MissingManifestResourceException on one server, not on others - asp.net-mvc

I've been pulling my hair out over this one.
Our staging server (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard) has recently stopped cooperating. To be more specific, when our ASP.NET MVC 3 site is started, it gives the exception
MissingManifestResourceException: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Resources.TranslatedUrl.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "App_GlobalResources" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
which means the site goes through startup, but then encounters an error when trying to register our (customized) translatable routes using GlobalResources. The same code base works flawlessly on our demo server, virtual machine server and Visual Studio's development server. I even did a revert of the code base to a point in time where the site was demonstrably working, but no luck. This leads me to believe the problem is with the server itself, or IIS 7, in which the site runs.
Problem is, no one has (to my knowledge) done any reconfigurations of IIS or the server. I've been moving our CI from CruiseControl.net to TeamCity, but the compile and setup is done on a separate server, which, once all compilation and configuration is complete, moves the files to the staging server using Web Deploy. Is it possible that Web Deploy could, in some way, have altered the config of IIS or the server?
I suppose it is also possible that our hosting provider could have made some changes I don't know about, but it seems unlikely.
Any ideas? I'm all out of them myself.


Azure cloud service publishing - where does it go?

I created an asp.net mvc project in VS. I created an azure cloud service. Within the VS solution I added an azure project to enable me to publish to my cloud service. The cloud service has a web role and it’s published to a production environment. When I publish the project, I have my domain .cloudapp.net and I can then view my published project from a browser.
Job done. All good so far.
What I’m unclear on (and this is partly because my azure and asp.net mvc knowledge is limited) is where the project files actually reside (and the file/folder structure) and how to access them? I know they are on an IIS server somewhere but that’s about it.
With ‘traditional’ websites you have a webserver, a wwwroot folder and you stick your web pages etc into them and can see/access them through ftp etc.
Apart from wanting to know the answer to the above question I actually want to farm out the web ui (view) part to a web developer whilst I concentrate on the back end stuff. He doesn’t have visual studio so I’m unclear on how to best approach this?
I’ve noticed on the windows azure publish summary within my solution that you can enable remote desktop and enable web deploy which I suspect may be of help to me but as the solution is all working fine at the moment and I’m demoing it to a client tomorrow I’m a bit reluctant to make any last minute changes..as I’m sure we’ve all suffered the consequences of that before.
What I’m unclear on is where the project files actually reside
(and the file/folder structure) and how to access them?
As you have mentioned, these files reside on the server itself. If you connect to your server via Remote Desktop, you can see the files under D:\sitesroot folder (actual name of the folder can be found by launching IIS Manager on that server).
Having said that, it is not recommended to make changes to the files directly on the server. This is because if your server goes bad for any reason, Microsoft will provision a new server for you and it takes the code from the package file when you last deployed your application. This the changes you have made on that server will be lost.
Regarding your other question about having somebody focus on front-end development, I'm pretty sure you don't want him to working on production server directly. I'm assuming you have a centralized code repository somewhere where everybody checks in their code and then you build stuff and then deploy it.

Unable to run Silverlight application from Visual Studio 2010

I'm in the process of setting up a new machine as a development environment and I'm having issues getting an existing code base that hosts a Silverlight application to work. The code runs fine on all other machines that my team uses.
Here is the error:
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application
Code: 2104
Category: InitializeError
Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web server settings
I have had a Google around for some answers on this and I realize there is a duplicate question on StackOverflow already, but it does not provide enough information and the answers have not worked for me.
I am attempting to run the solution through Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, using IIS Express 7.5 integration (as opposed to the Cassini web server). This approach works perfectly fine on all other machines, except for this one.
I have found that if I specify to use full IIS integration (instead of Express) and select the SilverlightTestPage.aspx as the start up page, then the application runs (although not perfectly). Also, if I publish the application and host it on IIS, it again works fine. However, when running through Cassini or IIS Express 7.5 integration, or when trying to get it to run through the Default.aspx or correct start up page it does not work.
Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? I've already checked that the MIME type in IIS is correct (not sure if I can do this in IIS Express as well?) and that the XAP files are building into the correct directory.
Check MIME types in IIS Express configuration file %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config and make sure that you have MIME types set correctly and restart IIS Express.
Please check the aspx file whether it has the "minRuntimeVersion" correctly for the Silverlight plug in.
<param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="4.0.50826.0"/>
also check the following link for hosting the Silverlight application .
Configuring IIS for silverlight

deploy website with production configuration automatically in Visual Studio 2010

I have a question regarding Visual Studio 2010 publish feature which is used after you create a website (MVC framework) to push your dev changes to the live site.
I've never worked with MVC until a few weeks ago and
I've noticed that before pushing the website code I have to change everywhere where I have localhost in the code and replace it with the domain name I'm pushing to. Then if I want to debug anything on my local machine I have to revert everything back to localhost from domain name.
Q: Is there a way to not do this back and front url changing?
Basically I think it boils down to needing a software package or sth that knows to deploy the website with production configuration.
Maybe have a local branch and a live branch? This involves merging files all the time.
Thanks :)
I am not sure it works with MVC, but one approach we use for web services development is to use the web.config transformations.
This means that the normal development stuff is in Web.config and we have separate configurations depending on the deployment environment Web.staging.config and Web.production.config.

How to publish an ASP.NET MVC website

I've a site that I'd like to publish to a co-located live server. I'm finding this simple task quite hard.
My problems begin with the Web Deploy tool (1.1) giving me a 401 Unauthorized as the adminstrator because port :8172 comes up in the errors and this port is blocked - but the documentation says "The default ListenURL is http://+:80/MsDeployAgentService"!
I'm loathe to open another port and I've little patience these days so I thought bu66er it, I'll create a Web Deploy package and import it into IIS on the server over RDP.
I notice first that Visual Studio doesn't use a dialog box to gather settings, or use my Publish profiles but seems to use a tab in the project properties, although I think these are ignored when importing the package anyway?
I'm now sitting in the import wizard with Application Path and Connection String. I've cleared the conn string as I think this is for some ASP stuff I don't use but when I enter nothing in the Application Path, the wizard barks at me saying that basically I'm a weirdo because most people publish to folders beneath the root site.
Now, I want my site to be site.com/Home/About and not site.com/subfolder/Home/About and I think being an MVC routed site that a subfolder will introduce other headaches. Should I go ahead and use the root?
Finally, I also want to publish a web service to www.site.com/services/soap which I think IIS can handle.
While typing this question, Amazon have delivered my IIS 7 Resource Kit, and I've been scouring the internet but actually I'm getting more confused.
Comment here seems to show consensus opinion that Publish isn't for production sites and that real men roll their own.
ASP.NET website 'Publish' vs Web Deployment Project
...I guess this was pre- Web Deployment Tool era?
I'm going to experiment on a spare box for now but any assistance is welcome.
The site was imported (to the root) manually with Web Deploy and it worked. If you get the error "There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' " its because your app pool is 4.0 and should be 2.0.
If you are using VS 2010, may I recommend Scott Hanselman's Web Debloyment Made Awesome?
Even if you are using VS2008, there are nice concepts there that will probably help.
I've experienced the same frustration and trouble with this as well. Coming from a Java web background where we can package everything as a single WAR and toss it on the server, the deployment process with ASP.NET seems archaic.
I currently have a python script that uses FTP to transfer the needed files to my test instance on the remote server. I have another python script that transfers those files to my live site. These scripts are smart enough to take care of differences between some of the configuration files etc..
I've found it much easier than trying to setup permissions or using the Microsoft deploy tools.
Hi you can use filezilla software to upload

Deploying MVC Application to Web Server doesn't run correctly

I have reading posts all night looking for an answer to my issue and haven't found anything that works for me yet. I am sure there is a simple way to do this but I haven't been able to discover it yet.
MVC 2 Preview
Asp.net 3.5 sp1 framework
VS 2008 C# web application
Windows Server 2008
I have the application running well through VS 2008 no problem. When I hit the play to run in debug mode it starts the ASP.NET Development Server the application loads fine and works as expected, great!
When I publish the application locally or to my web server both on IIS 7 the application doesn't run correctly. Some of the icons are missing and the google maps map is missing. When I view the source it appears correct at first glance, but I can see the paths to the images are looking for the MVC paths and it isn't finding them. It appears the app is running as a regular asp.net app and not an mvc app, maybe?
I also tried to just hit the full source code locally on localhost and the exact same issue is present.
So, I guess my question is how do I deploy a MVC application to run the same in IIS as it does through the development server.
PS The environments are clean and pretty much out of the box.
#user68137 is correct in saying that you need to use relative paths for the images.
I got caught out on this one too, and here's my previous SO question about it...
In short, you need to do something like this...
<img src='<%= Url.Content( "~/Content/Images/banner.jpg" ) %>' alt="Banner" />
Hope this helps!
I had the relative paths set, but what I didn't realize is when I deployed it to the server it went to wwwroot\subsite... I had the relative paths set to src="....\image.jpg" to get back to the root of the site. My error was that if the site is not in the root then the subsite drills back to the root to find the images and of course doesn't find them. Same thing was happening with the JS files. I used the Url.Content and it worked great! problem solved!
The interesting this is when running through the VS dev server with a subsite it still worked well and found the paths even though it shouldn't have. VS dev server <> IIS
Thanks for your help on this!
Once you know the virtual path to the location you are deploying the project to, you should go into the project configuration in Visual Studio and add it to your project. This way the visual studio development server will use the same path structure as the deployment server. This will save you countless hours of work when deploying.
When you run your website through Visual Studio, every single request gets processed through the ASP.NET pipeline, including images, CSS and other resources. IIS by default only processes specific extensions (e.g., aspx) unless you tell it otherwise through configuration. Paths like '/content/images/yourimage.jpg' should work just fine...I suspect it's something amiss in your IIS configuration.
Another possibility which I've run into is any custom ISAPI filters you may have installed on the IIS server (e.g., ISAPI_rewrite). It's easy to set up rules in its configuration that lead to some very unexpected results.
