Grails war tomcat deployment is successful but could not access the project - grails

I am working on deploying grails war on Tomcat server in Unix. I generated the war thru STS. Tested the generated war on tomcat 6.0 in windows box. This works fine.I deployed the same war in Unix machine, did not face any issues during server start up. But when i access the URL i am getting "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". No exceptions or errors displayed in logs.
I am using Grails 2.0.1 and tried deploying the war in Tomcat 7.0 and 6.0.


while starting jenkins in tomcat it shows FAIL - Application at context path [/jenkins] could not be started

I installed and strated apache tomcat on my windows 10. after that I added war file of jenkins in the web page of tomcat.
Now I am going to start the jenkins it will show the following message
I also check the compatibility version of java for jenkins and installed successfully.Then also jenkins not started

Once ant build is converted to maven build nested folders are created & its nt deployed properly thrugh uDeploy. Guess is environment properties issue

Looking for help on the issue that we are facing with the deployment of the war that is generated through maven build. Unable to install or update the application. According to logs the previous application server is not even being stopped though environment properties are being set in the ‘’ file during the deployment process to stop the previous server and start a new one.
If you need more details, please contact us.
Application config specifications:
Combination of struts(version 2.1.8) and spring(version 2.5.6) framework.
Java 1.8 version with web sphere version 6.1 and dynamic web module version 3.1
Maven-compiler-plugin version 3.7.0 and maven-war-plugin 3.2.1.

Payara+Jenkins+VisualSVN build successful with no errors, but still not deploying to Payara applications

I have created a simple web application in Netbeans 10.0
Integrated successfully with Visual SVN. Regular commits are working fine.
Installed Payara 5
Installed Jenkins
Successfully registered Visual SVN branch in Jenkins job
Successfully configured Ant and DEPLOY TO CONTAINER plugins in Jenkins.
Registered war filename, Context path, Server Glassfish 3.x, port and hostname in Jenkins
Build Now in Jenkins
Successful build.
Logged into Payara Admin console and clicked Applications
WHOOOOOSHHHH... No application found there
There is absolutely no error any where. Tried all options including specifying Target/ Arg settings in build.xml
Nothing works.
Please help me as my job is on the stake.
*** P.S.
No where did I find any setting for Payara domain name. That could be a cause but not sure. How would Jenkins know in which Payara domain to deploy the compiled WAR file. May be I am wrong.
Thanks in anticipation.
Yesterday, I was able to deploy .war on Tomcat successfully. It went straight into webapps.
But the real issue is that when configuring Jenkins with GlassFish, Jenkins doesn't offer an input field for GlassFish Domain. Hence, compilation ends with BUILD SUCCESSFUL and FINISHED messages, but the application could not be seen in any of the Glassfish domains.

Upgrade to Jenkins 2.0 on Windows Server

We are currently running version 1.651.3 on our server and want to upgrade to version 2. From what I can tell online, I just need to run the .msi file and install into the current Jenkins directory and we're good. That didn't work, so I tried stopping the Jenkins service and installing again, but it is still running the old version. What am I missing?
So I didn't realize that you could just download the .war file instead of one of the deployment options. I was clicking Windows and getting the .msi instead of clicking 2.11 .war and getting the .war file. I then dropped this into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins directory on my server and all was good in the world.

JBoss Server and Grails 2.1.0 within STS

I've been working with a grails 1.3.7 project within STS for the last few months.
Our test and production environments use JBoss 5.1.
I upgraded our grails app to 2.1.0 recentlly and it all ran ok locally.
Major problems occured when I deployed it to our test environment (Jboss issues).
So in order to avoid this in future I would like to develop locally using JBoss also.
Is there a Eclipse/STS plugin I can use for this?
Don't think there's a specific plugin for jboss
Seems your only options now are tomcat and jetty, if you need to stick with the 'run-app' command
If you can give up the debug console and check your test info at the browser, then you can probably write a small script to auto-deploy to a local jboss server, which you can set up through eclipse workspace
