form-only lookup - informix

How can I create a form-only look up in Informix 4GL? I am using form painter plus the informix SE. Any help would be appreciated. I tried to create the form but the field is empty while selecting the choice. I think I am missing the relation or something.

FORMONLY is the equivalent of DISPLAYONLY in isql perform screens. Why not just define the database columns in the attributes section and use the NOUPDATE attribute for each column, or use BEFORE EDITUPDATE OF tabname, ABORT?

Since I4GL doesn't come with a form painter, the only ways to know what you can do with it is by reading the manual for your form painter, or by experimenting.
I'm also not entirely sure what you mean by a FORMONLY lookup? It could be any of a number of items. But the basics are that the field in the form is FORMONLY.fieldname TYPE xyz where xyz is the appropriate type. You use a CONSTRUCT or INPUT to get data into that field; you process the input to do the lookup. INPUT is more appropriate for an exact value lookup; CONSTRUCT will allow more flexible querying.
Since you've not shown what you've tried, nor indicated which form painter you're using, it is going to be hard to help further.
(And I note you've asked this question on the IIUG (International Informix Users Group) mailing list for 'classics' too.)


appsheet prevent duplicate entries

I would like to know how I can prevent a duplicate entry (based on my own client/project definition of what that means-below), in an AppSheet mobile app connected to Google Sheets.
AppSheet talks alot about UNIQUEID() which they also encourage using and designating as the KEY field. row_number is another possibility.
This is fine for the KEY in the sense of its purpose is to be unique, meaningless, and uniquely identify a record, and relate to other tables.
However, it doesn't prevent a duplicate ("duplicate" again, as defined by my own client's business rules&process) from occurring. I mean, I assume the UniqueId() theoretically would, but that's abstract theory, because it would only produce unique ones anyway.
MY TABLE HAS THESE COLUMN: [FACILITY NUMBER] and [TIMESTAMP] (date and time of event). We consider it a duplicate event, and want to DISALLOW the adding of such a record to this table, if the 2nd record has the same DATE (time irrelevant), with the same FACILITY. (we just do one facility per day, ever).
In AppSheet how can I create some logic that disallows the add based on that criteria? I even basically know some ways I would do it. it just seems like I can't find a place to "put" it. I created an expression that perfectly evalutes to TRUE or FALSE and nothing else, (by referencing whether or not the FACILIY NUMBER on the new record being added is in a SLICE which I've defined as today's entries). I wanted to place this expression in another (random) field's VALIDIF. To me it seemed like that would meet the platform documentation. the other random field would be considered valid, only if the expression evaluated to true. but instead appsheet thought i wanted to conver the entire [other random column] to a dependent dropdown.
Please help! I will cry tears of joy when appsheet introduces FORM events and RECORD events that can be hooked into at the time of keying, saving, etc.
surprised to see this question here in stackoverflow --- most AppSheet questions are at
The brief answer is that you are doing the right thing providing a Valid_If constraint. Your constraint is of the form IN([_THIS], ) so AppSheet is doing the "smart" thing by automatically converting that list into a dropdown of allowed values. From your post, it appears that you may instead want to say NOT(IN([_THIS], )) -- thereby saying that the value [_THIS] is valid as long as it is not in the list specified (making sure it is not a duplicate).
Old question, but in case someone stumbles upon the same:
The (not so simple) answer is given in
From the reference:
NOT(IN([_THIS], SELECT(Customers[State], NOT(IN([CustomerId],
LIST([_THISROW].[CustomerId])))))): when used as the Valid_If
condition for the State column, it ensures that every customer has a
unique value for State. In this example, we assume that CustomerId is
the key for the Customers table.
This could be written more schematic like this:
NOT(IN([_THIS], SELECT(<TableName>[<UnqiueColumnName>], NOT(IN([<KeyColumnName>], LIST([_THISROW].[<KeyColumnName>]))))))
Technically it says:
Get me a list of the current values of the column of the table
Ignore the value of the current row (identified by [_THISROW] and looking into the column)
Check, if the given value exists in the resulting list
This statement has to be defined - with the correct values for , & - as Valid_If statement.

can predefined keywords exist beside free keywords in DSpace submit?

Default a submitter (uploader) of a document can add self chosen keywords to that document.
It is also possible to configure DSpace in a way that the submitter has to choose from one or more predefined keywords (controlled vocabulary).
The DSpace manual seems to suggest that you - when configuring - have to choose between free and predefined keywords.
I would like to give the submitter the possibility to choose between one or more predefined keywords. But also that he or she can add one or more self chosen keywords.
Is that possible?
The hierarchical taxonomy feature gives you exactly this:
You can see it in the demo installation on the "subject" field: you have a lookup feature that allows lookup in a tree of subjects, but manually entered values are possible as well.
I personally would set this up to use two different metadata fields.
Something like dc.subject.whateverdescribesyourlistoffixedterms -- or even localschema.subject.whateverdescribesyourlistoffixedterms -- for the list of terms the user should select from. Note, for "whateverdescribesyourlistoffixedterms" I would choose something related to the name of the list of terms if at all possible (see example below).
dc.subject for "standard" user-supplied keywords
Then just add both to your input forms, perhaps going with Bram's suggestion of a hierarchical taxonomy for the first.
To give you better advice on what's most appropriate, it would be great if you could give some more details about what you're trying to achieve. For example
Is your list of fixed keywords something that's used beyond your own organisation? If yes, this strongly points to having its own metadata field to me, with the qualifier something that's related to the name of the classification system -- eg, dc.subject.anzsrc for the Australia/New Zealand fields of research codes.
Do you want to mix the two types of keywords in browse/facet options? You can do this even when they're in two separate fields. Have a look at the Discovery search filters & sidebar facets documentation and see how that puts and dc.creator into the author facet. The documentation for browse indexes has a similar example in the author browse.
Are both types of subject keywords required for submission? Both optional? One type required, the other type optional? You say in a comment (if I read you correctly) that you want the fixed keywords to be mandatory during submission, while the free-text keywords should be optional. That means they must be in separate metadata fields because otherwise you wouldn't know, if the submitter gives keywords, whether they are from the fixed list of terms or not. If you use separate fields, you can make eg dc.subject.anzsrc a required field in the submission form and dc.subject an optional one.

Parsing field name using Crystal Reports

I have a customer who really wants to keep a very long naming convention during a migration to a new database. The new database uses Crystal Reports for reporting. I have gotten an ok to shorten the naming convention somewhat to "shortened name-date" with all of the other pertinent information parsed out into new fields.
However, one of the users who does a lot of the reporting has now said that one of the most tedious parts of her job was parsing out the old names so she could have a simple, high level, parent name for executive reports. With the new naming convention, she will still need to parse the field to get just the shortened name as her executive-level parent name. If I can't manage to get the ok to drop the date from this field, can Crystal reports be used to parse the field at the "-" similar to parsing the data using Excel? What I'm looking for is that her reports would have a formula that generates the executive-level short name behind the scenes so she doesn't have to think about it.
The date already exists in a date field, so parsing out the date from the name would not change other report functionality. Ideally, I would want to enter the data already separated out and concatenate fields per each user's particular needs, but I may not be able to do. Any info would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
I think you are looking for this...

Translating choice lists in LightSwitch

Is it possible to translate the display name of choice list items defined for LightSwitch entity properties?
I would like to be able to show different users translated display names in their language when they are viewing the SAME record, and also show translated names in the autocomplete combo box when they are editing a record.
Not really, no. The values are stored in the LSML file & aren't able to be modified at runtime. If you need to translate the values, then you'll need to use a lookup table (possibly by using a custom RIA service) instead of a Choice List.
The advantage of a Choice List is that it's very quick & easy to set one up.
The down side of a Choice List is the lack of flexibility, or even reusability (you have to define the values for the list every time you want to use it somewhere).

TFS: how can I create integer field based on string?

Work Item has "Rank" field of string type. Usually it contains numbers only.
It is necessary to provide ability to sort work items by this field in "numeric" interpretation. For now two values are compared like this:
But it is necessary to have:
It is not critical to sort fields that have string. But if possible - usual string sorting would be good.
I see few ways to do that:
Idea1: Apply some kind of formatting to existing column in order to interpret string value as integer. I don't know if it is possible though.
Q1. Is idea1 feasible? If yes, how can I do that.
Idea2: create additional field (RankInt) and apply rule "Copy", something like "Copy 'Rank' field".
Q2: When I tried to create such rule I got an error:
TF26048: The rule 'COPY' for field 'RankInt' refers to field 'Rank', which is a different field type.
How can I do such conversion?
Thanks a lot!
P.S. TFS 2008
We had a similar situation where in the dev team wanted to sort the work items and see it on the report.
We suggested that the dev team use the "Priority" field which is an integer field, and 2. After that change your team queries to include the "Priority" field in the columns based on which they can sort their work items,
You may optionally want to customize the workitem field to limit the values needed.
This addressed their issue.
Actually, I've added new field "RankInt" of integer type, using export to excel copied all values from "Rank" into "RankInt". On the work item UI field "Rank" was removed, "RankInt" was used instead.
Here we won't synchronize Rank and RankInt... but it is not too critical, at least for now.
If you see any other drawback, please let me know.
