Phonegap/Cordova 2.0 - Not populating within app - ios

I have created one project successfully with Cordova2.0 on iOS. That was the first project that I created in cordova2.0 and everything went well.
The issue comes when I attempted to create another new project with cordova2.0 in IOS and the project is nearly fully created except that the cordovaLib.xcodeporj package is empty and the app will not even run its initial build.
Has anyone else had this issue? If so, what was your solution?

Make sure you don't have the first project open. You cannot have the cordova sub-project open in two projects at the same time.

Have you copied the bin directory to your home and ran the command from there? This issue happened to me when I ran with bin directory from the mounted installer.


Get lost Xcode binary from archive in organizer?

Alright, so I had been having issues with this and never resolved them, finished my app and published it before this caused major problems -
I have pods installed for my Xcode project so I had been working off a workspace. I had always backed up in the past by copy pasting my project folder then renaming, however more recently something happened that cause every change to my workspace to affect all previous versions.
I tried everything - saving to external hard drive, github, etc but I just ended up going on working on the workspace and making sure I didn't screw anything up. Along with this issue whenever I clicked on the Xcode project that is in the project folder, none of my new code would be there.
That Xcode project version was from several months back and the only way to see my new code was to click on the workspace. I asked a question about this but no one had an answer.
A week ago I finished the app, archived and uploaded to App store. It is now published, however I want to update so today I went to my workspace and the project file above the pods file was RED meaning not there.
I have no idea why this would have happened. Dragging the Xcode project i the folder to the workspace again, just runs the very old version.
I need to get my binary back and solve this problem. Im desperate. I have this:
One of the export options is save for development and such.. Is there a way to get my binary back from this archive? How can I fix this problem?

xCode will not parse project from Unity

I am working on a different iOS project in Unity and I have built it by exporting to Xcode (like I always have).
Whenever I try to open the "Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj" in Xcode, it gives me the following error:
Project cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed.
I have looked everywhere but cannot figure it out.
The project name does not have any spaces in it.
I have checked the .plist and everything looks fine.
The bundle identifier matches that in .plist.
This has worked in previous projects but now I am getting this error for some reason. What gives?
Today, I've been facing this problem (Unity Ver. 5.5 Windows Based system).
When I try to open my windows exported iOS project, i got "(..)the project file cannot be parsed". So, I decided to explore the project file, located in:
{Project path}/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
It is a plain text file, so you can use any text editor.
I found a line with a mismatched quotes. It was:
shellScript = "\"$PROJECT_DIR/\""\nrm -rf \"$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$\"";
To fix the problem, simply remove the quotation mark located at:
(...)\" " \n(...)
It should be:
(...)\" \n(...)
and it will be parsed correctly in xCode.
It's an automated typo error!
Good luck!
Well, after a couple days I have found the problem and it all has to do with the naming of the *.a files that the plugins import.
XCode does not allow for files to have spaces in their names (of course) but I had not caught that 3 of the *.a files from plugins had spaces in them.
After removing these plugins (I have different plugins that do the same thing anyways) xCode was able to parse the build and create a project for me!
Be careful of spaces!
Incompatable version of Xcode?
Are you using plugins? Most modify the project.
Try creating a new project and creating a build. If it works, it's a plugin, otherwise an Xcode version.
Faced the same issue today (Unity 2017.1.1).
Nothing related with the answers above. I just made a mistake in the Profile ID in the Player Settings of iOS : Edit > Project Settings > Player > iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Settings > Other Settings > Identification.
I was getting this issue in Unity 2017.2 this week (building on Windows and then copying the build files over to the Mac for use in Xcode), and can confirm that the fix to the shell script line to remove the double quote as described by Anibal Itriago above worked in my case. Even an entirely blank iOS project with Vuforia disabled was failing to parse, but the line fix seems to resolve it.
My issue was related to dropbox.
I use a pc for development and a mac to build in xcode, so I store my project in dropbox. Sometimes dropbox can corrupt .pbxproj or even .plist files going from pc to mac, so when I attempt to open a project on my mac, xcode will throw the above parse error.
I had to zip the xcode project folder on the pc side, then on the mac side pull it out of the dropbox folder and unzip it. Then move it back to its original location. It's a pain but it worked.

Cordova-2.1.0 Couldn't load CordovaLib.xcodeproj because it is already opened from another project or workspace

I have recently upgraded to cordova 2.1.0 and previously each Xcode project referenced its own cordovalib folder.
I thought I understood that if you want an Xcode to use a cordovalib on its own and not share it with any other projects, then you can run
and that if you don't run the update script with its parameters then you can share the CordovaLib.xcodeproj file across many projects. However if I open two Xcode projects that reference the same Xcode project I get this error:
Cordova-2.1.0-global/lib/ios/CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj Couldn't load CordovaLib.xcodeproj because it is already opened from another project or workspace
and if I try opening the CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj file I get this error:
The file couldn’t be opened.
However all projects run without any problems.
Quitting xcode and reopening the project without any others that reference the same cordovalib open removes the error.
Does this mean that:
I cannot share a CordovaLib.xcodeproj file across many projects and each project has to have its own cordovalib that it references, otherwise I could run into serious problems in the long run? Or
I can share a cordovalib across many projects but can only have one Xcode project open at any point in time and that I will not run into any serious problems in the near future?
Is there something I am overlooking?
I have tried googling the problem but most of the questions refer to previous versions of cordova whereby the method of referencing the CordovaLib was different.
Thanks in advance.
You can reuse the subproject, but you can only have it open in one app at a time.
Not a problem if you only work on one thing at a time like most people, but since my current preferred development setup involves 18 desktops and never closing anything, I work around it with git submodules - each app gets its own fully independent copy of Cordova without actually keeping a separate copy in source control.

Creating Sencha Touch, Phone Gap project in Xcode

Having trouble creating a sencha project, with phone gap. My development machine is a Mac.
These are the steps I took.
Downloaded phone gap from link.
created a project in xCode using Cordova-based-application
Run the application in xCode.
Got an error that the index.html file is missing so R-click on
Project and added www folder. I unchecked copy items to
destination folder and 'checked create folder references for any
added folder'
Once I added the www folder, I was unable to R-Click and add any
files or create folders inside it. Here's the screen shot;
Now, when I run the application, it says Cordova is working. I am unable to R-Click and add a file inside the www folder.
Why is this and how can I solve this ?
I guess the next step i should take is to add the Sencha Touch 2 files in to this project. I am not sure about the steps i should get. So can someone kindly give me the steps or a good link (which gives step-by-step guidelines to make this work).
Am I correct up to now if I have missed any steps please correct me. I have been trying to make this work for more than 3 days now.
My ultimate goal is to run the application (Hello world code) in an
iPhone and Android device. So Please help me.
I have gone through this tutorial
When I expand the SenchaTouch Project
You will need to use Finder to manage the files. Two finger click on the root project and select "Show in Finder". Once you have that directory open, copy your Sencha Touch project to the directory using Finder. You can edit those files in XCode but you cannot do most of the normal file functions in XCode because the WWW directory is referenced directory.

Why is Xcode 4 not running my latest build?

I was originally working from my desktop on a project. I then decide to continue working on the same project over at a friend's house. I come home and decide to use the newest project (on a different folder even) open the project I run it and it shows the same thing I had before... for some reason it appears nothing got updated.
Any ideas why this is occurring?
You might try cleaning the project (Command-Shift-K) to see if that helps. I usually have to do this when I don't change code and only change a resource such as a xib or image file.
