Framework for a networked iOS app? [closed] - ios

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to build a basic social iOS app in the new iOS 6 beta as a proof-of-concept project to improve my iOS development skills. In essence I want to allow users to generate an account, store some info in the cloud, and then be able to pull their info (and that of their friends) into the device. I already have a front end roughed in on the device but I now need to start the networking component and am looking for suggestions for any libraries, frameworks, tutorials and/or guidelines to use.
I was thinking of building the server end with node.js and mongodb as I already have a RESTful API built on them which I can adapt to this task. Is this the best way to accomplish such an app? I'm open to any suggestions.

A couple more networking library suggestions:
1) AFNetworking - . This is widely used (more so now that ASIHttpRequest has stopped development). It is modern and block-based. However, it is not ARC yet.
2) MKNetworkKit - . Modern and ARC based.
I switched all my apps from ASIHttpRequest to AFNetworking and highly recommend it.
All the frameworks mentioned so far (ASIHttpRequest, RESTKit, AFNetworking, MKNetworkKit) will talk to a node.js/restful API backend just fine.

The most common and popular libraries to handle network connections are ASIHTTPRequest: and RESTKit: . I am using RESTKit right now as a component of the Salesforce library. I used ASIHTTPRequest in the past and found it to be a very good library. I haven't used it in a while but i highly recommend it.
Edit: I would also reccomend CocoaRestClient to test your APIs.


PHP // MYSQL // JAVASCRIPT needed for a native iOS online app? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm thinking of developing an app where you can look at each other's profiles (basically a Job-Finding Application) and I would like to know if you needed any knowledge of PHP, MYSQL for the databases and would you need any knowledge of Javascript to develop the application.
I'm currently looking at Google Firebase and also didn't know if that required any PHP knowledge?
All of the Firebase SDKs that you would use in your client app do not require any programming language knowledge other than what's required for your client platform. If you want to write entirely in swift, that's fine.
The only exception is Cloud Functions, which requires that you learn JavaScript to run on the backend.
iOS apps are built in Swift or C#, typically not javascript and never php.
You can build a PWA (progressive web app) that acts like an ios app using javascript Libraries such as react.
However, MySQL is a database that can be used with any number of applications and programming languages, so you should probably learn that.
My guess is that if you are asking this question, you probably should consult the Apple developer documentation before asking on this form.

What would be a good approach for developing front-end for ios apps? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new to ios app development. I was told to do the front-end development for an app, which has already been designed by a graphic designer. My question is that what language or tool do I need to learn or use in order to build the front-end for the app. I suppose it's a different thing than web front-end development.
Your two main choices for doing native app development for iOS are Objective-C and Swift.
Apple has made it pretty clear that Swift is the wave of the future. If you plan to develop for iOS long-term then Swift is probably the best choice.
That being said, there are enough legacy frameworks and legacy code written in Objective-C that it's a good idea to learn enough to at least read it.

Creating a Image-Heavy iOS App- Online DB?- Swift [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Objective/ Problem: I'm beginning to build an iOS app which will have a ton of images. It's not a photo app (it's a trivia type app) so the photos are not user photos. The app-size can't be huge as then it will take a long time to download from the App Store and take up space on the phone.
Question: If I'm not an expert developer or backend developer, what is my best option for storing the photos online and retrieving them as needed with simple code?
What I'm looking for seems to fall under the umbrella of "backend". The easy answer used to be Parse, which is a BaaS company (backend-as-a-service). However, they are shutting down. There also used to be PayPal's "StackMob", a BaaS company but they shutdown in 2014.
Both Parse and StackMob were built for people like me, indie-developers with no backend knowledge. Yet, as two of the biggest services shutdown choosing BaaS as a solution is now viewed as risky.
Big companies and expert backend developers will just build their own database, load the photos onto it, and query it as needed.
Yet, I'm no expert. Can anyone let me know what replaced Parse as being the easiest/turn-key solution? After I upload the original photos, the user will never need to add/change any.
If you can make your file names unique you don't even really need a back end. You can just use generic web services. I handled a very similar problem using Amazon Web services S3 which just provides basic HTTP downloads.
I package groups of image file into
zip files and then request a download of the zip to download the group of files. I found a third-party wrapper for zip decompression in Objective-C and use that to unzip the packages into the application documents directory.

Alternatives to Parse for a Social App? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I recently delved into app development on Xcode, and decided to develop a social app. I was using Parse as my mbaaS for a while, but unfortunately they are closing down. I was wondering in your experience what is(are) the best alternatives to Parse. Im basically using looking for something
1) easy to use
2) Well documented
3) Lots of tutorials
4) Can handle lots of RPS and users.
The app I am developing is a social app, so if you have any specific recommendation for an app of that type, that would help tremendously. Also it is important to note that I have no backend development experience, so it would be a challenge to develop my own.
Thanks again
There are several Parse alternatives out there right now:
AWS Mobile Hub - this is a direct Parse replacement that recently came out by AWS. Although this is in Beta, AWS is a well respected platform that supports many huge companies like Netflix and Yelp
Firebase - (acquired by Google) Firebase offers a great solution for real time communication and data storage. It's perfect if what you are doing is mainly data & realtime (chat, game, collaboration, etc...) but it's not very flexible for other things (e.g. payment, SMS, push notifications etc...)
RapidAPI - a backend platform that allows for saving data and integrating APIs. It is based on blocks so each basic action is represented by a block. You can combine blocks to create logic. It has a bit of a higher learning curve but it's probably more flexible
BackAnd - a platforms that allows you to create an AngularJS ready backend for your app. Its really good of you are working on AngularJS web apps and your data is stored on Amazon RDS.
Baasbox is a good alternative to Parse. A lot of features used in Parse are there (Push messaging etc), so migrating an app is relatively straightforward. They provide an API for Android, iOS and Javascript.
One of the main advantages it has over Parse is that it can be hosted yourself (Although there is a hosted option available, but it's not free).
Out of all the available backends, we found this to be most similar to Parse.

REST API iOS development [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm having lots of trouble setting up the RestKit API to my app. I wonder if there is any other good API to make RESTful apps? I've just followed lots of tutorials and the github directory of the RestKit API, but I just can't get it up and running. I've seen that Xcode 4 is having problems importing this API.
This is an old question, Nowadays, after 4 years in iOS development I use AFNetworking:
It is quite simple to start, and can be installed using cocoapods.
I use ASIHTTPRequest for RESTful client stuff in my apps.
You can use rest kit api for that.
You find the details about the rest kit in followings link
I can suggest standard iOS classes such as NSURLConnection and NSJSONSerialization.
Here is a series of posts that explains how to use Blocks to asynchronously perform Http requests against a RESTful API:
