Can I access device data from the shader without using a cbuffer? - directx

Is there a way to access data, such as current resolution, from the shader without passing it specifically?

Resolution of the rendertarget is not available, you need to pass it explicitly.
Resolution of an input texture is in DirectX 10+, you can use GetDimensions


Webgl Upload Texture Data to the gpu without a draw call

I'm using webgl to do YUV to RGB conversions on a custom video codec.
The video has to play at 30 fps. In order to make this happen I'm doing all my math every other requestAnimationFrame.
This works great, but I noticed when profiling that uploading the textures to the gpu takes the longest amount of time.
So I uploaded the "Y" texture and the "UV" texture separately.
Now the first "requestAnimationFrame" will upload the "Y" texture like this:
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, yTextureRef);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.LUMINANCE, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, gl.LUMINANCE, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, yData);
The second "requestAnimationFrame" will upload the "UV" texture in the same way, and make a draw call to the fragment shader doing the math between them.
But this doesn't change anything in the profiler. I still show nearly 0 gpu time on the frame that uploads the "Y" texture, and the same amount of time as before on the frame that uploads the "UV" texture.
However if I add a draw call to my "Y" texture upload function, then the profiler shows the expected results. Every frame has nearly half the gpu time.
From this I'm guessing the Y texture isn't really uploaded to the gpu using the texImage2d function.
However I don't really want to draw the Y texture on the screen as it doesn't have the correct UV texture to do anything with until a frame later. So is there any way to force the gpu to upload this texture without performing a draw call?
I mis-understood the question
It really depends on the driver. The problem is OpenGL/OpenGL ES/WebGL's texture API really sucks. Sucks is a technical term for 'has unintended consequences'.
The issue is the driver can't really fully upload the data until you draw because it doesn't know what things you're going to change. You could change all the mip levels in any order and any size and then fix them all in between and so until you draw it has no idea which other functions you're going to call to manipulate the texture.
Consider you create a 4x4 level 0 mip
0, // mip level
4, // width
4, // height
What memory should it allocate? 4(width) * 4(height) * 4(rgba)? But what if you call gl.generateMipmap? Now it needs 4*4*4+2*2*4+1*1*4. Ok but now you allocate an 8x8 mip on level 3. You intend to then replace levels 0 to 2 with 64x64, 32x32, 16x16 respectively but you did level 3 first. What should it do when you replace level 3 before replacing the levels above those? You then add in levels 4 8x8, 5 as 4x4, 6 as 2x2, and 7 as 1x1.
As you can see the API lets you change mips in any order. In fact I could allocate level 7 as 723x234 and then fix it later. The API is designed to not care until draw time when all the mips must be the correct size at which point they can finally allocate memory on the GPU and copy the mips in.
You can see a demonstration and test of this issue here. The test uploads mips out of order to verify that WebGL implementations correctly fail with they are not all the correct size and correctly start working once they are the correct sizes.
You can see this was arguably a bad API design.
They added gl.texStorage2D to fix it but gl.texStorage2D is not available in WebGL1 only WebGL2. gl.texStorage2D has new issues though :(
TLDR; textures get uploaded to the driver when you call gl.texImage2D but the driver can't upload to the GPU until draw time.
Possible solution: use gl.texSubImage2D since it does not allocate memory it's possible the driver could upload sooner. I suspect most drivers don't because you can use gl.texSubImage2D before drawing. Still it's worth a try
Let me also add that gl.LUMIANCE might be a bottleneck as well. IIRC DirectX doesn't have a corresponding format and neither does OpenGL Core Profile. Both support a RED only format but WebGL1 does not. So LUMIANCE has to be emulated by expanding the data on upload.
Old Answer
Unfortunately there is no way to upload video to WebGL except via texImage2D and texSubImage2D
Some browsers try to make that happen faster. I notice you're using gl.LUMINANCE. You might try using gl.RGB or gl.RGBA and see if things speed up. It's possible browsers only optimize for the more common case. On the other hand it's possible they don't optimize at all.
Two extensions what would allow using video without a copy have been proposed but AFAIK no browser as ever implemented them.
It's actually a much harder problem than it sounds like.
Video data can be in various formats. You mentioned YUV but there are others. Should the browser tell the app the format or should the browser convert to a standard format?
The problem with telling is lots of devs will get it wrong then a user will provide a video that is in a format they don't support
The WEBGL_video_texture extensions converts to a standard format by re-writing your shaders. You tell it uniform samplerVideoWEBGL video and then it knows it can re-write your color = texture2D(video, uv) to color = convertFromVideoFormatToRGB(texture(video, uv)). It also means they'd have to re-write shaders on the fly if you play different format videos.
It sounds great to get the video data to WebGL but now you have the issue that by the time you get the data and render it to the screen you've added a few frames of latency so the audio is no longer in sync.
How to deal with that is out of the scope of WebGL as WebGL doesn't have anything to do with audio but it does point out that it's not as simple as just giving WebGL the data. Once you make the data available then people will ask for more APIs to get the audio and more info so they can delay one or both and keep them in sync.
TLDR; there is no way to upload video to WebGL except via texImage2D and texSubImage2D

Resize Texture2D SharpDX

How can I resize texture2d of SharpDX? I'm using SharpDX to Duplicate the screen and I use MediaFoundation to encode the texture into a video file. My problem is when I open an application into fullscreen and has a different resolution from system resolution I got a blank screen on my recording. Is there a better way I can resize the texture before encoding to mediafoundation without suffering performance? I'm using hardware accelerated. Thanks.
It depends on how exactly you use Media Foundation, but you can use the Video Processor MFT explicitly. You need to add this MFT to the topology if you use IMFMediaSession/IMFTopology. Or initialize and process the samples with this MFT if you use Sink Writer. In this case you need to supply the DX manager to the MFT, using MFT_MESSAGE_SET_D3D_MANAGER.
This MFT is only available on Windows 8 and higher. So if you need to support an older Windows version you can use Video Resizer, but it is not hardware accelerated.
Another option to resize the texture would be to create a render target of the desired size and draw the texture to it. After that you need to feed that render target to the encoder.

OpenGL Texture Cache source... can be renderbuffer?

Using OpenGL and CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage:
In the docs here it says that the target can be GL_TEXTURE2D or GL_RENDERBUFFER: what does that mean? Can a renderbuffer bound to the framebuffer at color_attachment_0 be used to get an image?
Your question is slightly confusing.
The docs there are saying that you can push video frames into either a GL_TEXTURE2D or a GL_RENDERBUFFER.
In the first case, you can use the sampler2D in your fragment shader to look up colors from the video and put video on polyons.
In the second case, yes, you can bind the renderbuffer to your FBO there and get images using glReadPixels().
However, I wouldn't call either of these a "source" necessarily? They are targets. Unless you mean as a source for later reading?

Anyone using glGenerateMipmap in OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS getting blurry unusable textures?

I am able to generate mipmaps using glGenerateMipMap and I am using min_filter gl_linear_mipmap_linear.
Without mipmaps the texture looks fine when displayed around the same size as the actual texture size (512x512) (as expected) but shows aliasing effects when I zoom out (as expected).
With mipmaps the texture looks fine when displayed around the same size as the actual texture size (512x512) (as expected) and does not show aliasing effects when I zoom out (as expected). HOWEVER, I get ugly blurry textures that makes the mipmap version unusable to the point I may as well put up with the aliasing.
Any idea what I may be doing wrong here? I do not know if the generated mipmaps are ending up looking like that or whether a mipmap too small is being selected when it should be choosing a larger one. Has anyone actually got good results using glGenerateMipMap on OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS?
Try setting hint to generate nice mipmaps, this could affect what filter is used to generate them, but no guarantee since effect is implementation-dependent.
you can also affect resulting blurriness by setting lod bias in your texture sampling code.
To get best results you can use anisotropy if this extension is supported. Run this alongside with setting magnification and minification filters:
instead of 2.0 you can acquire max anisotropy level and set anything bellow it:

DirectX texture sharing: same data, different formats?

I'm using SharpDX but this is really a general DirectX question. I have a D3D10 Texture2D. How do I create a D3D11 Texture2D that points to the same pixel data but specifies a different pixel format?
To put it another way:
// These two textures need to share the same pixel data
D3D10.Texture2D tex10; // Description.Format = B8G8R8A8_UNorm
D3D11.Texture2D tex11; // Description.Format = R32_UInt
I know how to get a DXGI Resource interface and then call OpenSharedResource() to get textures with the same format. How can I create the textures with different formats?
It's not possible. The textures themselves must be of the same data type.
You can create a typeless texture, however, and use specific views to access the data as if it had specific formats. See Strong vs Weak Typing.
