Mongoid datatype retrieval - ruby-on-rails

Is it possible to quickly retrieve the datatype of a given Mongoid field?
Something like: FieldName.type?

I guess, this is not just mongo specific. You can use the following code to retrieve field type of a field irrespective of the database underneath.
=> String
=> Fixnum

I am still on mongoid 2.4 so I am not sure if this will work on 3.0 too:


Active record querying with store_accesors

I have a database where I need to do a search on specific record that has a certain output. What is making this tricky for me is that these values are found in a 'store_accessor' and therefore they aren't always there.
For instance if I run Team.last.team_configuration, I get this value below, and what I need are only teams that have a specific setting.
<TeamConfiguration:0x00007123456987> {
:id => 8,
:owner_id => 6,
:team_type => "football",
:settings => {
"disable_coach_add" => false,
"delink_players_at_18" => true
:type => "TeamConfiguration"
My thoughts have been something around these lines, but i keep getting undefined method 'settings' for team_configuration:Symbol
Would anyone know what I am doing wrong in this instance? I think because there are two separations from the main source it has been causing me some issues. Thanks in advance!
The problem is way store_accesors works, look what documentation says:
Store gives you a thin wrapper around serialize for the purpose of
storing hashes in a single column. It's like a simple key/value store
baked into your record when you don't care about being able to query
that store outside the context of a single record.
So a posible solution could be to search by that column, converting a previously hash of what you want to string.
Team.where(team_configuration: data.to_s)
If you're using a postgres database and the TeamConfiguration#settings column is serialized as jsonb column you can get at this with postgres json operators:
.where("team_configurations.settings #> '{\"delink_players_at_18\": true}'")

Using non-numerical identifier in Rails find function

In many Rails examples I see
ModelName.find(:id) being used, supposed every model has a unique string attribute named :symbol, how can I set up the model so that find(:symbol) would work? Do I have to implement the searching algo myself?
You could use
More info on Rails Dynamic Finders
You might want to try "find_by_yoursymbol"
ModelName.find_by_yoursymbol("symbol value")
I just used this to check if a record exists and to create it if it isn't there.
Spree::MailMethod.create(:environment => "test") unless Spree::MailMethod.find_by_environment("test").present?

Sunspot Solr search parameter "with" not working with strings

I'm developing a Ruby on Rails application using Sunspot Solr as an indexer.
The thing is i try to use the parameter of the search with :, using strings and it doesn't seem to work. If i pass an int it works fine. Anyone knows how to do it with strings (if it's possible)?
An example of the search i want to do is:
#search = do
fulltext params[:query]
with :checked, "Checked"
:checked is an attribute of the table Record and it validates if a record is checked so it can't be edited.
PD: I'm doing it this way because MySQL doesn't accept booleans.
Figured it out!
It turns out strings are a little more delicate, so you have to use:
For more information see:

mongoid update_attributes changing datatypes

Im creating a simple rails app to modify data in an existing mongo database. I'm using mongoid for the interaction and can read/destroy objects just fine.
The problem comes is my mongo document has a 'node' which is a bunch of key value pairs with vary depending on the record. When i load the record like so:
=> #<MongoObject _id: ABC1234567890, node: {"totallogins"=>11, "id"=>"logIns"}>
I'm using a standard rails form to update the values so the post data looks like:
{"commit"=>"Edit", "utf8"=>"✓", "id"=>"ABC1234567890", "mongo_object"=>{"node"=>{"totallogins"=>"12", "id"=>"logIns"}}
If i then do:
This works but changes the datatype of "totallogins" from an int to a string because the post data is a string.
Now active record deals with this itself but i need a solution that will work with mongoid.
Any ideas how i can do this?
Thanks. Unfortunately i can't as the fields for node are totally dynamic so i can't define them. I've come up with the following solution but its a tad ugly:
#mongo_object.node.each do |k,v|
new_value = params[:mongo_object][:node][k.to_sym]
new_value = new_value.to_i if v.class == Fixnum
#mongo_object.node[k] = new_value
If you make the node an embedded_document, then you can explicitly set the field types when you declare them.
class Node
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :mongo_object
field :totallogins, type: Integer
end mentions how to deal with types; perhaps make sure your type is an Integer?

Getting Mongoid from params array

In order to find a Root Document that contains a embedded document using MongoID/Rails 3 I need to do my query this way:
QuoteRequest.where( "order_request_items._id" => BSON::ObjectID(params[:id]) ).first
Is there a way to query without using the BSON::ObjectID ?
I'm not a MongoID/Rails user, but my guess is that you can't.
Even in the Mongo shell you have to use ObjectId() if you want to compare ObjectIDs. Something like this won't return any results:{_id: "4c7ca651db48000000002277"})
You'll have to create an actual ObjectID from the string in order to get results:{_id: ObjectId("4c7ca651db48000000002277")})
MongoID apparently doesn't automatically convert your input to ObjectIDs. But perhaps there's a way to tell MongoID which fields it should always convert to ObjectIDs? Then you would be able to omit the use of BSON::ObjectID.
This is a bug, the ids should be automagically converted by Mongoid. You should open a ticket on github:
