How to use soundmanager2 wilth rails? - ruby-on-rails

I have installed soundmanager2 within my rails application as a plug in.
after installation, I tried following command to use sound manager
rails generate sound_manager2
it shows generator not found error :(
Experimenting with rails 3 but actually wants to use with rails 2 and ruby 1.8.6
Anybody know, how it works under rails ? or is there any other way to play sound with rails app ?

Manually add the following SoundManager2 files to vendor/assets/javascripts/soundmanager2:
soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js (or one of the other scripts, depending on your needs)
And then you should have either //= require tree . or //= require soundmanager2/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin in your application's JavaScript manifest file (app/assets/javascripts/application.js).
Or alternatively, just use the soundmanager-rails gem. I haven't used it myself, so I can't vouch for whether it works.

You can just drop the JavaScript and / or Flash files from the soundmanager2 download into your rails app, the plugin is just a JavaScript wrapper, you don't need it at all.
Then follow the offical Getting started guide


Bootstrap with Rails without LESS/SASS

I have a project of Rails 4 integrated with bootstrap.
I use less-rails-bootstrap gem in order to integrate it.
I wonder what is the best way to integrate bootstrap into rails without using less (os sass). I assume I can simply download the css and js files as explained in the bootstrap site, but I wonder if i might have problems with it.
Yes, if you don't want to customize Bootstrap styles, you can simply download it from bootstrap site and put it under vendor folder.
And you won't have problems, since Rails will precompile the files (js/css/img) under vendor folder.
Make sure to read this answer if you add fonts too.

How do I tell my Rails app where my CasperJS script is?

I want to launch several CasperJS scripts from within my Ruby on Rails app.
I want to know two things:
Where should I place the script? (which folder)
Do I need to tell Ruby on Rails where CasperJS can be found within my system? If so, how?
If its not a gem, and your using Rails 3.x and up, just place it in
if the
in the application.js is there it would automagically include everything in the above folder.
If here are issues about the order of inclusion, write
//= require xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx being the js file name without the extension
and it will be included in top to bottom order.

Updating to Rails 3.2.2: How to properly move my plugin from the '/vendor' to '/lib' directory?

I am upgrading Ruby on Rails from 3.1 to 3.2.2 and I would like to know what I should make and at what I should be care in order to properly move my vendor plugin (note: it is not a gem and at this time I am not planning to make that a gem) from the directory /vendor to /lib as well as wrote in the official documentation:
Rails 3.2 deprecates vendor/plugins and Rails 4.0 will remove them completely. You can start replacing these plugins by extracting them as gems and adding them in your Gemfile. If you choose not to make them gems, you can move them into, say, lib/my_plugin/* and add an appropriate initializer in config/initializers/my_plugin.rb.
I refer mostly to the "an appropriate initializer in config/initializers/my_plugin.rb": What code should I put in that file?
More: Do you have some advice or alert on making the above process?
The initializer should contain the appropriate requires and other startup related tasks that are necessary for your plugin to work correctly. It's difficult to help you without real code examples from your app but this link should help you get started.
The example in the link requires the plugin (now in the lib directory) and adds a module to ActiveRecord::Base.

How to use Twitter bootstrap with rails 3.0

How am I supposed to use bootstap with rails 3.0 rather than >= 3.1 ? is there any plugin which supports rails 3.0 ?
I think all of the bootstrap gems require Rails 3.1 or greater. I recently had bootstrap on a 3.0.10 Rails app using the Less.js file that you download from their site: This is the simplest most basic way to use Twitter-Bootstrap; the file compiles all of your "my_file.less" files into css on the client side.
However, if you want to modify the variables (which is the real power of using this framework) than you need to compile it. You can take a look at this Less compiler: I've never tried that, but I hear good things about it and it works on Mac, Linux, or PC.
Probably the easiest thing to do - if you want to compile the code on server side - would be to upgrade your project to Rails 3.1.1 and just use one of the Twitter Bootstrap gems. This is actually exactly what I ended up doing. I was able to update my app to 3.1.1 and I used the Boostrap-Sass gem (just because I slightly prefer Sass).
If you decide to upgrade, follow this RailsCast:
It helped me a lot.
Ryan Bates also offers a video on how to incorporate Twitter Bootstrap into a Rails app:
Here's a link to the Sass version of Bootstrap that I am currently using:
Many solutions : you can upgrade to rails 3.1+, might be the better (not the easier, depending on you app) way. You can include the static files yourself if you don't intend to change anything that is handled at the less level. You can do it even if you intend to, but you'll have to recompile the files yourself (or find a way to automate it). Finally, there might be a gem out there that is compatible with rails pre-asset-pipeline, or an old version of a gem. You'll have to look for yourself if you absolutely want a gem.

How to use Bootstrap from Twitter in a Rails 3.0 application?

In my rails 3.0.10 I would like to use Bootstrap from Twitter but I only found examples using Rails 3.1 and the Asset Pipeline. How would add it to my 3.0 application? Do I just download it from the main site and put the files inside of my public folder? What about using LESS?
The absolute simplest way is to drop the boostrap.css file into your public folder and then reference it in your layouts/application.html.erb file. Then you can start using it right away. You're a bit limited at that point in what you can modify but that will get you started.
What is your question about LESS? bootstrap uses LESS but you don't have to worry about that since you're just using a plain ole css file.
See this railscasts video: Twitter Bootstrap Basics. There is another follow-up screencast after you finish this one.
We converted bootstrap to use SASS (think I found it in a github repo somewhere), and included it in the lib/assets/ folder.
Our application.css includes the partials. We've made a few custom modifications to the partials, works just fine.
Version 2 will be converted to SASS pretty sure I'm sure, but in the meantime there are asset pipeline modules available for LESS which you could add so that your rails app understands less files:
A quick search found this (can't vouch for it at all)
If it works as described you could just drop in bootstrap as it is and reference it in your application.css file.
