Access a POST value from View -

Is there a way to access a POST value from the View (without passing by the controller)
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
The value being posted is #SomeValue
What is the right syntax for #SomeValue

I think the forms collection could be accessed by:
...but why? It defeats the purpose of MVC.

If you need to something client-side, you should be using JavaScript and not put logic in the view. Views should be dumb.
Replacing the line:
#Html.TextBox("SomeValue", new {Id = "somevalue"})
Would allow you to access the value once the view has been rendered with JQuery like so:

If you want to know what is the Value of the TextBox, before it goes to controller, you can get it via javascript.
Change your HTML to have a Span so that we can change the content of it later
The value being posted is
Override your submit behavior and get it
<script type="Text/javascript">
This wont really submit the form to the HTTPPOST action method of the controller but shows the value in the textbox inside the span.


how can I understand where this "submit" button/actionlink leads in ASP MVC 4?

I am new to ASP.NET MVC 4 and learning my way around an existing MVC 4 code base. I am trying to find the code that processes the the form corresponding to this submit button. I understand that the action link probably says how to process the "submit" button -- but I don't see any constructors that take three strings for an actionlink in the microsoft documentation.
I am confused because there is no action field in the input tag.
How do I find out what happens once the person hits submit?
#using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", #class = "disableSubmit" }))
<div class="buttons">
<input type="submit" value="Upload" /> | #Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index", "Admin")
Update When I go to "view source" to see the raw HTML I see
<form action="/Lab/Upload" ...
So that means it goes to the lab/upload controller?
The Javascript for the disable submit looks like this:
// Disable submit button after click
$(function () {
$('.disableSubmit').submit(function () {
if ($(this).valid()) {
$('input[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
If the submit button performs a regular form submit, then it will be inside of a <form> tag or #Html.BeginForm using block.
BeginForm will submit the form to the action that matches the name of the view, unless there is a parameter being passed that specifies the action name and/or controller name.
IF it is a form tag, then the action="something" attribute of the form tag will indicate the URL being submitted to, which is usually controllerName/ActionName` but could be different depending on what routing is setup.
The ActionLink you see is not related to the form or the submit, it is a regular link which is in effect a way for the user to go back to the previous page instead of submitting the form.
There is also the possibility that there is javascript attached to the submit button. That's harder to find unfortunately due to the many ways that javascript can be wired up to a button.
Edit: Based on your update, I would strongly suspect there's javascript that supports this form. I imagine the submit button is disabled until you meet some conditions that allow it to be displayed. Maybe permissions, maybe filling the form out completely, it's hard to say. Search the javascript for disableSubmit, as I suspect somewhere there is code that removes that class under certain conditions.
Edit 2: What is happening there is it disables the submit button after the first click so that you can't accidentally submit the for twice and cause problems with a duplicate submit(if this is Create form it avoids duplicate records). As far as I can tell there should be an action of the same name as the *.cshtml file that it submits to. Possibly with a [Post] or [HttpPost] attribute on the action.
Check whether the submit buttons in inside a form tag. If yes, what is the action attribute value of that ? That is the place the form will be submitted to.
You may see an HTML helper method called Html.Beginform in the view. This method render a form tag. You can go to the page and check the view source of the page to see what is the form tag looks like and what is the action method attribute value.
Ususally your controller will have an action method marked with HttpPost attribute to handle the form submit. Lets say your mark up is like this
<form action="User/EditUser">
<input type="text" name=Name" />
<input type="submit" />
Now in your UserController, there may be an action method like this
public ActionResult EditUser(SomeModelIfExist model)
// TO DO : save and redirect
the Html.ActionLink helper method renders an anchor tag. It has nothing to do with the form submit. So your action link helper will return the below markup

create/insert multiple entities simultaneously on one view page

how to implement Create action on Order and Order Details on single Create View?
is there any other simpler way to do this? MVC 3 style or in Razor View? thanks so much
Using Razor as your view engine will not make the process simpler, just more readable. And even using ASP.NET MVC 3 you'll have to pretty much end up following the Editing a variable length list post that you mention.
Of course, you can add a new row of fields dynamically completely in jQuery, without having to create an action method for it. Something like:
<div id="fields">
<span class="row">
<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
<a id="add" href="#">Add another</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#add").click(function() {
function AddTextBox() {
// clone the last span
var newRow = $("#fields .row:last").clone();
//clear any value the fields might have
$("input", newRow).val("");
//append it to the container div
Still, the solution in the blog post encapsulates a new row of fields in a partial view which is rather clean.

Why is MVC persisting on HttpGet?

I thought I understood MVC until now.
To me a GET should be from a clean slate. But I discoved today MVC assumes a GET to be a POST if a page request a get from itself.
The text box should always show the text "Red" but instead it persist its last value from the previous view.
Acting like an HTTPPost. You have to uncomment ModelState.Clear to act like a HttpGet.
This appears to me to be a bug.
<form action="" method="get">
<%=Html.TextBox("search") %>
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
public ActionResult Index(string search)
ViewData["search"] = "Red";
var items = GetYourTestData;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search))
var items2 = items.Where(x => x.Color == search).ToList();
return View(items2);
return View(items);
The search results returns correct and different data so it is not browser cache.
For the purpose of a search results page it does not make sense to have to redirect to another page to avoid this. That is why I chose GET thinking it should be clean each time.
Like I stated in the description. Other contents on the page does change so it is not cache. Uncomment ModelState.Clear() and all is good so that is not cache.
You can put a dynamic datetime label always showing the latest time from the server and it does change. That also proves it is not page cache.
It is a very simple test to do. Yes, just a sure as there is gravity, MVC2 framework 4.0 considers it an HTTPPost if the HttpGet requested page is the same as the requester. If you are not aware of this during programming the results could be disastrous. For instance, If someone like TurboTax uses MVC I hope that their developer are aware of that.
... ViewData["AdjustedTaxAmount"]=3435.00; ... is not going to work unless they call this
I don't know of why there should be ModelState on a get so
one sure fire work around is to
Inherit Controller from a base class
protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (string.Equals(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
The browser will cache GET requests that are from the same URL. If you add a querystring variable that is random then the GET request will be different each time and the browser will not cache the result.
That's to be expected.
When you submit a form via GET, you're serializing its elements and passing those to the target via the QueryString. So, it makes sense that your search value would be part of MVC's model in the next request. When you use the Html.TextBox helper, it's going to automatically inject the model's value as the HTML input's value. That's why you're seeing the value cover over.
One solution to avoid that is to not use the HTML Helper to render the input:
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="text" name="search" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
Then, you should get the clean slate you're expecting after each form submission.

Why is my form triggering the wrong controller action?

This form has multiple submit buttons, when clicked, it calls a simple JavaScript function to change the value of a hidden input (function is called "setHidden". This worked before, after some other not relevant code, it has ceased working.
Essentially, the action it is supposed to call is never called, instead it seems to default back to a previous URL.
The Form:
<form action="/League/RemoveOwner" method="post">
<input type="hidden" value="1007" name="lid"/>
<input type="hidden" value="0" id="index" name="index"/>
<input type="image" src="../../Resources/Images/Delete.png"
height="12" alt="Remove Owner" title="Remove Owner"
onclick="setHidden('index', '1031')"/></a> coach<br />
The Controller:
public ActionResult RemoveOwner(int id, string index)
return PartialView();
When clicking the image, it should call the remove owner controller, instead it calls the "View" controller:
public ActionResult View(int id) {
return View();
After searching high and low, I finally found the problem. There was another form on the page that didn't have a closing tag. THAT form was supposed to take it back to the "View" controller. It was on a partial, so I didn't catch it until... well until I had racked my brain for 2 hours...
Another suggestion for you form action code is don't write the absolute path for your form action. You could use the Html.BeginForm() or write your site url in the web.config and fetch it to the Application["URL"] while the application start at global.ascx. Then your form should look like:
<form action="<%=Application["URL"]%>League/RemoveOwner">
This approach can avoid some errors while publishing to the IIS or another web server. mvc actionlink shows address in FF, cannot get button to function

I'm currently in the process of learning ASP MVC and am running into a few issues.
First, when I use
<%=Http.ActionLink("Add / Modify", "AddModify" %>
it will show as Add / Modify (/Home/AddModify) in Firefox and Add / Modify in IE. It is doing that to all links in FF and none in IE. Anyone know what reasoning is for that?
Edit: What is displayed in the browser (FF in this case) is "Add / Modify (/Home/AddModify)" while in IE shows just "Add / Modify".
Here is a screenshot of what I see on my site in FireFox:
You can see how it shows the text and the appropriate link afterwards (only populated in Database with /).
Also, I am trying to have buttons (both standard and image) on my site which will link to new pages, while also performing hidden tasks (saving data, etc...). Anyways, When I do the following:
<form method="post" action="/Home">
<input type="submit" value="AddModify">
and the controller has a simple
public ActionResult AddModify()
return View();
And I still cannot get that function to call, yet when I do http://localhost:port/Home/AddModify, the function calls and I can get to that page. I am doing it this way because there may be code that has to execute before redirecting to that page, rather than just a direct link to that page. I have tried with and without the ActionVerbs line, I have tried this form of the Html Form:
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %> ... <%}%>
and still nothing. I have also tried no form and still nothing, but here's something that may affect this...I am using a master page with everything inside a content place holder inside a form that uses runat="server". Would that matter? So its Master Page -> form (masterform runat server) -> ContentPlaceHolder -> form (for postback and action) -> submit button. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I am thinking correctly, your form action should be calling the name of the action method:
<form method="post" action="/Home/AddModify">
<input type="submit" value="AddModify">
The ActionLink would be the same way.
Otherwise you will need to modify your routes to go to that action method by default.
Let's do this in two parts
1 I think your ActionLink should be:
<%=Http.ActionLink("Add / Modify", "AddModify", "Home") force routes.
First parameter: text shown
Second parameter: action name
Third parameter: controller name
2 Change your submit button to: (I assume we're currently looking at your "index" action from your "Home" controller)
<form method="post" action="/Home">
<input type="submit" value="AddModify" name="ModifyBtn" >
Then in your Home controller:
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form, string ModifyBtn, string OtherBtn)
if (ModifyBtn!=null)
//do stuff
return RedirectToAction("AddModify");
if (OtherBtn!=null)
//do stuff
return RedirectToAction("OtherAction");
return View();
I think you're trying to submit directly to another Action. The best way is to handle the POST method inside your code then redirect to another action. That way, you can use
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
without trouble.
<form method="post" action="/Home">
Will create a form with a href of /Home, this will only call the AddModify action if the AddModify action is default on that route.
