Jmeter to pass JSF View State in Post request - jsf-2

I am evaluating the JMeter to be used for Load testing of our JSF application.
I followed the below link to find the way to pass JSF View State Id from one requests to other and it worked.
I can see the JSF View State Id getting passed ,but the issue is the String got modified as below and causing view expired exception.
Actual JSF View State returned from GET :5843186584364912760:4842974224399060609
The subsequent POST request send this :5843186584364912760%3A4842974224399060609
The ":" character in middle is replaced with %3A (hexa value), is there any way to bypass this and pass the exact string from one request to other.

Flag this parameter so that it won't be encoded.
It's a checkbox in post parameters called 'Encode?'


Delta<T> As a odata parameter in web api Action

I have requirement where i want to take two parameters for an action in odata, First parameter as string and second as delta, where T is entity type. There isn’t any syntax error but whenever i m making a post request it is throwing an exception stating this property is not in the delta, though i am passing the valid property from request body.
Can anyone help?

How can I implement this type of redirect after post method in MVC

I am currently creating an MVC application that is currently getting a value from a post from a webhook. I think that the problem is that the application is getting the value from the POST verb but then it is not displaying it because the Get verb is being used to display the View so both Verbs are counter acting each other.
The webhook will fire A Json payload to my application successfully because I have code in it that will send the Json payload in a variable via email to my email account.
Dim body = issue.issue.key
mail.Body = body
That is in a try catch block because in order for it to have a value it must have a value in it and the application will perform the GET first, so there is a null value in the body variable, then it does the POST to get the value but it will not display the value, refreshing will just perform the GET preventing it from being displayed. How can I perform both actions at the same time so I can display a value in a ViewBag for example.
ViewBag.response = status + key
This is the type of structure that I would like to implement to try and fix the error but I do not know how to complete all of the steps:
This is what I have got so far:
The POST is coming in from a webhook and I am reading it like this.
Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(HttpContext.Request.InputStream)
Dim rawSendGridJSON As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
Dim tempVar As Rootobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Rootobject)(rawSendGridJSON)
I am then trying to store the post values in a table like this:
Public Function CallBack(tempTable as temporaryTable)
Dim tempVar As Rootobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Rootobject)(rawSendGridJSON)
tempVar = temporaryTable.tempVar
I then save the new items in the actual table in the database, then I try to display it in a view on another page. This is not working correctly and the problem lies with this line, as the post is not being correctly read in at the right time. (The value is processing correctly as I can use an email method to send the variables in an email back to the application but this application needs to be real-time efficient code).
Is there a better way to use this method and how can I invoke this process that I want to do properly so that I can display the correct information?
To clarify, there are two posts that are happening, the first one is when the user enters in information and submits it. This is then stored in a database and send to JIRA via email. Once JIRA receives the information, it is sends a HTTP POST webhook JSON Payload back to my application with updated information. I then have deserialized the JSON Payload into a variable called issueKey.
The problem is that on the View page that the information is sent to will automatically display a null value first before the value is sent to it, I want the application to work so that it will actually display/store in a database the values from the Webhook JSON Payload but I cannot figure out how to display the values.
I have now set up a communication channel from SignalR to my MVC application, at the moment it is being received by the MVC and I have set up a SignalR chat Hub in my MVC application, but I don't know how to integrate them, how can this be done?
As I understand it, there are two flows at work here. The user posts data, which triggers an email to Jira. Then sometime later (usually quite fast, but not always) JIRA triggers a webhook in the web application with some updated information, and you want to display this updated information to the user somehow, or at least inform the user when the updated information comes back from JIRA.
I would implement a standard Post-Redirect-Get for the user initiated part (as per br4d's comment). I.e. a post to store the data in the database and send email to jira, which returns a redirect to a get which shows the data stored in the database.
Now for the other part I would use signalr to set up some sort of communications channel to the user. The webook could then send a signal (of sorts) through the communication channel to the users browser and either display the data, or trigger a refresh of the page (if you are updating the database with data from Jira).
It is unclear if you are doing straigt mvc, or some sort of SPA application, but it is not really important. The users browser has no way of knowing about the webhook (which is a part of the webapplication and unrelated to the users session), and you need some sort of communication between the webapplication and the browser, and for this signalr is very very good.

Grails: Accessing the request paramters without wiping them out

According to the document on command objects and data binding. Once you read the params object, that object can never be reused again.
From the documentation:
Binding The Request Body To Command Objects
Note that the body of the request is being parsed to make that work. Any attempt to read the body of the request after that will fail since the corresponding input stream will be empty. The controller action can either use a command object or it can parse the body of the request on its own (either directly, or by referring to something like request.JSON), but cannot do both.
I'm trying to view the parameters within a filter (which is hit before the controller is requested). Would logging the parameters to a log cause the controller to get a null param object? From the documentation that looks to be the case. However, how can I get access to the params without wiping them out in the filter?
Once you read the params object, that object can never be reused
That is not correct. You can read request parameters over and over again. What cannot be read over and over again is the body of the request. The body and the request parameters are 2 different things.

Handle ViewExpiredException before handle() method in ExceptionHandlerWrapper is called

I've already searched via google and on stackoverflow, but could not find any similar problem to mine.
In my project I'm handling a ViewExpiredException properly and show a custom page to the user that the current session has timed out. This works great, but I want to do something BEFORE this message gets shown to the user. Actually I'm working with 2 different sessions here, one on the frontend side and one on the backend, so the idea is to NOT start a new backend session when the current one timed out.
Is there any possibility to fetch the ViewExpiredException while I'm inside the doFilter method, so I do not start a new backend session (simply because it is not needed)? Or is there any other way?
I already tried to fetch the current context via
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
But obviously the context is null, because the session timed out.
Inside the ExceptionHandlerWrapper I have access to the UnhandledExceptionQueuedEvents, but this does not help me here since I need this information earlier.
I hope I made my problem clear enough.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Generally ViewExpiredException is thrown when a POST request is fired while the session is timed out. So, this should do in the filter:
boolean post = "POST".equals(request.getMethod());
boolean timedout = request.getRequestedSessionId() != null && !request.isRequestedSessionIdValid();
if (post && timedout) {
// JSF will guaranteed throw ViewExpiredException when state saving is set to server.
But this does not cover all possible cases. ViewExpiredException can also occur when the session hasn't timed out. For example, when the client has passed an invalid javax.faces.ViewState parameter, or when the associated view has been pruned from the LRU map which can by default hold 15 views. This is however not detectable inside a servlet filter before FilterChain#doFilter() is called. You really need to be inside the JSF context. You could do the backend session creating job in a PhaseListener. E.g. in beforephase of apply request values phase, which is guaranteed to be invoked only when there's a vaild view.
By the way, the FacesContext is not null in the filter because the session has timed out, but because the FacesServlet, the one responsible for creating it, hasn't been invoked yet at that point. You know, filters run before servlets.

How to pass a map from gsp to controller as part of params in Grails remoteFunction

I am trying to send map from gsp to controller but the map is considered as a string in the controller
Here the shoppingCart is a grails map variable I am trying to send
there was a typo in the code I posted above. Missed starting "{" in the params
Updated my question as per my comments below
In my case shoppingCart is an object and it has, lets say for example, items and quantity of each item. I have some rules to be applied based on the items selected and quantity and determine the price for each item and show it back to the user. I want to do this processing the controller. Whenever user updates the cart I need to re-calculate and show it back to user. Is there any other better approach you would suggest to do this instead of passing the objects back and forth
Anytime you're using the params attribute, it has to be in the format of a Map anyway, which means including the [ ]. This also means you can exclude the ${ } from any values because grails will parse all these as potential variables.
However, keep in mind that you can't send objects. I'm not sure what shoppingCart is in your example, but it would only be able to be a simple value that can be represented as a String. Possibly you would want Otherwise, that should get you going in the right direction.
I could able to overcome this issue by following below steps
converted the shoppingcart object to json string
Pass the json as part of the params
parse the json string server-side & process
pass the updated object back to gsp
