applying non procedure and non object error - fibonacci

fun {Factorial N}
local FactorialAux in
fun {FactorialAux N Product}
if N == 0 then Product
else {FactorialAux N-1 {fibo N}|Product}
{FactorialAux N nil}
fun {fibo N}
if N==1 then 1
else if N==2 then 1
else {fibo N-1}+{fibo N-2}
{Browse {Factorial 3}}
My code prints the list of fibonacci number.If N =4 then it prints first four fibonacci number list
This is my code in which i am getting the error stated in the heading of question.
Thanks for any help in advance

Variables must start with an uppercase letter in Oz. Procedure and function names are always variables, so they must also start with an uppercase letter.
Your function fibo should be called Fibo. And of course, all calls to fibo must be fixed, too.


No Output for the Elixir Program

I am trying to solve a dynamic problem finding the subsets i have written the code but i didn't know why i am not getting anything it just blinks after running Todos.sum_of_one(arr_of_digits, sum_val), I think the problem is in the terminating case when n==0, can anyone please tell me where is the mistake
def Todos do
#find all the subsets whose sum is equal to sum_val
def sumofone(arr_of_digits,n,v,sum)do
if(sum==0) do
for i <- v do
#return if n becomes 0
if(n==0) do
k =,n-1)
#inserting the element in the list
[k | v]
sumofone(arr_of_digits,n-1,v,sum - arr_of_digits[n-1]);
def sum_of_one(arr_of_digits, sum_val) do
v = []
It looks like you're trying to return from the function in the two if expressions. Elixir doesn't work that way - it always* runs through the entire function and returns the value of the last expression in the function.
One way to get around this is to break up the code into different function clauses, where each clause matches one of the conditions you're testing for:
# This clause executes when the fourth argument is 0
def sumofone(_arr_of_digits,_n,v,0) do
for i <- v do
# This clause executes when the second argument is 0
def sumofone(_arr_of_digits,0,v,_sum) do
# This clause executes in all other cases, as long as n is greater than 0
def sumofone(arr_of_digits,n,v,sum) when n > 0 do
k =,n-1)
#inserting the element in the list
[k | v]
sumofone(arr_of_digits,n-1,v,sum - arr_of_digits[n-1]);
With this change, it's guaranteed that the function will actually terminate. It still won't do what you expect it to do, since there are two lines that calculate a value but throw it away. In Elixir, if you want to update the value of a variable, you need to do so explicitly. Did you mean something like this?
sum = sumofone(arr_of_digits,n-1,v,sum)
#inserting the element in the list
v = [k | v]
But I'll leave that for you to debug.
Note that I prefixed some of the argument names with an underscore. Without that, the compiler would give a warning about the variable being unused. With the underscore, it's clear that this is in fact intended.
* Except if you're using errors, throws and exits. But try not to use them - it's often clearer not to.

what is the meaning of source:match("%d*") in lua?

-- Parse speed value as kilometers by hours.
function Measure.parse_value_speed(source)
local n = tonumber(source:match("%d*"))
if n then
if string.match(source, "mph") or string.match(source, "mp/h") then
n = n * miles_to_kilometers
return n
I'm confused with the "*" after %d in the above code. Any comments are greatly appreciated.
It is all in the Lua Reference Manual!
Is syntactic sugar for string.match(source, "%d*")
string.match(s, pattern [, init]) Looks for the first match of pattern (see ยง6.4.1) in the string s. If it finds one, then match
returns the captures from the pattern; otherwise it returns nil. If
pattern specifies no captures, then the whole match is returned. A
third, optional numeric argument init specifies where to start the
search; its default value is 1 and can be negative.

What does # mean in Lua?

I have seen the hash character '#' being added to the front of variables a lot in Lua.
What does it do?
-- sort AIs in currentlevel
table.sort(level.ais, function(a,b) return a.y < b.y end)
local curAIIndex = 1
local maxAIIndex = #level.ais
for i = 1,#currentLevel+maxAIIndex do
if level.ais[curAIIndex] < currentLevel[i].lowerY then
table.insert(currentLevel, i, level.ais[curAIIndex])
curAIIndex = curAIIndex + 1
if curAIIndex > maxAIIndex then
Apologies if this has already been asked, I've searched around on the internet a lot but I haven't seem to have found an answer. Thanks in advance!
That is the length operator:
The length operator is denoted by the unary operator #. The length of a string is its number of bytes (that is, the usual meaning of string length when each character is one byte).
The length of a table t is defined to be any integer index n such that t[n] is not nil and t[n+1] is nil; moreover, if t[1] is nil, n can be zero. For a regular array, with non-nil values from 1 to a given n, its length is exactly that n, the index of its last value. If the array has "holes" (that is, nil values between other non-nil values), then #t can be any of the indices that directly precedes a nil value (that is, it may consider any such nil value as the end of the array).
# is the lua length operator which works on strings or on table arrays
print(#"abcdef") -- Prints 6
print(#{"a", "b", "c", 88}) -- Prints 4
-- Counting table elements is not suppoerted:
print(#{["a"]=1, ["b"]=9}) -- # Prints 0
#is most often used to get the range of a table. For example:
local users = {"Grace", "Peter", "Alice"}
local num_users = #users
print("There is a total of ".. num_users)

Function recursion, what happens in the SAS?

I have this scenario: a recursive procedure (or function) is called like
{DoSomething Data C}
and C is the variable that should store the final result, the function prototype is
proc {DoSomething Data N}
{DoSomething Data M}
N = 1 + M
and N is the variable that should store the final result too but in the local scope of the procedure.
Now it was told to me that at first, when the procedure is called, the SAS is:
Notice equivalence sets between C and N (both unbound for the moment)
then after all recursions have been completed, the SAS is
notice that both C and N are bound to a value (6)
After exiting the procedure the SAS is left with
because you destroy the N variable. And that's fine.
My question is: what happens during the procedure recursions? Does the C variable link to a partial value structure 1 + M ? And then next time M links to 1 + M2 ?
No, there are no partial structures in Oz, as long as we talk about simple integer arithmetics.
This statement:
N = 1 + M
will block until M is fully determined, i.e. is bound to an integer.
To really understand what is going on, I would have to see the full code.
But I assume that there is a base case that returns a concrete value. Once the base case is reached, the recursion will "bubble up", adding 1 to the result of the inner call.
In other words, the binding of C will only change at the end of the outermost procedure call, where M is 5 and C is therefore bound to 6.

Functions in a Table - Lua

I have a table that has multiple functions in it. I'm trying to write a single function that will go through and use all the functions by passing random information into it.
Methods = {}
insert functions into Methods Table
function Methods:Multi() if #self > 0
then .........................
I'm guessing i need a loop that goes through the entire table but I can't do #self because i need it to do each function multiple times. Not sure how to pass in random info to the function either. Any help would be appreciated
Your problem doesn't seem to be all that specific - you're likely going to need to define exactly what you want to happen in more detail in order to be able to implement a program for it. (Sort of like if you told me "I need a program that calculates a number" - I'd probably respond "okay, what number do you want it to calculate?"
Things to consider:
Exactly how many times do you want to call each function? Will this be the same for each function? Will it vary?
If the number of calls varies, what should determine this?
How exactly do you want to determine what parameters are passed? Their types/count? Their values?
A very basic starting framework might look like this:
Methods = {}
-- Insert functions into Methods table
for _,func in ipairs(Methods) do
for i=1,5 do
which would call each function 5 times, albeit w/o arguments.
I modified the above suggestion to
function CallFuncs(times, funcs, ...)
while (times > 0) do
for _, func in pairs(funcs) do
times = times - 1
Example usage:
t = {
function( n ) print( n ) end,
function( n ) print( #n ) end,
CallFuncs( 2, t, 'foo' )
Try this:
function CallFuncs(times, funcs, ...)
for i=1,times do
for _, func in pairs(funcs) do
if type(...) == "table" then func(unpack(...)) else func(...) end
local t = {
function(n) print(n) end,
function(n) print(n+1) end,
function(n) print(n+2) end
CallFuncs(3, t, 2)
This assumes all the functions in the table have more or less the same arguments.
The ... you see is lua's syntax for variable arguments (these are packed into a table and used as the last argument to the function), and the unpack function takes a table and multi-returns a series of values.
If you are asking for something to call a list of functions, I just typed this very small module for you (if you can even call it that).
-- No guarantees whether this will work.
function ExecFunc (fnctn,nTimes,Threaded,...)
local to_call = function ()
for x = 1,nTimes do
if Threaded then
function ExecFuncs (Async,...)
-- All parts of ... should be tables {function f, number t[, table args]}
local funcInfo = {...}
for _,funcThing in pairs(funcInfo) do
local a = funcThing.args
if a then
-- These don't check for argument validity,
-- so you should either be careful with the arguments
-- or call these in protected mode (with pcall).
If I wasted my time with that, it was fun anyway, but after typing it I reread your question... You want something to iterate through a list of functions and pass a random number to each one.
function ExecuteWithRandomValues (func_list,async)
assert(type(func_list) == "table","Expected table.")
local passbacks = {}
local threads
if async then
threads = {}
for _,func in pairs(func_list) do
assert(type(func) == "function","Value [" .. _ .. "] is not a function.")
local toCall = function ()
local rnd = math.random(-math.huge,math.huge)
local out = func(rnd)
passbacks[_] = {input = rnd, output = out}
if async then
if async then
for _,thread in pairs(threads) do
for _,thread in pairs(threads) do
while coroutine.status(thread) ~= "dead" do
return passbacks
-- Again, no guarantees this thing is free of errors.
-- There are better ways to run and check the statuses
-- of asynchronous threads, but this is fairly convenient.
