Rails can't execute rake task - ruby-on-rails

Rails won't fire off a rake command from my controller because it can't find rake. I know this because I experienced this in my dev environment and fixed it by giving it the absolute path to rake. However this solution isn't working my production environment.
Things I know:
I can run the rake task rom cli
I can run it through irb with a: system "rake ..."
I can't find any errors!
How in the heck do I go about troubleshooting this???

The rake task I was calling in production was failing because of my attempt to dump it's contents into a log with logger disabled.
system "rake invite INVITE_ID=5 RAILS_ENV=production >> /root/log/rake.log &"
Thanks for all your help...sorry for being so vague. I was just looking for quick responses hoping I was doing something stupid. Which I was. I SWEAR I tried it without the log entry...probably moving too fast like I always do.
Also, just to answer a couple questions. The rake task I'm using is an internal tool I use myself for some maintenance and want to simply offload that task to my coworker who uses an app I've built. There's no need to industrialize it with a scheduler, etc...


IntelliJ Idea/Rubymine push to Heroku running db:migrate

I'm using IntelliJ Idea with the Rubymine plugin, and Heroku plugin, and I'm a bit stumped when it comes to pushing an app to Heroku. I can set it up and actually push the app: off it goes, and launches successfully. But even before I did that I was expecting it to fail because I couldn't find anyway of getting it to do a db:migrate. And so it proved: the app is launched but of course it fails pretty much immediately because there's no DB.
I've looked on the forums, google etc but nothing. Is this something that can only be done from the command line? I would have expected an IDE to be what it says on the tin: Integrated. So I feel I'm missing something. The Run configuration works as I've said, and the Heroku log has no errors, but I need a way to tell it to run the db:migrate before launching.
Any ideas?
The answer is that it is something that it doesn't do - confirmed by IntelliJ. So in this case, one needs to push the app to Heroku, drop to the command line and run the migration there: heroku run rake db:migrate.
I raised a feature request so this may be something that can be added in the future.
I haven't figured out how to do this automatically as part of the RubyMine/JetBrains Heroku Plugin. But you can cobble this together from other sources.
Start with this gist that creates rake tasks for Heroku operations provided by this answer to a similar question:
Then create a new run configurations for each Rake task that you will be using at some point. You will need at minimum push and migrate. But the other tasks might interest you.
Then create a new compound run configuration calling the Rake tasks you created in step 2 in the correct order.
Step 2 and 3 can be consolidated by creating one rake task for migration, and adding a before rake task to push. But that's kind of counter intuitive.
Note: that this approach does require you to have the Heroku CLI installed and configured with valid credentials.

Rake task during application initialization rails

I want to execute a rake task when the server of my application starts.
In config/application.rb i put the following:
if !Rails.env.production?
Rake::Task[ "init:db_records" ].invoke
The rake task is well defined, and runs without a problem if i invode it from terminal
rake init:db_records
But when placed in config/application.rb (or even in any initializers/*) i got the following error.
Don't know how to build task 'init:db_records'
What is the way to execute a rake task when the server starts ?
Rails already has a mechanism for setting up a development database -- rake db:seed. It does not run automatically when you start the app, but it does run as part of rake db:setup.
Unless you have a good reason, it's usually best to stick the conventions that Rails provides.
For those who encounter the same problem in the future.
I achieved this by creating a new file in the initializers directory, where i put the code of the rake task.
The advantage of this at this point, is that the application is already loaded, so you have access to ActiveRecord functions...
Putting the code directly in config/application.rb didn't work, since my models were not loaded yet.
Hope it will help!
Your Rake tasks are (likely) defined in a Rakefile. The initializer has no idea that file even exists, so it doesn't know about the tasks within.
The easiest way to circumvent this is by doing something like this:
Dir.chdir(Rails.root) do
`rake init:db_records`
That is, change the working directory to the root rails directory, then running the command.

Rails 4: stop `rake` from running all rake tasks

A developer had authority to drop a DB but not re-create it. While working on a rake tasks, he accidentally ran the entire rake suite, which included destroying the development DB but without the proper authority to re-create and populate it.
How can I ensure this doesn't happen again? Is there someway in the Rails app to override running rake so that it does NOT execute a bunch of unspecified tasks?
The developer was looking for a list of tasks and figured that running rake would provide that listing, similarly to how running rails by itself puts out instructions.
I know there's a binstub for rake, but I really do not know what happens if I mess with things in there.
Are there any good solutions to a situation like this?
Set the default task? IIRC, outside of a namespace block:
task :default => "something_that_doesnt_destroy_the_world"
Taking a note from Dave's answer and another SO question (couldn't find link again), here is how you can override the default rake tasks in Rails 4.
# lib/tasks/default.rake (name is not important)
namespace :override do
task :default do
puts "This is now the default rake task executed via 'rake'"
# Remove default task and switch to above (still in same file)
task(:default).clear.enhance ["override:default"]
At the terminal:
$ rake
/lib/tasks/default.rake: this is now the default 'rake' task
If there is a "cleaner" or more "conventional" Rails way, anyone's welcome to shout it out. This is the "cleanest" solution I could find.

Capistrano deployment on Windows machine

I have been trying to deploy a rails application using capistrano. However I am not able to reach the end of deployment and there is no way to figure out why. The script returns an error code 256 and stops at the following line in the deploy script
Command bundle exec rake assets:clean && EXECJS_RUNTIME='Node' JRUBY_OPTS='-J-d32 -X-C' bundle exec rake assets:precompile returned status code 256
There is no more explanation to it. Has anybody faced the similar issue while deploying on windows?
You should provide more information on the context of your situation. For instance, show the relevant code from your deploy.db file. That could tell us more about a possible problem source.
As a tip, when facing capistano deploying bugs, use the debugging flag to get more verbose output, and step through the process.
cap deploy:cold -d
Anywho... I was facing a similar problem, while optimizing my capistrano deploying times. In case you only want to modify your assets:precompile task, to include your EXECJS_RUNTIME and JRUBY_OPTS custom values, you could try doing this.
set :jruby_opts, "-X-C"
set :asset_env, "RAILS_GROUPS=assets EXECJS_RUNTIME='Node'"

How can I make sure the Sphinx daemon runs?

I'm working on setting up a production server using CentOS 5.3, Apache, and Phusion Passenger (mod_rails). I have an app that uses the Sphinx search engine and the Thinking Sphinx gem.
According to the Thinking Sphinx docs...
If you actually want to search against
the indexed data, then you’ll need
Sphinx’s searchd daemon to be running.
This can be controlled using the
following tasks:
rake thinking_sphinx:start
rake ts:start
rake thinking_sphinx:stop
rake ts:stop
What would be the best way to ensure that this takes place in production? I can deploy my app, then manually run rake thinking_sphinx:start, but I like to set things up so that if I have to bounce the server, everything will come back up.
Should I put a call to that Rake task in an initializer? Or something in rc.local?
rc.local is a good start, but its not enough. I would pair is with a monit rule to ensure it is running AND more importantly...
Sphinx requires a full-reindex to make all the latest and greatest available. There is some doco on the thinking sphinx site about delta indexing, but if your index is small, an hourly re-index will take care of things and you do not need the delta indexing stuff.
I run this hourly to take care of this:
0 * * * * cd /var/rails/my_site/current/ && RAILS_ENV=production /usr/bin/rake ts:rebuild
Note: for deployment, I will use the built in thinking sphinx capistrano tasks:
In your Capfile add
require 'thinking_sphinx/deploy/capistrano'
I used to chain the re-indexing in the cap task but stopped cause it is really slow, when I make schema changes I will remember to run it or wait for the hourly cron job to fix it up.
I haven't done this before with Spinix, so I hope someone can give you a better answer, but you should take a look at monit. Monit is designed for keeping daemons running, just like what you need to do.
A quick Google for spinix monit turned up this link: Capistrano recipes: sphinx:monit. That would be a good place to start.
For what it's worth, I'm running
... in my cron job, instead of the "rebuild" task. This does not require the searchd process to be offline, but the indices are still rotated when it's done, so new changes are picked up. I think the "rebuild" task is only necessary when you actually change your index structure in your models, which happens very rarely for me.
