Automate Screenshots for IOS - ios

I am trying to build a tool that downloads an app from the market or App Store and run it on a device and take screenshots.
I have been successful in doing this on android devices by using monkey runner tool.
Is the same possible for iOS?

Starting with iOS 4.0 you can use UIAutomation to obtain this.


How can I continue building Ionic iOS apps without a mac?

As an Ionic/Cordova app developer on Windows, I've been using PhoneGap Build to create and sign my iOS apps before using MacInCloud to upload them to the App Store via App Loader. Unfortunately as of today, Apple requires iOS SDK 13 for uploading apps to the App Store. PhoneGapBuild does not support SDK 13 yet and there's no roadmap or idea of when it will start.
As I mentioned, I use MacInCloud to upload my apps and I'm curious if anyone has a way to remotely build the apps on iOS outside of uploading all of my code and using the Cordova or Ionic CLI via Remote Desktop.
Or hey, maybe you as a developer on PC have another way to build iOS apps. I've very interested in hearing how you're building apps now that PhoneGap Build is no longer an option.
Thanks in advance!
I gave the VirtualBox route a shot and wow, that was messy. I ended up just settling with logging into my MacInCloud account every time I was to create an iOS build and just dealing with that. Much cheaper solution than appflow.

Automated tests in iOS with RobotFramework

I'm working in a project of develop a responsive webapp and I'm in charge of creating automated tests in order to test everything in 3 different places, Desktop web, Android web and iOS web with RobotFramework and Appium Library
Desktop and Android it's not the first time I've done it so I quickly configured everything, on the other hand I never tested or even develop anything for iOS (not even used an iPhone irl) and I know from a past experience that XCode has required to send data to the phone, in a similar way to adb for Android.
The real question that my research was not able to respond is: Is a MacOS environment running XCode needed in order to run regression tests? Or is it possible in someway just use Windows, Robot and a physical phone/emulator to run regression tests?
In the case that a MacOS is required do I need Apple Developer ID? (I remember a few years back that it was required for any iOS related development).
In case you're using MacOS and running with Real Device iOS you will require to have Developer Account to provision profile WebDriverAgent or Otherwise you need to have certificate from your developer to install on your Mac. Create Your Apple Dev Account. And if you want try with Windows you can try with Appium Studio.
Yes, you need a MacOS to test with Appium/AppiumLibrary and Robot Framework.
You don't need an Apple Developer ID to test on iOS (only need it when publishing apps to Apple Store).

taking screenshot of real IOS device via macbook command line

I am looking for a way to automate the taking of screenshots of ios devices. I read about xcrun but that only works on iphone simulators. In android, there is android ADB which allows the sending of instruction to android device via command line.
Is there any tool / library to help me achieve this ?
You can try this tool Fastlane, I haven't tried it myself though.
You need to write a iOS UI test which captures Screen Shot of your app
Use Fastlane to run those test and store it.
Refer this blog for detailed explanation.

How do I find the SDK version of an iPhone app

We need to validate that our iOS apps are updated to SDK 11. For similar tasks on android we found some tools (e.g. system Info for Android) which shows the Android platform build version, but we did not find any similar apps for iOS. Is there any tool in App Store that we can use to validate the SDK build for our apps? Also is there any way in Xcode to find this piece of info?

Black-box testing for IOS devices

I am looking for some tools that would enable an IOS app to be tested in an automated way without necessarily having access to the code (essentially black box testing). Currently I am exploring something like robotium to do just that in Android, but I also need to be able to test IOS apps. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions for doing this in IOS?
You have build in with Xcode Instruments UIAutomation.
But I recommend Appium because it supports Android and iOS.
