Deploying a ruby/rails site on - ruby-on-rails

Im new to rails as well as relatively new to web development. Anywho, I've fully developed a site utilizing js, jquery, and rails and now Im hoping to use as the host for it however Im a bit confused on how to go about this. Could someone who perhaps has dealth with and rails provide me with a bit of insight as to how to go about this.
Thanks and sorry for the vagueness of the question im just confused on how to move my project from my computer to

I would recommend using instead. is meant for static webpages, not web applications. Heroku can host your app for free unless you require more resources. You'll just need to buy a domain name. Check it out!


Can I use my web server to host my rails application?

I have now build my first Ruby on Rails site and I want to publish/deploy/show it to the world on internet. I have access to space on a web server trough a university that I am associated with. But after some searching I realized that publishing a Rails site is slightly more complicated than publishing a regular html production.
Is there any way to use the space I have? How can I know if the server I have access to is up for the task? Is there any guides on how to do this via SSH or git or whatever? I have search a lot but not found anything useful. It doesn't have to be easy, I just have to work. And it's good if I can learn and understand what I am doing.
I have tried quite extensively to make it work with Heroku (everybody claims it to be so easy) but failed since it will not accept my push. Probably because I use Rails 4.2.2 (I don't want to change this, too many things stopped working when I tried to update) and Paperclip which seems to be known issues.
Please, I'm getting desperate, any help pointing in the right direction is very appreciated.

How to transfer skills from Rails tutorial to real project with real URL?

I have been teaching myself Rails for some time with various tutorials and have been asked by a relative to create a basic personal website (static pages only) for them. The relative already owns the domain at which they want the website to be created.
My question has to do with deploying an app that I create to a real domain. In my tutorials I've learned about developing the app on my local machine, using Git for version control, and deploying to Heroku (eg If someone wants me to develop the site that will live at, how do I get my app there? Is there a good tutorial for this that I can follow?
I'm no rails expert, but a good place to start might be looking at the support docs for whatever host your client is using. Dreamhost has a wiki covering RoR, and other hosts like Hostgator do as well.

Flex and Ruby on Rails start up

I'm new at Ruby on Rails, but already developed a start project.
Now I figure out that I have to use flash for it, and the best way as I see is Flex.
The problem is that I didn't find no start up guide how to combine these two things. Should I use RubyAMF or WebORB? or both? And will such combination will work fine on Heroku cloud?
For sum up, I'm Looking for some basic info or a short guide for combining RoR and Flex.
Well, here is a really good book on the subject: "Flexible Rails". It has a ton of good info for the combo.
For me, I have done this with a lot of success. I use RoR to develop my RESTfull service and I put the Flex app in the public folder of the Rails app. Of course, an Air app can connect to the service the same way.
I then publish the app using Heroku. The entire end-to-end story is quite solid... assuming, of course, that a Flex-based web app is what you want. I also like a HTML/Coffeescript/Backbone client that does the same thing... but that is a different story all together :)
Good luck. This is certainly a fun combo to be developing with.

Advice for Setting Up Rails Sites for Prototyping

I'm learning Ruby on Rails and have just signed up with LunarPages as my webhosting company. To start, I want to write some test applications and get them uploaded and running on my website just to understand how things work. However, I don't want anyone looking at what I'm working on as I learn. Does anyone have any advice as to how I should structure my pages and sites in such a way that I can keep them hidden until I'm ready to go live? Can I easily do something like this? <- everyone can see <- no one can see for now <- no one can see for now
Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question. I'm just starting out. By the way, I have heard of Heroku but I've already paid for this webhosting service so I'd like to get my money's worth, at least until my subscription is up.
I'm not sure if LunarPages offers the level of configurability that is required to run rails apps from sub-directories. I'd use subdomains (, and then use appropriate access control (could be htaccess, HTTP BASIC AUTH in your app, or something more complex like authlogic)

Options for distribution of an offline Ruby on Rails application

I am developing an application in using Ruby on Rails, mostly as an excuse to learn the language.
This is not intended to be a web-based application - and perhaps I have chosen the wrong language, but...
My understanding is, that in order to run an instance of this application on somebody else's computer, they would need to install ruby on rails, and a webserver (or webrick, perhaps), as well as my application code.
I am just curious if there are any other options for distributing my application as a standalone app, or perhaps just a simple way to package up a web browser and ROR together with my app for a simple, one-step install?
I have personally never needed to do this. But, I have ran across this tutorial that I think will be helpful. The tutorial covers how to actually convert a rails app into a standalone exe file.
Note, Slingshot appears to be a dead project (see comments). I'll leave this answer here for historical purposes and the off-chance that it comes back
Joyent's Slingshot might be a good bet.
Joyent Slingshot allows developers to deploy Rails applications like a standard desktop application, which work online and offline (with synchronization), have drag and drop, and interact with all the other desktop applications.
With Joyent Slingshot:
Create a hybrid Web/desktop application
Synchronize online and offline data
Use the same code for online and offline application(s)
Deploy and update your application easily
Drag into and out of application
Here are some further links to help with your evaluation and/or to help you get started:
Introducing Joyent Slingshot
Basic application walkthrough
Slingshot wiki
The way most people ship ruby programs, including Rails webapps, as a standalone exe is via rubyscript2exe. They describe how to package a Rails application at Ruby, Rails, and all the associated libraries will be included in the EXE file.
As others mentioned, Ruby is not necessarily Rails and if you really want an easy way to write a distributable GUI application in Ruby, Shoes is an excellent place to start looking.
Gears on Rails maybe?
You could always consider compiling your Ruby to JVM byte-code (via JRuby) or .NET byte-code (via IronRuby) to distribute to people who have those virtual machines and don't want to install a Ruby runtime.
You might want to check out Shoes for building desktop applications in Ruby. Rails really is tuned for building websites.
You can include Ruby on Rails by freezing it to the version of Rails you want to use in your project. They call this Freezing. The user will not have to install Rails to use your application. You can do this with any library you use in your project. If the project uses a library, just place it under the Vendor folder in your project. Then use a tool similar to what #Josh answered with to package it.
You will need a web server to run the project though. There is no way around this. Ruby on Rails is just like ASP.NET in this regard, in that it is a server side framework. The server runs the code and outputs the HTML to the browser by using the Rails framework.
Unfortunately, you may have picked the wrong framework to do what you want. Instead of Ruby on Rails, you may want to check out Shoes, which is a framework for developing GUI applications using Ruby.
You do not specifically say whether it is supposed to be a GUI application or not. From the other answers, I would guess so.
Therefore, you need to clarify what your goals are. RoR is a specialized framework for web applications. If your goal is to learn RoR, I'd say to get yourself some inexpensive web hosting and make yourself an app. If your goal is to learn Ruby, not necessarily Rails, then Shoes, IronRuby, JRuby, MacRuby and others may be good options to look at.
