Render a model like include - ruby-on-rails

I am wondering how can i render in my header file a search model. Pretty much like an include in php, but with rails i want to render the new form into my header. I base my style of search on this video but not to sure on how to render the code in to my header. Any help is appreciated

How about a partial?
You can do something like this:
<%= render "shared/search", :locals => { :search_string => #search_string } %>
Which will render what is in the app/views/shared/_search.html.erb file.


Is there an easy way to use a JSON layout in Rails 3.1 for `render json: {}`?

Is it possible to specify a layout for rendering JSON in Rails 3.1+ (not that I found any easy way to do it in any previous version of Rails)?
I've been using a helper like this:
def render_as_json(obj, status = 200, *args)
render(inline: obj.to_json(*args), layout: 'default', status: status)
It doesn't seem like render json: obj will render a layout.
I just wanted to have some metadata in the layout file:
<%- #content = yield -%>
"data":<%= #content.present? ? raw(#content) : '{}' %>,
"metadata":<%= raw(json_layout_metadata.to_json) %>
I know this is old now but I was trying to use a JSON layout and an XML layout and while searching I found your question and it helped me somehow solve my problem so here is what I did for the JSON part and the XML is pretty much the same:
Create a template file in the layout folder in your application(in the same directory of application.html.erb), call it anything but make its extension ".json.erb", let's assume you named it "json_layout.json.erb". Put in it whatever constant content you want to add and in the place you want to display dynamic data put a
<%= yield %>
In my case, this is my template:
{"status": <%= response.status %>,"data": <%= yield %>}
Now in your controller where you want to display JSON use the following format in the respond_to block:
format.json { render :inline => #the_object.to_json(any_additional_options) , :layout => "json_layout.json.erb" }
Just be careful in case of XML to put in the options of the to_xml method
:skip_instruct => true
as you would probably don't need the full XML generated by default because you add your own in the layout.

Specify namespace when using "render" with an object in rails 3

So, you can do something like that in rails:
#features.each do |feature|
render feature
and it will look for a partial called _feature.html.erb in the views/features folder, based on the class name.
But what if features are in a cms namespace?
Is it possible to specify the namespace? Doing something like this (it doesnt work, obviously)
render [:cms, feature]
You'll have to be more explicit:
render :partial => '/cms/feature', :object => feature
This will render the 'app/views/cms/_feature.html.erb' partial with the object being 'feature'.

What statement can I use in Rails 3 to render HTML from a small static file?

I have a file in:
It is a snippet of HTML. I would like to render it, along with other things, in one of my views.
But it seems like when I try to do a render from a view, Rails is always looking for a partial. But it doesn't pick up the file even when I name it with a leading underscore. How can I read and display this HTML snippet within a view?
have you tried with
<%= render :file => 'your/path/', :layout => false %>
inside the erb?

How do I add a partial's current folder to the rails view path?

I have a set of partials that are used to update a section of a form depending on the user's choice from a drop-down menu. There are a lot of different choices, so rather than having a view folder like this:
I want to lay it out like this:
If I do that, then I know I need to change render :partial => whatever to render :partial => "myview/choices/#{whatever}" which is OK in the form, but I don't want to have to change it in all the choice templates. Is there a way to add '.' to the view path so I can still have render :partial => 'sharedchoicestuff1' in the choice templates.
Just create a helper for that:
def render_choice(name)
render "myview/choices/#{name}"

ERB in command line with render :partial method in html.erb

I want to render an HTML-EMail and send it to our customers using some ERB Templates.
The basic code I am using:"newsletter.html.erb").result(binding)
doesn't allow me to add partials to the html.erb-File. I would love to move the header and footer to a partial and use the render :partial-Method in that call.
Is this possible? What do I have to add?
This is what I came up with:
viewer =, "PATH/TO/PARTIALS"))
html = viewer.render(
:file => "PATH/TO/FILE.ERB),
:locals => {:variable => #var}
please correct me if there is a more elegant solution than this.
