Get the "real" width of LabelField (BlackBerry) - blackberry

If I new a LabelField like this:
LabelField label = new LabelField("long longgggg long text");
it shows:
| long longggg |
| long text |
if I use label.getWidth(), it gives the width of:
| long longggg |
but what I need is the width of:
| long longggg
Any solution?

Check getPreferedWidth() to get length.
If you have applied any font than you need to get
<font object>.getAdvance(label.getText())

Here is the method I use to get real height of label with multiple lines:
public int getPreferredHeight() {
String text = getText();
int maxWidth = getManager().getPreferredWidth();
String[] words = StringUtilities.stringToWords(text);
int lastWordAdvance = 0;
int lines = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
int wordAdvance = getFont().getAdvance(words[i]);
if (lastWordAdvance + wordAdvance < maxWidth ) {
lastWordAdvance += wordAdvance;
} else {
lastWordAdvance = wordAdvance;
return (int)lines * getFont().getHeight();
It goes through words one by one and calculates advance, trying to find out how much lines our label really uses.
Then I use getFont().getHeight() to determine total height.
You can use the part that calculates advance from my example to get the real width of the label.
To do that you can use Math.max() method to determine maximum line width.


Resize D3D11Texture2D DirectX 11

I would like to resize a D3D11Texture2D to make it smaller. For example I have a texture in 1920x1080 and I would like to scale it 1280x720 for example.
Just so you know I'm not drawing at all, I just want to get the byte buffer scaled. Here is my code :
if (mRealTexture == nullptr) {
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC description;
description.BindFlags = 0;
description.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ | D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
description.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
description.MiscFlags = 0;
hr = mDevice->CreateTexture2D(&description, NULL, &mRealTexture);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
if (mRealTexture) {
mRealTexture = nullptr;
return NULL;
mImmediateContext->CopyResource(mRealTexture, texture2D);
if (mScaledTexture == nullptr) {
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC description;
description.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ | D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
description.Width = 1440;
description.Height = 585;
description.MipLevels = 4;
description.ArraySize = 1;
description.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
description.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
description.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
hr = mDevice->CreateTexture2D(&description, NULL, &mScaledTexture);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
if (mScaledTexture) {
mScaledTexture = nullptr;
return NULL;
} //I want to copy the mRealTexture on the mScaledTexture, map the scaledTexture and get the buffer.
Thanks for help
Having thought about this and that you are left with only a couple of options.
1 - You create a viewport etc and render to your target size with a full screen quad. Which I get the feeling you don't want to do.
2 - You roll your own scaling which isn't too bad and scale texture as you copy the data from one buffer to another.
Option 2 isn't too bad, the roughest scaling would be reading a points based on the scaling ratio, but a more accurate version would be to average a number of samples based a weighted grid (the weights need to be recalculated for each pixel you visit on your target.)

Is there outerWidth height equivalent in dart( border, margine, padding inclusive element size)

I would like to find the border, margin and padding inclusive size of an element. jquery's outerWidth, outerHeight methods equivalent.
Currently, I'm using a silly code like below.
What is the real solution?
Neither the code I originally posted, that rounded the width and height, or marginEdge do the trick. Browsers uses the precision of double to draw elements and there sometimes the difference of 21px and 20.6px matters.
getBoundingClientRect() seems to returns border and padding inclusive size, commented lines involving those out and added to toDouble() to avoid int is not a subclass of double error.
Revised code:
Rectangle outerRect(HtmlElement e,[bool include_margin = false]) {
HtmlElement c = e.clone(true);
..display = 'absolate' = '-1000000px';
var r = c.getBoundingClientRect();
//rounding down causes troubles downstream
//r.width can return int then,
// int cannot be assigned to double
double width = r.width.toDouble();
double height = r.height.toDouble();
int parse(String s){
if(s == '') return 0;
var m = new RegExp('[0-9]+').firstMatch(s);
if(m == null) return 0;
return int.parse(;
throw "Unexpected string ${s}";
var s =;
if(include_margin) {
width += parse(s.marginRight);
width += parse(s.marginLeft);
// width += parse(s.paddingLeft);
// width += parse(s.paddingRight);
height += parse(s.marginTop);
height += parse(s.marginBottom);
// height += parse(s.paddingBottom);
// height += parse(s.paddingTop);
// height += parse(s.borderTop);
// height += parse(s.borderBottom);
// height += parse(s.paddingBottom);
// height += parse(s.paddingTop);
r = new Rectangle(-1,-1,width,height);
return r;
Not really sure, but isn't that what marginEdge on the Element gives you?

How To Set Addapted PassData Between Activities?

i am trying to create a dynamic list of buttons and every button create a passed data to another activity that show the relative buttons detile.
the code i used is here:
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
temp = new Button(this);
temp.SetText(data[i].Name, TextView.BufferType.Normal); //arbitrary task
numArrey[i] = i;
tv[i] = temp;
tv[i].SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Dip, 20);
Display d = WindowManager.DefaultDisplay;
int width = d.Width;
int height = d.Height;
tv[i].Click += (sender,e)=>
var detileListShow = new Intent(this, typeof(DetileListShow));
detileListShow.PutExtra("Data", i);
Console.WriteLine("Starting Activity With Data{0}", i);
every thing is good untile last parag that i setting tv[i].click.
every buttons.PutExtera = 21.
how can i fix it?
i think it's better every buttons can save the value that need to return but i dont know how...

Word wrap in generated PDF (using jsPDF)?

what I'm doing is using jsPDF to create a PDF of the graph I generated. However, I am not sure how to wrap the title (added by using the text() function). The length of the title will vary from graph to graph. Currently, my titles are running off the page. Any help would be appreciated!
This is the code i have so far:
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.text(15, 15, reportTitle);
doc.addImage(outputURL, 'JPEG', 15, 40, 180, 100);;
Nothing to keep the reportTitle from running off the page
Okay I've solved this. I used the jsPDF function, splitTextToSize(text, maxlen, options). This function returns an array of strings. Fortunately, the jsPDF text() function, which is used to write to the document, accepts both strings and arrays of strings.
var splitTitle = doc.splitTextToSize(reportTitle, 180);
doc.text(15, 20, splitTitle);
You can just use the optional argument maxWidth from the text function.
doc.text(15, 15, reportTitle, { maxWidth: 40 });
That will split the text once it reaches the maxWidth and start on the next line.
Auto-paging and text wrap issue in JSPDF can achieve with following code
var splitTitle = doc.splitTextToSize($('#textarea').val(), 270);
var pageHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.height;
var y = 7;
for (var i = 0; i < splitTitle.length; i++) {
if (y > 280) {
y = 10;
doc.text(15, y, splitTitle[i]);
y = y + 7;
To wrap long string of text to page use this code:
var line = 25 // Line height to start text at
var lineHeight = 5
var leftMargin = 20
var wrapWidth = 180
var longString = 'Long text string goes here'
var splitText = doc.splitTextToSize(longString, wrapWidth)
for (var i = 0, length = splitText.length; i < length; i++) {
// loop thru each line and increase
doc.text(splitText[i], leftMargin, line)
line = lineHeight + line
If you need to dynamically add new lines you want to access the array returned by doc.splitTextToSize and then add more vertical space as you go through each line:
var y = 0, lengthOfPage = 500, text = [a bunch of text elements];
//looping thru each text item
for(var i = 0, textlength = text.length ; i < textlength ; i++) {
var splitTitle = doc.splitTextToSize(text[i], lengthOfPage);
//loop thru each line and output while increasing the vertical space
for(var c = 0, stlength = splitTitle.length ; c < stlength ; c++){
doc.text(y, 20, splitTitle[c]);
y = y + 10;
Working Helper function
Here's a complete helper function based on the answers by #KB1788 and #user3749946:
It includes line wrap, page wrap, and some styling control:
(Gist available here)
function addWrappedText({text, textWidth, doc, fontSize = 10, fontType = 'normal', lineSpacing = 7, xPosition = 10, initialYPosition = 10, pageWrapInitialYPosition = 10}) {
var textLines = doc.splitTextToSize(text, textWidth); // Split the text into lines
var pageHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.height; // Get page height, well use this for auto-paging
var cursorY = initialYPosition;
textLines.forEach(lineText => {
if (cursorY > pageHeight) { // Auto-paging
cursorY = pageWrapInitialYPosition;
doc.text(xPosition, cursorY, lineText);
cursorY += lineSpacing;
// All values are jsPDF global units (default unit type is `px`)
const doc = new jsPDF();
text: "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves...", // Put a really long string here
textWidth: 220,
// Optional
fontSize: '12',
fontType: 'normal',
lineSpacing: 7, // Space between lines
xPosition: 10, // Text offset from left of document
initialYPosition: 30, // Initial offset from top of document; set based on prior objects in document
pageWrapInitialYPosition: 10 // Initial offset from top of document when page-wrapping
When we use linebreak in jsPDF we get an error stating b.match is not defined, to solve this error just unminify the js and replace b.match with String(b).match and u will get this error twice just replace both and then we get c.split is not defined just do the same in this case replace it with String(c).match and we are done. Now you can see line breaks in you pdf. Thank you

c# Format exception was unhandled

I have a method that fills up the elements of an int[,]. The elements that need to be filled are stored in a .txt file like this:
Meaning that I have to fill up the [1,1] and [2,2] element.
For this I use this but it gives the error above
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
x = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
y = int.Parse(SR.ReadLine());
mezo.mezo[x, y] = 1;
Thanks in advance!
According to MSDN( a FormatException is thrown when:
s is not in the correct format.
s in your case is SR.ReadLine() which is returning some value that is not recognized as a number format.
At first look it might be because of whitespaces in your file.
NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite for the number style in the Parse method.
