App crashes in Instruments only - ios

Our app runs fine. In Instruments (on the simulator), when trying to profile memory, under Allocations I see Overall Bytes rising very fast, while Live Bytes remain small. There are no leaks and VM usage seems stable (if large).
This is not a show-stopper, but makes profiling that much more difficult. Any ideas?


Confusion about the Memory Use of Xcode,the Real Memory of Activity Monitor

I would like to test APP in the process of running the physical memory occupied, the first way is to use xcode debugging APP, Memory Report shows real-time occupied physical memory, only about 90 MB; The second way to use Activity Monitor detection APP, In the Detail-> Summary-> Samples Real Memory display up to 200MB or so.
So I am confused, which value can really represent APP physical memory occupied?
Xcode Memory Use
AM Real Mem
An iOS app can be using 90 megs of actual RAM but it will typically have a lot more space as memory mapped files. These could be shared libraries or just files that you explicitly mmap. While iOS will kill your app if you use too much RAM memory, you can actually use quite a bit more mmap memory, up to about 650 Megs without getting a memory warning. The readout showing memory use directly in Xcode is your best readout for active RAM memory.

Large memory usage by xcode instruments when automating taking screenshots

We use instruments automation tool to test our ios app. (We use xcode 6.4.)
The tests include taking many screenshots which are checked then by imagemagick.
The problem I see is that memory usage of instruments application itself grows with time. It performs slower and slower and finally almost hangs. Activity Monitor shows 10 GB usage for instruments process. While physical memory is 8 GB.
I also noticed that when I uncheck option "Continuously Log Results", memory does not grow. But I need this option, since I want access to screenshot files. I don't understand why writing screenshots to disk consumes all memory.
I made a simple test to reproduce the problem:
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
for (var i=0; i<100; i++)
target.captureScreenWithName("scr" + i);
If "Continuously Log Results" is checked, then each run adds hundreds of megabytes to instruments process memory usage (I think it depends on screen resolution of device). This memory is not released even if I close window with current run. Only if I quit instruments process completely, the memory is released.
Any thoughts what could be wrong will be appreciated. Seems like a memory leak in instruments to me.

iOS memory usage increasing, can't find the culprit

I'm attempting to download a large number of images using AFNetworking 2.5 and stream them to disk. According to the memory monitor in Xcode, this is causing unbounded memory growth (and eventually memory warnings and force quits) - but profiling the memory usage using the allocations instrument shows the memory usage to be stable.
I'd like to think Xcode is just wrong here, but then why would my app be getting killed by iOS?
Instruments shows this - the peaks are Core Data queries, then the rest is the images downloading - peaks at about 9.5MB, the rest sits at about 8.5MB
I've also tried Heapshot Analysis - which shows a tiny bit of growth but nowhere near the amount reported by Xcode
Xcode's memory monitor shows this - growing by multiple MB per iteration.
Is there any way to get Instruments to show me whatever Xcode is seeing? Or is there a better instrument to use to find out where all this memory is going?
According to the memory monitor in Xcode, this is causing unbounded memory growth (and eventually memory warnings and force quits) - but profiling the memory usage using the allocations instrument shows the memory usage to be stable.
Believe Instruments and the Allocations information - not the memory monitor in Xcode. The memory monitor graph is completely irrelevant. Ignore it.
This is not because the memory monitor in Xcode is useless or wrong. It is because memory management is completely different for a debug build than for a release build (Instruments uses a release build). This is especially true in Swift (you don't say whether you're using Swift).
Observe memory usage only on the device and only in a release build. Otherwise, you'll be completely misled.

How to understand CPU and memory consumption in xcode debug

In Xcode 5, there's a new debug panel that shows the CPU and memory consumption in % and MB respectively. How do we make use of this? Is there a CPU % threshold I should try to stay below? I sometimes see my apps goes to 100% or over.. does that mean I am doing too much processing in my app and should try to optimize?
Any tips?
(PS. I'm developing on iOS)
A modern iPhone or iPad has 1024Mb memory.
But how much of that is available for apps is something that Apple has never divulged.
Just use as little memory as possible, and release non essential memory when the OS notifies your app about low memory.
Similarly, use as little CPU as possible, but more importantly, do not block the UI thread.
Use the profiler to find hot spots for CPU use and try to optimize those.

Xcode Instruments' Allocation tool misses quite a bit

My app has been crashing a lot, for reasons that I'm struggling to understand. It's not so much that it's crashing -- it's getting killed by an outside "Unknown" process:
Name <UUID> rpages recent_max [reason] (state)
test-app <....> 167111 167111 [per-process-limit] (frontmost) (resume)
I could understand that if I were allocating a huge block of memory, or a zillion smaller blocks, but I'm not doing anything that outrageous. Profiling with Instruments tells me that the app uses only around 8 MB, occasionally spiking up to 13 MB or so when I load some large content. There are no egregious leaks, and the app is often killed very quickly.
A colleague started using Activity Monitory to check the app's memory usage while running in the simulator and noticed that memory spiked from around 70 MB (I guess things are a little different in the simulator) to upward of 800 MB when we start using a certain library. So, I started profiling in the simulator instead of on the device. The Allocations tool continues to report that the app uses 8-ish MB, but the VM Tracker tells another story:
So... it looks like VM Tracker is able to see some significant memory use that Allocations isn't.
Why is the Allocations tool missing 99% of the memory this app is using?
Update: In response to nielsbot's question, I took a closer look at the VM Tracker's info and found that the largest part of the memory that I'm not seeing in Allocations is attributed to Core Animation:
I think VM space includes things like shared frameworks and mapped memory whereas allocations may not...
I guess resident size is closer to the actual amount of RAM used. Pure VM memory could just be mapped address space, not actual physical RAM consumed.
For example, looking at Safari, I see 1.92 GB virtual memory mapped, but closer to 549 MB resident, which I think makes sense...
