Customized iOS popup/alert - ios

I wonder if there is an example code of a customized iOS popup/alert that has a "X" button on the top right corner. I found MTPopupWindow that does so but it only allows fixed message to show. I'd like to dynamic generate the message for the popup.

You could present a view modally and have a custom button on the top right corner. The button type would be UIButtonTypeCustom. Create a delegate of the modal view to the main view (for receiving the action of the close button).

You can also have a look on MBProgressHUD and maybe extend it to show a closing button on top.


iOS popover with a close button outside

I need to create below thing
Currently i'm using WYPopover , but I can't create the button since it's outside of the popover. Is there any existing solution out there ? Many thanks
Create a bigger popover UIView holding all your child elements (current popover + button) and make its background transparent or however you wish.
Popover-controller's are exclusively used in iPad. If you want to use in iPhone, you should create it in a custom way.
I am not familiar with the XYPopover in Github, but normally the custom created popover should be dismissed whenever the user taps any place in the screen. That is one of the key feature of the popovers.
Normally the custom popovers are build like, adding a hidden parent view and then the visible image of a popover frame on it.
You should to do the following,
Avoid dismissing the parent view on tap of parent-hidden-view.
Add a close button at the area where you want to show the close button, on top of the parent-hidden-view.
Capture the button click and dismiss the view (remove the view from superview)
How to customize your need
Creating custom popover view is not a big task. It will take maxim one day, try it your self.
One Parent view with clear color
One background image of a popover frame.
View-inside popover (this needs to be customized for UIPopover also).
Close button.

add back button to first screen of navigation controller in iOS

I know that a push segue automatically adds a back button so that the presentee can return to the presenter on click. What I want is for the back button to be available on the first UIViewController of the NavigationController (basically the only view controller in the chain that does not have a back button). How do I force add the back button?
I cannot simply add a custom image because I want the exact same chevron that comes with the iOS back button.
The easiest (yet hackish) way to achieve this is probably adding a dummy view controller in the stack before the actual first one, so you will get a proper back button. Use dummy's backBarButtonItem to customize the button title if you need, and -viewWillAppear: to respond to the button being tapped.
What I want is for the back button to be available on the first UIViewController .... How do I force add the back button
This whole thinking and logic is wrong. This is not how iOS UINavigationControllers work. You have a starting page (mainViewController) in a UINavigationControllers and from there you "move on" to something else. But you always come back to the main view controller. Just think about it, if you put a back button on the main view controller, where will the user go back to?
If you have a situation like this.
SomeViewController --> UINavigationController --> MainViewController
Once user is on SomeViewController and you take him to MainViewController which is part of UINavigationController then back button makes sense.
Just a FYI - you can easily drag and drop a UIBarButtonItem to any UINavigationController in Xcode and call it "Back". You will have to then connect that back button to another view controller.
Maybe it doesn't make sense but why can't you add a custom image? If all you want is "Back" chevron, can't you take a screenshot of this button and then put this image on your custom UIBarButtonItem?

How to reduce the click access length of a tab in uitabbarcontroller?

The title won't clear the actual problem. Let me explain clearly.
I have a tabbarcontoller in the viewcontroller which is the main view controller of the single view application project.
I added Navigationcontrollers to the tabbarcontroller. So that I can navigate(push/pop) from one viewcontroller to other.
I added a subview to the mainview of a single navigation controller.
When I click the button near to the tabbar, it doesn't get clicked and the tabbaritem button gets access and shows that tab.
The below image will explain well,
If I click the show button, it opens the receipts tab.
How to reduce the click access boundary of the tabbar in tabbarcontroller?
I can't get any solution regarding this.
Frankly, i've written a bunch of applications which have controls near the tab bar and i've never encountered such behaviour.
Check if you have custom tabbar controller with custom frame.
Also try to use Reveal App ( to check the buttons' frame at runtime, it will help you to understand what's going on. They have trial version as i remember.
Hope it will help :)
Choose the custom button for this and add in tabbar.

How to manually add a Back button to my NavigationBar?

I would like to know how I can add a back button to my UINavigationBar, I know that If I embed in a Navigation Controller in my main view, that all of this would happen automatically, but that is not what I am trying to do, in fact, the back button could go to any other view I connect the segue to, doesn't even have to be the back.
The back button needs to be the system navigation "back" button, I don't want to have to set image files for my buttons.
I tried dragging in a bar button item in storyboard but nothing shows up, doesn't seem to be doing the trick. The navigation bar was dragged to the view in storyboard (not created programmatically) and it shows up just fine.
I looked at the following similarly asked questions:
-> How do i add a 'back' button to a UINavigationBar manually?
-> How to add a button to UINavigationBar?
-> How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it
but they all point to just embedding the view in a navigation controller, which again, is not what I am trying to do.
If someone can please help me out, provide some sample code I would greatly appreciate it.
Try drag-drop a UIButton object. I have always added manual back button (hardly took the in-built one)

iOS connect my view to popup on button press

I have two xibs, one is my title screen with buttons, the other is a more specific window that should come up when one of the buttons is pressed.
This isn't switching the whole screen, just a popup window, where clicking outside of the bounds of that window will make it disappear leaving only my title screen remaining as it was visible behind this popup view. This is similar to my understanding of "modal views".
Anyway I do not quite get how to connect it to the button on my title screen. I have the views made in IB ready to go. I'm not sure if I have declared all objects to satisfaction yet.
From what I understand I think I need a UIViewController or something, but its all a pretty thick fog of information right now
insight appreciated, or links to proper noob sources would be helpful
Does your title screen have a view controller (or is your app delegate the main controller object)? You will want to add an IBAction to that object, connect the button to it, and then present your other view controller modally (or in a popover) from there.
A popover will appear in a small window with an arrow, and tapping outside will close it. A modal view controller typically slides up into place, and you have to press a cancel button to close it. This guide explains how to use a popover. Using a modal view controller is simple if you have a view controller: [myViewController presentModalViewController:nextViewController animated:YES].
