iOS - One SegmentedControl - Multiple ViewControllers - ios

I have a SegmentedControl at the bottom of my EventsMasterViewController, but I also need it to be on the EventsDetailViewController.
The MasterViewController has a TableView that I use to list events, and the SegmentedControl acts as a "filter". However, clicking on an event needs to bring up the Event Detail View, but I need to keep the SegmentedControl at the bottom for navigation.
What's the best approach for this?

UISegmentedControl is not meant to be used for "navigation", filtering makes sense but why do you want to show these "filters" on the detail view where there is nothing to filter?
If you need navigation use UITabBarController...
If you need "filtering" use UISegmentedControl and add it to the bottom toolbar of your UINavigationController.
You will need to create one UISegmentedControl for each UIViewController but again mind you that "filters" on detail view make no sense.
In my opinion you should implement UITabBarController as the root controller to be used for your navigation. Then use UINavigationController + UIViewController for your master/detail views. And use one UISegmentedControl in your master controller to modify the table view output.

it depends on what method you bring up the Detail View.if it's present,then it's impossible because it will always present from the bottom.if it's navigation controller,you can set the frame of the detail view smaller to let the segment can be attention to the boundary.


Keep state of navigation controller and only change view

I have an application with a drop down menu as the titleView of my NavigationController. When a user selects an item of the drop down menu, the entire view should switch contents, however, the NavigationBar should remain the same. The NavigationBar should not have to reload any data and the titleView should remain a drop down menu.
The original view upon opening the app:
The view upon touching the dropdown menu:
I currently see a few ways of going about this:
Set up a UIViewController for each option, perform the segue, and reload the data.
Why this is bad: I will have to set up a segue identifier for each ViewController, meaning if I have 15 options in my drop down menu, I will have 210 segue identifiers laying around. I will also have to reload all of my NavigationBar data.
Why this is good: I will have a clear area to set up each individual view.
Programmatically add and remove UIButtons, UILabels, and UIWhatevers as I need them.
Why this is bad: This will create a lot of code inside just one ViewController and things could get difficult to debug.
Why this is good: The NavigationBar never gets reloaded.
Add a container and embed a unique ViewController for each item as I need it.
Why this is bad: All of my work would still be in the main ViewController and I'd have to manage the logic of the embedded ViewController inside one Controller.
Why this is good: The NavigationBar never gets reloaded.
A completely different method suggested by someone else because I don't know the most efficient way of doing this.
So, in conclusion, what is the most efficient way to maintain state of my NavigationBar when switching my main content in my View?
Option 3 is the best out of the three you listed. Options 1 and 2 will get more and more complicated the more view controllers you want to add. Compare that to UINavigationController, UITabBarController, or UIPageViewController which do not need to be more complicated in order to handle 10 screens vs. 100 screens.
I would suggest creating a custom container view controller (Apple's Reference)
I see 2 immediate approaches to implementing this:
Subclassing UIViewController - this is how Apple's container view controllers are implemented
Subclass UITabBarController - I have done this successfully, subclassing UITabBarController to show a custom tab bar at the top instead of along the bottom.

Segue from one ViewController to another ViewController inside a Tab Bar Controller?

In the interface builder I have a UITabBarController and it is set as the initial view controller. From the tab bar controller, I have linked three independent ViewControllers; two UIViewController's and one UITableViewController. I have embedded all three of these views inside UINavigationController's as each of these views will eventually segue to a new view.
Interface Builder
I now want to link one of the UIViewController's to the UITableViewController using a button to segue to the table view. This way I can pass information, i.e. func prepareForSegue(), to the table view. I want to maintain the tab bar controller at the bottom, however I do not want to have the ability to go back to the previous UIViewController from the current UITableViewController via a UIBarButtonItem at the the top of the view; That is what the tab bar at the bottom is for.
However every time I segue "Show" the table view (it is actually a segue to the table views navigation controller), the navigation bars at the top and the bottom of the table view disappear. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening?
I have also tried segue "Show" directly to the table view, in which case the tab bar is visible, but then it displays a "back" button at the top of the view to segue back to the sending UIViewController. I am hesitant about accepting a solution that would just hide the back button, because I feel I will run into problems down the road when I want to navigate to a detail view from the table view itself, since I would be bypassing the UITableViewController's UINavigationController.
Any solutions would be greatly appreciated. I have been trying to solve this problem for hours and I'm about to put my head through my computer screen. Also I thought about just using tabBarController?.selectedIndex on the button click to shift to the table view, and then passing the information using NSUserDefaults, but this is out of the question since I would be passing a custom object, and would have to encode and decode every custom field.
I you use a segue to get to it, as you say, you will still be using the UIViewController's UINavigationController which seems a bit messy. So I actually think selectedIndex is probably the best way to go as once you change to the UITableViewController you'll be in the correct navigation stack.
Instead of using NSUserDefaults, why not just reference the UITableView itself from the UIViewController, set the values you want, and then swap to it using self.tabBarController.selectedIndex.
So for your scenario above it, assuming the UITableViewContollrer is the third view in the UITabBarController, you would do something like the following:
Pass whatever you want into the UITabBarController by setting some pre-defined var in it. For example, if there was a String called saveMe in the UITableViewController, then do the following in the UIViewController:
let navController = self.tabBarController?.viewControllers![2] as! UINavigationController
let tableViewController = navController.viewControllers.first as! JarListTableViewController
tableViewController.saveMe = "Saved string here"
Swap to the UITableViewController using:
self.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 2
The only issue with this is using selectedIndex won't perform a transition animation but not sure if you need this. This link could help if you do.

How to use same UINavigationBar for all UIViewControllers

In my app, I have to show same NavigationBar for all UIViewControllers. This NavigationBar has three buttons and these three buttons which will be act as TabBar functionality, that is each tab has its own stack cycle. I have created custom view for NavigationBar with three buttons, but after adding this custom view to HomeViewController, I have to manually add this custom view for all other view controllers. I don't want to do this.
Is there any simple method to achieve this?
There are a couple of ideas that come to mind. First of all, you could use view controller containment and actually have 1 controller that implements your custom nav bar, and then swap out the contained controller as necessary.
If that's not feasible, you can simply use inheritance and have all your custom controllers inherit from a controller that has the nav bar in place.
Another option could be to write your own UINavigationController subclass. I'm not certain if you can override the UNavigationItem behavior, but if you can, you can just just do that -- instead of the UINavigationController taking its child's UINavigationItem to update its own UINavigationBar, the UINavigationBar perhaps just stays the same, like you're expecting/hoping.

Xcode 6 - Swift - Custom Tabbar with Navigation

I'm trying to create a tabbed application with navigation elements inside the tab bar, as seen in the picture below (the red bar) using Swift/XCode 6.2. Basically those three icons in the middle will direct the user to different view controllers. The other two icons would be context-based. For example, on a table view page you would see the menu icon and add new icon as seen in the image. However, clicking on a row would change the menu icon to a back icon, and the add icon to something else.
That's the general idea, but I'm having a very hard time implementing something even close to this. The first issue is that whenever I embed a view in a Tab Bar Controller, I can't move the tab bar to the top. However, when I create a custom UITabView in a View Controller, Control + Click and dragging a Tab Bar Item to another view doesn't create a segue. I haven't even begun to tackle having the navigation elements inside the bar.
I guess what I'm asking is just for a little guidance on what route to take to tackle this. I'm assuming I can't use a Tab Bar Controller or Navigation Controller because it doesn't seem like I can customize them all that much. So custom Tab Bar and Navigation Bars, and then implemnt the segues and button changes programmatically?
I will try to guide you from an architectural perspective (so you won't find much code below).
Using a UITabBarController
In order to achieve what you are suggesting, you are right you cannot use a UITabBarController straight away, among several reasons, the most immediate one is that they are meant to be always at the bottom and you want it in top (check Apple's docs). The good news is that probably you don't need it!
Note: If you still want to go with a UITabBarController for whatever reason, please see #Matt's answer.
Using a UINavigationController
You can use a UINavigationController to solve this task, since the UINavigationBar of a UINavigationController can be customized. There are multiple ways on how you can organize your view's hierarchy to achieve what you propose, but let me elaborate one option:
To customize a UINavigationBar's to add buttons, you just need to set its navigationItem's title view:
// Assuming viewWithTopButtons is a view containing the 3 top buttons
self.navigationItem.titleView = viewWithTopButtons
To add the burger menu functionality on a UINavigationController you can find several posts on how to do it and infinite frameworks you can use. Check this other SO Question for a more detailed answer (e.g. MMDrawerController, ECSlidingViewController to mention a couple).
About organizing your view hierarchy, it really depends on if when the user taps one of the main top buttons, it will always go to the first view controller in the new section or if you want to bring him back to the last view in the section where he was.
3.1 Switching sections displays the first view of the new section
Your app's UIWindow will have a single UINavigationController on top of the hierarchy. Then each of the 3 top buttons, when tapped, will change the root view controller of the UINavigationController.
Then, when the user changes section, the current navigation hierarchy is discarded by setting the new section view controller as the UINavigationController root view controller.
self.navigationController = [sectionFirstViewController]
3.2 Switching sections displays the last displayed view in the new section
This will require a slightly modified version of the above, where your each of your sections will have its own UINavigationController, so you can always keep a navigation hierarchy per section.
Then, when the user taps one of the top buttons to switch section, instead of changing as previously described, you will change the UIWindowroot view controller to the new section's UINavigationController.
window.rootViewController = sectionNavigationController
Using a custom implementation
Of course, the last and also very valid option would be that you implement yourself your own component to achieve your requirements. This is probably the option requiring the biggest effort in exchange of the highest customizability.
Choosing this option is definitely not recommend to less experienced developers.
I'd like to take a stab at this--I think it is possible to use a tab bar controller here.
Your topmost-level view controller will be a UITabBarController with a hidden UITabBar.
Each tab is contained in a UINavigationController.
All view controllers in the navigation controller will be a subclass of a view controller (say, SwitchableViewController).
In SwitchableViewController's viewDidLoad, you set the navigation item's title view (i.e. whatever's at the center; self.navigationItem.titleView) to be the view that holds the three center buttons. Could be a UISegmentedControl, or a custom view.
Whenever you tap on any of the buttons, you change the topmost UITabBarController's selected index to the view controller you want to show.
Issues you may encounter:
Table views inside tabs will have a scrollIndicatorOffset at the bottom even if the tab bar is hidden.
Solution: Play around with the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets of the tab bar controller, or the inner view controller.
Your title view will be animated every time you push a new view controller in the navigation stack.
Solution: Take a look at creating a custom transition animation for the UINavigationController.

UINavigationBar inside UITableViewController

I have some static cells that I want to display, so I have a UITableViewController. There is also a NavigationBar in this scene that contains some buttons at the top. The setup looks like this:
If I had a UIViewController that contained a UITableView in it, the setup would look like:
So, the question is:
Why does the Navigation Bar have to be embedded inside the UITableView when using a UITableViewController? (I have tried putting it elsewhere but IB won't let me)
I know that UITableView is a subclass of UIView, but is it OK that the top level element in the hierarchy is not a View (but a TableView)?
You shouldn't be placing your UINavigationBar in your UITableView. You should be putting your UITableViewController in a UINavigationController, because that will provide a UINavigationBar for you.
So if you select your UITableViewController in the storyboard, you can choose Embed In -> Navigation Controller from the Editor menu. This would be the proper way to do it.
There are two ways to use a UINavigationBar in iOS:
Embedded inside a UINavigationController (recommended)
As a standalone object
For your particular situation, I'd recommend that you put your UITableViewController as the rootViewController of a UINavigationController. That way you automatically get a navigation bar which you can customize according to your needs. In a typical user experience, when you tap some of your table view rows a new view controller will be pushed onto the navigation stack, so you'll probably end up needing a navigation controller anyway.
What if you decide to use a navigation bar as a standalone object? This is perfectly fine, you can use it inside a view hierarchy as an ordinary UIView, but you'll need to create another object that implements the UINavigationBarDelegate protocol and set it as the delegate property of your navigation bar. If you use a UINavigationController the delegate is already set and configured for you. You also need to add/remove navigation items (instances of UINavigationItem) to your navigation bar by using the pushNavigationItem:animated: and popNavigationItemAnimated: methods.
And about your question on the view hierarchy, you can use a UITableView anywhere a UIView is required. The only caveat is that a UITableView is a view hierarchy on its own and that may restrict your layout a little bit.
The way a UITableViewController works, is its root view is a UITableView. So there is no way to put the UINavigationBar anywhere other than in the UITableView.
I tend never to use a UITableViewController as it doesn't really give you much.
If you particularly want to use the UITableViewController, I don't believe that there is any real problem in having the navigation bar within the table view. You just need to make sure that you set the contentInset on the table view such that the navigation bar doesn't block the content. Though it seems a bit backward to do it this way.
My recommendation would be to just use a normal UIViewController with a navigation bar and a table view.
If you actually need functional navigation, you need to put your UITableViewController within a UINavigationController.
Hope this helps :)
Let me know if anything is still unclear.
