What are recommended patterns to localize a dynamically built phrase? - localization

Given a phrase that is dynamically constructed with portions present or removed based on parameters, what are some possible solutions for supporting localization? For example, consider the following two phrases with bold parts that represent dynamically inserted portions:
The dog is spotted, has a doghouse and is chasing a ball.
The dog is white, and is running in circles.
For English, this can be solved by simply concatenating the phrase portions or perhaps having a few token-filled strings in a resource file that can be selected based on parameters. But these solutions won't work or get ugly quickly once you need to localize for other languages or have more parameters. In the example above, assuming that the dog appearance is the only portion always present, a localized resource implementation might consist of the following resource strings:
AppearanceOnly: The dog is %appearance%.
ActivityOnly: The dog is %appearance% and is %activity%.
AssessoryOnly: The dog is %appearance% and has %accessory%.
AccessoryActivity: The dog is %appearance%, has %accessory% and is %activity%.
While this works, the required number of strings grows exponentially depending upon the number of parameters.
Been searching far and wide for best practices that might help me with this challenge. The only solution I have found is to simply reword the phrase—but you lose the natural sentence structure, which I really don't want to do:
Dog: spotted, doghouse, chasing ball
Suggestions, links, thoughts, examples, or "You're crazy, just reword it!" feedback is welcome :) Thanks!

The best approach is probably to divide the sentence to separate sentences, like “The dog is spotted. The dog has a doghouse. The dog is chasing a ball.” This may look boring, but if you would replace all occurrences of “the dog” except the first one, you have a serious pronoun problem. In many languages, the pronoun to be used would depend on the noun it refers to. (Even in English, it is not quite clear whether a dog is he, she, or it.)
The reason for separation is that different languages have different verb systems. For example, in Russian, you cannot really combine the three sentences into one sentence that has three verbs sharing a subject. (In Russian, you don’t use the verb “to be” in present tense – instead, you would just say the equivalent of “Dog – spotted”, and there is no verb corresponding to “to have” – instead, you use the equivalent of “at dog doghouse”. Finnish is similar with respect to “to have”. Such issues are sometimes handled, in “forced” localizations, by using a word that corresponds to “to possess” or “to own”, but the result is odd-looking, to put it mildly.)
Moreover, languages have different natural orders for subject, verb, and object. Your initial approach implicitly postulates a SVO order. You should not assume that the normal, unmarked word order always starts with the subject. Instead of using sentence patterns like "%subject% %copula% %appearance% (where %copula% is “is”, “are”, or “am” in English), you would need to call a function with two parameters, subject and appearance, returning a sentence that has a language-dependent copula, or no copula, and that has a word order determined by the rules of the language. Yes, it gets complicated; localization of generated statements gets rather complicated as soon as you deal with anything but structurally very similar languages.


How to account for variation in spelling (especially for slang) for Word Embeddings/Word2Vec generation using song lyrics?

So I am working on a artist classification project that utilizes hip hop lyrics from genius.com. The problem is these lyrics are user generated, so the same word can be spelled in various different ways, especially if it is slang which is a very common case in hip hop.
I looked into spell correction using hunspell/pyhunspell, but the problem with that is it doesn't fix slang misspellings. I technically could make a mini dictionary with a bunch of misspelled variations but that is effectively useless because there could be a dozen variations of the same word over my (growing) 6000 song corpus.
Any suggestions?
You could try to stem your words. More information on stemming here. This would help grouping together words with close spelling variations.
A popular stemming scheme is the Porter Stemmer, which implementation can be found in most NLP packages, eg. NLTK
I would discard, if possible, short words, or contracted words which somehow are too hard to automatically correct them (conditioned on checking that it won't affect your final result).
For longer words, you may want to use metrics like Levenshtein distance or Jaro similarity. The first one consists of the minimum number of additions, deletes or replaces to convert one candidate word into another. The second one, provides a similar result, between 0 and 1, and putting more emphasis in the last characters of a word.
If you have access to the correct version of your slang word, you could convert the closest candidates to the correct one. Of course, trying not to apply it to different correct words.
If you're working with Python, here some implementations are provided.

Delphi - create Title/Proper/Mixed Case for Strings

I have a list of approx 100,000 names I need to process. Some are business names, some are people names. Unfortunately, some are lower, some are upper, and some are mixed. I am looking for a routine to convert them to proper case. (Sometimes called Mixed or Title case). I realize I can just loop through the string and capitalize every character that starts a new word. That would be an incredibly simplistic approach. For businesses, short words should be lowercase (of, with, for, ...). For last names, if it starts with Mc, the 3rd letter should be capitalized (McDermot, McDonald, etc). Roman numerals should always be capitalized (John Smith II ), etc.
I have not been able to find any Delphi built in, or otherwise, routines. Surely this is out there. Where can I find this?
As it was already said by others, making a fully automated routine for this is nearly impossible due to so many special variations. So leaving out the human interaction completely is almost impossible.
Now what you can do instead is to make this much easier for human to solve. How? Make a dictionary of all the name variations in Lowercase and present it to him.
Before presenting the names you can make sure that the first letter in any of the names is already capitalized.
Once all name correction has been made in dictionary you go and automatically replace all the names in original database.

Selecting suitable model for creating Language Identification tool

I am working on developing a tool for language identification of a given text i.e. given a sample text, identify the language (for e.g. English, Swedish, German, etc.) it is written in.
Now the strategy I have decided to follow (based on a few references I have gathered) are as follows -
a) Create a character n-gram model (The value of n is decided based on certain heuristics and computations)
b) Use a machine learning classifier(such as naive bayes) to predict the language of the given text.
Now, the doubt I have is - Is creating a character N-gram model necessary. As in, what disadvantage does a simple bag of words strategy have i.e. if I use all the words possible in the respective language to create a prediction model, what could be the possible cases where it would fail.
The reason why this doubt arose was the fact that any reference document/research paper I've come across states that language identification is a very difficult task. However, just using this strategy of using the words in the language seems to be a simple task.
EDIT: One reason why N-gram should be preferred is to make the model robust even if there are typos as stated here. Can anyone point out more?
if I use all the words possible in the respective language to create a prediction model, what could be the possible cases where it would fail
Pretty much the same cases were a character n-gram model would fail. The problem is that you're not going to find appropriate statistics for all possible words.(*) Character n-gram statistics are easier to accumulate and more robust, even for text without typos: words in a language tend to follow the same spelling patterns. E.g. had you not found statistics for the Dutch word "uitbuiken" (a pretty rare word), then the occurrence of the n-grams "uit", "bui" and "uik" would still be strong indicators of this being Dutch.
(*) In agglutinative languages such as Turkish, new words can be formed by stringing morphemes together and the number of possible words is immense. Check the first few chapters of Jurafsky and Martin, or any undergraduate linguistics text, for interesting discussions on the possible number of words per language.
Cavnar and Trenkle proposed a very simple yet efficient approach using character n-grams of variable length. Maybe you should try to implement it first and move to a more complex ML approach if C&T approach doesn't meet your requirements.
Basically, the idea is to build a language model using only the X (e.g. X = 300) most frequent n-grams of variable length (e.g. 1 <= N <= 5). Doing so, you are very likely to capture most functional words/morphemes of the considered language... without any prior linguistic knowledge on that language!
Why would you choose character n-grams over a BoW approach? I think the notion of character n-gram is pretty straightforward and apply to every written language. Word, is a much much complex notion which greatly differ from one language to another (consider languages with almost no spacing marks).
Reference: http://odur.let.rug.nl/~vannoord/TextCat/textcat.pdf
The performance really depends on your expected input. If you will be classifying multi-paragraph text all in one language, a functional words list (which your "bag of words" with pruning of hapaxes will quickly approximate) might well serve you perfectly, and could work better than n-grams.
There is significant overlap between individual words -- "of" could be Dutch or English; "and" is very common in English but also means "duck" in the Scandinavian languages, etc. But given enough input data, overlaps for individual stop words will not confuse your algorithm very often.
My anecdotal evidence is from using libtextcat on the Reuters multilingual newswire corpus. Many of the telegrams contain a lot of proper names, loan words etc. which throw off the n-gram classifier a lot of the time; whereas just examining the stop words would (in my humble estimation) produce much more stable results.
On the other hand, if you need to identify short, telegraphic utterances which might not be in your dictionary, a dictionary-based approach is obviously flawed. Note that many North European languages have very productive word formation by free compounding -- you see words like "tandborstställbrist" and "yhdyssanatauti" being coined left and right (and Finnish has agglutination on top -- "yhdyssanataudittomienkinkohan") which simply cannot be expected to be in a dictionary until somebody decides to use them.

How do I design a heuristic for matching translated sentences?

I am trying to design a heuristic for matching up sentences in a translation (from the original language to the translated language) and would like guidance and tips. Perhaps there is a heuristic that already does something similar? So given two text files, I would like to be able to match up the sentences (so I can pick out a sentence and say this is the translation of that sentence).
The input text would be translated novels. So I do not expect the translations to be literal, although, using something like google translate might be a good way to test the accuracy of the heuristic.
To help me, I have a library that will gloss the contents of the translated text and give me the definitions of the words in the sentence. Other things I know:
Chapters and order are preserved; I know that the first sentence in chapter three will match with the first sentence in chapter three of the translation (Note, this is not strictly true; the first sentence might match up with the first two sentences, or even the second sentence)
I can calculate the overall size (characters, sentences, paragraphs); which could give me an idea of the average difference in sentence size (for example, the translation might be 30% longer).
Looking at the some books I have, the translated version has about 30% more sentences than the original text.
(if it matters)
I am planning to do this in Java - but I am not that fussed - any language will do.
I am not greatly concerned about speed.
I guess to to be sure of the matches, some user feedback might be required. Like saying "Yes, this sentence definitely matches with that sentence." This would give the heuristic some more ground to stand on. This would mean that the user would need a little proficiency in the languages.
(for those interested)
The reason I want to make this is that I want it to assist with my foreign language study. I am studying Japanese and find it hard to find "good" material (where "good" is defined by what I like). There are already tools to do something similar with subtitles from videos (an easier task - using the timing information of the video). But nothing, as far as I know, for texts.
There are tools called "sentence aligners" used in NLP research that does exactly what you want.
I advise hunalign:
and MS sentence aligner:
Both are quite OK, but remember that nothing is perfect. Sentences that are too hard to be aligned will be dropped and some sentences may be wrongly aligned.

Latin inflection:

I have a database of words (including nouns and verbs). Now I would like to generate all the different (inflected) forms of those nouns and verbs. What would be the best strategy to do this?
As Latin is a highly inflected language, there is:
a) the declension of nouns
b) the conjugation of verbs
See this translated page for an example of a verb's conjugation ("mandare"): conjugation
I don't want to type in all those forms for all the words manually.
How can I generate them automatically? What is the best approach?
a list of complex rules how to inflect all the words
Bayesian methods
There's a program called "William Whitaker's Words". It creates inflections for Latin words as well, so it's exactly doing what I want to do.
Wikipedia says that the program works like this:
Words uses a set of rules based on natural pre-, in-, and suffixation, declension, and conjugation to determine the possibility of an entry. As a consequence of this approach of analysing the structure of words, there is no guarantee that these words were ever used in Latin literature or speech, even if the program finds a possible meaning to a given word.
The program's source is also available here. But I don't really understand how this is to work. Can you help me? Maybe this would be the solution to my question ...
You could do something similar to hunspell dictionary format (see http://www.manpagez.com/man/4/hunspell/)
You define 2 tables. One contains roots of the words (the part that never change), and the other contains modifications for a given class. For a given class, for each declension (or conjugation), it tells what characters to add at the end (or the beginning) of the root. It even can specify to replace a given number of characters. Now, to get a word at a specific declension, you take the root, apply the transformation from the class it belongs, and voilà!
For example, for mandare, the root would be mand, and the class would contains suffixes like o, as, ate, amous, atis... for active indicative present.
I'll use as example the nouns, but it applies also to verbs.
First, I would create two classes: Regular and Irregular. For the Regular nouns, I would make three classes for the three declensions, and make them all implement a Declensable (or however the word is in English :) interface (FirstDeclension extends Regular implements Declensable). The interface would define two static enums (NOMINATIVE, VOCATIVE, etc, and SINGULAR, PLURAL).
All would have a string for the root and a static hashmap of suffixes. The method FirstDeclension#get (case, number) would then append the right suffix based on the hashmap.
The Irregular class should have to define a local hashmap for each word and then implement the same Declensable interface.
Does it make any sense?
Addendum: To clarify, the constructor of class Regular would be
public Regular (String stem) {
this.stem = stem
Perhaps, you could follow the line of AOT in your implementation. (It's under LGPL.)
There's no Latin morphology in AOT, rather only Russian, German, English, where Russian is of course an example of an inflectional morphology as complex as Latin, so AOT should be ready as a framework for implementing it.
Still, I believe one has to have an elaborate precise formal system for the morphology already clearly defined before one goes on to programming. As for Russian, I guess, most of the working morphological computer systems are based on the serious analysis of Russian morphology done by Andrey Zalizniak and in the Grammatical Dictionary of Russian and related works.
