ckeditor in rails with mongodb - ruby-on-rails

I am using ck editor in rails having database mongo db. I followed the link . I am succes in doing work with the help of ckeditor.
since my view.html.erb code is like this
<%= f.cktext_area :description, :toolbar => 'Easy', :width => 800, :height => 200 %><br>
and my show page is
<%= raw#department.description %>
it does not works for file cases.
I have my model attachment_file.rb is
class Ckeditor::AttachmentFile < Ckeditor::Asset
has_mongoid_attached_file :data,
:url => "/ckeditor_assets/attachments/:id/:filename",
:path => ":rails_root/public/ckeditor_assets/attachments/:id/:filename"
validates_attachment_size :data, :less_than => 100.megabytes
validates_attachment_presence :data
def url_thumb
#url_thumb ||= Ckeditor::Utils.filethumb(filename)
It is working for image cases but not working for zip file or any attachement. when it comes to the file cases it can upload file successfully with its path. but to download that file by user it doesnot work. I mean backend works properly for all features. But lacks to download that uploaded file stops by

i have found the answer of this problem . First run this in terminal.
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/ruby-rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/ckeditor-3.7.1
follow this path in your computer since i am using linux and my gem file locates here.
and open attachement.js file and edit it with the code that u find from tha above link.
Now ck editor will works for file attachment also.

Seem like you encounter this bug in CKeditor:
It sugests adding before filter as fix eg:
# app/model/department.rb
before_save :fix_ckeditor_attachment_paths
def fix_ckeditor_attachment_paths
if self.description.index(/_cke_saved_href/)
self.description = self.body.gsub(/_cke_saved_href/, 'href')


Permission denied # dir_s_mkdir Error

I've been searching around for a while now but can't seem to find the answer.
I'm using paperclip and postgresql database to upload and store files.
The error I am getting is :
Errno::EACCES in DocumentsController#create
Permission denied # dir_s_mkdir - /documents
And the error code is specifically referring to this section in the documents controller:
def create
#document =
redirect_to #document
render 'new'
I recently switched my database from sqlite to postgresql and it is working perfectly fine online (I have uploaded it with heroku), just not in development.
Also, I am able to edit and update documents that have been uploaded already in development, just not able to upload any.
Are there any config files or something that I need to modify to grand permission for # dir_s_mkdir?
Finally I managed to fix this problem.
Because I had modified my database to use PostgreSQL with Heroku I needed to also modify my Document model, to accomodate for both production and development environments.
I also had to change the :url that the document object was assigning to in development. The updated :url became:
:url => "/system/documents/pdfs/:id/:basename.:extension"
Below is the updated document.rb model (for the paperclip section):
if Rails.env.development?
has_attached_file :pdf, :use_timestamp => false,
:url => "/system/documents/pdfs/:id/:basename.:extension",
:path => ":rails_root/public/system/documents/pdfs/:id/:basename.:extension"
validates_attachment_content_type :pdf, :content_type => ["application/pdf","application/",
has_attached_file :pdf, :use_timestamp => false
validates_attachment_content_type :pdf, :content_type => ["application/pdf","application/",
Many answers I referred to were saying to use either:
sudo chown -R username app_path
/* or */
chmod -R 777 PATH_TO_APP/uploads
/* or */
chmod -R 777 PATH_TO_APP/tmp
Although changing ownership of a file/folder is not a good option, as it sets every file as executable, readable, and writeable by anyone.

Video shows black screen after uploading with PaperClip AV

I am using PaperClip AV Transcoder, and when I upload a video all I see is a black image. I presume that video is not getting uploaded.
Do I also have to install a video player as well with it, or does that come with the PaperClip AV?
My model that has the video:
class Pin < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_attached_file :video, :styles => {
:medium => { :geometry => "640x480", :format => 'mp4' },
:thumb => { :geometry => "100x100#", :format => 'jpg', :time => 10 }
}, :processors => [:transcoder]
validates_attachment_content_type :video, :content_type => ["video/mp4", "", "video/mpeg","video/mpeg4", "image/jpg", "image/jpeg"]
My show view for the video:
<%= video_tag %>
<%= #pin.description %>
<% if #pin.user == current_user %>
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_pin_path(#pin) %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'Back', pins_path %>
I don't know what other code would help. I'd gladly write any other lines of code that might help.
A picture of what I am talking about:
This is a screenshot of my ffmpeg version from my command line:
As you are using transcoder as your processor. You need to install this paperclip-av-transcoder gem too. (If already not there, add the to your Gemfile and do: bundle install).
Also, you may need to install ffmpeg in your machine to get the processor to work locally.
After these steps, it should work for you.
There are several steps to debug this.
Firstly, you need to check if the video file has been saved.
If the video file exists, it means your problem lies with playback (not processing). Thus you'll need to browse to public/system/.....
If you're on your dev machine, you can do this by simply browsing to /public/system, if you're using Heroku or another web server, you'll have to SSH into the bash and cd to the directory:
$ heroku run bash
$ cd public/system
$ ls
SSH into your system
cd /app_root/public/system
You'll then be able to browse through the folders to get to the appropriate directory containing your videos...
If you have the video on your system, it means they've been processed.
If they're not on your system, you need to consult your logs (post them on here), and show us what the error might have been.
To playback your video, you'll be able to use the HTML5 <video> tag (Rails video_tag):
<%= video_tag #attachment.paperclip_object.url %>
This will show the video (if it's been transcoded into MP4 or another compatible file format), allowing the playback to occur.
Another issue you will have is the cover image.
It seems you've set this up properly; you can use it as follows:
<%= video_tag #attachment.paperclip_object.url, poster: #attachment.paperclip_object.thumb.url %>

Paperclip not showing image even though URL/images in correct places

Using Paperclip to attach avatars to User profiles for my rails application. I followed the instructions on the paperclip github to initialize and attach to my app.
I have an image in the public/images/medium/missing.png and for both cases (when I upload or when I fallback on the default) I get no image. I've checked my directory and there is an image where it says it is looking but does not grab it. Additionally when I have tried uploading images, I know the image is uploaded correctly because when calling the User in rails console shows all the information properly attached.
I am calling the image in my view like:
<%= image_tag(#blog.user.avatar.url(":medium"), :class => "image-circle avatar") %>
my Paperclip declaration in the User model looks like the following:
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100#"}, :default_url => "/public/images/:style/missing.png"
validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
Really not sure what is going on. The route errors that appear when I inspect the improperly loaded image point directly to the image in my local server. And the fact that it can't grab either the missing or the uploaded file also has me at a loss. Any help would be super appreciated!!
And for good measure the output when I examine a user with an uploaded avatar:
avatar_file_name: "11390219_10206114805925816_6595348111261743639_n.j...", avatar_content_type: "image/jpeg", avatar_file_size: 101926, avatar_updated_at: "2015-07-10 18:51:44">
Thanks in advance!
This is the URL that is providing the 404 error:
while in my local directory it goes "root/public/images/medium/missing.png"
not sure how its not grabbing it, unless I am just missing something really obvious somewhere. (i tried hard routing the public in there as well, but to no avail).
There is the possibility that you're simply not serving the static assets, add:
config.serve_static_assets = true
to your development.rb
In you application.rb ( or an environment specific file ), you should have a config.paperclip_defaults = { ... }, here is the link in the docs:
Here is an example one, using fog:
config.paperclip_defaults = {
:storage => :fog,
:fog_credentials => {
:provider => "Local",
:local_root => "#{Rails.root}/public"
:fog_directory => "",
:fog_host => "localhost:3000"
Do you have something like that in your application? I just tested on an app of mine, and I was able to upload an image, but not to see any without the paperclip_defaults hash. Also, don't forget to restart your app after you update the config files. I hope this helps!
Have you tried killing the quotes around the image style? Around :medium?
<%= image_tag(#blog.user.avatar.url(:medium), :class => "image-circle avatar") %>
As show here in the Paperclip Docs:
Same problem, solved it by reinstalling imagemagic with brew
Details: In case you're imagemagic, try to update the imagemagic and if it asks you to link it,
Try with this:
brew link --overwrite imagemagick
It worked for me. Hope its helpful

Paperclip don't generate styles and original image appears as broken

I having a big issue here. I really tried, but I can't solve this problem by myself, so I hope people can help me here.
Before talk about my problem, I must say I'm using Paperclip and IMGKit in my Project, but I think the problem is with Paperclip.
I create a Rails Task to take snapshots from the home page of some sites. Sometime ago everything is working fine, but now everything goes down. I import my real database from Heroku to localhost (without any images and migrations of paperclip), run the migrations, delete all old files from 'public/system' and run my task again (to take snapshot of all websites).
So, now I have:
The paths and original images are generated, but when I try to load them in View, this just show as a broken image.
Paperclip doesn't generate the path and converted images of :styles.
Sites that don't have image, I can see my default image correctly.
ImageMagick seems to be working, I try convert some images and worked like a charm.
Let's take a look at the code. Assume that I'm running a task that will perform this task to all sites in my database. The sites are called "items" in my architecture.
# "which convert" give me this path
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/local/bin/"
Item.rb (model)
My task just call "" of every site in the DB, so my code starts on before_save.
has_attached_file :image,
:styles => { :small => "200x147#" },
:convert_options => { :small => "-quality 75 -strip" },
:default_url => '/images/:style/bitcoin-earth.jpg'
before_save :generate_data
def generate_data
self.image = get_image(, self.url_original)
# Take snapshot of the website
def get_image(filename, link)
kit =, :quality => 100, :width => 1024, :height => 768)
file =["template_#{filename}", 'png'], 'tmp',
:encoding => 'ascii-8bit')
return file
<%= image_tag store.image.url %>
gem "paperclip"
If I try to run rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles, the task finish very fast without any error. But if I try to run rake paperclip:refresh CLASS=Item I got:
Image Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
And yes, I already search for it and I didn't found a solution for my case.
A little tip?
When I "inspect element" in my project and try to see the source of the item image, I saw:
But if I go to my project folder, I just see a image called template_21620140109-21209-1yls03opng. Note that doesn't exist any "?1389305824" there. See the image above.
Well, I think that's it. What can be the problem? I really need solve this issue, please, help me :/
[ Edited on Jan 10, 2013 ]
Item.rb (model):
before_save :generate_data
def generate_data
file =, self.url_original))
self.image = file
def get_image(filename, link)
kit =, :quality => 100,
:width => 1024, :height => 768)
file =["template_#{filename}", '.png'], 'tmp',
:encoding => 'ascii-8bit')
return file
Now I don't have any error on console while getting images and saving on DB, but Paperclip still don't generate my :styles. When I go to log/development.log, I can see this error, but I don't know what I can do to solve:
Command :: file -b --mime 'tmp/template_24320140110-17577-80zj1c.png'
Command :: identify -format '%wx%h,%[exif:orientation]' '/tmp/template_24320140110-17577-80zj1c20140110-17577-mqa2q3.png[0]'
[paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError: Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError>
I think we're getting closer, please, keep helping me :)
I think your problem is here:
template_21620140109-14507-1c0yszzpng?1389305824 #-> should have .png (not a valid image)
This might not be the problem, but maybe you could streamline your method to exclude the temporary file:
# Take snapshot of the website
def get_image(filename, link)
kit =, :quality => 100, :width => 1024, :height => 768)
file = kit.to_file("system/temp/template_#{filename}")
return file
I think the issue is that ImageMagick is not being passed a "real" file, and consequently you're getting the unrecognized image issues

Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError image is not recognized by the 'identify' command

i´m getting this error when editing a model specifically when i delete an image associated to it and I select another:
Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError in Admin/packsController#update
Chrysanthemumprueba4.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command.
C:/Users/.../vendor/plugins/thoughtbot-paperclip-fc792c8/lib/paperclip/geometry.rb:24:in `from_file'
But when i create a new pack and I select images for it, it works ok.
I have two tables: packs and pack_images,and pack_images has the photos for the pack associated, here are the relations:
class Pack < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :pack_images, :dependent => :destroy
class PackImage < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :pack
attr_accessor :height, :width
has_attached_file :photo, :url => "/:attachment/:class/:id/:style_:basename.:extension", :styles => {:principal => "240x240>", :original => "400x400>", ...}
This is the controller's action that throws me the error:
def update
#pack = Pack.find(params[:id])
unless params[:pack][:pack_images_attributes].nil?
params[:pack][:pack_images_attributes].count.times do |i|
unless params[:pack][:pack_images_attributes][:"#{i.to_s}"][:photo].blank?
file = params[:pack][:pack_images_attributes][:"#{i.to_s}"][:photo]
dimensions = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(file)
#pack.pack_images[i].width = dimensions.width
#pack.pack_images[i].height = dimensions.height
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(admin_pack_path(, :notice => 'Pack updated') }
I noticed that, when updating I get less parameters (only the photo's name) than when creating (photo's name,file type,width,height,etc).
I hope you can help me
Thank you very much
it used to work fine for pdf and images, tried out for an hour or so, followed everything I googled later the problem was found in my model has_attached_file :attachment,
:styles => {:original=> "125x125#"}
had to comment this line, and it worked for other attachments like docx or odt etc..
so in your case :styles => {:principal => "240x240>", :original => "400x400>"}
check out and comment.
Locate the path of the identify command like this:
$ which identify
For me the above command prints this: /usr/local/bin/identify
Add this in some initializer file:
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:command_path] = "/usr/local/bin"
One reason this error occurs is when you try to determine the dimensions of an image that does not exist:
This command will hang and cause this error.
Try to run the "identify" command from ImageMagick on this image. It seems something with your ImageMagick install.
I had the exact same issue. Windows 8 64bit, Rails 4, ImageMagick-6.8.7-1-Q16-x64-static.exe. Do this :
In the root of your rails app (from Git Bash)
$ which identify
/c/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.8.7-Q16/./identify
$ cd "/c/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.8.7-Q16"
Don't forget the quotes. Copy all executables to you /bin directory. I actually copied all these files to be certain.
$ cp * /bin
And voila paperclip works!
