Closing jQuery Mobile new popup cause page to refresh uselessly - jquery-mobile

I'm using the new jqm popup with the 1.2.0 alpha release and my problem is that my page from which I call the popup is refreshed uselessly when closing the popup using esc key or clicking on the screen... This refresh happen only the first time I close it. If I reopen and close again the popup the page is not refreshed...
It seems that for some reason jqm history mecanism get messed up....
It don't seem to be a built-in feature because this does not happen for any popup in the jqm demo page.
Any idea how to solve this issue?

I had a similar problem and, as I did not need to use history in my case, I solved it disabling globally popup history like this:
$.mobile.popup.prototype.options.history = false;

Found this post while having a similar problem on IE11 with jQuery Mobile 1.4.5
I found that I could prevent the "reload" when closing the popup by declaring the popup with the data-history="false" attribute in my HTML.

Per my comment, here's a temporary workaround to the issue. Just appropriately bind to the navigate event and call preventDefault. This will prevent the reloading of the page. I ended up binding to the popupafterclose, only when it's been opened:
$('.my-popup-selector').on('popupafteropen', function () {
$(this).one('popupafterclose', function () {
$(window).one('navigate.popup', function (e) {

I had a similar problem and I fixed it with using history: false:
$("#selector").popup({ transition: 'slidedown', history: false, overlay: true });

Add data-history="false" to popup div. thus when popup closes it doesn't redirect to another page .


Enabling button in jquery mobile pop-up

I have a Jquery pop-up that contains a form, and the submit button disabled. The button is supposed to get enabled once all fields have been filled. I ran a javascript script for this. However, it didn't work, and the page got refreshed. I added another button just to test the enabling.
<'button id="submitButton" disabled='true' data-theme="b" data-icon="check">Done<'/button'>
<'button id="x" onclick="enableButton()"'>Enable<'/button'>
The script:
function enableButton()
This didn't work. I tried scripting it according to the jquery plugin guidelines like so:
This didn't work either. Any idea why? Again, this form is in a jquery pop-up.
In your click event
You can try this;

jQuery Tooltip remains open if it's on a link within an iframe (in FF & IE)

I'm replacing the standard "Reset your password" text link with a help' icon, but I discovered that when a jQuery Tooltip is on a link within an iframe, it remains open once the link is clicked until the parent page is refreshed.
I'm using inline frames, but I also experienced the same problem when linking to another page. I tried moving the title inside a <span> tag, as well as closing the iframe and opening a new one with the functions below, but the tooltip just remains open on the page.
UPDATE - I created a fiddle to demonstrate the problem (Click on 'Reset Link'). I experience the problem in both Firefox & IE (it's fine in Chrome & Safari).
<img src="help.jpg">
Functions to close iframe and open new iframe
function close_iframe() {
function open_iframe() {
$[{href:'reset_password.html'}], { type:'iframe'
I am using jquery-1.8.2, jquery-ui-1.9.1 and fancyapps2
Could be an incompatibility or bug between the fancybox and the jQueryUI tooltip.
Essentially, the fancybox is showing the second form but the browser is not seeing the mouseout event. You can check this by adding a callback function to the .close() event of the jQueryUI tooltip.
close: function( event, ui ) {
You should be able to see closing in the console in IE, Firefox and Chrome when the mouse moves out of the "Reset Link" anchor. However, when clicking "Reset Link" in Chrome you see the closing log line again but in IE9 it does not appear again. So the browser is missing the event.
We can work around this by manually calling .tooltip('close') when "Reset Link" is clicked, like this:
$('a[href="#inline_form1"]').on('click', function() {
There is a small problem with the way in which the tooltips are created which means that with just the above click handler it will error with
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on tooltip prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'
This seems to be caused by using the $(document).tooltip() method which uses event delegation for all elements with a title attribute. This is the simplest way of creating tooltips for all elements so I understand why this is used but it can add unnecessary events and handling to the whole page rather than targeting specific elements. So looking at the error it is telling us that we need to explicitly create a tooltip on the element we want to call 'close' on. So need to add the following initialisation
Sp here is the completed JavaScript
$(function () {
title: ''
$('a[href="#inline_form1"]').on('click', function() {
Note: You only need one jQuery document.ready wrapping function - the $(function (){ ... }) part :-)

jQuery mobile popup on pageinit

I want a popup to open as soon as the page loads but seem to be getting stuck with the spinning wheel.
Here is a fiddler to demonstrate the problem any help would be appreciated.
The code I'm using is:
This worked for me:
$(document).on('pageinit', '.ui-page',function(event){
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);//Note the comment below from #Taifun.
You had a race condition and this places the popup code at the end of the queue.
Here is a demo:
Note: I replaced .live() with .on() (the delegated flavor) as the former has been depreciated as of jQuery 1.7.
The .popup('open') needs the $.mobile.activePage, which is set after the pageinit event. The pagechange event seems to be better for popups.
This worked for me :
If you want it just at the first load, use .one :

jQuery Mobile: Uncaught cannot call methods on checkboxradio prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh'

I am pulling my hair out dealing with this problem.
These are the code that I used and caused the mentioned problem.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#at-site-btn").bind("tap", function () {
$.mobile.changePage("view/dialog/at-site.php", { transition:"slidedown", role:"dialog" });
$('#at-site-page').live('pagecreate', function(){
var $checked_emp = $("input[type=checkbox]:checked");
var $this = $(this);
var $msg = $this.find("#at-site-msg");
The above code is in a file named hod.php. The file contain a number of checkboxes. These checkboxes and be checked simultaneously and when I pressed the #at-site-btn button the at-site.php appear (as a dialog) and display every checked checkboxes.
This is where the problem occurred. When I pressed the back button in the dialog to go back to the previous page and tried to uncheck those checkboxes, the error pops out as mentioned in the title. There are no calls to 'refresh method' in my code so I don't see the way to fix this.
Can anyone please suggest a way to solve this problem?
Am I using it right? (I am very new to jQuery Mobile. If there are some concepts behind using JQM please explain it to me [I've tried read JQM Docs it seems so unclear to me]).
Best regards and thank you very much for your answers.
What version of jQueryMobile are you using? You might need to use pageinit instead of pagecreate. This portion of the jQueryMobile documentation talks about the choices.
For re-painting or creation, the solution that #Taifun pointed out, which looks like:
worked okay for me, but it didn't paint the controls 100% correctly. Radio buttons didn't get the edges painted with rounded corners.
Before I saw your code, I read here that you can call .trigger('create') on the container object and it worked for me. You are doing that but inside pagecreate instead of in pageinit.
I was actually using a flipswitch checkbox:
<div class="some-checkbox-area">
<input type="checkbox" data-role="flipswitch" name="flip-checkbox-lesson-complete"
data-on-text="Complete" data-off-text="Incomplete" data-wrapper-class="custom-size-flipswitch">
so had to do this:
$("div.ui-page-active div.some-checkbox-area div.ui-flipswitch input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", true).flipswitch( "refresh" )
See my full answer here.

jQuery Mobile: Collapsible not expanded in pageinit, when coming back from other page

In my jquery-mobile (1.0RC2) application, I have two pages: test1.html, test2.html
The first page, test1.html, includes an collabsible-set, where I expand one collabsible item via script in the pageinit event listener (tried both pageshow and pageinit):
$('#page1').live( 'pageinit', initPage);
function initPage() {
alert('initPage!'); // this line seems to be always getting executed
$('#my_expandable').trigger('expand'); // ... but this line doesn't when coming back via a back link!
This works fine on the first call of the page.
Then I have a link that leads me to the second page test2.html, as follows:
function goPage2(criteria) {
$('#page1').die( 'pageinit', initPage);
$.mobile.changePage( "test2.html", {reverse: false, reloadPage: true} );
page 2
When I then go back to the first page via
function goPage1() {
$.mobile.changePage( "test1.html", { reverse: true, reloadPage: true} );
only the alert message in the pageinit event listener of test1.html is executed, but the collapsible is not being expanded through the
You can see the sample in action here:
How to reproduce the problem:
load test1.html at
you will get an alert message, and the collapsible will be expanded
click on the button 'GoTo page2' and you will come to the second page test2.html
on this second page, click on the gray button 'test', and you will come back to the first page test1.html
the problem now: as you can see, the alert command of the pageinit event of test1.html is being executed, but expanding the collapsible isn't - why not? Obviously the pageinit event listener method is being entered properly, but only the collapsible seems to have a problem here.
I think it might be a bug (filed a report here, but maybe somebody else has an idea for that.
Both the alert and the collapsible expanding is being executed when I use a different way to to open the second page test2.html, using
window.location.href = "test2.html";
instead of
But it's not very satisfying. Why does it not work properly if I use the the page injection way? I already call the die() method when I open the different pages in order not to have multiple pageinit event listeners keeping hanging around.
Have you tried using the data-attribute for collapsible content areas that makes them load expanded:
Here is a link to the docs for this behavior:
