
advance pos _ [] = pos
satisfy :: (TokenPos -> Bool) -> Parser Token
satisfy f = tokenPrim show
(\c -> if f c then Just (fst c) else Nothing)
tok :: Token -> ParsecT [TokenPos] () Identity Token
tok t = (Parser.satisfy $ (== t) . fst) <?> show t
Now I'm getting same error messages:
ghci> Parser.parseTest (choice [tok $ Ide "ok", tok $ Ide "nop"]) " asdf"
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected (Ide "asdf","test" (line 1, column 3))
expecting Ide "ok" or Ide "nop"

A beginning of solution can be to define your choice function in the Parser,
use a specific unexpected function to override unexpected error and finally
use the <?> operator to override the expecting message:
mychoice [] = mzero
mychoice (x:[]) = (tok x <|> myUnexpected) <?> show x
mychoice (x:xs) = ((tok x <|> mychoice xs) <|> myUnexpected) <?> show (x:xs)
myUnexpected = do
input <- getInput
unexpected $ (id $ first input )
first [] = "eof"
first (x:xs) = show $ fst x
and call your parser like that :
ghci> Parser.parseTest (mychoice [Ide "ok", Ide "nop"]) "asdf "
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected Ide "asdf"
expecting [Ide "ok",Ide "nop"]


How can I complete the implementation of parser for this mini prolog in haskell?

module Parser where
import Text.Parsec
import Lexer
import AST
type Parser = Parsec [(SourcePos, Token)] ()
tokenP :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
tokenP test = token show fst (test . snd)
symbol :: String -> Parser ()
symbol c = tokenP (\t -> case t of
TSym s -> if s == c then Just () else Nothing
_ -> Nothing)
functorP :: Parser (String, [Term]) -- functor and relation have the same parser
functorP = error "not yet implemented"
termP :: Parser Term
termP = do
name <- tokenP (\t -> case t of
(TName s) -> Just (Atom s)
(TVar s) -> Just (Var s)
_ -> Nothing)
case name of -- parser consumes name which can be of atom or functor
(Atom a) -> (fmap (Func a) . between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
. flip sepBy1 (symbol ",") $ termP) <|> return name
_ -> return name
{- parse a relation or cut in body of clause -}
relP :: Parser Rel
relP = (symbol "!" *> return Cut)
<|> relHeadP
{- parse a relation in head of clause -}
relHeadP :: Parser Rel
relHeadP = fmap (uncurry Rel) functorP
ruleP :: Parser Rule
ruleP = error "not yet implemented"
programP :: Parser Program
programP = fmap Program $ many ruleP
parseProgram :: String -> Either ParseError Program
parseProgram source = do
tokens <- parse (tokensL <* eof) "" source
parse (programP <* eof) "" tokens
parseRel :: String -> Either ParseError Rel
parseRel source = do
tokens <- parse (tokensL <* eof) "" source
parse (relHeadP <* (symbol ".") <* eof) "" tokens
I am not very sure what to do for funtorP and ruleP. can someone explain it with codes? thanks
here is the link for the zip file which includes other package: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mW7zJdi0UbLPLO9t94A9vbOIgmspUMAE/view?usp=sharing

Parsec fails without error if reading from file

I wrote a small parsec parser to read samples from a user supplied input string or an input file. It fails properly on wrong input with a useful error message if the input is provided as a semicolon separated string:
> readUncalC14String "test1,7444,37;6800,36;testA,testB,2000,222;test3,7750,40"
*** Exception: Error in parsing dates from string: (line 1, column 29):
unexpected "t"
expecting digit
But it fails silently for the input file inputFile.txt with identical entries:
> readUncalC14FromFile "inputFile.txt"
[UncalC14 "test1" 7444 37,UncalC14 "unknownSampleName" 6800 36]
Why is that and how can I make readUncalC14FromFile fail in a useful manner as well?
Here is a minimal subset of my code:
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.String as P
data UncalC14 = UncalC14 String Int Int deriving Show
readUncalC14FromFile :: FilePath -> IO [UncalC14]
readUncalC14FromFile uncalFile = do
s <- readFile uncalFile
case P.runParser uncalC14SepByNewline () "" s of
Left err -> error $ "Error in parsing dates from file: " ++ show err
Right x -> return x
uncalC14SepByNewline :: P.Parser [UncalC14]
uncalC14SepByNewline = P.endBy parseOneUncalC14 (P.newline <* P.spaces)
readUncalC14String :: String -> Either String [UncalC14]
readUncalC14String s =
case P.runParser uncalC14SepBySemicolon () "" s of
Left err -> error $ "Error in parsing dates from string: " ++ show err
Right x -> Right x
uncalC14SepBySemicolon :: P.Parser [UncalC14]
uncalC14SepBySemicolon = P.sepBy parseOneUncalC14 (P.char ';' <* P.spaces)
parseOneUncalC14 :: P.Parser UncalC14
parseOneUncalC14 = do
P.try long P.<|> short
long = do
name <- P.many (P.noneOf ",")
_ <- P.oneOf ","
mean <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
_ <- P.oneOf ","
std <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
return (UncalC14 name mean std)
short = do
mean <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
_ <- P.oneOf ","
std <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
return (UncalC14 "unknownSampleName" mean std)
What is happening here is that a prefix of your input is a valid string. To force parsec to use the whole input you can use the eof parser:
uncalC14SepByNewline = P.endBy parseOneUncalC14 (P.newline <* P.spaces) <* P.eof
The reason that one works and the other doesn't is due to the difference between sepBy and endBy. Here is a simpler example:
sepTest, endTest :: String -> Either P.ParseError String
sepTest s = P.runParser (P.sepBy (P.char 'a') (P.char 'b')) () "" s
endTest s = P.runParser (P.endBy (P.char 'a') (P.char 'b')) () "" s
Here are some interesting examples:
ghci> sepTest "abababb"
Left (line 1, column 7):
unexpected "b"
expecting "a"
ghci> endTest "abababb"
Right "aaa"
ghci> sepTest "ababaa"
Right "aaa"
ghci> endTest "ababaa"
Left (line 1, column 6):
unexpected "a"
expecting "b"
As you can see both sepBy and endBy can fail silently, but sepBy fails silently if the prefix doesn't end in the separator b and endBy fails silently if the prefix doesn't end in the main parser a.
So you should use eof after both parsers if you want to make sure you read the whole file/string.

Haskell, Parsec - Parsing application in lambda calculus

I am writing a simple parser/interpreter for lambda calculus in Haskell.
I am using the syntax "/(x.x)" for a lambda function, "x" for a name and "f y" for application, such that "/(x.x) y" is the application of identity to y and should return y.
My strategy is to have a parser for names, lambda functions and applications. The name and function parsers work, but not the application parser.
When I try to parse "/(x.x) y" it fails. It should try to parse the source as a name, as a lambda function, and after not being able to use both (because it would not parse all the source) try to parse it as an application and then succeed.
My code is:
module Main where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data Expression =
Var String
| Lambda Expression Expression
| Application Expression Expression
deriving Eq
instance Show Expression where
show (Var v) = v
show (Lambda v e) = "/(" ++ show v ++ "." ++ show e ++ ")"
show (Application e1 e2) = "" ++ show e1 ++ " " ++ show e2 ++ ""
-- Parser
parseSource :: String -> Expression
parseSource source =
case parse (parseExpression <* eof) "" source of
Right e -> e
_ -> error "Parsing error"
parseExpression :: Parser Expression
parseExpression =
parseVar <|> parseLambda <|> parseApplication
parseVar :: Parser Expression
parseVar = Var <$> many1 letter
parseLambda :: Parser Expression
parseLambda = do
_ <- char '/'
_ <- char '('
arg <- parseVar
_ <- char '.'
body <- parseExpression
_ <- char ')'
return $ Lambda arg body
parseApplication :: Parser Expression
parseApplication = do
e1 <- parseExpression
_ <- spaces
e2 <- parseExpression
return $ Application e1 e2

How do I create a Parser data?

I am trying to learn how can I do a parser for expressions in Haskell and I found this code (below), but I don't even know how to use it.
I tried with: expr (Add (Num 5) (Num 2)) , but it needs a "Parser" data type.
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Token
import Text.Parsec.Language
data Expr = Num Int | Var String | Add Expr Expr | Sub Expr Expr | Mul Expr Expr | Div Expr Expr deriving Show
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = buildExpressionParser table factor
<?> "expression"
table = [[op "*" Mul AssocLeft, op "/" Div AssocLeft],
[op "+" Add AssocLeft, op "-" Sub AssocLeft]]
op s f assoc = Infix (do{ string s; return f}) assoc
factor = do{ char '('
; x <- expr
; char ')'
; return x}
<|> number
<|> variable
<?> "simple expression"
number :: Parser Expr
number = do{ ds<- many1 digit
; return (Num (read ds))}
<?> "number"
variable :: Parser Expr
variable = do{ ds<- many1 letter
; return (Var ds)}
<?> "variable"
Solution: readExpr input = parse expr "name for error messages" input
and use readExpr.
You can use the function parse which will run a Parser on an input string and return an Either ParseError Expr. I put a simple usage below where I turn that ParseError into a string and pass it along
readExpr :: String -> Either String Expr
readExpr input = case parse expr "name for error messages" input of
Left err -> Left $ "Oh noes parsers are failing: " ++ show err -- Handle error
Right a -> Right a -- Handle success
There are a few other functions, such as parseFromFile, which let you shorthand a few common patterns, to find them, check out the parsec haddock

How to Get Parsec to Parse Multiple Expressions

I'm following this scheme interpreter tutorial: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Write_Yourself_a_Scheme_in_48_Hours/
but can't seem to figure out how to setup the REPL or Parsec so I can have the functionality to interpret a whole source file. What I'd like to do is to be able to enter something like this from the REPL:
:l ~/myscheme.scm
And the file would be interpreted. Right now, all it does is parse one expression and it ignores the rest. I can see why this is so -- readExpr reads only 1 expression.
Parser excerpt, whole code can be found here: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Write_Yourself_a_Scheme_in_48_Hours/Parsing
parseExpr :: Parser LispVal
parseExpr = parseAtom
<|> parseString
<|> parseNumber
<|> parseQuoted
<|> do char '('
x <- try parseList <|> parseDottedList
char ')'
return x
readExpr :: String -> String
readExpr input = case parse parseExpr "lisp" input of
Left err -> "No match: " ++ show err
Right _ -> "Found value"
import System.IO
flushStr :: String -> IO ()
flushStr str = putStr str >> hFlush stdout
readPrompt :: String -> IO String
readPrompt prompt = flushStr prompt >> getLine
evalString :: String -> IO String
evalString expr = return $ extractValue $ trapError (liftM show $ readExpr expr >>= eval)
evalAndPrint :: String -> IO ()
evalAndPrint expr = evalString expr >>= putStrLn
until_ :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
until_ pred prompt action = do
result <- prompt
if pred result
then return ()
else action result >> until_ pred prompt action
runRepl :: IO ()
runRepl = until_ (== "quit") (readPrompt "Lisp>>> ") evalAndPrint
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
case length args of
0 -> runRepl
1 -> evalAndPrint $ args !! 0
otherwise -> putStrLn "Program takes only 0 or 1 argument"
Would appreciate any help!
How about parse (many parseExpr) instead of parse parseExpr?
You then will have to amend the interpreter so that it can interpret a list of expressions.
