Beautiful custom iOS UIs [closed] - ios

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Closed 10 years ago.
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There are tons of books, tutorials, examples that explain how to create your more or less standard iPhone or iPad UI. But I cannot find any resources that deal with creating very custom and graphical UIs. Can anyone give me some references/links that would help me understand what is involved in creating something like ? is a good starting point for that.


Anyone with a solution to the Decorator dilemma in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've read some of the various post explaining how to implement the decorator pattern in Ruby but they all seem to have a problem? Here are the some of the links:
or ...
However they all seem to suffer from some inconsistencies with regards to the GOF standard on decorators.
Has anyone come up with a solution yet?

iOS app flow chart tool [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for application that can help me create flow chart for iOS app that includes views. An example:
Is there a built solution for this already or should I go manual drawing?
One commercial wireframing tool for iOS I've seen a number of my clients use is Balsamiq. It's $80 for a single user license, though.

What kind of presentation program Gregg Pollack uses in Rails for Zombies? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What kind of presentation program Gregg Pollack uses in Rails for Zombies video? They are very awesome and handy.
They use Keynote (sometimes Powerpoint) and then they build a bit on top of it.
They have a pretty thorough screencasting guide here.

Upload an opengl game [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Sorry for spamming, but I couldn't find a better place to put my question...I want to upload an opengl multiplayer game that I have created (multiplayer through sockets programming ... don't mind if you don't know about it).
The game is only linux based, of size < 1MB and can be played only through downloading. I just wanted to upload and share it to the world. Tell me about any sites that you know and also the reviews. Thanks in advance...
You could put the game up on SourceForge.

Impact of multilingual URLs on SEO [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Do I need to use multilanguage in my URLs? For example:
Does that have any effect on Google searches? For example I'm searching for "produkte", will both versions have the same ranks on Google searches?
It will improve your google rankings a lot. Use URL rewrite technology to make this possible without lot of work.
As far as I know the URIs doesn't really have an effect for the ranking. You could use instead and it wouldn't matter.
