Drag and Drop objects from one CCLayer to another - ios

I have three layers in my CCScene. MainLayer which contains GameLayer and HUDLayer. This is what it looks like now:
[ z-Order ] | [ Layer ]
3 ( Top Most ) | HUDLayer
2 ( Middle ) | GameLayer
1 ( Bottom ) | MainLayer
I have added touch listeners (ccTouchBegan, ccTouchMoved, and ccTouchEnded) on my MainLayer which calls GameLayer's method getTouchedObject( CCPoint p_Loc ) which returns the touched object in that layer.
I am now able to successfully 'touch' a specific object in the MainLayer. Now, what I want to do is to drag the object touched and put it into the HUDLayer. When I was working with just one layer, I was able to drag and drop different objects with no problem but the need to implement CCLayers came so I divided the main layer into three different layers.
Answers doesn't need to be cocos2d-x. I understand a bit of Obj-C and can translate Obj-C into C++ so cocos2d answers are welcome. Thanks in advance.

The easiest way to do it, is probably:
Add a new CCLayer on the very top called HoverLayer or something. This is for modularity.
As soon as a sprite is touched on any layer, remove it from that layer, and add it as a child of HoverLayer at the same position. The user will not "see" anything changed.
On touch up, after dragging the sprite, detect if the sprite is within the HUDLayer or not.
Remove the sprite from the HoverLayer and add it to the appropriate layer.
You can use the HUDLayer instead of the HoverLayer, but your class will be messy.
Of course, if you keep the touched sprite at the GameLayer while dragging, it will end up behind the HUDLayer at some point, so moving the sprite to a top layer is a must.
The code to implement the given solution is trivial. Nothing special to do, really.

I will provide an implementation here:
CCSprite* tmpSprite = getTouchedObject();
//do something here to get a pointer to you HUDLayer
//for example myHud = GameLayer->getChildByTag(HUD_TAG);


Using SpriteKit inside UIKit

I am contemplating a simple app that has four characters that you can drag around on the screen. While dragging they "wiggle" — that's the animation. And they snap to a position if they get close enough to it... like in a puzzle. Without the animation, this is all simple in UIKit.
My first thought is to render each character in its own SKView inside a plain old UIView. I could attach UIGestureRecognizers to each SKView to track tapping and dragging. But I think this implies individual GameScenes for each character/SKView. That seems go go against the grain of SpriteKit.
The alternative is a single GameScene with the four sprites. But I would still need to track & drag them and I don't see how to do that within an all-SpriteKit app.
Is either approach better practice than the other?
You should implement the one that has a single scene and separate sprites for each character. The sprites will be SKSpriteNode instances which are SKNode instances, which descend from UIResponder and can, therefore, respond to touch events.
Look at the documentation for SKNode. It is a wealth of information that applies to sprites as well as to any other kind of node. In particular it says:
All nodes are responder objects that can respond directly to user interaction with the node onscreen…
And then later has a section on "The Hit-Test Order is the Reverse of Drawing Order" etc.

cocos2d collision not detected in if((self=[super init]))

I used a CGRectIntersectsRect to detect the collision of a moving image (anvil) and an image (guy).
The "anvil" moves constantly in a CCRepeatForever and the "guy" moves in a ccTouchesBegan method by the control of the user.
Here it is, very simple:
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(guy.boundingBox, anvil1.boundingBox))
pancake = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"pancake.png"];
pancake.position = ccp(200,200);
[self addChild:pancake];
The problem is that the above lines of code do not work in the if((self=[super init])) and only in the ccTouchesBegan, where I have all of the actions for "guy." I do not want to have the image "pancake" appear only if the user taps exactly when the two images collide...if the images EVER collide, regardless of touch events, "pancake" should appear.
Any advice? Thanks in advance!
Not to criticize but your code doesn't make a lot of sense. Why would you be testing for interestion in an init method for two objects that are constantly in motion throughout your scene? Even if you wanted to show the pancake whenever the two intersected, why don't you load the pancake and make it invisible, then switch it to visible whenever the two objects intersect. This could be done simply by putting the condition in an update method and setting pancake's visible property to true if they intersect or false otherwise.
But to answer the question of "why" that code doesn't work in init is simply because at the point of calling this either one or both of your objects doesn't exist, they simply don't intersect, or their bounding box properties have not been set. I bet they simply don't intersect yet. But that doesn't matter much since there is no reason I can see to check for interestion in an init method. Schedule the update method, create the update method, and place this condition inside of it but rather than create the pancake sprite, you'd be setting the already existing pancake sprite's visibility to TRUE.

Building a tower defense game. How do I add a circular menu with tower choices on tile Node in SpriteKit?

I'm building a tower defence game using SpriteKit and I'm relatively new to this.
My map basically consists of tile Nodes that are touchable. Once a user touches the node, I can place a tower on that node (I have this part working so far). What I want to do moving forward, is instead of directly placing a tower, I'd like a circular menu to pop up around the tile Node to let the user pick the tower that they wish to place in this tile node.If the user clicks anywhere other than the circular menu, the menu should disappear.
So something like this:
I'm wondering what the best way to do this is. I have two possible solutions but they seem hacky:
1) Creating a custom UIView consisting of the menu and 4 buttons and then adding it to my scene (but then how do I detect button presses in this menu from the scence?)
2) Extending a SKShapeNode to create a circle and adding in 4 SpriteNodes around the circle, then verifying if a touch location corresponds to one of the 4 SpriteNode locations.
Any suggestions/code examples of how best to approach this?
I would suggest you create a separate class for your tile nodes (which inherit SKSpriteNode) and add the functionality within that.
For the approach for the menu, I think something along the lines of point (2) would be better. By subclassing the tile node, you can make the tile detect the selection by itself.
Expand the tile using SKShapeNode or a SKSpriteNode with a circular image using animation.
Place the four buttons on the expanded part.
Implement the touch for the selection within the tile node class.
For closing the menu, a tap on the scene can trigger a NSNotification for which the tileNode could become a listener on expansion.

Cocos2d scaling sprite causes artifact

I am on the master branch so that it will work with ARC.
I have implemented a method whereby the sprite will scale by a factor of 1.1 when a user touches the sprite. Multiple touches will queue up multiple scaling actions, built on top of each other. Every now and then I get a strange artifact where the smaller version of the sprite shows up on top of the scaled version.
Here's a screenshot:
More background: I'm using a texture atlas so I use:
sprite = [super spriteWithSpriteFrameName:anObject.filename];
to initialize the sprite. Is this a bug in openGL/cocos2d? Any advice on how to stop this artifact?
I am subclassing CCSprite but as far as I can tell there is only one instance of the sprite (the call to super was in a class method). Basically the user will define a list of actions that the sprite will do. The action list can also be interrupted using:
[self stopAllActions]
I've had actions using subclasses of CCMoveBy and CCRotateBy with no issues. It's only the most recent subclass of CCScaleBy that is causing this artifact. In the subclasses of these actions I'm not changing anything in the actions, just tracking certain variables so that I can properly resume the action after the interrupt.
Are you perhaps subclassing CCSprite, and in your subclass did you add a CCSprite instance variable as well?
In that case you'll be showing two sprites. The super class sprite and the instance variable sprite. If the other sprite shows up only sometimes this may depend on the order of adding sprites as childs, or the zOrder property.

Creating a scrollview

Here's my current situation:
I created a CCScene named StoreScene.
Within that scene, I've initialized a CCLayer and just named it Store layer.
Now, I want a scrollable layer that contains content which the user can touch.
To do this, I created another CCLayer named Store Container.
I create an instance of this layer and add it as a child to StoreScene.
In StoreContainer, I've added multiple sprites, each with a unique tag.
The scrolling is done within the StoreScene and touches will move the entire Storecontainer layer up or down.
I have added 4 sprites to my scrolling layer (store container)
sprite 1 is located at 0,10
sprite 2 is located at 0,20
sprite 3 is located at 0,30
sprite 4 is located at 0,40
Obviously, as the entire storecontainer layer shifts, the sprite positions shift as well.
when I do this in the TouchesEnded method:
if (CGRectContainsPoint(sprite1.boundingBox, touchpoint)){
... and so on for each sprite
The touch locations of each sprite remain in the same place!!!
Visually, the sprites are moving up and down nicely.
but their locations when receiving touches stay constant..
is there a reason for this?
Any other way for approaching a scrolling layer?
I've already looked at the UIKit's scrollview and I've looked at CCScrollLayer and both aren't good enough for me.
My way may be simpler but it doesn't work as planned.
Thanks in advance! ^_^
I'm guessing you've implemented touchesEnded in your StoreContainer. In that case the touches' coordinates will be relative to that layer, which explains why their coordinate system is following the layer around the screen. You could implement touchesEnded in the scene instead, or put the StoreContainer instance inside a new and immobile layer whose purpose is only to handle touches.
Alternatively you could keep your current setup and use your answer to this question to get the touch coordinates in the world... :)
Check out CCKit, there is a nice CCScrollLayer implementation included.
