Ensuring ElasticSearch is in Sync with Database - ruby-on-rails

I'm considering a daily script to do the following, in order to account for any situations where there was a problem with updates on the ES server (I don't yet have a high-availability setup and even so, it's still probably a good practice in a situation where data is being duplicated between DB and ES). Before putting this script together, I thought I'd check if I'm going about this the right way, and whether there are any libraries or techniques I should use.
The script will simply retrieve all IDs from the database and all IDs from ElasticSearch, where created_at < current_time (a snapshot of the current time, since it's a moving target as the script runs). It will then add and remove to Elastic search based on the differences between these IDs sets.
Does this sound like a reasonable approach?

To answer my question, this is not the best approach.
A simpler, if more resource-intensive, approach is to re-build the entire index periodically. Of course, this is difficult to do in production as it would cause minutes or hours of downtime, so the trick is to rebuild a new index and switch to using that. In ElasticSearch, you can't rename an index, but you can use aliases.
There's a discussion of the approach here and a rake task for Tire users here.

Please have a look at jdbc-river plugin. This plugin is fairly stable and can be used to sync data between ES and database.


Is there a way to schedule edits to firebase database?

I am trying to create automated edits to the database in firebase. Is there a way to do that on the server-side? I am new to iOS development and swift so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I've tried Zapier but the service is not specific enough for my needs.
Yes - Firebase has quite a flexible set of options for server-side updates and it is simple enough to schedule a cronjob to connect to firebase and perform some scheduled update or edits.
The most generic approach is to use the REST API to perform your updates although there are specific libraries to support Node and other platforms.
It is worth being aware of the recent major upgrade to version 3 of Firebase which introduced quite a few significant changes - it can be easy to confuse the older examples floating around with the new API so be aware of the differences as you put together your first proof of concept examples.
I assume that you are looking to run on your own server although another alternative is to use a container hosting environment ( Google Apps etc ).
If you have your own server and are looking to integrate I would suggest starting with:
Then perhaps a quick look at:
If you are just getting started I would suggest a first task being to authenticate, retrieve and update a Firebase record.
You can configure server auth keys through the FB console and use these as part of you authentication process.
If you are unfamiliar with JWT then it is worth spending a little time getting up to speed on this and working through the examples at https://www.firebase.com/docs/rest/guide/user-auth.html
Further to your comment:
So the first approach that comes to mind is to run some kind of scheduled job in your Cron which would connect using the REST API, perform some kind of query on the existing data to identify those records that require an update and remove or modify them.
Giving a little more though you could extend this approach without having to run at a recurring period less than the minimal anticipated deletion time you could run the scheduler just to clean up at some longer period but filter your results to the client so that you are not including stale data. This approach is discussed a little at Firebase chat - removing old messages
Getting the right solution to your particular scenario will depend a lot on how well you structure your data which can be counter-intuitive; particularly for users who have come from an RDBMS background.
There may be an inclination to keep the data slim and unpolluted with old irrelevant data however Firebase is quite good at managing large minimally structured data and the overhead of this bloat may not be as bad a thing as you may think.
If the filtering itself isn't sufficient and you don't have a server that you can CRON a cleanup process then you can implement a firebase worker process in Node or similar and have this running on a container service such as Heroku or Google Apps. See Firebase push notifications - node worker for some ideas on how to approach this.
When asked Google advised that they didn't advise on where best to host worker services but they did mention both Google App Engine and Heroku.
Another approach if you don't want to implement and host a watcher/worker process is to simply include some code in the client that checks for and removes stale data periodically.
The firebase Queue is very cool but may be a bit of an overkill for simply expiring stale data.

Database Changes Outside Ruby/Rails Migration

we have several technologies accessing the same database. At the moment, Ruby/Rails is used to create migrations when making changes to the database. The question is a simple one:
Is it possible for our DBAs to make changes to the database (not using Ruby migrations) without stepping on the Ruby devs toes and breaking the Ruby web application?
If so, some generic details about how to get started or pointed in the right direction would be great! Thanks.
I can tell you from experience that this is not the best idea, one that you will eventually regret and later, inevitably, reverse. But I know that it does come up. I've had to do them (against my will or in case of extreme emergencies).
Given the option, I'd push back on it if you can in favor of any solution that bring the SQL closer to the repository and further away from a "quick fix" to the database directly. Why?
1) Your local/testing/staging/production databases will diverge, eventually rendering your code untestable in a reliable way
2) You won't be able to regenerate your database from "scratch" to match production
3) If the database is ever clobbered, you won't be able to re-create it in any sensible way.
DBA's generally don't care about these things until something in the code breaks, and they want you to figure it out. But, for obvious reasons, that now becomes quite difficult.
One approach I have taken that seems to make everyone happy is to do the following:
1) Commit to having ALL database changes, big or small, put into a repository with the code. This means that everything that has happened to the database is all together in one place.
2) Each change, or set of changes, should be a migration. A migration can be simply running an SQL file. But, it should be run from within a migration for all the testability benefits.
So, for example, let's say you have a folder structure like:
- database_updates
-- v1
--- change_1.sql
--- change_2.sql
-- v2
--- change_3.sql
--- change_2_fix.sql
Now, let say you want to make a change or set of change via SQL. First, create a new version folder, let's call it "v1". Next, put your SQL scripts in this folder. Finally, create a migration:
def change
# Read all files in v1 folder, and run the SQL
(I have code that does this, happy to share the gist if you find yourself using this approach)
Since each migration is transactional, any of the scripts that fail will cause all of them to fail.
Now, let's say you have the next set, v2. Same exact thing. And, we have a history of these "versioned" changes, so we can look at the migration history and see what's been run, etc.
As a power user note, this set up also allows for recourse if things fail; in these cases, we can opt to go back to v1:
def up
# run v2 scripts
def down
# run v1 scripts
For this to work, v1 and v2 would need to be autonomous -- that is, they can destroy and rebuild entities without any dependencies. If that's not what you want, just stick with the change method.
This would also allow you to test for breaking changes. Let's say it is reported that something doesn't work anymore with v6. You can rollback your database migrations to v5, v4, etc (because you are doing a migration per folder) and test to see when the test broke, and correct it with v7.
Anyway, the end game of it all is that you can safely check out this project from a repository, create your database, run rake db:migrate and know that your database structure resembles exactly what is deployed elsewhere. And, worst case, if your database gets clobbered, you can just run all your scripts from v1 - vN and end up with your database back again.
For DBA's everything remains SQL for them, they can just send you a file or set of files for you to run.
If you want to get fancy, you could even write a migration generator that knows how to handle a line like rails g migration UpdateDBVersion version:v7 to take care of the repetitive boilerplate.
As long as everyone relies on the same updated schema.rb or structure.sql, everyone will share the same database 'version'.
See this SO answer for more insight.
Changes to the database, tables, or indexes should be made using ActiveRecord migrations whenever possible. This specifically ensures that development and test environments remain logically in sync. Remember that developers must be capable of accurate development and testing against the same database structure as occurs in the production environment, and QA teams must be able to adequately test such changes.
However, some database features are not actually supported by ActiveRecord migrations, and may only be applied directly to the database. These features are often database-specific, such as any of the following:
Stored procedures
Indexes with function-based columns
Virtual columns
Essentially any database-specific features that don't have an ActiveRecord abstraction will be made directly to the database.
Sometimes, however, other applications require the addition of tables, columns, or indexes in order to operate properly or efficiently. These other applications may simply be used to view/report against the database, or they may be substantial business applications that have their own independent database requirements and separate development teams. Occasionally, a DBA may have to step in and create an index or provide some optimization needed to solve a real-world production performance issue.
There are simply far too many situations for shared database management to give a definitive answer. Depending on the size of the organization and the complexity of the needs for the shared management, there may be many ways to solve the problem of a shared database schema that are specific to the application or organization.
For instance, I have worked on applications that shared a database with as many as 10 other applications, each of which "owned" portions of the schema and shared other portions with the other teams, all mediated through the DBA group. In situations such as this, the organizational structure and change control process may be the only means of solving this problem.
Whichever the situation, some real-world suggestions may help avoid problems and mitigate maintenance woes:
Offer to translate SQL DDL commands into ActiveRecord migrations, where possible, so that DBAs can accomplish their needs, and the application team can still appropriately maintain the schema
Any changes made outside the ActiveRecord migration should be thoroughly tested for impact to the project in a non-production environment by the same QA resources that test the actual Rails application
Encapsulate any external changes in a .sql file and include the file as part of the project in version control
If the development team is using the same database product in development (some cannot, due to licensing or complexity), those changes should be applied to the developer database instances, as well
It's best if you can apply the changes during a migration, even just by calling the relevant CLI tools as a migration step - the exact mechanism will be database-dependent, as well
Try to avoid doing this more than is absolutely necessary, as this can significantly reduce the database independence of the application, even between versions of the same database product (limiting upgrade opportunities)

How can one rails app on heroku access many databases

I want to be able to have one app access multiple databases on the HEROKU "system".
Can the connection to the database be changed dynamically?
Why I ask...
I have an app that has a lot of very processor heavy background jobs. If a given user uploads a product feed of say 50,000 product that have to be compared to existing products and update only the deltas it can take a "few" minutes.
Now to mitigate the delay I spin up multiple workers, each taking small bites out of the lot until there's none. I can get to about 20 workers before the GUI starts to feel sluggish because the DB is being hammered.
I've tuned some of the code and indexed the DB to some extent, and I'm sure there's more I could do, but it will eventually suffer the law of diminished returns.
For one user, I don't much care... if you upload 50k products you need to wait a bit..
But user one's choice to upload impacts user two. (different company so no cross over of data)..
Currently I handle different users by separating their data with schemas in postgresql.
The different users however share the same db connection and even on the best plan I can see a time when 20 users try to upload 50,000 products at the same time.(first of month/quarter for example).
User 21 would see a huge slow down on their system because of this..
So the question: Can I assign different users to different databases? User logs in, validates their info against a central DB, and then a different DB takes over?
My current solution is different instances of heroku. It's easy to maintain the code because it's one base and I just script the git push(es). The only issue is the different login URL's; which I suppose I could confront if I can't find an easy DB switch solution.
It sounds like you're able to shard your data by user, or set of users without much concern since you already separate them by schema. If that's the case, and you're using Ruby and ActiveRecord, look at https://github.com/tchandy/octopus. I imagine you're not looking to spin up databases on the fly, rather, you'll have them already built and ready to be used, and can add more as you go.
Granted, it sounds like what you're doing could be done a lot more effectively by using the right tool for that type of intensive processing like one of the Heroku Hadoop add-ons; nonetheless, if that's not an option for whatever reason, check out the gem above. There are a couple other gems like it, and of course you could technically manage your own ActiveRecord connections without this gem, but I think you'll find that will be painful really fast.
Of course, if you aren't using Ruby or ActiveRecord, still shard the data, and look for something like the gem above in your app's language :).
the postgres databases on heroku are configured with environment variables. when you run heroku config you should see:
DATABASE_URL: postgres://xxx.compute.amazonaws.com:5432/xxx
you can use these variables to connect to databases on other heroku instances or share a single database on different heroku apps.
if you try to run this kind of stuff on free heroku instances, i think it is against their terms of services.
if it's about scalability, i think you will just have to pay for a more expensive database instance...

RavenDB - Planning for scalability

I have been learning RavenDB recently and would like to put it to use.
I was wondering what advice or suggestions people had around building the system in a way that is ready to scale, specifically sharding the data across servers, but that can start on a single server and only grow as needed.
Is it advisable, or even possible, to create multiple databases on a single instance and implement sharding across them. Then to scale it would simply be a matter of spreading these databases across the machines?
My first impression is that this approach would work, but I would be interested to hear the opinions and experiences of others.
Update 1:
I have been thinking more on this topic. I think my problem with the "sort it out later" approach is that it seems to me difficult to spread data evenly across servers in that situation. I will not have a string key which I can range on (A-E,F-M..) it will be done with numbers.
This leaves two options I can see. Either break it at boundaries, so 1-50000 is on shard 1, 50001-100000 is on shard 2, but then with a site that ages, say like this one, your original shards will be doing a lot less work. Alternatively a strategy that round robins the shards and put the shard id into the key will suffer if you need to move a document to a new shard, it would change the key and break urls that have used the key.
So my new idea, and again I am putting it out there for comment, would be to create from day one a bucketting system. Which works like stuffing the shard id into the key, but you start with a large number, say 1000 which you distribute evenly between. Then when it comes time to split the load into a shard, you can say move buckets 501-1000 to the new server and write your shard logic that 1-500 goes to shard 1 and 501-1000 goes to shard 2. Then when a third server comes online you pick another range of buckets and adjust.
To my eye this gives you the ability to split into as many shards as you originally created buckets, spreading the load evenly both in terms of quantity and age. Without having to change keys.
It is possible, but really unnecessary. You can start using one instance, and then scale when necessary by setting up sharding later.
Also see:
I think a good solution is to use virtual shards. You can start with one server and point all virtual shard to a single server. Use module on the incremental id to evenly distribute the rows across the virtual shards. With Amazon RDS you have the option to turn a slave into a master, so before you change the sharding configuration (point more virtual shards to the new server), you should make a slave a master, then update your configuration file, and then delete all the records on the new master using modulu that doesn't comply with the shard range that you use for the new instance.
You also need to delete rows from the original server, but by now all the new data with IDs that are modulu based on the new virtual shard ranges will point to the new server. So you actually don't need to move the data, but take advantage of Amazon RDS server promotion feature.
You can then make replica off the original server. You create a unique ID as: Shard ID + Table Type ID + Incremental number. So when you query the database, you know to which shard to go and fetch the data from.
I don't know how it's possible to do it with RavenDB, but it can work pretty well with Amazon RDS, because Amazon already provide you with replication and server promotion feature.
I agree that their should be a solution that right from the start offer seamless sociability and not telling the developer to sort the problems out when those occur. Furthermore, I've find out that many NoSQL solution that evenly distribute data across shards need to work within a cluster with low latency. So you have to take that into consideration. I've tried using Couchbase with two different EC2 machines (not in a dedicated Amazon cluster) and data balancing was very very slow. That adds to the overall cost too.
I also want to add that what pinterest had done to solve their scalability issues, using 4096 virtual shards.
You should also need to look into paging issues with many NoSQL databases. With that approach you can page data quite easily, but maybe not in the most efficient way, because you might need to query several databases. Another problem is changing schema. Pinterest solved this by putting all the data in a JSON Blob in MySQL. When you want to add a new column, you create a new table with the new column data + key, and can use Index on that column. If you need to query the data, for example, by email, you can create another table with the emails + ID and put an index on the email column. Counters are another problem , I mean atomic counters. So it's better taking those counters out from the JSON and put them in a column so you can increment the counter value.
There are great solutions out there, but at the end of the day you find out that they can be very expensive. I preferred spending time on building my own sharding solution and prevent myself the headache later on. If you choose the other path, there are plenty of companies waiting for you to get into trouble and ask for quite a lot of money to solve your problems. Because at the moment that you need them, they know that you will pay everything to make your project work again. That's from my own experience, that's why I am breaking my head to build my own sharding solution using your approach, which also be much cheaper.
Another option is to use middleware solutions for MySQL like ScaleBase or DBshards. So you can continue working with MySQL, but at the time you need to scale, they have well proven solution. And the costs might be much lower then the alternative.
Another tip: when you create your config for shards, put a write_lock attribute that accepts false or true. So when it false, data won't be written to that shard, so when you fetch the list of shards for specific table type (ie. users), it will be written only to the other shards for that same type. This is also good for backup, so you can show a friendly error for visitors when you want to lock all the shard when backing up all the data to get a point-in-time snapshots of all the shards. Although I think you can send a global request for snapshoting all the databases with Amazon RDS and using point-in-time backup.
The thing is that most companies won't spend time working with a DIY sharding solution , they will prefer paying for ScaleBase. Those solution comes from single developers that can afford paying for a scalable solution from the start, but want to rest assured that when they reach to the point they need it, they have a solution. Just look at the prices out there and you can figure out that it will cost you A LOT. I will gladly share my code with you once I'm done. You are going with the best path in my opinion, it's all depends on your application logic. I model my database to be simple, no joins, not complicated aggregation queries - this solves many of my problems. In the future you can use Map Reduce to solve those big data queries needs.

How to architect Rails site that can be edited while running?

I am writing a Rails app that "scrapes/navigates" some other websites and webservices for content. I am using Mechanize and Savon to do the heavylifting.
But given the dynamic nature of the web, I'd like to make my calls to these editable by the admin users of the site - rather than requiring me to release a new version of the site.
The actual scraping thread happens async to the website, using the daemons gem.
My requirements are:
Thinking that the scraping/webservice calling code is quite simple, the easiest route is to make the whole class editable by the admins.
Keep a history of the scraping code - so that we can fairly easily revert if we introduce a problem.
Initially use the code from the file system, but as soon as thats been edited and stored somewhere, to use that code instead.
I am thinking my options are:
Store the code in the db (with a history table for the old versions)
Store the code in a private git repo somewhere and access that for the history/latest versions.
I am thinking the git route might be easiest, given its raison d'etre is to track file history...
But perhaps there is a gem/plugin that does all this for me, out of the box?
Thanks in advance for any tips/advice.
I really hope you aren't doing something like what's talked about here...
Assuming you are doing a proper mixin, there used to be a gem called "acts_as_versioned" which would do something like you want. It's been a while so I don't know if it's been turned into a plugin or if it's been abandoned. Essentially the process it uses was to provide a combination key for your versioned table.
Your database would have a structure like this:
Key column (id for the record)
Version column (id for the record's version)
All the record attributes
Let's say you had a table for your scripts, and the script you wanted has three versions. Your table would have the following records:
123, 3, '#Be good now'
123, 2, 'puts "Hi"'
123, 1, '#Do not be bad'
Getting the most recent version would be as simple as
Scripts.find :first, :conditions=>{:id=>123}, :order=>"version desc"
Rolling back would be as simple as removing the most recent version, or having another table with a pointer to the active version. It's up to you.
You are correct in that git, subversion, mercurial and company are going to be much better at this. To provide support, you just follow these steps:
Check out the script on the server (using a tag so you can manage what goes there at any time)
Set up a cron job to check out the new script periodically (like every six hours or whatever you feel comfortable with)
The daemon you have for running the script should run the new version automatically.
IF your site is already under source control, and IF you're running under mod_rails/passenger, you could follow this procedure:
edit scraping code
commit change locally
touch yourapp/tmp/restart.txt
that should give you history of the change and you shouldn't have to re-deploy.
A bit safer, but not sure if it's possible for you is on a test/developement server: make change, commit locally, test it, then on production server, git pull then touch tmp/restart.txt
I've written some big spiders and page analyzers in the past, and one of the things to keep in mind is what code is providing what service to the entire application.
Rails is providing the presentation of the data being gathered by your spidering engine. The presentation is one side of the coin, and spidering is the other, and they should be two separate code bases, tied together by some data-sharing mechanism, which, in your case, is the database. The database gives you some huge advantages as does having Rails available, when your spidering code is separate. It sounds like you have some separation already, but I'd recommend creating a wider gap. With that in mind, here's how I've done it before, and what I'd do now.
Previously, I had a separate app for my spidering that was spawning multiple spider tasks. Each task would look at a bunch of different URLs, throw their results in the database, then quit. Each time one quit the main app would spawn another spider to process more URLs. Each loop, the main app checked a YAML configuration file for run-time parameters, like how many sub-tasks it should have running, how many URLs they'd get, how long they'd wait for connections, etc. It stored the last modification date of the config file each time it loaded it so, if I made a change to the file, the app would sense it in a reasonably short time, reread the file, and adjust its behavior.
All state information about the URLs/pages/sites being scraped/spidered, was kept in the database so I could check on its progress. I could see how many had been processed or remained in the queue, the various result codes, and the content being returned. If I didn't like something I could even tweak the filters to skip junk pages, knowing the spidering tasks would be updated in a few minutes.
That system worked extremely well, spidered a major customer's series of websites without a glitch, running for several weeks as I added new sites to the list. (We were helping one of the Fortune 50 companies improve their sites, and every site had been designed and implemented by a different team, making every site completely different. My code had to be flexible and robust; I was really happy with how it worked out.)
To change it, these days I'd use a database table to hold all the configuration info. That way I could easily build an admin form, and let someone else inherit the task of adjusting the app's runtime configuration. The spider tasks would also be written so they'd pull their configuration from the database, rather than inherit it from the main app. I originally had the main app do all the administration and pass the config info to the spidering apps because I wanted to keep the number of connections to the database as low as possible. I was using Postgres and now know it could have easily handled the load, so by letting the individual tasks handle their configuration I could have made it more responsive.
By making the spidering engine separate from the presentation engine it was possible to temporarily stop one or the other without affecting the progress of the spidering job. Once I had the auto-reload of the prefs in place I don't think I had to stop the spidering engine, I just adjusted its prefs. It literally ran for weeks without stopping and we eventually pulled the plug because we had enough data for our needs.
So, I'd recommend tweaking your code so your spidering engine doesn't rely on Rails, instead it will be fired off by cron or a separate scheduling app. If you have to temporarily stop Rails your engine will run anyway. If you have to temporarily stop the engine then Rails can continue serving pages. The database sits between the two acting as the glue.
Of course, if the database goes down you're hosed all the way around, but what else is new? :-)
EDIT: Chris said:
"I see your point about the splitting the code out, though my Ruby-fu is low - not sure how far I can separate things without having to have copies of the ActiveModel/migrations stuff, plus some shared model classes."
If we look at your application as spider engine <--> | <-- database --> | <--> Rails/MVC/presentation, where the engine and Rails separately read and write to the database, and look at what each does well, that helps figure out how to break them into separate code bases.
Rails is designed to handle migrations, so let it. There's no reason to reinvent that wheel. But, how often do you do migrations, and what is effected when you do? You do them seldom once the application is stable, and, at that point you'd do them in a maintenance cycle to tweak the database. You can shut down the spidering engine and the web interface for a few minutes, migrate the database, then bring things up and you're off and running. Migrations are a necessary evil, but are hardly show-stoppers once in production. Most enterprises have "Software Sunday", or some pre-announced window of maintenance, so do the same.
ActiveRecord, modeling and associations are pretty easy to deal with too. The models are in a file that is required internally by Rails already, so the spidering engine can inherit the database know-how that way too; Multiple apps/scripts can use the same model file. You don't see the Rails books talk about it much, but ActiveRecord is actually pretty easy to use outside of Rails. Search the googles for activerecord without rails for more info.
You can pull in ActiveSupport also if you want some of its extensions to classes by doing a regular require, but the Rails "view" and "controller" logic, which normally applies to presenting the web interface, shouldn't be needed at all in the engine.
Business logic, which goes in the controllers in Rails could even be refactored into separate methods that get required by the Rails side of things and by the spidering engine. It's a different way of looking at Rails but falls in line with the "DRY" mantra - don't repeat yourself, so make things modular and require (or require_relative) bits and pieces that are the building blocks of the entire system.
If you don't want a totally separate codebase, you can take advantage of Rail's script runner, which gives a script access to the ActiveRecord::Base and ActiveRecord::Associations and ActiveSupport. Do a rails runner -h from your app's main directory, or search for "rails runner" for more info. runner is not good for a job that starts and runs many times an hour, because Rail's startup cost is high. But, if you have a long-running task, say one that runs in parallel with your rails app, then it's a great choice. I'd give it serious consideration for the spidering side of your application. Eventually you might want to break the spidering-engine out to a separate host so the presentation side has a dedicated host, so runner will help you buy time and do it in small steps.
