How to get location field from linkedin api while fetching network updates - ruby-on-rails

I want to fetch location of person and connections so how should I specify fields for this purpose?,headline,location)))?type=CONN
If I'll make another calls for just getting location, it will be very costly for me, as it will require to make extra calls for each of new connection and will increase number of calls exponentially. So, I want some solution using which I can get location in network updates API call itself.
EDIT: And another thing I need is to check about the privacy setting of connections. As per my knowledge, linkedin doesn't provide any api which returns that which connection allows to see updates and which are not. So, when I try to get network update for a particular connection, it returns error that this user doesn't allow public to see updates. If I want to check this thing before call network updates API, how can I do it in Ruby Language.
Let me know some way to pass multiple dynamic IDs while calling linkedin API.

When retrieving person data associated with a Network Update, it appears that only the basic fields are available. The solution would be to get the id for the person and make a second call to the Profile API:,last-name,connections,location)

Currently, linkedin doesn't provide any API for this purpose. You have to make multiple calls for this purpose. But you should make these calls in chunks to avoid timeout issues.

Try this api
`String url = ",first-name,last-name,location,picture-url,positions:(title,company:(name)))"; `


How to use Youtube api v3 on client computer without API-key?

I am planning to make a browser extension which uses Youtube data API v3. Since the code is public to the user, I am unable to use my API-key in the code. What is the correct way to use API in such a scenario? Also, since the API call will be made from user's browser, is there any other way to fetch data without using API-key at all?
On the API screen of Google Cloud Console, create a new key or edit an existing one to have no restriction. This will enable anyone to use this key to make requests the moment you publish it. There is no way to use the YouTube API without a key (or token respectively, when using OAuth). Your clients are allowed to consume up to 50.000.000 quota units per day, after which your app will essentially break for the rest of the day unless you buy more quota.
However, I have to disagree with the statement that you cannot (or "shouldn't") publish your API key; in certain scenarios, this may very well be desired.
Detailed Explanation
Web application keys used to be organized in two groups: Server keys and browser keys, the former of which where to be kept secret on the server of the web application, while the latter was sent to the client for use in JavaScript. Server keys could be configured to only be accepted from certain IP addresses. That way, even if someone got hold of your key, they wouldn't be able to use it. Browser keys could be restricted to a specified referrer, i.e. the domain (as in DNS) of your web application, so it wouldn't work on other sites beside your own either.
Nowadays, there is no distinction between server and browser keys anymore, they are simply called "API keys". This union makes perfect sense to me, since the only difference between the two types was how they were restricted. With the new API keys, one can still choose how to restrict its usage - or choose to not restrict the key at all.
This is where we get back to your case: It is, of course, possible to publish a key and at the same time not restrict it. Depending on how many users are using your app (and will be using it in the future) and how many are using your key for their own app (which you have no control over), the 50 million quota limit will work out for you or it will not.
An then there's responsibility as well. You are responsible for the queries that are made with your API key. This is probably one of the reasons why YouTube doesn't allow for requests without a valid key: They need to stay in control of their service and, naturally, want to protect it from DOS attacks. If someone does mischief with your key, you are the one who gets punished for it, usually by deactivation of the key.

Monitor Network Calls IOS using Restkit

I am completely dependent on Rest Kit for my app for network calls. I want to see the logs of how much
1) Time taken by each API to get a response
2) Size of Request/Response Payload
3) URL of the API
Is there any way I can enable such logging in Restkit. My app is calling like 50-60 API an dI don't want to dig into entire code base an add manual logs. Also I don't want to use network profiling tool since I will be tracking this data when an actual user is using the application.
Cant also use any third party paid tool so want to log these values in application database.
RestKit does have a log you can enable, but that isn't what you want to do if you plan to actually release this. It also writes to the log, not a value you can actually process and save.
Your likely best option is to subclass the RKObjectManager and intercept the requests that are being placed and the NSURLRequests which are being generated.

ios - How to fetch all the data from RESTful APIs?

I have implemented a RESTful API with few resources, for example:
Now, I have been told that the app should mainly work offline, therefore I need to get all the data from the APIs and store it locally.
Since I am not providing a single chunk of data but there are different resources URI that needs to be called in order to get all the data I was wondering if this could be a problem.
How does this work? will there be many HTTP calls or one call will do everything?
What is the best approach in this case?
Are these endpoints in themselves?
It's a pretty well established convention for those to return the entire collection. You could even add some request parameters for filtering etc.
Each URI represents single peace of data. The main idea of REST, instead of having randomly named setter and getter URLs and using GET for all the getters and POST for all the setters, we try to have the URLs identify resources, and then use the HTTP actions GET, POST, PUT and DELETE to do stuff to them.
So, using AFNetworking, for example, you get all benefits of this architecture.
Download model could look like:
Ask server for specified resource by get request
save response in background thread
ask for new peace of data
Of course, if you do not have ability to make new endpoint, that will download all stub, you must download it separately for each:
Setting up your endpoints in this way will allow for a user of your app to retrieve a single product/category or a list of products/categories.
Here's what each of these API endpoints should do when they are called.
/products - returns a list of products
/categories - returns a list of categories
/products/:id - returns the product with the specified id
/categories/:id - returns the category with the specific id
As far as allowing the app to work mostly offline. The best approach is to do some caching on the client (app) side. Every time a call is made to one of these endpoints for the first time, the result should be stored somewhere on the client side. The next time that same request is made, the data has already been retrieved previously, so therefore no network call needs to be made and the app will work offline. However, the first call needs to have a network connection to be made.
This can be implemented with a dictionary, where the key is the request (/products, /categories/1, etc.) and the value is the result that is returned from the API request. Every time a request is made, your app should first check if the data exists already on the client side. If it does it does not need to make a network call to get it and can just return the data that's present on the cleint.

getting random 404 errors using Valence

When I make API calls to the server, I'm getting 404 errors for various data -- grades, role IDs, terms -- that I won't get on the next time I call it. The data's there on the server, viewable by the same user, and is often returned successfully, but not every time. The same user context will return data successfully for other calls.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
I'm using the Valence API with the Python client library and our 9.4.1 SP18 instance of Desire2Learn in a non-interactive script.
more detail: the text it returns on the bad 404s is " ErrorThe system cannot find the path specified."
It would help enormously to gather data about your case: packet traces that can show successful calls from your client alongside unsuccessful calls, in particular, would be very useful to see. If you are quite certain (and I see no reason you shouldn't be from your description) that you're forming the calls in the right way each time you make them, then the kind of behaviour you're noticing would seem to speak to some wider network or configuration issue: sometimes your calls are properly getting through the web service layer, and sometimes they are not -- this would seem therefore not to be down to the way you're using the API but in the way the service is able to receive that request.
I would encourage you, especially if you can gather data to provide showing this behaviour, to open a support incident with Desire2Learn's help desk in conjunction with your Approved Support Contact, or your Partner Manager (depending on whether you're a D2L client or a D2L partner).

LinkedIn Api: I'm getting "Access to people search denied."

I'm using the LinkedIn Api, to search for people information,
I'm keep hit the limits per user.
(even though I want only public info, it seems it is mandatory to send request with a logged-in user token).
So I register some people to my app, to get more tokens, but when I use the tokens, I'm getting:
"Access to people search denied."
What can be the cause?
Not enough info is provided to solve the problem but LinkedIn has clear documentation on their throttle limits. It's never been a problem for me so I think you may be making unnecessary API calls. I know that the data that the API returns is very deeply nested and you may not need to make so many API calls to get the data you need. I would print one single API response to a terminal and inspect the data. I use Python and will usually have to dig 3 or 4 levels to get the data I need. Ex.
updates = app.get_company_updates(COMPANY_ID, params={'count': count, 'event-type': 'status-update',})
update_list = []
for update in updates['values']:
my_dict = {'comment': update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['comment']}
if update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share'].get('content'):
my_dict['description'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('description')
my_dict['submittedImageUrl'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('submittedImageUrl')
my_dict['title'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('title')
my_dict['shortenedUrl'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('shortenedUrl')
But if you really need to hit the API a lot then you might want to set up a bunch of scripts to run on a cron jobs daily with each script using a unique developer login.
