On iOS, how to check inside a new thread for a UISwitch's value in the ViewController's view? - ios

On iOS, if there is a single view app, and a new thread is created using:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(consumeData:)
toTarget:self.consumer withObject:self.queue];
where the consumer is a Consumer object that will process data inside the method consumeData, and the queue is a Queue object, which is where the data comes from for the consumer to process.
But what if the thread needs to check whether a Switch on the main view is set to on or off? That is to toggle whether the Consumer object should do the work or pause at the moment. Should the withObject:self be used instead, so that the whole ViewController reference is passed to the thread, and then the thread will use viewController.view.______ to access the switch's value, and use viewController.queue to access the queue, or is there a better or alternative method?

Absolutely not. Nothing UI-related can ever be touched from another thread. It's simply not safe. If the other thread needs to know the switch's current value, then it needs to call back to the main thread before asking for it.

If you create a subclass, you could store your state in variables in the object, then access these variables from any thread; provided of course these operations do not call methods defined by UIKit.


What happens when NSTimer kicks in

I have a iOS construction where I get callbacks from an underlying class.
This callback make changes to a NSMutablearray.
At the same time I have a NSTimer that makes a callback to a method that makes changes to the same NSMutable array.
I see a potential problem here if the callbacks "collide" working with the NSMutablearray.
I am not sure how to deal with this. Could NSLock do the trick or should I instantiate my NSMutablearray as atomic?
You should make sure that any change to the mutable array occurs on the same thread. This will make sure there can be no 'collisions'. If your timer fires on the main thread, and your callback also occurs on the main thread, everything is good.
If the timer and the callback are on different threads, you can serialize the access to the array using a serial GCD-queue. When you do this, ANY AND ALL access to this array should be done on this queue (keep a reference to this queue in a property for instance).
NSLock might help you, but if you are working on the main thread, this is usually not a good idea, as you might be blocking the main queu, which affects user-interaction / scrolling behviour.
Also, atomic only means that getting or setting the pointer to the array is thread safe, i.e.: a valid value will be returned or set (dors not mean it will be the correct value though). Any operations you do on it have nothing to do with the property being atomic or nonatomox.

Requesting Scalar Values from main thread managedobjectcontext from background thread

I have a method that runs in a background thread using a copy of NSManagedObjectContext which is specially generated when the background thread starts as per Apples recommendations.
In this method it makes a call to shared instance of a class, this shared instance is used for managing property values.
The shared instance that managed properties uses a NSManagedObjectContext on the main thread, now even though the background thread method should not use the NSManagedObjectContext on the main thread, it shouldn't really matter if the shared property manager class does or does not use the such a context as it only returns scalar values back to the background thread (at least that's my understanding).
So, why does the shared property class hang when retrieving values via the main threads context when called from the background thread? It doesn't need to pass an NSManagedObject or even update one so I cannot see what difference it would make.
I can appreciate that my approach is probably wrong but I want to understand at a base level why this is. At the moment I cannot understand this whole system enough to be able to think beyond Apples recommended methods of implementation and that's just a black magic approach which I don't like.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Does using:
[theContext performBlock:^{
// do stuff on the context's queue, launch asynchronously
-- or --
[theContext performBlockAndWait:^{
// do stuff on the context's queue, run synchronously
-- just work for you? If so, you're done.
If not, take a long, hard look at how your contexts are setup, being passed around, and used. If they all share a root context, you should be able to "move" data between them easily, so long as you lookup any objectIDs always on your current context.
Contexts are bound to threads/queues, basically, so always use a given context as a a reference for where to do work. performBlock: is one way to do this.

iOS blocks are called on what thread?

I'm learning about blocks from a Stanford video. I'm now at the part which explains core data. The teachers mentions something about:
- (void)openWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success))completionHandler;
He said that completionhandler block will be called in the thread which called the method. So basically the method runs async but the blocks get called on the thread, lets assume main.
So my question is do all blocks run on the thread from where the method call was made. To illustrate why I ask this question, I have a Async class which does request to a server.
The format of all these methods is like this:
- (void) getSomething:(id <delegateWhatever> const)delegate{
goto background thread using GCD..
Got result from server...
Go back to main thread and call the delegate method...
When I use blocks I do not need to worry about going back to main thread if they will be called where the call was made?
Hope this is clear,
Thanks in advance
If something runs asynchronously, you should read a documentation to know on which thread, e.g. the completion block will be executed. If it is your code, you are in charge here, you can use global GCD queues, you can create your own queue and execute it there or whatever...
In general, blocks behaves like a function or a method call, it is executed on thread, which calls it. It is even possible that the same block will be executed from 2 different threads at the same time.
And just to be clear: Even if you are using blocks, you need to care about going back to main thread, of course if it is necessary
Nothing forces blocks to be called on a particular thread, so it depends on the specific method whether or not you need to worry about its callback being on the main thread. (In practice I don't remember ever seeing a library where a method called on the main thread would not call its completion handler also on the main thread. But you still need to read the documentation of the specific library and method you are using, as always.)

How to update UI before nsoperation will start and or end

2 part question but related so will keep in the same thread:
I'm adding NSOperations to a NSOperationQueue. I need to know when the operation will start and when it ends in order to update the UI.
I thought about adding a "start handler" block to run in the nsoperation as well as a "completion handler" in the NSOperation
Something like
-(id)initOperationWithStartBlock:(StartBlock)startblock completionBlock:(CompletionBlock)completionBlock
but believe that there is a better way to get this from the queue itself.
How can this be done?
I would also like to know the index of the job sent by the NSOperationQueue.
I've tried doing
[[self.myQueue operations] indexForObject:operation]
but the index is always the zeroth index - because the completed jobs were removed from the nsoperationqueue array before I could check the jobs index.
Any way to preserve them?
You need to use Key-Value-Observing pattern in IOS. So for this you need to setup observers in your controller to look for changes to isFinished and isExecuting to catch start and finish hooks.
It depends if you want to perform something from within your object upon starting or elsewhere in your code. From what you are saying (you want to update the UI), this sounds like you want to act outside of your object, but I don't know your program. You have two options:
1) If you want to act in your object upon starting the operation from within the same object, use key-value observation and observe isExecuting with self as the observer and the observed. Don't forget that you will get called whether it goes from NO to YES (starting) or YES to NO (done).
2) If you want to perform an action outside of the object, I would rather recommend to use the very general NSNotification with NSNotificationCenter and within your main, post a notification such as #"willStart" and #"didComplete". In any other object, register as an observer for your notifications.
Either way, don't forget that notifications are sent in the current threads but the UI must be updated on the main thread. You don't know on what thread observe:keyPath: is called. You may need to call performSelectorOnMainThread to update the UI or you can even use the convenient and useful nsoperationqueue mainqueue with a addOperationWithBlock with your UI code. If you use the NotificationCenter, then you can simply yourself post on the main thread with nsobject performSelectorOnMainThread

call delegate method if property changes

I use RestKit with Object-mapping. This runs asyncronus and after receiving the Data from Server an object is updated.
The point is, i need to inform another class that a property of an object has changed.
Right now i run into an error:
bool _WebTryThreadLock(bool), 0x1ae420: Tried to obtain the web
lock from a thread other than the main thread or the web thread.
This may be a result of calling to UIKit from a secondary thread. Crashing now...
I tried to overwrite the setter for the property, but it looks like the property is set in another thread, not the main thread. calling a delegate there does not work.
What can i do to solve this?
Any help is appreciated!
Maybe you need send message like this:
[obj performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(method)]
