How to serve a defined path with Meteor? - path

Currently I'm connecting to my meteor project using http://localhost:3000 which uses my meteorApp.html file.
How could I make Meteor respond to the following url:
http://localhost:3000/otherPath ?
To be more explicit, I do have a file on the server side I just would like to be able to retrieve on the client side using http://localhost:3000/nameOfTheFile.sufix

I think you can just put nameOfTheFile.sufix under public directory.

If you want otherPath to be within meteor app, public won't do.
There are several ways to do that, is one way to create what looks like a traditional multipage site within one meteor process.
I did this a while ago and have since perfected it a bit but haven't updated it.. this at least might give you some ideas... you can look at the source here:


Reading an app setting value from iOS Settings-MyApp using Ionic

I want to create a app specific setting(app preference) in iOS(iPad) and read that in my Ionic(v5) code. I have seen plugins like this but not working with the cordova-9 as it was not updated. Looks like this project is abandoned.I was able to create a setting bundle during the build and place it under the settings->Myapp (key-value) but from the program reading is not working.
My requirement is very simple. I need to externalize the back-end server IP/name as it might change sometimes. I was thinking if I can create a property under Settings->MyApp->Server then I can edit it in the Settings and read it while starting the app.
Is there a different approach that I can follow?
Please let me know if you have any pointers.

typo3 website move to other domain - need help step by step

I just got a typo3 website and need to transfer to an other domain.
Is it enough to copy all the folders (except typo3temp?) to the new place?
First I just changed baseurl in ts but it didn't do anything..
Should I do anything with the database when it still on the same server?
In case your question is about "cloning" a complete TYPO3-system an rsync/copy of the whole folder (yes including typo3temp) is the best idea, as this works on all versions, everything else (like excluding typo3temp) depends a whole lot on your TYPO3 expertise to resolve. The database needs to be copied as well. If you need to change db-name or db-credentials on the new system you need to change them in
As soon as you have done this Install Tool and Backend should work: At first try the Install Tool:
If that doesn't work your problem is with the webserver configuration or dns.
If that works (and the reports there show no errors), try the Backend:
In case your question is about which changes are necessary to your TYPO3-installation if domain changes and the web server itself is configured correctly, then there are probably two things you need to change, in order to make the frontend work (although both cases might be omitted, depending on your configuration):
sys_template record, if any of those use absRefPrefix or baseurl. If you have access to the MySQL-Database a
SELECT pid FROM sys_template WHERE config LIKE "%baseurl%" OR "%absRefPrefix";
might help finding the template, however these template configuration might also be stored in files (typically in fileadmin/templates/**)
sys_domain records, a MySQL
SELECT pid FROM sys_domain;
might uncover where those are stored
However these changes are only necessary to enable the frontend to work.
Add a domain record in the backend. And while you don't need the content of the typo3temp folder, make sure the folder actually exists.
When you go to the new domain name in your browser, what happens?
Do you get redirected to the old domain? If so, maybe there is an .htaccess redirect happening.
Do you get to the new domain, but if you click on a link end up on the old one?
Do you get an error? If so, what is the error?
Does something else happen?

Web service call missing field value xamarin IOS

I'm having a web reference which is being used by both a Xamarin IOS application, Xamaring Android application, and a Windows Store application.
And this all worked very well, until I updated Xamarin.
Now, there is a field that But it works fine for the Android and Windows applications.
I have tried to update the web reference multiple times, with no luck. I have also tried to debug the web service locally, to see if it returns the same , which it does.
When I receive it in my Windows Store app., it looks like this:
And in my IOS app., it looks like this:
It is always the StructureId that is never set, for some reason. And it was not like that before I updated Xamarin.
Anyone who knows what I am doing wrong, or have stumbled onto the same kind of problem ?
That looks like the linker removed unused members. Defaults have not changed (it's not related to your update) but you should check that your application is being built with Link SDK (and not Link all).
If you want a smaller executable and set Link all to achieve this then you'll need to add [Preserve] attributes on the structure you're serializing (e.g. used in web services).
I was able to make it work. I am not sure if it cached anything, or what, but it helped to add some "noise" on the webservice call.
I just added DateTime.Now.Ticks to my webservice URL in Reference.cs, so it would always be a new URL call:
this.Url = "" + DateTime.Now.Ticks;

Web Part Deployment in SharePoint

I've built a web part and after several deployments to a specific site, SharePoint suddenly won't give the option to deploy to a specifi site, a message is immediatelly displayed that the solution is deplyed globally.
I don't know what I did to cause this. I've been useing stsadmn -o addsolution method, except once when when I tried to just run the Setup.exe file.
Anyone has any idea why is it happenning and how to correct this.
First make sure to retract the solution (with stsadm), if it doesn't work, use -force/-override, and then delete with the same.
Than try to do it again, and it should work.

Silverlight 3 with Weborb for Java

For some reason, i can not invoke java method deployed under Tomcat/Weborb application. When i run weborb console and invoke the method from there, there is no problem. However when i tried to call from Silverlight 3 client, it does not response at all. There is one possibility which is incorrect service gateway. But i have checked the server path to make sure it is correct. I also tried different approaches to invoke server call such as proxy and class interface mentioned inside weborb documentation. I'm stuck with this problem for two days already and can not progress any further. Is there any common mistake when it comes to this problem? Any help would appreciate.
Khoa Nguyen
I found the solution. This is because the gateway mapping is incorrect. For instance, When deploy under weborb, the client use localhost:8080/weborb.wo. However when you deploy underworb, the gateway mapping is now change to something like localhost:8080/weborb/console/weborb.wo something like that. You can see how your request mapped to by run the weborb console and look at the server status as you invoke your java methods.
Hope this help.
Khoa Nguyen
There is a new WebORB for Java 4.1 release available that fixes this mapping issue. In addition, the new code generator creates a complete client class library with complex types, enums, bindable model and proxy class for the remote Java service. The release is available here:
