iOS on Jenkins: Provisioning profile can't be found - ios

I know there are a lot of questions similar to mine on this site, but none seem to be what I am looking for with a few environment changes.
I'm running an osx Dumb Slave set up using Java Web Start. I'm not running as root, nor a specific user entitled 'jenkins,' but rather a normal user. I've installed the xcode plug-in on Jenkins. Everything seems to start up fine, and it's loading the files on the slave server, however, once I begin to build (post-clean), I run into this error:
Provisioning profile '<uuid>' can't be found
I've set the certificate to both login AND system and just login and just system. I copied the .p12 certificates that I was currently using on another machine. I'm at a loss. If anyone can possibly help or even link me to maybe some stackoverflow question I have yet to try, that would be great.

I had to search through my project.pbxproj to all the provisioning profiles. It seemed there was an old number and a new number (used in different apps). I had to realign the provisioning number to the new one.


How can I correctly provision an Xamarin Forms iOS app with (or without) a ShareExtension?

I've had hours and hours of problems with Xamarin Forms iOS provisioning for my app with and without a ShareExtension.
I have had it working in the past with various combinations and permutations of configuring simulator/device/debug/release/certs/ids/auto or manual provisioning...etc. which I didn't record at the time, but it is very fickle and unpredictable and there are a large number of moving parts.
As such the following is a systematic record of the steps I've taken with questions when things have behaved in unexpected ways and my app hasn't run or deployed correctly.
NOTE: The following steps are for development but if I can get dev running, I will then continue to update this question for the distribution process.
The 3 main elements and their interaction that causes me most confusion are below:
Online Apple Developer Portal
MacOS with Xcode and keychain
Windows Visual Studio Xamarin
I deleted all my certificates, identifiers and profiles from the above 3 (with the exception of the main app id which is in the app store and couldn't be deleted). For the physical devices I removed via:
VS (Win)
relevant folder locations on Win and Mac
In visual studio login to my Apple account via Options -> Apple Accounts
Then View details -> Create certificate
Outcome: This works fine. The new cert appears on Windows, Mac and on the Apple Dev Portal. The app runs successfully with auto provisioning.
However, no profiles can be seen in the online Apple Dev Portal - why? - UPDATE: They now appear around 30 mins after they were created
Add ShareExtension project and reference it to my main app.
Use Automatic Provisioning
Auto Provisioning gives: "Invalid request, Service mapping to the requested URL is not available.". As a result I go into the Apple Dev Portal and manually create an ID, then retry Auto Provisioning, which is now successful. Try to run the app again but: app runs ok, but share extension can't be seen.
I have double checked:
Main app has ShareExtension reference
Main app info.plist has:
App group is set in VS for both projects and both App IDs in online portal
What is going on here?
I did the following:
Created two manual provisions, one for container and one for extension
As Visual Studio Apple Account didn't reflect these, I downloaded the provisions from the portal, put them in the relevant Windows folder and now they appear
Tried to build:
What is happening here?
Why is the error about Auto Prov, when I have clearly set it to Manual Prov
Why is the 2nd error about the profile not found when it shows in above drop-down, and in the portal that it very clearly exists?
After much pain, I have finally stumbled upon a combination of steps that seems to work. Given the unpredictable and what seems to be buggy nature of VS, I cannot guarantee that this will work for everyone, or even guarantee that it will even work for me again for my next build, but it has been working for the past 12 hours or so over several builds and deployments. I can only pray that it continues to work.
Anyway, here are keypoints that I used to get it working:
Follow my step A) above and delete everything as often as possible. New certs and profiles in the Portal tend to accumulate after a while, possibly when creating via the Portal, Xcode and VS, so it's good to remove everything every so often and start from afresh.
VS for Mac is I believe a much cut-down and less capable version of VS for Windows. As such when doing development, VS Windows is a far better tool, if you can get around development provisioning. I struck upon a combination where I created the Cert in VS Windows (this is preferable to creating in the Portal because it avoids having to download the cert and ensure it is installed correctly on your local machine), and used Automatic provisioning for debug that seemed to work for me. It didn't work for a while, nor did manual provisioning, but somehow for now its working.
Once the app is stable in debug mode, and you want to deploy to App Store Connect:
a) manually create your distribution certs on Xcode, and create profiles in the portal
b) move your code onto VS Mac
c) build and archive using the new distr profiles
d) Goto Xcode -> Window -> Organizer
e) Locate your archive and click Distribute App
f) From here the wizard will guide you again into selecting relevant profiles for distribution for both container and ext and give you a lot of feedback on the upload process until the upload is complete.
Anyway, once again, no guarantees that will work for all, but it's working for me now.
I have also tried using Visual Studio 2022 to finish an iOS development process but cannot reproduce your stepD. The following is the main step:
1. Create App ID for container and extension, Create an AppGroup ID
This is for my container, with App Group enabled.
This is for my extension App ID, also enable the same App Group.
2. Create certificate and profiles
You could create a iOS development certificate in Visual Studio or in Apple Dev Portal. Then you could find it in your Certificates.
3.Generate your profiles for both container and extension. (Remember to register your physical device in Devices, and in your profiles, includes your device on which your app is installed)
This is for my container with the container's App ID
this is for my extension with the extension's App ID
4. In Visual Studio, select the proper provisioning file.
Before this step, also download the provisioning files from the portal as VS does not automatically download them. Put them in the relevant Windows folder.
This is for my container, with the certificate and the provisioning file
This is for my extension:
Also, my info.plist for container and extension:
5. Pair to mac and run on your device
Now the App could install on your device~

Azure Piplines Configuration for Xcode Managed Profile Setup - Possible? Documented?

Server - Azure Pipelines
Hosted MacOS agent
Issue Description
I'm using the following configuration in my Xcode project (w automatic code signing):
Is it possible to have Pipelines build and sign a project using this configuration if I've manually installed all of the provisioning profiles and certs in my pipeline prior to building?
Is there any documentation for this scenario or a how-to guide? Alternatively, if this is not possible perhaps a definitive statement on this and advice on what to try next in order to work. For instance - do I need to convert this project from an automatically signed one to a manual one?
I'm using the following page which mentions automatic signing but doesn't give any instructions on how to configure (but does mention this as an option):
Any help would be appreciated.
To help anyone who comes across this later.
The issue in my case was that I have a solution with multiple targets (App, Widget, Siri Intent, and Siri UI). Each of these requires it's own provisioning profile and needs to be signed independently - this is where I ran into trouble (the default configuration seemed to try and apply the App profile to all Targets when signing).
To help anyone who struggles with this - in order to solve I needed the following steps in Xcode:
Convert the project to manual signing.
Archive and export in Xcode
'Distribute via App Store'
Select to Export but not submit and choose a location
Selected the desired provisioning profiles for the export.
After export head to saved location and grab 'exportOptions.Plist'.
Choose .plist for 'export options' in the appropriate DevOps
Voila you can sign your solution with multiple schemes!
Hope this helps someone.
PS - At some moment I will confirm that setting everything back to automatic signing works with exportOptions.Plist and will report back.

Error building ClickOnce application in TFS with Certificate

I have a ClickOnce application that is run through TFS and Release Management for build. I have got it building fine until I introduce a Signing Certificate to the application. The certificate works fine with publishing the application but just wont have anything to do with the Build:
It is suggested that I try importing the certificate again or import it manually into the current users personal certificate store. I have tried the first but not sure how I go about doing the second.
Has anyone else encountered this problem and overcome it? I am seeing instances of this error on the web but not yet come across one where a build was being carried out on TFS/RM.
Rather simple answer that will teach me to read the error messages a bit more clearly. I just had to install the certificate on the machine running TFS under the user that is used by TFS... All good then!

Signing issue building using a bot

I'm setting up a CI machine and the problem I'm facing is that the build fails with a profile/signing error when built using the bot.
However if I manually clone the project onto the CI machine and build it manually from within XCode on the build machine then it is successful - this shows that the CI machine's keychain is correctly set up and the profiles/signing setting of the project are all ok.
That fact that I can manually build it on my dev machine and on the CI machine but not using the bot suggests to me that the bot is running as a different user?
So my question is how do I set up the X Code server account / bot to be the correct user? The Apple Xcode CI document isn't very clear on this area, I've followed the instructions for configuring the server, configuring the bot, adding group members to the XCode server etc. but something must have been incorrectly configured. Trouble is I've followed the documentation step by step but don't know where I could have gone wrong.
Anybody know of a good alternative bot tutorial as an alternative to Apple's documentation or have an idea what the problem might be?
Copy the relevant provisioning profiles from
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
and it'll build fine.
You might need admin permission to access that folder, though.
And if that doesn't work, copy the relevant certificates/private keys from the login keychain to the System keychain.
The reason behind this is because..Xcode only downloads provisioning profiles that are managed by Xcode, which are the Team Provisioning profiles.
So you would only need to copy the ones that are not managed, like Adhoc Distribution profiles, and other custom provisioning profiles that are not created by default after creating a new Application ID.

Valid signing identity not found - works on one machine, not the other

I realise this is a common problem that people bump into, but I'd trawled all the answers I can find but have seen nothing better than "wipe everything, start again".
I'm hoping to do a little better than that. The problem is, I can only ever get my iOS provisioning to work on a single machine. I set it up on my Macbook Air and it stops working on my iMac. So I follow the 'wipe it all' including revocation of certificates and start from scratch on my iMac and it works, but breaks my Air.
There must be some fundamental piece of the jigsaw I'm missing.
I have downloaded and installed WWDR certificate.
I have downloaded and installed my developer certificate.
I have downloaded and installed my distribution certificate.
Everything should line up. I have all of my profiles in place, but they say "Valid signing identity not found".
What certificate is missing? What represents the signing identity? What is it that exists on one machine that doesn't on the other?
I'd really like to understand this and solve it properly.
I am not that clear on this concept too but i think the problem is that you dont have the proper certificates in your keychain access.
If you open up your keychain then you will find the private key certificate in one of the keychains on the left panel.
You will have to export the private key to get a .p12 file that you can open in other machines and download the .mobileprovision from the developer website to make it work on different machines.
Shout if anything is not clear to you.
