CMMotionManager and the Angular Path - ios

I'm trying to code a very basic panorama app.
By using CMMotionManager I get motion updates to determine the appropriate moment to take the next picture. Sometimes this code works perfectly well, but in most cases it takes a photo too early or too late. Please help me understand what exactly I'm doing wrong.
Here is an example of code for an iPhone in its portrait mode.
#define CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(__ANGLE__) ((__ANGLE__) * 57.29577951f) // PI * 180
#define FOV_IN_PORTRAIT_MODE 41.5;
double prevTime;
double currAngle;
- (void)motionUpdate:(CMDeviceMotion *)motion
if (!prevTime) {
prevTime = motion.timestamp;
//Calculate delta time between previous motionUpdate call and _now_
double deltaTime = motion.timestamp - prevTime;
prevTime = motion.timestamp;
//Y axis rotation
CMRotationRate rotationRate = motion.rotationRate;
double rotation = rotationRate.y;
if (fabs(rotation) < 0.05) //igonre bias
//Calculate the angular distance
double anglePathRad = rotation * deltaTime;
//calculate total panoram angle
currAngle += CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(anglePathRad);
if (fabs(currAngle) >= FOV_IN_PORTRAIT_MODE) {
currAngle = 0;
[self takePicture];


Cocos2d-x Accelerometer x y interchanged in iPhone6 and iPhoneX

Works perfect in iPhoneX. In iPhone6 when I tilt in landscape mode then accelerometer value comes even in Portrait game. How to get accelerometer value in portrait tilt ? Game is in Portrait. But accelerometer treat it as landscape..
Here is Code:
mAccelerometerListener = EventListenerAcceleration::create(CC_CALLBACK_2( GBGameScene::onAcceleration, this));
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(mAccelerometerListener, this);
Accelerometer Code:
void GBGameScene::onAcceleration(Acceleration* acc, Event* event)
// Processing logic here
float deceleration = 1.0f;
float maxVelocity = 100;
playerVelocity.x = playerVelocity.x * deceleration + acc->x;
playerVelocity.y = playerVelocity.y * deceleration + acc->y;
if (playerVelocity.x > maxVelocity)
playerVelocity.x = maxVelocity;
else if (playerVelocity.x < -maxVelocity)
playerVelocity.x = -maxVelocity;
if (playerVelocity.y > maxVelocity)
playerVelocity.y = maxVelocity;
else if (playerVelocity.y < -maxVelocity)
playerVelocity.y = -maxVelocity;
// Point pos = mGravityBall->getPosition();
// pos.x += playerVelocity.x;
// mGravityBall->setPosition(pos);
I think nothing wrong with code as its working perfect in iphoneX. Why not its tilted in iPhone6 ?
The accelerometer API operates along fixed axes. If you want to treat it as if it's always in landscape, you'll need to use the y axis instead.

Rotation Error on Object at 90° and -90°

I'm working on an app which allows the user to rotate an object with iOS touch controls.
I have the following script working fine, with 1 issue that I can't seem to crack.
GameObject mainCamera;
public Camera camMain;
// One Touch Rotation
public float rotateSpeed = 0.5f;
static float pitch = 0.0f, yaw = 0.0f, zed = 0.0f, pitchBravo = 0.0f, yawBravo = 0.0f;
// Two Touch Zoom
public float perspectiveZoomSpeed = 0.1f;
// Three Touch Pan
public float panSpeed = 0.5f;
private float xAxis = 0.0f, yAxis = 0.0f;
private float xMain, yMain, zMain;
// Game Objects, Public or Private
private GameObject bravo;
void Update()
// Grabs Bravo
bravo = GameObject.Find ("bravo");
pitch = bravo.transform.eulerAngles.x;
yaw = bravo.transform.eulerAngles.y;
// One Touch controls rotation of Bravo
if (Input.touchCount == 1)
// Retrieves a single touch and names it TouchZero
Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch (0);
// The start of the rotation will be aligned with Bravo's current rotation
//pitch = bravo.transform.eulerAngles.x;
//yaw = bravo.transform.eulerAngles.y;
// Times the difference in position of touch between frames by the rotation speed. deltaTime to keep movement consistent on all devices
pitch += touchZero.deltaPosition.y * rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
yaw -= touchZero.deltaPosition.x * rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// Assigns the new eulerAngles to Bravo
bravo.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (pitch, yaw, 0.0f);
// Two Touch contols the Field of View of the Camera aka. Zoom
if (Input.touchCount == 2)
mainCamera = GameObject.Find("main");
// Store both touches.
Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0);
Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1);
// Find the position in the previous frame of each touch.
Vector2 touchZeroPrevPos = touchZero.position - touchZero.deltaPosition;
Vector2 touchOnePrevPos = touchOne.position - touchOne.deltaPosition;
// Find the magnitude of the vector (the distance) between the touches in each frame.
float prevTouchDeltaMag = (touchZeroPrevPos - touchOnePrevPos).magnitude;
float touchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude;
// Find the difference in the distances between each frame.
float deltaMagnitudeDiff = prevTouchDeltaMag - touchDeltaMag;
// Otherwise change the field of view based on the change in distance between the touches.
camMain.fieldOfView += deltaMagnitudeDiff * perspectiveZoomSpeed;
// Clamp the field of view to make sure it's between 0 and 180.
camMain.fieldOfView = Mathf.Clamp(camMain.fieldOfView, 2.0f, 30.0f);
xAxis -= touchOne.deltaPosition.x * panSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
yAxis -= touchOne.deltaPosition.y * panSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
zMain = mainCamera.transform.position.z;
mainCamera.transform.position = new Vector3 (xAxis, yAxis, zMain);
With this script the object rotates left and right perfectly, 360°. But when the model is rotated up and down it gets to the 90° or -90° mark and bugs out, not allowing the user to carry on rotating.
I've done a bit of research and I believe it may have something to do with gimbal lock, my lack of knowledge on the subject means I haven't been able to come up with a fix.
Any help is appreciated.
GIF of bugged rotation

Moving and rotating a sprite with Accelerometer in SpriteKit

I'm trying to make my first game using Spritekit, so i have a sprite that i need to move around using my accelerometer. Well, no problem doing that; movement are really smooth and responsive, the problem is that when i try to rotate my sprite in order to get it facing its own movement often i got it "shaking" like he has parkinson. (:D)
i did realize that this happens when accelerometer data are too close to 0 on one of x, y axes.
So the question: Is there a fix for my pet parkinson?? :D
Here is some code:
-(void) update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime{
static CGPoint oldVelocity;
//static CGFloat oldAngle;
if(_lastUpdatedTime) {
_dt = currentTime - _lastUpdatedTime;
} else {
_dt = 0;
_lastUpdatedTime = currentTime;
CGFloat updatedAccelX = self.motionManager.accelerometerData.acceleration.y;
CGFloat updatedAccelY = -self.motionManager.accelerometerData.acceleration.x+sinf(M_PI/4.0);
CGFloat angle = vectorAngle(CGPointMake(updatedAccelX, updatedAccelY));
_velocity = cartesianFromPolarCoordinate(MAX_MOVE_PER_SEC, angle);
if(oldVelocity.x != _velocity.x || oldVelocity.y != _velocity.y){
_sprite.physicsBody.velocity = CGVectorMake(0, 0);
[_sprite.physicsBody applyImpulse:CGVectorMake(_velocity.x*_sprite.physicsBody.mass, _velocity.y*_sprite.physicsBody.mass)];
_sprite.zRotation = vectorAngle(_velocity);
oldVelocity = _velocity;
static inline CGFloat vectorAngle(CGPoint v){
return atan2f(v.y, v.x);
i did try to launch the update of the _velocity vector only when updatedAccelX or updatedAccelY are, in absolute value >= of some values, but the result was that i got the movement not smooth, when changing direction if the value is between 0.1 and 0.2, and the problem wasn't disappearing when the value was under 0.1.
i would like to maintain direction responsive, but i also would like to fix this "shake" of the sprite rotation.
I'm sorry for my bad english, and thanks in advance for any advice.
You can try a low pass filter (cf. to isolate effect of gravity) or high pass filter (to isolate effects of user acceleration).
#define filteringFactor 0.1
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration {
//low pass
accelerX = (acceleration.x * filteringFactor) + (accelerX * (1.0 - filteringFactor));
//idem … accelerY
//idem … accelerZ
//or high pass
accelerX = acceleration.x - ( (acceleration.x * filteringFactor) + (accelerX * (1.0 - filteringFactor)) );
//idem … accelerY
//idem … accelerZ

Keep Rotating sprite from going off screen, but bounce back.

Im using a technique to control a sprite by rotating left/right and then accelerating forward. I have 2 questions regarding it. (The code it pasted together from different classes due to polymorphism. If it doesn't make sense, let me know. The movement works well and the off screen detection as well.)
When player moves off screen i call the Bounce method. I want the player not to be able to move off screen but to change direction and go back. This works on top and bottom but left and right edge very seldom. Mostly it does a wierd bounce and leaves the screen.
I would like to modify the accelerate algorithm so that i can set a max speed AND a acceleration speed. Atm the TangentalVelocity does both.
float TangentalVelocity = 8f;
//Called when up arrow is down
private void Accelerate()
Velocity.X = (float)Math.Cos(Rotation) * TangentalVelocity;
Velocity.Y = (float)Math.Sin(Rotation) * TangentalVelocity;
//Called once per update
private void Deccelerate()
Velocity.X = Velocity.X -= Friction * Velocity.X;
Velocity.Y = Velocity.Y -= Friction * Velocity.Y;
// Called when player hits screen edge
private void Bounce()
Rotation = Rotation * -1;
Velocity = Velocity * -1;
//screen edge detection
public void CheckForOutOfScreen()
//Check if ABOVE screen
if (Position.Y - Origin.Y / 2 < GameEngine.Viewport.Y) { OnExitScreen(); }
//Check if BELOW screen
if (Position.Y + Origin.Y / 2 > GameEngine.Viewport.Height) { OnExitScreen(); }
//Check if RIGHT of screen
if (this.Position.X + Origin.X / 2 > GameEngine.Viewport.Width) { OnExitScreen(); }
//Check if LEFT of screen
if (this.Position.X - Origin.X / 2 < GameEngine.Viewport.X) { OnExitScreen(); }
if (OnScreen == false)
OnScreen = true;
virtual public void OnExitScreen()
OnScreen = false;
Let's see if I understood correctly. First, you rotate your sprite. After that, you accelerate it forward. In that case:
// Called when player hits screen edge
private void Bounce()
Rotation = Rotation * -1;
Velocity = Velocity * -1; //I THINK THIS IS THE PROBLEM
Let's suposse your sprite has no rotation when it looks up. In that case, if it's looking right it has rotated 90º, and its speed is v = (x, 0), with x > 0. When it goes out of the screen, its rotation becomes -90º and the speed v = (-x, 0). BUT you're pressing the up key and Accelerate method is called so immediately the speed becomes v = (x, 0) again. The sprite goes out of the screen again, changes its velocity to v = (-x, 0), etc. That produces the weird bounce.
I would try doing this:
private void Bounce()
Rotation = Rotation * -1;
and check if it works also up and bottom. I think it will work. If not, use two different Bounce methods, one for top/bottom and another one for left/right.
Your second question... It's a bit difficult. In Physics, things reach a max speed because air friction force (or another force) is speed-dependent. So if you increase your speed, the force also increases... at the end, that force will balance the other and the speed will be constant. I think the best way to simulate a terminal speed is using this concept. If you want to read more about terminal velocity, take a look on Wikipedia:
private void Accelerate()
Acceleration.X = Math.abs(MotorForce - airFriction.X);
Acceleration.Y = Math.abs(MotorForce - airFriction.Y);
if (Acceleration.X < 0)
Acceleration.X = 0;
if (Acceleration.Y < 0)
Acceleration.Y = 0;
Velocity.X += (float)Math.Cos(Rotation) * Acceleration.X
Velocity.Y += (float)Math.Sin(Rotation) * Acceleration.Y
airFriction.X = Math.abs(airFrictionConstant * Velocity.X);
airFriction.Y = Math.abs(airFrictionConstant * Velocity.Y);
First, we calculate the accelartion using a "MotorForce" and the air friction. The MotorForce is the force we make to move our sprite. The air friction always tries to "eliminate" the movement, so is always postive. We finally take absolute values because the rotation give us the direction of the vector. If the acceleration is lower than 0, that means that the air friction is greater than our MotorForce. It's a friction, so it can't do that: if acceleration < 0, we make it 0 -the air force reached our motor force and the speed becomes constant.
After that, the velocity will increase using the acceleration. Finally, we update the air friction value.
One thing more: you may update also the value of airFriction in the Deccelarate method, even if you don't consider it in that method.
If you have any problem with this, or you don't understand something (sometimes my English is not very good ^^"), say it =)

how to detect if iphone is still?

I have to make an app in which user can take photo only when iPhone is still. Can you please tell me how to proceed with that. Any help will be appreciated.
Below is the code that I have tried, please Suggest improvement on it, this code is giving jerky output
_previousMotionValue = 0.0f;
memset(xQueue, 0, sizeof(xQueue));
memset(yQueue, 0, sizeof(yQueue));
queueIndex = 0;
[_motionManager startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue:_motionManagerUpdatesQueue withHandler:^(CMAccelerometerData *accelerometerData, NSError *error) {
if ([_motionManagerUpdatesQueue operationCount] > 1) {
xQueue[queueIndex] = -accelerometerData.acceleration.x;
yQueue[queueIndex] = accelerometerData.acceleration.y;
if (queueIndex >= QueueCapacity) {
queueIndex = 0;
float xSum = 0;
float ySum = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < QueueCapacity)
xSum += xQueue[i];
ySum += yQueue[i];
ySum /= QueueCapacity;
xSum /= QueueCapacity;
double motionValue = sqrt(xSum * xSum + ySum * ySum);
CGFloat difference = 50000.0 * ABS(motionValue - _previousMotionValue);
if (difference < 100)
//fire event for capture
[view setVibrationLevel:difference];
_previousMotionValue = motionValue;
Based on vibration level, I am setting the different images like green, yellow, red.
I have chosen threshold 100.
To answer “…user can take photo only when iPhone is stabilized…?”:
You can use CoreMotion.framework and its CMMotionManager to obtain info about device movement. (I guess you are interested in accelerometer data.) These data will come at high rate (you can choose frequency, default if 1/60 s). Then you store (let's say) 10 latest values and make some statistics about the average and differences. By choosing optimal treshold you can tell when the device is in stabilized position.
But you mentioned image stabilization, which is not the same as taking photos in stabilized position. To stabilize image, I guess you will have to adjust the captured image by some small offset calculated from device motion.
