How to retrive central_logger's info in rails app - ruby-on-rails

I am using central_logger(0.3.3) gem for my rails app.
I follow each instruction as per documentation
record inserted successfully. But I want to fetch records of central_logger to show analysis
in my app is there any way?
please help

I was able to access the db and its records as per the documentation
db = Rails.logger.mongo_connection #specifies db, NO Need to change anything use as is
collection = db[Rails.logger.mongo_collection_name] #specifies mongo collection, NO Need to change anything use as is.
cursor = collection.find(:action => 'show') #get all central_logger records with action show
cursor.each do |obj|
obj ## A single mongo record object
Works for me...!


Rails console update

Hello I was trying the update the data in the table using the rails console.
Box.where("code = 'learning'").update(duration: 10)
I ran this command.
The data is temporarily changing.
Box.where("code = 'learning'")
When I run this the precious data is being displayed.
Could anyone let me the issue.
Thank you in advance.
#update updates a single record.
user = User.find_by(name: 'David')
user.update(name: 'Dave')
It will return true/false depending on if the record was actually updated. You can see the validation errors by inspecting the errors object:
In non user-interactions situations like seed files and the console it can be helpful to use the bang methods such as #update!, #save! and #create! which will raise an exception if the record is invalid.
If you want to update multiple records at once you need to use #update_all:
Box.where("code = 'learning'")
.update_all(duration: 10)
This creates a single SQL update statement and is by far the most performant option.
You can also iterate through the records:
Box.where("code = 'learning'").find_each do |box|
box.update(duration: 10)
This is sometimes necissary if the value you are updating must be calculated in the application. But it is much slower as it creates N+1 database queries.

How to fetch redis data using id in rails app

I am trying to implement redis cache on a rails application. Till now I am able to cache the active record data using redis cache. I am able to fetch all the records at once using get method. But I am having difficult time figuring out how to fetch a single record using id since the the data produced by redis is in string data type.
Following is the data cached by redis:
"set" "bookstore:authors" "[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Stephenie Meyer\",\"created_at\":\"2018-05-03T10:58:20.326Z\",\"updated_at\":\"2018-05-03T10:58:20.326Z\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"V.C. Andrews\",\"created_at\":\"2018-05-03T10:58:20.569Z\",\"updated_at\":\"2018-05-03T10:58:20.569Z\"}]
Now I am calling
authors = $redis.get('authors')
to display all the authors.
How can I fetch a single author using his id?
Helper method to fetch authors
def fetch_authors
authors = $redis.get('authors')
if authors.nil?
authors = Author.all.to_json
$redis.set("authors", authors).to_json
$redis.expire("authors", 5.hour.to_i)
JSON.load authors
For your use case, using a hash is probably better. You could use the following commands to achieve that:
HSET bookstore:authors 1 "<author json>"
HGET bookstore:authors 1 // Returns that author's json data
Or you can store each author on its own:
SET bookstore:authors:1 <author_json>
GET bookstore:authors:1 // Returns that author's json data

Save/update multiple rows in rails

I'm currently working on saving a user social media posts in my app. The basic idea is to check if the post exists if it does update the data or if not create a new row. Right now I'm looping through all of the post that I receive from the social platform so potentially I'm looping through 3,000 and adding them to the database.
Is there a way that I could rewrite this to save all the items at once, which hopefully would speed up the save method?
post_data.each do |post_data_details|
post_instance = Post::Tumblr.
where(platform_id: platform_id).
where("data ->> 'id' = ?", post_data_details["id"].to_s).
exisiting_data =
new_data = exisiting_data.merge! post_data_details.to_hash = new_data
post_instance.refreshed_at = date!
It is good practice to run such long-running jobs via sidekiq or other background jobs solution.
You can also use single ActiveRecord transaction.
But keep in mind, that if one of records will be invalid - whole trasaction will be rollbacked.

How to efficiently retrieve all record in rails 3.2 and assign them to a query-able object?

In our rails 3.2 app, we need to retrieve all customer records out of customer table and assign them to a variable customers and do query (such as .where(:active => true) on variable customers late on. There are 2 questions here:
what's the better way to retrieve all records?
Customer.all works. However according to rails document, it may have performance issue when Customer table gets large. We tried Customer.find_each and it has error "no block given (yield)".
How to make the variable customers query_able?
When performing query on variable customers (like customers.where(:active => true)), there is an error: undefined methodwhere' for #. It seems that thecustomersis an array object and can't takewhere. How can we retrievecustomers` in such a way it can be query-able?
Thanks for help.
In Rails < 4 .all makes database call immediately, loads records and returns array. Instead use "lazy" scoped method which returns chainable ActiveRecord::Relation object. E.g.:
customers = Customer.scoped
customers = customers.where(:active => true)
customers = customers.where(...)
And at the moment when you will need to load records and iterate over them you can call find_each:
customers.find_each do |customer|

How to efficiently update many ShopifyAPI::Product instances using ShopifyAPI (Ruby on Rails)?

I am writing an app which will sit between a vendors proprietary inventory management system and their Shopify shop. The app will periodically update Shopify from new data generated by the inventory management system. It will also provide end-points for Shopify webhooks.
I am currently doing something like this (pseudo-ruby with much stuff omitted):
def update_product_with_proxy(product_proxy)
product_proxy.variant_proxies.dirty.each do |variant_proxy|
if product_proxy.dirty_proxy
shopify_product = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(product_proxy.shopify_id)
shopify_product.update_attributes({some attributes here})
def update_variant_with_proxy(variant_proxy)
shopify_variant = ShopifyAPI::Variant.find(variant_proxy.shopify_id)
shopify_variant.update_attributes({some attributes here})
This seems terribly inefficient as I have to fetch each updated ShopifyAPI::Product and ShopifyAPI::Variant before I can update them (I have their id's cached locally). It takes about 25 minutes for an update cycle updating 24 products each with 16 variants. Rails spends less than 2 seconds updating my product/variant proxies. The other 99% of the time is spent talking to Shopify. I must be doing something wrong.
Given that I know the id of the remote object is there a way to updated it directly without having to fetch it first?
First things first: You can update variants through their parent product. Once you've grabbed the product it'll have the variant info with it so you can edit them, save, and the changes will be persisted in a single API call. That'll save you some time.
Second: You can create an object locally using the gem, give it an id, and then call save to initiate the PUT request without first fetching the object from Shopify. Something like this should do the trick:
product = => 1, :title => "My new title")
Putting those two things together should give you what you want: The ability to update a product's variants in a single API call.
Note: For future reference, the shopify_api gem is built on Active Resource, so anything you can do with that library you can do with the gem.
