iOS - Use Tabs as a Filter - ios

Is it possible to use tabs to act as a filter for a list view?
I know you can add new tabs by hooking them up to new view controllers, but I would ideally like to use the same view controller, but show different items based on which tab is selected.
Can anyone point me into the right direction?

I think you may want to use a UISegmentedControl instead. It looks kinda like a tabbar and of course you can use it to filter list results.

I would not suggest using tab for that purpose.If the filtered results are to be shown in the same view controller you can use Segmented Control with various segments.


How to create paging with a menu at the top?

I'm trying to create something similar to the following:
You see the dates at the top just underneath the search bar? Is that a nested tab view as I'm guessing? Is there a way to do it with the default components or do I need to create a custom view?
I'm not looking for a coding answer per se. I just want to know if there's a standard way of achieving this before trying to implement my own solution.
For future reference I found a library that does exactly this.
Apple's documentation states :
The tab bar interface displays tabs at the bottom of the window for selecting between the different modes and for displaying the views for that mode. This class is generally used as-is, but may also be subclassed.
So I would guess that it is a custom solution.

How to create a tab control in iOS similar to Windows Forms?

I am looking to create a tabcontrol similar to the one present in Windows Forms.
Here is an image of what I am looking to achieve:
What I have in mind to creating this is having buttons at the top and clicking those buttons would hide or show Views depending on which button is clicked.
Is there an easier way to create this component or is this the only way?
You can use either a UITabBarController (Bottom) or you can use a UISegmentedControl. And handle each time you select a UISegmentedControl item, you change a ContainerView (Which will act as the pin/window).
Of course, you will have to play with .isHidden true and false.
Another option is, instead of using a Container View, using a horizontal Collection View with scrolling disabled. And when you select a UISegmentedControlItem, you scroll programmatically to the other item. Each CollectionView item would act as the pin/windows.
If you are not comfortable with any of these options, you can look for a third-party library. For example
Look up the UITabBarController. It sounds like a fit for the job.

Submenu in a tableview controller

I'm creating my first app for iOS, and I need something like a submenu for showing data for specific dates, one just like in the last image of the TextHog app The menu under the Navigation controller where u can switch between months. How can i achieve this ?
Use UISegmentedControl to make it look like TextHog. You can use it inside and outside tableviewCell. This question may help. How to use UISegmentedControl with UITableView

Is it possible to create a new row of tabs in xcode?

I'd like a new row of tabs just below the existing row. Is this possible in xcode?
I suppose it's possible but sounds like a really bad design choice. I would either use a "More..." tab in your tab bar or a UISegmentedControl.
You can't do it with the standard UITabBar. You would have to build your own solution with UIViews. I agree with Keller, its a bad design idea - I think it would use up too much screen space. Perhaps have a Table View with all the tabs as rows and drill down into your views instead?

iOS - UIPopOverController - Dynamic Menu?

I know UIPopOverController can give a standard drop down but I'm curious if it can do a dynamic drop down.
The Dynamic drop down would take it one step further and clicking on any item in the list could expand out more options or preform some other action, similar to how file menus behave.
If any examples exist that would be appreciated.
There's no compelling reason why not, but you'd just have to write it all yourself (in a table view or otherwise). Popover controllers are just containers for view controllers: write a view controller that does what you want, and you're set.
