When to use power of 2 textures in XNA? - xna

I hear a lot that power of 2 textures are better for performance reasons, but I couldn't find enough solid information about if it's a problem when using XNA. Most of my textures have random dimensions and I don't see much of a problem, but maybe VS profiler doesn't show that.

In general, pow 2 textures are better. But most graphics cards should allow non pow 2 textures with a minimal loss of performance. However, if you use XNA reach profile, only pow 2 textures are allowed. And some small graphics cards only support the reach profile.

XNA is really a layer built on top of DirectX. So any performance guidelines that goes for that will also apply for anything using XNA.
The VS profiler also won't really apply to the graphics specific things you are doing. That will need to be profiled separately by some tool that can check how the graphic card itself is doing. If the graphics card is struggling it won't show up as a high resource usage on your CPU, but rather as a slow rendering speed.


OpenGL ES to Metal - Performance Bottleneck Differences

I have been maintaining my own custom 2D library -written in Objective-C / OpenGL ES 2.0- for a while now, to use in my personal projects (not work). I have also tried cocos2d and SpriteKit now and then, but eventually settled for "reinventing the wheel" because
It's fun,
Knowledge-wise, I'd rather be the guy who can code a graphics library than just a guy who can use one,
Unlimited possibilities for customization.
Now, I am transitioning my code base to Swift and (besides all the design differences that arise when moving to a language where class inheritance takes a back seat to protocols, etc) I was thinking that while I'm at it, I should consider transitioning to Metal as well. If anything, for the sake of future-proofness (also, I'm all for learning new technologies, and to be sincere OpenGL/OpenGL ES are a terribly cluttered bag of "legacy" and backwards compatibility).
My library is designed around all sorts of OpenGL (ES)-specific performance bottlenecks: Use of texture atlases and mesh consolidation to reduce draw calls, rendering opaque sprites first, and semitransparent ones last (ordered back to front), etc.
My question is: Which of these considerations still apply to Metal, and which ones should I not even bother implementing (because they're not a performance issue anymore)?
Metal is only available on the subset of IOS devices which support OpenGLES3, so te be fair you need to compare Metal to GLES3.
Texture atlases & mesh consolidation:
With Metal, CPU cost of draw calls is lower than with GLES3, and you can parallelize draw call setup on multiple threads.
So this could allow you to skip atlasing & consolidation ... but those are good practices so it would be even better if you kept those with Metal and use the extra CPU time to do more things !
Note that with GLES3 by using instancing & texture arrays you should also be able to get rid of atlasing and keep a low draw call count.
Rendering opaque sprites first, and semitransparent ones last
Metal will change absolutely nothing to this, this is a constraint from the PowerVR GPUs tile based defered renderer, whatever driver you use this will not change the GPU hardware. And anyway rendering opaques before semi transparent is the recommended way to proceed when you do 3D, wheter you use DirectX, OpenGL or Metal ...
Metal will not help if you are fillrate bound !
In general, Metal will only give you improvements on the CPU side.
If your performance is limited by fillrate (fragment shaders too complex, too much transparent overdraw, resolution too high etc.) then you will get the exact same result in Metal and GLES3 (assuming that you have carefully optimized shaders for each platform).

Are there any fast-rendering game libraries that use "GPU mode" as a rendering method in Air for iOS?

I've been toying around with starling 2D and found out my game runs faster without it. The reason is simply because the game uses lots of vector shapes and "direct" mode is just too slow in rendering shapes. Using GPU mode, FPS went up from 20 to around 55.
There was a small trade off though. Rendering static images such as BitmapData(Textures) was faster with starling 2d. Also I didn't have to worry about whether if my graphic assets are being hardware acceralated or not all the time.
So I'm looking for a game(graphic) library for Air for iOS which works in GPU rendering mode and makes it easier to manage BitmapData Caching.
Does anyone know any?
There are 4 render modes that can be selected when you create an AIR application using <renderMode>mode</renderMode> in the application.xml file.
<renderMode>cpu</renderMode> or <renderMode>auto</renderMode> (Using Auto defaults to CPU)
Everything is rendered in software
Easiest to build
Performance improvements can be made with bitmap caching
Vectors and cached surfaces are rendered through hardware
Text and vectors can use cacheAsBitmapMatrix
There are many limitations (read more here http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/mobile/WS901d38e593cd1bac-3d719af412b2b394529-8000.html)
<renderMode>direct</renderMode> (aka Stage3D)
GPU accelerated rendering engine
Faster than any other rendering technique
Many useful frameworks such as Starling and Away3D
Create applications close to native level performance
Handle most recurring scripts in Event.ENTER_FRAME
It's upto you which you would like to choose. Try to stay away from heavy features such as:
Bitmap effects (shadow, gloss, emboss…)
Masks (inherently vector-based)
Alpha channels
Blend modes (add, multiply…)
Embedded fonts (Especially Unicode)
Complex vector artwork
There are no 2D vector libraries to my knowledge. I recommend exporting your vectors to sprite sheets. I know it doesn't scale as easily but it's the supported way of developing games in AIR.

I've started using Stage3D. Which of these classes are usable in Stage3D?

Are these classes supported in Stage3D? Or are there equivalents or similar classes that exist?
Stage3D is an entirely different, fairly low-level beast. Those classes you list there are all related to the traditional Flash DisplayList, which is a CPU-driven rendering engine, so no, they don't exist, per se. But there's much more to it than that:
If you're using the raw Stage3D APIs (example tutorial here), then it feels very much like OpenGL programming. You're loading Vertex buffers, Index buffers, and textures into the GPU, and defining Vertex and fragment shader programs in an assembly language called AGAL. All this gets you a cross-platform, hardware accelerated application that's probably very fast, but it's very different than the traditional Flash DisplayList. Can you get gradients, filters and vector shapes - sure, but probably with custom shaders and such, not using those classes.
In some applications, it makes sense to use the traditional DisplayList for interactive UI controls on top of the Stage3D hardware accelerated backdrop. The DisplayList sits on top of the Stage3D plane, so this is entirely possible.
However, if such low-level 3D programming is not what you're interested in, you can choose to build on top of a framework. There are many Stage3D frameworks - some are intended for creating 3D applications, others are intended for 2D (but using the underlying 3D acceleration for speed). Adobe has a list of these frameworks here.
For example, Starling is a Stage3D framework that's intended to mimic the traditional Flash DisplayList, so it'll get you close to some of the classes you've mentioned above - check out their demo and API docs for specifics.
Another technique that Flash enables is blitting, which generates Bitmaps for 3D acceleration on the fly. You can draw into Bitmaps (aka blit) any Flash DisplayObjects you like (Shapes, drawn gradients, with filters, whatever), then push those Bitmaps into the 3D acceleration framework. You can blit individual objects separately, or blit the entire stage into one full-screen texture using this technique. But you have to be careful how often and how much you upload new textures into the GPU, because this can affect performance significantly. In fact, a significant performance consideration in GPU programming is the ability to batch several bitmaps into a single texture.
So there are many facets to consider when thinking about transitioning from the traditional DisplayList to Stage3D. Hope this helps. :)

What is the fastest drawing method on iOS?

I'm developing a 2D game on iOS, but I'm finding it difficult getting drawing to run fast (60 FPS on Retina display).
I've first used UIKit for drawing, which is of course not suitable for a game. I coulnd't draw a couple of sprites without slowdown.
Then I moved on to OpenGL, because I read it's the closest I can get to the GPU (which I think it means it's the fastest possible). I was using glDrawArrays(). When I ran it on the Simulator, FPS dropped when I was reaching over 200 triangles. People said it was because the Simulator or the computer are not optimized to run iOS OpenGL. Then I tested it on a real device, and to my surprise, the performance difference was really small. It still couldn't run that few triangles smoothly - and I know other games on iOS use a lot more polygons, shaders, 3D graphics, etc.
When I ran it through Instruments to check OpenGL performance, it told me I could speed it up by using VBOs. So I rewrote my code to use VBO instead, updating all vertices each frame. Performance increased very little, and I still can't surpass 200 triangles at consistent 60 FPS. And that is 2D drawing alone without context changes/transformations. I also didn't write the game yet - there are no objects making no CPU-intensive tasks.
Everyone I ask says OpenGL is top performance. What could I possibly be doing wrong? I am assuming OpenGL can handle LOTS of polygons that are updated each frame - is that right? Which method other games use that I see they run fine, like Infinity Blade which is 3D, or even Angry Birds which has lots of ever-updating sprites? What is recommended when making a game?
OpenGL is definitely going to be your fastest option. Even on the oldest iOS devices you can run about 20,000 polygons at 30+ fps.
Sounds like you must be doing something wrong or extra. It is impossible to try to guess what that might be without seeing your source code.
Generally speaking though, you want to make sure you create your VBO and all your loading outside of your drawing pipeline.

glGenTextures speed and memory concerns

I am learning OpenGL and recently discovered about glGenTextures.
Although several sites explain what it does, I feel forced to wonder how it behaves in terms of speed and, particularly, memory.
Exactly what should I consider when calling glGenTextures? Should I consider unloading and reloading textures for better speed? How many textures should a standard game need? What workarounds are there to get around any limitations memory and speed may bring?
According to the manual, glGenTextures only allocates texture "names" (eg ids) with no "dimensionality". So you are not actually allocating texture memory as such, and the overhead here is negligible compared to actual texture memory allocation.
glTexImage will actually control the amount of texture memory used per texture. Your application's best usage of texture memory will depend on many factors: including the maximum working set of textures used per frame, the available dedicated texture memory of the hardware, and the bandwidth of texture memory.
As for your question about a typical game - what sort of game are you creating? Console games are starting to fill blu-ray disk capacity (I've worked on a PS3 title that was initially not projected to fit on blu-ray). A large portion of this space is textures. On the other hand, downloadable web games are much more constrained.
Essentially, you need to work with reasonable game design and come up with an estimate of:
1. The total textures used by your game.
2. The maximum textures used at any one time.
Then you need to look at your target hardware and decide how to make it all fit.
Here's a link to an old Game Developer article that should get you started:
