Is there a good migration management/clean-up strategy after completing a Rails project? - ruby-on-rails

As I go through the development of an application, in my development environment, I make mistakes and create tables that need to be modified later - as I use the app and see the folly of earlier design decisions.
But when I push to production, I don't want to replicate all those changes when I can just create the 'perfect' table in one migration.
Is there a strategy or something I can use that can help me do that?

If this is the initial push to production, you should be able to copy your schema.rb contents (which should reflect the schema after all migrations were applied) into one giant migration file, and remove all previous migration files.
If your production environment has already been created and the database has been migrated up to a point, then you'll need to use something more intelligent that can bridge the gap between the current state and the latest schema. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any such project at this time.


Rails Migrations Convention

I've started working with rails recently and I have noticed that during development you can end up with a lot of migration files as your ideas change and your database with it. Is there a convention in rails to avoid accumulating a lot of migrations and deleting redundant ones (such as one migration adding a table and then the next deleting it)? Or, is it preferred to keep all your migrations and never delete them? Thanks.
If you are working on a team it is preferred and you always should keep all the migrations.
Suppose you push a migration to Git and later found out that it needs some change. So you revert and delete the migration and create a new one and push the new changes. It works well in your machine. But if somehow your previous faulty migrations are run by any of your team mate and he pull the new code he will have to run the new migrations which will break the applications in your teammates machine.
But if you are working solo and want to get a bit tidy then you can carefully delete migrations after reverting them (Not preferred).
The primary job of migration files is to alter the database schema. Deleting redundant ones (such as one migration adding a table and then the next deleting it) will not cause any problems and it free up some disk space and slug size.

Can I deploy to Heroku without destroying existing database? Ruby on Rails

I have made quite a large upgrade to my app. I have older version deployed on Heroku at the moment. Problem is that I have added/removed quite few migrations in the process of making my app more modular. I do not want to lose my registered user table that is already up on Heroku while deploying the update. Are there any tips someone can offer on how to preserve my user table while upgrading the app? I do have backup add-on installed but I have no clue what to do with that file.
You should then setup your migrations more carefully since that one, which is last presented on the heroku server. So, when:
you are adding a column, just setup defualt value
you remove the column, you shell export data to (for example) YAML, and store it in the tmp/.
you are reconstructing parts of the colunms by adding and remove some of them, in migration carefully copy required data from older column (prepared to deletion) to newly created ones.
If you're that concerned about deploying I think you might need to declare migration bankruptcy.
Create a new migration that drops the current schema and copy the new database schema into it
Dump out the contents of your database as CSV ( ) or using Rails to dump in some other way (YAML etc.)
Write a Rake task to parse the data dump into your new schema
Set up a new database on Heroku Postgres (this does not delete the old data)
Do a dry run locally to make sure it all works
Promote the new database to DATABASE_URL
Deploy, migrate, run the Rake task
Not very nice and not something you can roll back from easily if it goes wrong.

Ruby on Rails Database Deployment with Gerrit

I'm considering using Ruby on Rails for my next project. Understanding the deployment of a rails website is easy enough to understand (sounds like I'll be using Phusion Passenger)
But now I'm trying to figure out the database. I see a lot about "database migrations", which allow me to update the database using ruby code. I also see that I'm allowed to create both an up and down variant of these migrations.
However, I can only fathom how this works cleanly in a single direction. Imagine if I suddenly say "The color column cannot be null". So, the up will make it required and give all NULL entries a default value. But what will the down do? If you care about it being identical to how it started, you can't just set the default values back to NULL.
This doesn't really matter much for releases to production. That will likely just be done in a single direction (in the up direction). However, I want to use Gerrit for code reviews as well as setting up a bot to run a build before allowing check-ins...
So how could that work? From one code review to the next, the build server will check out the new set of code, and run the migrations? But when this happens, it won't even retain the migration code from before, so how could it run the down steps? As an simpler example, I do not see how I could check out an old version of the code and "db migrate" backwards.
Yes, you can't check out an old version of the code and then run a down migration from a newer version of the code. You would need to run the down migration before rolling back to the older code.
There are many, many cases where a down migration is just not practical or possible. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It just means that you have defined a 'point of no return', where you won't be able to restore your database to an earlier state.
Migrations like creating a table or adding a column are easily reversed by simply destroying that table or removing that column. However, if you are doing something more complex, such as adding default values or moving data around, then you can tell Rails that it's not possible to reverse this migration:
def down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
I would recommend that Gerrit should never assume anything about the database. It should start with a fresh database each time a new version is deployed, and run db:migrate to run all your migrations. You can use gems like factory_girl to populate your app with demo data for testing purposes.

What are the dangers of using EF Migrations (or any auto-migration framework) in production?

I'm considering using Entity Framework 4.3 migrations in a production site. The following is my concern:
If the migration fails for whatever reason, I want all statements
rolled back and the site placed in a down state so no users can use
the site while I try to fix the problem. The only thing is I can't
fall back to executing the scripts by hand against the database since
migration files are compiled in the assembly. I could keep track of
both migration files and sql script files separately but at that point why use
migrations at all.
At work, script files are stored in a SQL folder (that no one can browse to) on the site. Previously run script files are registered in the database. When new script files appear in the folder (and aren't in the database), if a user is an admin, they'll be redirected to a DB portal, else get a site-down-for-maintenance. If we try and fail to execute any scripts from the portal, we grab the new scripts and try to run them manual inside of express studio. This has worked for over a decade. I'm only exploring migrations to see if a better way has arrived. It doesn't feel like it. Please let me know if there's a better way and if it's not Migrations, what is it.
I would definitely not use automatic migrations in a production environment. In fact, I'm too much of a control freak to use automatic migrations at all. I prefer code based migrations to ensure that all databases (developers' own personal, test environment, production) have gone through exactly the same update sequence.
Using code-based migrations where each migration step gets a name, a separate migration script can be generated for use when lifting test and prod environments. Preferably it should be run on a copy of the database to validate before running on the real prod environment.
Added Later
To prevent EF Migrations from doing anything automatic at all, a custom initializer strategy can be used. See my blog or the Deploying EF Code First Apps to Production Database Stack Overflow question.

Rolling up Migrations?

As I understand it the point of migrations is so you can revert the database back to a known state during the last stages of development.
Right now I'm still "fleshing" out my first Rails app and I'm wondering if its ok to roll up my migrations into bigger ones rather than dozens of changes.
The point of migrations is that you basically have a log of database changes, so then other developers can know what changes have been made, or to make sure your production environment gets the same changes you made during development.
As for your question: sure. If you create a new model, and then after a few minutes decide "this column could just be a string instead of text", roll back your migration, and change the column and then migrate again. No need to create a new migration.
Unless you've already committed the previous migration to source control that may have been fetched by other developers, or you've already applied the migration on the production server. Then you should use a new migration.
As an addendum to rspeicher, I limit the constraint to whether a migration has been released, not to whether it has been made available to other developers. If it's still pre-release, then the development team can be informed of any need to run migrations for any updates of the master code repository by using post-fetch hooks for the SCM being used. This is true of any configuration management change, not just migrations. For example, changing an implementation of something in the initializers folder may have no effect on a running instance of script/server in development mode. This is a ultimately a necessary mechanism for most teams in most technologies as well as for some configurations of continuous integration. Or, you need excellent communications channels in the team to make sure that everyone knows that a configuration change and restart is necessary.
